Walking in the Shadows

Random musings from Warwickshire on life in general... Things that make me laugh, make me cry, things that wind me up beyond all endurance - and everything in between.

Showing posts with label Wedding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wedding. Show all posts

Planning another escape (or four)...

Yes, I'm back to my usual tricks - planning escapes - both with Mum and on my own. The first escape is going to be one on my own - a singer that I like - Gary Moore - is going on tour, and I'm hoping to persuade my beloved to take a day or so to head up to Wolverhampton to go and see him with me.

The other escapes are going to be with Mum - we're going back to Jersey at the end of March for a week, and back to Madeira the end of June for a couple of weeks - but I'll be back in time to get down to Silverstone for the British Grand Prix with my godsprog.

As for other escapes, well, I'll just have to see what heads my way and see where life takes me - but I know that there is another possible escape on the horizon - again, with Mum.

This time, it's another weeding (I mean wedding) - my cousin Alex is getting married the beginning of September in Brighton, so that means I've got to find a decent top to wear with my dark suit - there's no way I'm going to get anything else (like a dress) as I know damned well that I would never wear it again - well voluntarily anyway!!

Ah well, guess I should think about doing some work, but I'm suffering from a sever case of TNFI (totally no ******g interest) - and it's only Tuesday!

Back when I get the chance...


I've got nowhere left to hide
It looks like love has finally found me

Preparing to make another escape

No sooner am I back from a holiday, than I’m preparing for another one. This time, it’s because I’m going to my cousin’s wedding in Cornwall.

Mum and I are leaving on Saturday, staying for two nights in Indian Queens, and then heading to Truro, to meet up with the rest of the family.

The reason that we’re doing this is because once the family know that Mum and I are in the area, we won’t get any time to ourselves, as the family have a habit of organising things.

But, there are things that I want to do whilst I’m in Cornwall – one of them being to visit the Eden project (again) and go to Lands End and the Tate gallery in St Ives. Hopefully, the family will allow us time to do this, but I’m not sure what the arrangements will be.

I know the wedding is on Wednesday (apparently, farmer’s weddings are always held on a Wednesday or a Sunday – don’t ask me why!) but I’m hoping that Mum and I will be able to escape on our own.

Guess I should call this quits – I’m supposed to be working, not blogging!

Back when I return from Cornwall…


Learning to fly, but I don’t have wings

Starting the weekend...

Well, the plan to go to Ashwood nurseries went to the wall, simply because they were holding one of their "behind the scenes" weekends, and it had featured on Midlands Today - one of the local news programs.

Mum didn't feel too good, and was worried that my ribs and shoulder would get bumped and bashed, thus putting me in an evil mood, and that was something that she had no intention of doing.. Why, I have no idea, as I'm such a little sweetheart when I've been bumped and barged. Believe that, and you'll believe in the Tooth Fairy as well!

So, Mum and I headed to Merry Hill. Which should be re-named Merry Hell, as that was what Mum was playing about the parking. Because she's not too good when it comes to walking long distances,has what Dad used to refer to as a "park anywhere ticket" - i.e. a blue disabled person's badge, that allows her (in theory) to get parked in larger spaces, closer to the entrance of the shops.

Fine in theory, but Merry Hill doesn't seem to have enough parking spaces full stop, let alone enough disabled slots, thus meaning that we had to park at the bottom end of the car park, and take a very slow walk to the entrance of the shopping centre.

Once we'd gotten over that hurdle, it was a case of seeing if either of us could find anything for my cousin's October wedding. I was tempted by this beautiful ice blue dress, but even in the petite (ok - short) section, this damned dress was nearly floor length - which went down like a lead balloon with me.

My mood wasn't helped when the smarmy sales assistant said that it would "look better with high heels." That was not the best thing to say to me, as I loathe heels, and Mum was sniggering at the thought of me wearing a dress. So, I've decided that I'm going to look for a dark coloured trouser suit, and have a brightly coloured top underneath the jacket.

We got several bits and pieces - but nothing for the wedding apart from a few ideas, and headed for home, where I was able to check my 'phone. I'd got a couple of missed calls from my friend (who was working - I gave that up as a bad job when I joined my present company!) He was his normal mickey taking self, asking me if I'd left my 'phone on a high shelf again, and would I call him when I got chance.

Not a problem - I just made myself scarce (the excuse being that I was going to watch the rugby on BBC1)... I called him and he asked if I was ok, and I could tell that he was worried I'd been horse riding - without my body armour.

Ok - I'm dumb, but I'm not that dumb, and I told him that I'd been shopping with Mum at Merry Hill, and that I was going to go back to the saddler's next weekend to see if the body armour fitted, and if it did, I could contemplate starting riding again.

He didn't sound too keen on that idea, but I think he's realised that there's not a lot that he can do if I do decide to go riding - apart from lecture me, which I'll just ignore as per my usual trick!

Time to call this quits - my damned mobile's ringing...

Back when I get chance.

Learning to fly, but I don't have wings

In, but freezing...

The office is freezing cold this morning, and nothing that we do to the thermostat will warm the place up!

Needless to say that I'm not very happy, as I'm cold and still in an awful lot of pain from my ribs. The arnica is helping, and my ribs are starting to show a crazy paving style bruising pattern, and are going quite a delicate shade of black / purple from the impact that I took on Saturday.

So, when I go and see the consultant in A&E tomorrow, I'll have quite a pretty pattern across my ribs, and it will make things interesting when I go and see the sawbones afterwards, as no doubt I'll get asked about the bruising, and then will get a lecture about my horse riding!

Aside from that, things seem to be improving for me on the work front, as I've pointed out that there is only some much that I can do with the data that I am given, and that there need to be a change in the processes that the reports go through.

On a personal note (ok - family note) one of my cousins is getting married in October, so that's another outfit that I've got to buy - and I hate shopping!!!

But, I guess there is light at the end of the tunnel, and in comes in joke form:

Ma was in the kitchen fiddling around when she hollers out.... "Pa, you need to go out and fix the outhouse!"

Pa replies, "There ain't nuthin wrong with the outhouse."

Ma yells back, "Yes there is, now git out there and fix it."

So.......Pa mosies out to the outhouse, looks around and yells back, "Ma, there ain't nuthin wrong with the outhouse!"

Ma replies, "Stick yur head in the hole!"

Pa yells back, "I ain't stickin my head in that hole!"

Ma says, "Ya have to stick yur head in the hole to see what to fix."

So with that, Pa sticks his head in the hole, looks around and yells back, "Ma,there ain't nuthin' wrong with this outhouse!"

Ma hollers back, "Now take your head out of the hole!"

Pa proceeds to pull his head out of the hole then starts yelling "Ma! Help! My beard is stuck in the cracks in the toilet seat!"

To which Ma replies, "Hurt's, don't it?!"

This was the next joke that made me giggle:

In a recent Channel 4 news broadcast, it was announced that Lorena Bobbitt's sister Louella was arrested for an alleged attempt to perform the same act on her husband as her famous sister had done several years ago. Sources reveal the sister was not as accurate as Lorena.

She allegedly missed the target and stabbed her husband in the upper thigh causing severe muscle and tendon damage. The husband is reported to be in serious, but stable condition, and Louella has been charged with:

A Misdewiener!

The other joke that made me grin was this one:

A U.S. Navy Admiral was attending a Naval conference that included admirals from the U.S., English, Canadian, Australian and French Navies.

At a cocktail reception, he found himself standing with a group of half dozen or so officers that included personnel from most of the countries.

Everyone was chatting away in English as they sipped their drinks but a French admiral suddenly complained that, whereas Europeans learn many languages, Americans learn only English. He then asked, "Why is it that we always have to speak English in these conferences rather than speaking French?"

Without hesitating, the American Admiral replied: "Maybe it's because the Brits, Canadians, Aussies and Americans arranged it so you wouldn't have to speak German."

Suddenly the group became very quiet.

Guess I should think about doing some w*rk, but I'm suffering from TNFI...

Back later, if I get the chance.

Learning to fly, but I don't have wings