I think this title sums up my feelings at the moment… I’ve just had a ‘phone call from my bank’s fraud prevention team. Because I’ve not used my bank card for the past couple of weeks (I’ve used cash to make the necessary purchases) they stopped my card because “the usage was out of pattern”.
Thanks, but getting a phone call like this (and a voicemail left as well) really shook me up. OK – I appreciate why they stopped my card (thank god I found out now and not when I was trying to use the card to pay for something) but it does scare you a bit.
Because I was able to identify the various bits and prices (petrol, Amazon book purchase, Kipling (Mum’s birthday present)) they unblocked the card. In a way, it’s good to know they are keeping tabs on things, but a call like that does scare the smeg out of you (especially as I’ve had my card cloned in the past!)
Ah well, guess I should call this quits – I need to be seen to be getting on with some work…
Back later if I get the chance.
Now some things you hold on to - and some you just let go
Seems like the ones that you can't have
Are the ones that you want most
Showing posts with label Phone calls. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Phone calls. Show all posts
Now you’re taking the squeak!
There are some rules that are beyond comprehension, and one of them deals with insurance. I’ve had to tell the company that provides the insurance for my car, that I now have asthma.
What the hell this has to do with them is beyond me. Ok – I understand that it may impact my driving, but considering as there is a damned good chance that I have had this condition for the past 4 years…
Ok – it’s not too much of a gripe – my insurance premium hasn’t been affected. Yet. But I am now wondering what this going to do to my renewal figure for next year. Thank god that I’ve only just renewed – it gives me time to get things settled down, with regards to my treatment.
But that’s not the only thing that is getting to me at the moment. What is also getting to me, are people who call me on my mobile, and when the voice mail kicks in (usually because I can’t answer the phone) they don’t leave me a message and my phone lists it as a missed call.
It’s not rocket science. All I ask, is that if I don’t answer my phone for whatever reason, please leave me a voice mail, so that I can find out what the hell the call was for.
Ah well, guess I should call this quits – I'm supposed to be working, but I’ve got TNFI again…
Back later
Now some things you hold on to - and some you just let go
Seems like the ones that you can't have
Are the ones that you want most
What the hell this has to do with them is beyond me. Ok – I understand that it may impact my driving, but considering as there is a damned good chance that I have had this condition for the past 4 years…
Ok – it’s not too much of a gripe – my insurance premium hasn’t been affected. Yet. But I am now wondering what this going to do to my renewal figure for next year. Thank god that I’ve only just renewed – it gives me time to get things settled down, with regards to my treatment.
But that’s not the only thing that is getting to me at the moment. What is also getting to me, are people who call me on my mobile, and when the voice mail kicks in (usually because I can’t answer the phone) they don’t leave me a message and my phone lists it as a missed call.
It’s not rocket science. All I ask, is that if I don’t answer my phone for whatever reason, please leave me a voice mail, so that I can find out what the hell the call was for.
Ah well, guess I should call this quits – I'm supposed to be working, but I’ve got TNFI again…
Back later
Now some things you hold on to - and some you just let go
Seems like the ones that you can't have
Are the ones that you want most
If you say you're going to call someone back - then DO SO!
That's something that really bugs me. I'd made all the arrangements for a specific company to call me back last night about my car insurance quote, as I'd have the renewal premium and I could make a fair comparison.
Well, the time drifted by, and no phone call came, and come 21:30 last night, I had got steam coming out of my ears, and was resolved to tell them if they got around to calling me, that I had already accepted a quote and was no longer interested in dealing with them.
I know that there will be some excuse (I mean reason) given as to why the call wasn't made but the guy I'd spoken to said that he was only in on a Wednesday, and he would call to discuss the propsed deal.
But, as they couldn't (or wouldn't) keep their end of the bargain, I am not going to lose out financially, as the quote I have accepted is a lot lower than the quote that they gave me at first (as in £189 less!)
Now all I need to do is get the paperwork from my current insurance company showing my no-claims entitlement, and I'm all set.
Guess I should call this quits - I'm supposed to be working. Well, that's the theory anyway!
Back later.
I've been watching, I've been waiting
In the shadows for my time
Well, the time drifted by, and no phone call came, and come 21:30 last night, I had got steam coming out of my ears, and was resolved to tell them if they got around to calling me, that I had already accepted a quote and was no longer interested in dealing with them.
I know that there will be some excuse (I mean reason) given as to why the call wasn't made but the guy I'd spoken to said that he was only in on a Wednesday, and he would call to discuss the propsed deal.
But, as they couldn't (or wouldn't) keep their end of the bargain, I am not going to lose out financially, as the quote I have accepted is a lot lower than the quote that they gave me at first (as in £189 less!)
Now all I need to do is get the paperwork from my current insurance company showing my no-claims entitlement, and I'm all set.
Guess I should call this quits - I'm supposed to be working. Well, that's the theory anyway!
Back later.
I've been watching, I've been waiting
In the shadows for my time
Repeating a scare?
Ever had a feeling of déjà vu? Well, my best friend had that horrible feeling today.
How do I know? Simple. He sent me the following e-mail:
Sorry Kaz
Something’s come up I gotta go
My Mum’s been taken back into hospital this morning I’ll contact you later when I can ok and I’ll let you know what’s going on
Not the sort of e-mail I wanted to receive, and I will admit to wondering how he was… or at least I did until I spoke to him whilst I was on my lunch break.
I sent him a message saying that I was on lunch and that if he wanted to talk, then I was around.
No sooner had I sent the message, I got reply saying that he wanted to talk… He’d been unable to see his Mum in the hospital but had spoken to his Dad who said that this problem seemed to have started last Thursday night.
My friend was (and still is) less than impressed but agreed with me when I said that his Mum was in the best place if (God forbid) anything did happen.
As I type this, I will admit that my thoughts and prayers are with him and his family, as I know only too well the pain that losing a parent can cause.
Ah well, guess I should call this quits – I’ve got work to do – not that I’ve got any interest at the moment…
Back when I get the chance.
Learning to fly, but I don’t have wings
How do I know? Simple. He sent me the following e-mail:
Sorry Kaz
Something’s come up I gotta go
My Mum’s been taken back into hospital this morning I’ll contact you later when I can ok and I’ll let you know what’s going on
Not the sort of e-mail I wanted to receive, and I will admit to wondering how he was… or at least I did until I spoke to him whilst I was on my lunch break.
I sent him a message saying that I was on lunch and that if he wanted to talk, then I was around.
No sooner had I sent the message, I got reply saying that he wanted to talk… He’d been unable to see his Mum in the hospital but had spoken to his Dad who said that this problem seemed to have started last Thursday night.
My friend was (and still is) less than impressed but agreed with me when I said that his Mum was in the best place if (God forbid) anything did happen.
As I type this, I will admit that my thoughts and prayers are with him and his family, as I know only too well the pain that losing a parent can cause.
Ah well, guess I should call this quits – I’ve got work to do – not that I’ve got any interest at the moment…
Back when I get the chance.
Learning to fly, but I don’t have wings
A stressless existance? Not around here!
Not a good day today. I came close to losing it in the office because I was feeling like crap (I find that very little sleep tends to do that to me now) and I was wound up - well past my normal tolerance levels.
It didn't help me when my friend called me and was really sweet - all that did was push me even closer to the edge, and I will admit to being a little bit short / sharp on the 'phone when I spoke to him.
There's so many different worlds
So many different suns
And we have just one world
But we live in different ones
Add into that, I got piled up with paperwork and you begin to get the general idea. OK - I don't think that the issues in my private life are really helping, but it's very rare that I get so stressed out that it starts to affect me at work.
I know one thing - the sooner that I get this over and done with, the happier I'm going to be as it will mean that I can get on with my life, without having to look over my shoulder the whole damned time, wondering what the hell is going to come and splatter my confidence all over the walls yet again.
Ah well, time to call this quits - I've go to get shifting as I've got stuff to do before I call it quits here tonight...
Back tomorrow.
Learning to fly, but I don't have wings
It didn't help me when my friend called me and was really sweet - all that did was push me even closer to the edge, and I will admit to being a little bit short / sharp on the 'phone when I spoke to him.
There's so many different worlds
So many different suns
And we have just one world
But we live in different ones
Add into that, I got piled up with paperwork and you begin to get the general idea. OK - I don't think that the issues in my private life are really helping, but it's very rare that I get so stressed out that it starts to affect me at work.
My shadow's the only one that walks beside me
My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
'Till then I'll walk alone
I know one thing - the sooner that I get this over and done with, the happier I'm going to be as it will mean that I can get on with my life, without having to look over my shoulder the whole damned time, wondering what the hell is going to come and splatter my confidence all over the walls yet again.
Ah well, time to call this quits - I've go to get shifting as I've got stuff to do before I call it quits here tonight...
Back tomorrow.
Learning to fly, but I don't have wings
Back from Stratford, and still fighting a ghost
Well, I'm back from Stratford. It was lovely to see my friend and his family - and it made a change for it to be on my "home" turf for once!
I was able to show them around Stratford and show them around the various places without getting ripped off by the various places and also went around the Teddy Bear museum. (See http://www.theteddybearmuseum.com/index.htm)
Yes - I dragged a big burly biker around the Teddy Bear museum. Whilst he was looking at something, I took the chance to go and buy him a teddy - it was really sweet and had a little long sleeve t-shirt on, with Friends Forever on it.
We then went for lunch in the Weatherspoons pub, and whilst we were sitting down, I gave him the bear - much to his embarrassment - and I was told that I shouldn't have bought it. Yes I should - I fell for it, and thought that it would be a nice way to remember the trip to Stratford.
Who knew the other side of you?
Who knew the hardest time to prove?
Too true to say good bye to you
Too true to say say say...
However - there was one dark cloud for me. My 'phone kept ringing and chiming with various messages - and I will admit to being more than a little dismayed when I saw who they were from.
Rather than let them spoil a nice day for us all, I ended up turning my 'phone off until I was on my own, and then made sure that once I had sorted things out with my friend, I ignored any other calls / messages that came in.
OK - I know that my friend will be upset when he realises why I was so quiet towards the end of the day, but the messages and calls were really starting to affect me, and I'm beginning to think about changing my mobile number again - if only to stop the calls and texts.
But, the trouble is, I know that if I do that, then there will be calls and messages left on my home answerphone, which will upset Mum - and that's the last thing that I want to happen.
So, I guess that I'm going to have to confront this problem and sort things out once and for all - and make it plain that I want nothing to do with him what-so-ever, and hopefully, he'll take the hint without me having to resort to physical means.
Time to call this quits - I've got to feed the furry fiends, and the pair of them are sitting in the study glaring at me, as I'm ignoring them in favour of updating my blog!
Back when I get the chance.
Learning to fly, but I don't have wings
I was able to show them around Stratford and show them around the various places without getting ripped off by the various places and also went around the Teddy Bear museum. (See http://www.theteddybearmuseum.com/index.htm)
Yes - I dragged a big burly biker around the Teddy Bear museum. Whilst he was looking at something, I took the chance to go and buy him a teddy - it was really sweet and had a little long sleeve t-shirt on, with Friends Forever on it.
We then went for lunch in the Weatherspoons pub, and whilst we were sitting down, I gave him the bear - much to his embarrassment - and I was told that I shouldn't have bought it. Yes I should - I fell for it, and thought that it would be a nice way to remember the trip to Stratford.
Who knew the other side of you?
Who knew the hardest time to prove?
Too true to say good bye to you
Too true to say say say...
However - there was one dark cloud for me. My 'phone kept ringing and chiming with various messages - and I will admit to being more than a little dismayed when I saw who they were from.
Rather than let them spoil a nice day for us all, I ended up turning my 'phone off until I was on my own, and then made sure that once I had sorted things out with my friend, I ignored any other calls / messages that came in.
OK - I know that my friend will be upset when he realises why I was so quiet towards the end of the day, but the messages and calls were really starting to affect me, and I'm beginning to think about changing my mobile number again - if only to stop the calls and texts.
But, the trouble is, I know that if I do that, then there will be calls and messages left on my home answerphone, which will upset Mum - and that's the last thing that I want to happen.
So, I guess that I'm going to have to confront this problem and sort things out once and for all - and make it plain that I want nothing to do with him what-so-ever, and hopefully, he'll take the hint without me having to resort to physical means.
Time to call this quits - I've got to feed the furry fiends, and the pair of them are sitting in the study glaring at me, as I'm ignoring them in favour of updating my blog!
Back when I get the chance.
Learning to fly, but I don't have wings
Being haunted by a ghost from the past
What is it about me and control freaks? I seem to attract them and then seem to have even more trouble shaking them off. OK – let me rephrase that. The control freak in question is my ex-fiancé to be precise.
The last time I saw him, I threatened to do him some serious physical harm if he tried to contact me, and for the past 12 months or so, that threat seemed to keep him well away from me.
But, either I’m losing my touch, or he’s grown braver and has started trying to contact me again – which has really upset me.
He called me earlier today, asking me how I was, how Mum was and making it sound like the events that lead up to the threat never happened. Ok – maybe he thinks that I’ll have forgotten or more to the point forgiven him, but that will happen when Satan starts ordering winter woollies and antifreeze.
So, me being me, tried to make it plain (without resorting to offensive language or putting the ‘phone down on him) that the contact was unwelcome, and that I had nothing to say to him.
I would have thought that my lack of enthusiasm for the conversation would have given him the idea that I really didn’t want anything to do with him, but he seems to have all the empathy of a brick – without the use.
I'm outta love
Set me free
And let me out this misery
Just show me the way to get my life again
'Cause you can't handle me
(I said) I'm outta love
Can't you see
Baby that you gotta set me free
I'm outta love
So, in the end, I resorted to the old stand-by that my 'phone battery was dying, and that I would have to call it quits. He seemed a little miffed, and I thought that it would be the last I heard from him.
Boy, did I get that one wrong. He kept trying to call me all day today, which resulted in me turning my 'phone off, as all it was doing was winding me up, not to mention upsetting me on a day when I could have really done without it.
Time to call this quits - I've got to take the 207 back to Arbury Peugeot...
Back with a full review of the Peugeot...
Learning to fly, but I don't have wings
The last time I saw him, I threatened to do him some serious physical harm if he tried to contact me, and for the past 12 months or so, that threat seemed to keep him well away from me.
But, either I’m losing my touch, or he’s grown braver and has started trying to contact me again – which has really upset me.
He called me earlier today, asking me how I was, how Mum was and making it sound like the events that lead up to the threat never happened. Ok – maybe he thinks that I’ll have forgotten or more to the point forgiven him, but that will happen when Satan starts ordering winter woollies and antifreeze.
So, me being me, tried to make it plain (without resorting to offensive language or putting the ‘phone down on him) that the contact was unwelcome, and that I had nothing to say to him.
I would have thought that my lack of enthusiasm for the conversation would have given him the idea that I really didn’t want anything to do with him, but he seems to have all the empathy of a brick – without the use.
I'm outta love
Set me free
And let me out this misery
Just show me the way to get my life again
'Cause you can't handle me
(I said) I'm outta love
Can't you see
Baby that you gotta set me free
I'm outta love
So, in the end, I resorted to the old stand-by that my 'phone battery was dying, and that I would have to call it quits. He seemed a little miffed, and I thought that it would be the last I heard from him.
Boy, did I get that one wrong. He kept trying to call me all day today, which resulted in me turning my 'phone off, as all it was doing was winding me up, not to mention upsetting me on a day when I could have really done without it.
Time to call this quits - I've got to take the 207 back to Arbury Peugeot...
Back with a full review of the Peugeot...
Learning to fly, but I don't have wings
Worrying for a friend...
Well, my daft hog riding friend is safely back in the UK, but he seems to have draw an unlucky straw...
His Mum hasn't been too well recently, and I will admit to wondering what was wrong, until I got the following message from him:
Sorry I ain't been in touch - my Mum's not well again and back to hospital. Speak soon...
As soon as I read that, my heart sank, and I sent him a message to say that I was thinking of him, and hoped that his Mum was ok...
The reply that I got nearly caused me to burst into tears...
Just read your message - it's made me cry. It should be me that is thanking you for being my friend - I have never had a friend like you ever, and I never ever want to lose you. God bless you and thanks for the strength x
But the message I got this evening really scared me. I got a message from him, asking me to call him as soon as I could - I did so, and the news was not something I wanted to hear. His Mum had suffered a heart attack, and he was racing down the M1 to get to the hospital in north London, where she had been taken to.
I will admit it was a brief conversation, as he wanted to keep his 'phone free so that his Dad could call him if need be, and I asked him to let me know that he was at the hospital safe, and if he could, just let me know how his Mum was...
He sent me a quick message to say that he was at the hospital ok, and I will admit to not being able to sleep until I heard my 'phone chirp. I'd got a message from my friend.
It turned out that his Mum was going to have bypass surgery, and that it had been somewhat touch and go, but that she was in the best place that she could be.
Ok - I admit that at this moment in time, there's not a lot I can do, but if I can provide a shoulder to lean on, it should (I hope) make things a little easier for him to bear...
Through these fields of destruction
Baptism of fire
I've witnessed all your suffering
As the battles raged higher
And though they did hurt me so bad
In the fear and alarm
You did not desert me
My brothers in arms
Time to call this quits - I need to be seen to be doing some work - not blogging!
Back later if I get the chance...
Learning to fly, but I don't have wings
Wondering what I’ve done wrong…
Ever had one of those moments when you wished you’d never done something? Well I had one of those when I was heading for home this evening.
It started out perfectly innocuously, when I called my best mate, and asked what sort of day he’d had… It was like opening the floodgates and as the call went on, I was getting more and more upset as I felt so damned helpless.
Add into that, the mere fact my friend wasn’t very impressed with me, because I’d left a message with a colleague to say that Mum was going into hospital tomorrow for the operation to remove the broken part of the screw in her right leg.
In the end, I suggested that I called him back later, as he was so wound up and it wasn’t doing me any good hearing him like that.
I got home and was somewhat subdued, but the furry fiends went out of their way to be nice to me, so I felt a bit better than I did, and retreated upstairs to play on the computer (which is where I’ve been since 19:30 this evening!)
My friend must have realised that I was upset, and sent me the following message:
I’m sorry – I’m just so wound up – don’t take it too hard, I’ll get it sorted out one way or another. Take care Kaz x
That really touched me, and I will admit wishing that I’d been a little more forgiving that I had been, but given the fact that I’m worried about Mum’s operation it’s not really an easy time for me either…
It's not easy, nothing to say 'cause it's already said.
It's never easy.
When I look on your eyes then I find that I'll do fine.
When I look on your eyes then I'll do better.
Time to call this quits – I need to be up early to take Mum to the hospital tomorrow morning…
Back tomorrow…
Learning to fly, but I don’t have wings
It started out perfectly innocuously, when I called my best mate, and asked what sort of day he’d had… It was like opening the floodgates and as the call went on, I was getting more and more upset as I felt so damned helpless.
Add into that, the mere fact my friend wasn’t very impressed with me, because I’d left a message with a colleague to say that Mum was going into hospital tomorrow for the operation to remove the broken part of the screw in her right leg.
In the end, I suggested that I called him back later, as he was so wound up and it wasn’t doing me any good hearing him like that.
I got home and was somewhat subdued, but the furry fiends went out of their way to be nice to me, so I felt a bit better than I did, and retreated upstairs to play on the computer (which is where I’ve been since 19:30 this evening!)
My friend must have realised that I was upset, and sent me the following message:
I’m sorry – I’m just so wound up – don’t take it too hard, I’ll get it sorted out one way or another. Take care Kaz x
That really touched me, and I will admit wishing that I’d been a little more forgiving that I had been, but given the fact that I’m worried about Mum’s operation it’s not really an easy time for me either…
It's not easy, nothing to say 'cause it's already said.
It's never easy.
When I look on your eyes then I find that I'll do fine.
When I look on your eyes then I'll do better.
Time to call this quits – I need to be up early to take Mum to the hospital tomorrow morning…
Back tomorrow…
Learning to fly, but I don’t have wings
Dead man walking?
That’s how my best mate has described himself today. He’s got a big meeting this afternoon (when I’m on my lunch break) and has said that he’s really worried about this meeting, and gets the feeling that his manager is trying his best to force him to walk out.
Like a soldier ant, I will wait for the signal to act
To take a walk right through the door
If you don't want me here any more
He said that he realised just how little support he got, when he was off recovering from his car accident, as the people that contacted him were people that don’t work with him - i.e. myself and another lass.
Someone to count on, in a world ever changin'.
Here I am stop where you're standin'.
But, it’s funny – we seem to spend so much time on the phone to each other, that I get to know how he’s feeling – and vice versa – there’s no way that I can pull the wool over his eyes on some things!
There's nowhere left to hide
In no one to confide
The truth runs deep inside
And will never die
Aside from that, I’m worried about how things will turn out for me here, as not a damned thing has been said about me blowing a fuse, and I get the feeling that something will be mentioned in my review (which I should have had by now, as I’ve been with the company 2 years (God – where has that time gone?))
But, at the end of the day, all I can do for my best friend is be there for him, and give him all the love and support that I possibly can do, and just help him cope with whatever life throws at him – ‘cause he’s done that and more for me just recently!
Guess I should think about doing some work, but to be honest, I’d rather be about 75 miles south of here!
Learning to fly, but I don’t have wings
Like a soldier ant, I will wait for the signal to act
To take a walk right through the door
If you don't want me here any more
He said that he realised just how little support he got, when he was off recovering from his car accident, as the people that contacted him were people that don’t work with him - i.e. myself and another lass.
Someone to count on, in a world ever changin'.
Here I am stop where you're standin'.
But, it’s funny – we seem to spend so much time on the phone to each other, that I get to know how he’s feeling – and vice versa – there’s no way that I can pull the wool over his eyes on some things!
There's nowhere left to hide
In no one to confide
The truth runs deep inside
And will never die
Aside from that, I’m worried about how things will turn out for me here, as not a damned thing has been said about me blowing a fuse, and I get the feeling that something will be mentioned in my review (which I should have had by now, as I’ve been with the company 2 years (God – where has that time gone?))
But, at the end of the day, all I can do for my best friend is be there for him, and give him all the love and support that I possibly can do, and just help him cope with whatever life throws at him – ‘cause he’s done that and more for me just recently!
Guess I should think about doing some work, but to be honest, I’d rather be about 75 miles south of here!
Learning to fly, but I don’t have wings
Feeling more awake…
There’s something about talking to a good friend at lunchtime to make you smile. I was talking to my friend, and he sounded so much brighter than he has done for a while. He said that he’d been to see a chiropractor, who’d put four vertebrae in his lower back into position.
He sounded so much brighter, and said that he has to go back on Saturday morning and on Monday as well, as he has some problems that the chiropractor was hoping to be able to cure for him. He’s hoping to be much more mobile when I go and see him the end of this month.
Better stand tall when they're calling you out
Don't bend don't break, baby don't back down
That made me smile, and I admitted that I was going to be going to see my chiropractor tonight, as I’ve still got problems with my back – but this stems from when I got kicked, as I somehow flexed my back, and managed to put things out of position.
We got talking about other things, and he made me laugh quite a bit – which still hurts my ribs, but it was well worth the pain as he always manages to make me smile… Especially as he said that the weekend I was down there, he was going to make it a really good weekend for the pair of us…
Getaway - ya know it's now or never
Getaway - nobody lives forever
We’re only waitin' just to make our getaway
Guess I should think about doing some w*rk, but I have to admit, I’m suffering from a severe case of TNFI…
Back when I get chance.
Learning to fly, but I don’t have wings
He sounded so much brighter, and said that he has to go back on Saturday morning and on Monday as well, as he has some problems that the chiropractor was hoping to be able to cure for him. He’s hoping to be much more mobile when I go and see him the end of this month.
Better stand tall when they're calling you out
Don't bend don't break, baby don't back down
That made me smile, and I admitted that I was going to be going to see my chiropractor tonight, as I’ve still got problems with my back – but this stems from when I got kicked, as I somehow flexed my back, and managed to put things out of position.
We got talking about other things, and he made me laugh quite a bit – which still hurts my ribs, but it was well worth the pain as he always manages to make me smile… Especially as he said that the weekend I was down there, he was going to make it a really good weekend for the pair of us…
Getaway - ya know it's now or never
Getaway - nobody lives forever
We’re only waitin' just to make our getaway
Guess I should think about doing some w*rk, but I have to admit, I’m suffering from a severe case of TNFI…
Back when I get chance.
Learning to fly, but I don’t have wings
Trying to re-assure a friend...
Trying to re-assure a friend that he’s not going crazy after his car accident is not an easy thing to do.
He sent me the following text:
Kaz, please talk to me.
I called him and the poor guy was nearly in tears, and said that he was scared of being in a car. He admitted that he was constantly looking in the rear-view mirror, and hated being in traffic.
It was really distressing for me to hear him so upset, and I did my best to re-assure him that he wasn’t going mad, and that it was a normal reaction given what had happened to him yesterday.
But, at the end of the day, all I can do is re-assure him, and give him whatever help and assistance I can over the 'phone, and when I see him, make him realise that he's a really special guy to me, and that I would (and will) move Heaven & Earth to help him if he needs my help.
Time to call this quits - it's about the time Mum gets home from the late shift.
Back tomorrow.
Learning to fly, but I don't have wings
He sent me the following text:
Kaz, please talk to me.
I called him and the poor guy was nearly in tears, and said that he was scared of being in a car. He admitted that he was constantly looking in the rear-view mirror, and hated being in traffic.
It was really distressing for me to hear him so upset, and I did my best to re-assure him that he wasn’t going mad, and that it was a normal reaction given what had happened to him yesterday.
But, at the end of the day, all I can do is re-assure him, and give him whatever help and assistance I can over the 'phone, and when I see him, make him realise that he's a really special guy to me, and that I would (and will) move Heaven & Earth to help him if he needs my help.
Time to call this quits - it's about the time Mum gets home from the late shift.
Back tomorrow.
Learning to fly, but I don't have wings
Trying to salvage a friendship....
Sometimes, I feel like a real low life. I got a text from an old friend of mine, that really upset me...
Not heard from you for a month, Mum died on Feb 20.
I mean, when the hell can you say to a text like that??? I will admit, I had to think fast on my feet, and sent a reply saying that I'd been out of the country, and had only just gotten back.
Thankfully, my friend didn't hold a grudge against me, and we got talking about various things, and I will admit, when I put the 'phone down, I was quite upset.
But, as luck would have it, I was able to speak to my daft friend later, and he said that he was a little bit upset because he was getting rid of his current bike, but was looking forward to getting the new one.
I thought I'd managed to hide the fact that I was feeling down, but obviously, I didn't do it well enough, and he asked whet was wrong. When I told him about the 'phone call I'd had, he seemed quite quite upset that I hadn't called him.
It wasn't a case of not wanting to call him - I did - I just needed time to get my emotions under some form of control, as I could see myself bursting into tears on the 'phone, as all the previous phone call had done was dig up the memories and emotions that I had done my best to bury after Dad died.
Guess I should call this quits - I need to get some sleep tonight...
Back tomorrow if I get the chance.
Learning to fly, but I don't have wings
Not heard from you for a month, Mum died on Feb 20.
Where was my friend when I needed you?
I mean, when the hell can you say to a text like that??? I will admit, I had to think fast on my feet, and sent a reply saying that I'd been out of the country, and had only just gotten back.
Thankfully, my friend didn't hold a grudge against me, and we got talking about various things, and I will admit, when I put the 'phone down, I was quite upset.
But, as luck would have it, I was able to speak to my daft friend later, and he said that he was a little bit upset because he was getting rid of his current bike, but was looking forward to getting the new one.
I thought I'd managed to hide the fact that I was feeling down, but obviously, I didn't do it well enough, and he asked whet was wrong. When I told him about the 'phone call I'd had, he seemed quite quite upset that I hadn't called him.
It wasn't a case of not wanting to call him - I did - I just needed time to get my emotions under some form of control, as I could see myself bursting into tears on the 'phone, as all the previous phone call had done was dig up the memories and emotions that I had done my best to bury after Dad died.
Guess I should call this quits - I need to get some sleep tonight...
Back tomorrow if I get the chance.
Learning to fly, but I don't have wings
Shattered dreams, and a shattered heart?
On the work front, it's been a good day for me. On the personal front - it's been a disaster - and not for me, but for someone whom I care about a great deal.
I realised that something was wrong, when my friend sent me an e-mail, telling me that he wouldn't be answering his 'phone to anyone, and that he wouldn't be sending any e-mails either..
Normally, if I get an e-mail like that, my immediate thought is "what the hell have I done to upset him this time", but he seemed to realise that would be my first thought when I read the message.
He was at pains to point out that it was nothing that I'd done, but he just needed time to get his emotions together, and would be in contact with me soon.
Ok - not a lot I could say about that, but I don't mind admitting that my mind was on anything but my work, and was only too keen to make a run for it at 17:00...
As Mum was working the late shift, it meant that I had the house to myself, and was able to sort out bits and pieces, whilst having a part of my mind on whether my friend was ok...
I got my answer soon enough. My mobile chimed, and I had a text message from my friend, asking me if I could call him...
I did, and it was like someone had blown a hole in the Hoover dam. He was distraught, and in tears, and I will admit to feeling helpless, as there is only so much that you can do when you're at the end of the 'phone, and there's a fair distance between you.
I realised that something was wrong, when my friend sent me an e-mail, telling me that he wouldn't be answering his 'phone to anyone, and that he wouldn't be sending any e-mails either..
Normally, if I get an e-mail like that, my immediate thought is "what the hell have I done to upset him this time", but he seemed to realise that would be my first thought when I read the message.
He was at pains to point out that it was nothing that I'd done, but he just needed time to get his emotions together, and would be in contact with me soon.
Ok - not a lot I could say about that, but I don't mind admitting that my mind was on anything but my work, and was only too keen to make a run for it at 17:00...
As Mum was working the late shift, it meant that I had the house to myself, and was able to sort out bits and pieces, whilst having a part of my mind on whether my friend was ok...
I got my answer soon enough. My mobile chimed, and I had a text message from my friend, asking me if I could call him...
I did, and it was like someone had blown a hole in the Hoover dam. He was distraught, and in tears, and I will admit to feeling helpless, as there is only so much that you can do when you're at the end of the 'phone, and there's a fair distance between you.
And now you've given me, given me,
Nothing but shattered dreams, shattered dreams,
Feel like I could run away, run away,
From this empty heart
At the end of the day, all anyone can do is act as a shoulder for someone to cry on, and when they're in that sort of emotional state, try to keep their head above the emotional tsunami the best that you can.
Time to call this quits - I've got things to do, and the reception on my mobile stinks, so I need to be somewhere where I can get a call on my 'phone.
Back when I get chance.
Learning to fly, but I don't have wings
Back onto the emotional rollercoaster...
Talk about a rollercoaster of emotions today... I'd already got the pre-cursor to a migraine, and them my daft hog riding friend sent me an e-mail at work, saying that he'd sent me an e-mail to my home e-mail address, as he didn't think it was suitable to be sent to me at work....
I struggled through until lunchtime, then called him as I was driving over to the Crem, and that was when the tears really started to flow.
That nearly finished me off, and I went back into the office looking like a vampire after a seriously bad night on the blood, and did my best to avoid answering questions about what had caused me to get so upset.
The simple matter was the fact that I had spoken to my Aunt last night, and she is so much like Dad in her manners (i.e. doesn't suffer fools gladly, and is of the opinion that it's the family first - everyone else can go **** themselves) that it re-opened the wounds that were caused when Dad died.
Then, I read the e-mail that my friend had sent me. Suffice to say, that it did start me crying again, as I didn't realise just how he viewed our friendship, and it made me realise just how much I value his friendship.
Hello my friend,
Thank you for talking to me,
Thank you for being there when I need someone,
Thank you for reasoning with me,
Thank you for listening and trying not to judge me.
I am a mad mixed up bunny trying to do the best I can for everyone - it's just that some people out there in my life just don't appreciate it and it just ain't good enough for them.
I don't expect you to understand me at all 'cause I know I don't understand myself all of the time.
I just want to be happy its not too much to ask is it?
Take care from your daft cuddle bunny
I struggled through until lunchtime, then called him as I was driving over to the Crem, and that was when the tears really started to flow.
He was a real angel of mercy - talking to me about all sorts of things and even managed to make me smile through my tears by asking me how big I liked my teddy bears... I wasn't sure what that was leading up to, so will admit to being a little guarded, until he said that he was going to hug me like a teddy when he saw me!
That nearly finished me off, and I went back into the office looking like a vampire after a seriously bad night on the blood, and did my best to avoid answering questions about what had caused me to get so upset.
The simple matter was the fact that I had spoken to my Aunt last night, and she is so much like Dad in her manners (i.e. doesn't suffer fools gladly, and is of the opinion that it's the family first - everyone else can go **** themselves) that it re-opened the wounds that were caused when Dad died.
Then, I read the e-mail that my friend had sent me. Suffice to say, that it did start me crying again, as I didn't realise just how he viewed our friendship, and it made me realise just how much I value his friendship.
Hello my friend,
Thank you for talking to me,
Thank you for being there when I need someone,
Thank you for reasoning with me,
Thank you for listening and trying not to judge me.
I am a mad mixed up bunny trying to do the best I can for everyone - it's just that some people out there in my life just don't appreciate it and it just ain't good enough for them.
I don't expect you to understand me at all 'cause I know I don't understand myself all of the time.
I just want to be happy its not too much to ask is it?
Take care from your daft cuddle bunny
For him to take the time to send that to me, just tipped me over the edge yet again, and it took several readings for his words to sink in.
I will admit, there have been times in my life - especially just recently - where I don't think that I could have coped with out him giving me a swift kick up the tail, and I will admit, I didn't think that my reply was really eloquent enough to express what I was feeling....
You've been one of the best things that could have happened to me, and there have been times when I don't think that I could have coped without having you to talk to, make me laugh, and occasionally give me a swift verbal kick up the tail to get me thinking straight.
Your friendship means more to me that I could ever tell you in an e-mail, but I know that when I see you, I'll be able to show you what you mean to me...
Time to call this entry quits - it's nearly impossible to type when you can hardly see the keyboard for tears.
Back when I can see, and think straight.
Leaning to fly, but I don't have wings
Feeling brighter, but I'm still not a happy tiger.
Well, I've spoken to my best mate (who was busy getting lost on an industrial estate in Wembley), and he's done his usual trick of cheering me up.
He was supposed to be going to see a customer, and all he had was an address - no telephone number, and there was no-one around that he could ask!
We chatted about things that mattered to the pair of us, and he was threatening to tan my hide for me, as I was being cheeky to him as normal. I sniggered, and said that he shouldn't make promises that he had not intention of keeping... I was then told that he had every intention of keeping that promise, and that he would get me - eventually.
Aside from that, I got sent several cracking jokes...
You have all the money your heart desires
You have no worries...
You come home and the finest meal is awaiting you...
Your bathwater has been run...
You have the perfect kids...
Your partner is awaiting you with open arms and kisses...
So where would you be...?
The next joke was this one:
A woman walked into the kitchen to find her husband stalking around with a fly swatter.
"What are you doing?" she asked.
"Hunting flies" he responded.
"Oh. Killing any?" she asked.
"Yep, 3 males, 2 females," he replied.
Intrigued, she asked, "how can you tell?"
He responded, "3 were on a beer can, 2 were on the phone."
But this was the e-mail that REALLY cheered me up:
You think you're having a bad day? Check it out these actual cases.
A man was working on his motorcycle on the patio, his wife nearby in the kitchen. While racing the engine, the motorcycle accidentally slipped into gear. The man, still holding onto the handlebars, was dragged along as it burst through the glass patio doors.
His wife, hearing the crash, ran in the room to find her husband cut and bleeding, the motorcycle, and the shattered patio door. She called for an ambulance and, because the house sat on a fairly large hill, went down the several flights of stairs to meet the paramedics and escort them to her husband.
While the attendants were tending her husband, the wife managed to righ tthe motorcycle and push it outside. She also quickly blotted up the spilled gasoline with some paper towels and tossed them into the toilet.
After being treated and released, the man returned home, looked at the shattered patio door and the damage done to his motorcycle. He went into the bathroom and consoled himself with a cigarette while attending tohis business. About to stand, he flipped the butt between his legs.
The wife, who was in the kitchen, heard a loud explosion and her husband screaming. Finding him lying on the bathroom floor with his trousers blown away and burns on his buttocks, legs and groin, she once again phoned for an ambulance.
The same paramedic crew was dispatched. As the paramedics carried the man down the stairs to the ambulance they asked the wife how he had come to burn himself. She told them. They started laughing so hard, one slipped, the stretcher and dumping the husband out. He fell down the remaining stairs, breaking his arm.
Still having a bad day? Just remember, it could be worse...
The average cost of rehabilitating a seal after the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska was $80,000. At a special ceremony, two of the most expensively saved animals were being released back into the wild amid cheers and applause from onlookers. A minute later, in full view, a killer whale ate them both.
Still think you are having a bad day?
A woman came home to find her husband in the kitchen shaking frantically, almost in a dancing frenzy, with some kind of wire running from his waist towards the electric kettle. Intending to jolt him away from the deadly current, she whacked him with a handy plank of wood,breaking his arm in two places. Up to that moment, he had been happily listening to his Walkman.
STILL think you're having a bad day?
Two animal rights protesters were protesting at the cruelty of sending pigs to a slaughterhouse in Bonn, Germany. Suddenly, all two thousand pigs broke loose and escaped through a broken fence, stampeding madly the two hopeless protesters were trampled to death.
What?! STILL having a bad day??
Iraqi terrorist Khay Rahnajet didn't pay enough postage on a letter bomb. It came back with "return to sender" stamped on it. Forgetting it was the bomb; he opened it and was blown to bits.
There now, feeling better?
Guess I should call this quits, as I'm supposed to be doing some work....
Back when I get chance.
Learning to fly, but I don't have wings
Roller-coaster of a weekend....
Well, I have to admit that the weekend was somewhat of a roller-coaster ride for me. Saturday morning was OK - Mum and I went shopping in Solihull, and I decided to hit Waterstones, and I bought four books!
One was on the development of the atomic bomb, and the other three were Terry Pratchett books - the next three in the Discworld series (Mort, Sourcery and Wyrd Sisters).
But the rest of the day was quite emotionally draining, simply because I decided to move my beloved horse closer to home and spent the rest ofthe afternoon making sure that she was ok, and settling in.
I also had a call from my daft hog riding friend to let me know that he was at his friend's house in Redditch ok, and that he would try and see me on Sunday.
Sunday. What can I say about that, apart from the fact that it was a really good day. I decided to go horse riding in the morning, and I was a bit late getting back - like about 10:15, and I will admit, I did pong a bit!
As soon as I walked in the house, Mum told me to buzz off for a shower, as, and I quote "you stink". Thanks Mum!
I had just started to wash my hair when my mobile rang. It was my daft hog riding friend. He asked if I was still going into Stratford, and said that he would love to meet up with me - and would be bringing someone with him - his friend from Redditch! Ok - not a problem there, as I'd spoken to this lass, and was curious to meet her...
Well, I got to Stratford, and met up with the pair of them and I will admit, it was a really good laugh, as the pair of us kept double-teaming the poor guy, and he said that he was getting fed up with the pair of us ganging up on him!
That made us laugh, and I have to admit, I really enjoyed myself, but I could sense that there was something bothering him...
Wanted you to know I love the way you laugh
I wanna hold you high and steal your pain away
I keep your photograph; I know it serves me well
I wanna hold you high and steal your pain
One of these days, I'll listen to my instincts... I spoke to my friend late last night, and suffice to say that he ended up pouring his heart out to me - both in an e-mail and on the 'phone.
Obviously, what he told me will not be relayed here, but all that I shall say is that I now understand awful lot more than I did, and am more determined than ever to do what I can to help him.
The worst is over now and we can breathe again
I wanna hold you high, you steal my pain away
There's so much left to learn, and no one left to fight
I wanna hold you high and steal your pain
Guess I should call this entry quits - I'm supposed to be working, not blogging.
Back later, if I get the chance.
Learning to fly, but I don't have wings
Ever felt like..............
Strangling someone? Well, I'm having one of those moments. It's one of those cases where I got caught a real blinder by a customer.... Because the guy he usually speaks to is on holiday, he decided to call me in the office...
Thanks. What I know about this guy's accounts, you can carve painlessly on my small fingernail, and still have room to spare. So, it was a case of the blind leading the blind clueless (me being blind clueless!)
Thankfully, I was able to get some help - even if it was a case of swallowing my pride a little bit... Simply because it was my partner who's help I was asking for! He said the he would help me out, as I'd admitted that I hadn't got the foggiest how to deal with the query...
I know damned well when I see him tonight, he's going to be making the most of the fact that I had to ask for help, but I'll accept the gentle ribbing that he'll give me tonight...
But that's not the only thing that's caught me on the hop in the past 24 hours.... My best mate called me last night, and as I was a bit dopey (I'd taken some pain killers to stop my shoulder hurting me), it took me a few minutes to guess what he was talking about...
"What's the one thing that I said I would never do?"
Me being dopey, couldn't exactly recall, as there were two things that he said he'd never do - one of them was get married again, and the other was cheat on his partner....
I said it was get married.. And boy was I wrong. It turned out that he's cheated on his partner. And it gets better. It was with his brother's ex-girlfriend.
He said that he needed to speak to someone (namely me) who could give him a few sensible answers, and wouldn't fly off the handle at him.
To be honest, I was too dopey to do anything apart from call him "a muppet", and ask him if he wanted to split up with his partner. The reply was something that I didn't expect...
"I love xxxx to bits, but the trouble is, I can see me and yyyy having a future together... I guess that I've not really been settled since xxxx dumped me via text a few weeks ago, and then got back with me..."
That's all very well, but the trouble that it would cause between him and his brother is not something that I wish to contemplate - as his brother has an explosive temper, and my friend has said this lass is not worth all the hassle that it would cause him...
He said that he would call me tonight, and sit and talk with me, as he needed me to be my normal objective self to help him get his head 'round a few things...
At the end of the day, it's his decision - all I can do is provide a friendly (or not so friendly) ear to bend...
Suppose I should think about doing some w*rk, but I'm suffering from terminal TNFI.....
Back later, if I get the chance.
I walk where others fear to tread
Thanks. What I know about this guy's accounts, you can carve painlessly on my small fingernail, and still have room to spare. So, it was a case of the blind leading the blind clueless (me being blind clueless!)
Thankfully, I was able to get some help - even if it was a case of swallowing my pride a little bit... Simply because it was my partner who's help I was asking for! He said the he would help me out, as I'd admitted that I hadn't got the foggiest how to deal with the query...
I know damned well when I see him tonight, he's going to be making the most of the fact that I had to ask for help, but I'll accept the gentle ribbing that he'll give me tonight...
But that's not the only thing that's caught me on the hop in the past 24 hours.... My best mate called me last night, and as I was a bit dopey (I'd taken some pain killers to stop my shoulder hurting me), it took me a few minutes to guess what he was talking about...
"What's the one thing that I said I would never do?"
Me being dopey, couldn't exactly recall, as there were two things that he said he'd never do - one of them was get married again, and the other was cheat on his partner....
I said it was get married.. And boy was I wrong. It turned out that he's cheated on his partner. And it gets better. It was with his brother's ex-girlfriend.
He said that he needed to speak to someone (namely me) who could give him a few sensible answers, and wouldn't fly off the handle at him.
To be honest, I was too dopey to do anything apart from call him "a muppet", and ask him if he wanted to split up with his partner. The reply was something that I didn't expect...
"I love xxxx to bits, but the trouble is, I can see me and yyyy having a future together... I guess that I've not really been settled since xxxx dumped me via text a few weeks ago, and then got back with me..."
That's all very well, but the trouble that it would cause between him and his brother is not something that I wish to contemplate - as his brother has an explosive temper, and my friend has said this lass is not worth all the hassle that it would cause him...
He said that he would call me tonight, and sit and talk with me, as he needed me to be my normal objective self to help him get his head 'round a few things...
At the end of the day, it's his decision - all I can do is provide a friendly (or not so friendly) ear to bend...
Suppose I should think about doing some w*rk, but I'm suffering from terminal TNFI.....
Back later, if I get the chance.
I walk where others fear to tread
Appearances can be deceiving…
I’ve only managed to get about 2 hrs sleep last night – for several reasons. The main one being the fact that I was on the ‘phone to my friend last night…
It turned out that he’d been having problems for a while, and they managed to get things sorted out for a couple of days, then things would start to slide back to where they were before they tried to sort thing out.
In the end, he said that it was a relief when she sent him a text message to say that she wanted to call it quits, and didn’t want him to contact her. I will admit, I was more than a little surprised that he was so rational, as I though that he’d been really keen on her…
He’s also made plans to go out on the pull on Saturday night, and has said that he plans on getting himself back into the field of play sooner rather than later.
So, we sat up talking until the extremely small hours – and finally called it quits at about 03:20…
Hmmm - my phone's ringing... Guess I should think about answering it...
Back when I get chance.
I walk where others fear to tread.
It turned out that he’d been having problems for a while, and they managed to get things sorted out for a couple of days, then things would start to slide back to where they were before they tried to sort thing out.
In the end, he said that it was a relief when she sent him a text message to say that she wanted to call it quits, and didn’t want him to contact her. I will admit, I was more than a little surprised that he was so rational, as I though that he’d been really keen on her…
He’s also made plans to go out on the pull on Saturday night, and has said that he plans on getting himself back into the field of play sooner rather than later.
So, we sat up talking until the extremely small hours – and finally called it quits at about 03:20…
Hmmm - my phone's ringing... Guess I should think about answering it...
Back when I get chance.
I walk where others fear to tread.
Preparing for the journey...
A strange title for a blog entry, I grant you... But it will become clearer as you read on, I promise!
As part of my job requirements, I've got to travel to complete some training, and I will admit to being somewhat apprehensive about it, especially as I'm going to be the only female on the course.
Thankfully, there will be people I know going, so it shouldn't be that strange for me, even though I'm beginning to wonder if I've bitten off more than I can chew...
Having said that though, I thought the same thing when I was going to do the presentation at the company conference, and I survived that ok - even if my line manger was worried that I'd chicken out!
I've also managed to sort out the problems with my other half. I've agreed to meet his parents when we get back from our break in the West Country.
He wanted me to meet them this weekend - no chance of that, as I've got to get myself ready (i.e. packed) for this training course that I'm going on next week... He's also given up on the idea of me moving in with him. For the time being, anyway!
As well as that, my daft friend has been in contact with me... I left my 'phone at home this morning, and when it's not turned on, any calls I get go to my voicemail. I checked my 'phone this afternoon, only to be greeted with this...
Short stuff! Hello darling, it's only me. What do you mean you can't get to your phone at the moment? You mean you've left it on a high shelf and can't reach it?......
Needless to say, I was somewhat indignant at being called short stuff... Ok - I admit I'm not tall, but I don't need reminding of it every time I speak to this fella!
Mind you, I know it's not meant maliciously, so I get my own back my calling him ratbag... Despite that, he made me laugh, as he was bemoaning the fact that he was at work, and I was able to escape into the sunshine.
He also sent me a text message, telling me to take care out in the sun... I get the impression that he's scared that I'll do something daft, like get burnt to a crisp whilst I'm riding Flame.
Speaking (ok - typing) about Flame, Rachel has very kindly agreed to look after her for the four days that I'm away - I get the impression that she's going to be using the time to re-build her confidence in horses.
By her own admission, she's ok when she's with either myself or her sister, but on her own, she's still scared that something will go wrong. So, as Flame is placid-natured (that's the only reason I let Amber get on her!), it's the best thing that she can do.
Time to call this blog entry quits - I've got to get ready to go and see my other half, as he seems to be determined to spend as much time as he can with me, before I go on my training course.
Back tomorrow, if I've finished the packing!
I walk where others fear to tread
As part of my job requirements, I've got to travel to complete some training, and I will admit to being somewhat apprehensive about it, especially as I'm going to be the only female on the course.
Thankfully, there will be people I know going, so it shouldn't be that strange for me, even though I'm beginning to wonder if I've bitten off more than I can chew...
Having said that though, I thought the same thing when I was going to do the presentation at the company conference, and I survived that ok - even if my line manger was worried that I'd chicken out!
I've also managed to sort out the problems with my other half. I've agreed to meet his parents when we get back from our break in the West Country.
He wanted me to meet them this weekend - no chance of that, as I've got to get myself ready (i.e. packed) for this training course that I'm going on next week... He's also given up on the idea of me moving in with him. For the time being, anyway!
As well as that, my daft friend has been in contact with me... I left my 'phone at home this morning, and when it's not turned on, any calls I get go to my voicemail. I checked my 'phone this afternoon, only to be greeted with this...
Short stuff! Hello darling, it's only me. What do you mean you can't get to your phone at the moment? You mean you've left it on a high shelf and can't reach it?......
Needless to say, I was somewhat indignant at being called short stuff... Ok - I admit I'm not tall, but I don't need reminding of it every time I speak to this fella!
Mind you, I know it's not meant maliciously, so I get my own back my calling him ratbag... Despite that, he made me laugh, as he was bemoaning the fact that he was at work, and I was able to escape into the sunshine.
He also sent me a text message, telling me to take care out in the sun... I get the impression that he's scared that I'll do something daft, like get burnt to a crisp whilst I'm riding Flame.
Speaking (ok - typing) about Flame, Rachel has very kindly agreed to look after her for the four days that I'm away - I get the impression that she's going to be using the time to re-build her confidence in horses.
By her own admission, she's ok when she's with either myself or her sister, but on her own, she's still scared that something will go wrong. So, as Flame is placid-natured (that's the only reason I let Amber get on her!), it's the best thing that she can do.
Time to call this blog entry quits - I've got to get ready to go and see my other half, as he seems to be determined to spend as much time as he can with me, before I go on my training course.
Back tomorrow, if I've finished the packing!
I walk where others fear to tread
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