Walking in the Shadows

Random musings from Warwickshire on life in general... Things that make me laugh, make me cry, things that wind me up beyond all endurance - and everything in between.

Complaints – shouldn’t happen on a Friday!

I loathe dealing with whinging customers. Especially when they take their grievances about the company out on me! It’s almost as if it’s my personal fault that the tyres they ordered on Monday have failed to arrive, and when they ask for an AM delivery, some bright spark here promised an AM delivery…

And when he didn’t get his AM delivery, muggins here is the one who cops the abuse. This guy said that he was fed up with the service, that we always let him down, our drivers ignore instructions for urgent deliveries, and what have you. Funny how he only complains when the customer is there… I guess that it’s his way of making himself seem better in front of the customer.

But, I don’t care. It’s not my problem, and if he’s petty enough to complain about us when the customer is there, then that’s not my problem – that’s his.

Time for lunch…

Back later - if I get the peace and quiet!.

Do spiders scream when they see a big fat hairy human in the bath?