Walking in the Shadows

Random musings from Warwickshire on life in general... Things that make me laugh, make me cry, things that wind me up beyond all endurance - and everything in between.

Showing posts with label Month End. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Month End. Show all posts

Not happy

Damn typical of this place.  I have work that I need to do (dratted month end stuff – invoicing - aka “Hell on Earth”) and I get booked for a meeting 9am – 1pm next Tuesday. 

I wouldn’t object – but the person who said I was “free” at this time, didn’t even bother to check with me – just said I would attend the meeting.  It’s well known in the department that the last week of the month you don’t book any meetings / training for me, as I am snowed under sorting out the invoicing for the month, and making sure that nothing is outstanding to cause me problems.

This has been the normal procedure since this person has been in the office, and to say I am unhappy with this is an understatement.  I don’t blame my colleague who told me about this meeting this morning – I am just seriously racked off that no-one thought to check with me first.

So, I will attend the meeting – with a smile on my face, but will make damn sure that the person who said that I was “free to attend” knows my feelings, and that I am attending under protest.

Guess I should call this quits – nearly at the end of my lunch break – let alone my tether this afternoon.


I tell myself
Hey only fools rush in and only time will tell 
If we stand the test of time 
All I know 
You've got to run to win and 
I'll be damned if 
I'll get hung up on the line


I get "asked" if I am OK with the meeting that has been arranged, and when I say I am not due to the invoicing, I am told "tough - it's happening".  If that's the case, then why bother even asking me??

When I try to point out that I do have high priority work that needs to be done at month end, it's swept under the carpet, basically ignoring the fact that I am being pulled in two different directions, and will be under even more pressure to complete the work as well as everything else that I am expected to do.  

Needless to say I am less than impressed, and am very tempted to call a colleague and give them the heads up on this, but I can see that if I did that, I would cause no end of problems with someone who thinks that they know what my workload is

Footnote pt 2

Well, I took the plunge and spoke to my colleague who I usually liaise with over the invoicing, and it turns out that he had been warned of this meeting. I admitted that I wasn't impressed over the timing, but thankfully, there are contingency plans in place to make sure that the invoicing gets sorted out.  I won't say that I am any happier about the meeting, but I feel slightly easier where the invoicing is concerned.