Walking in the Shadows

Random musings from Warwickshire on life in general... Things that make me laugh, make me cry, things that wind me up beyond all endurance - and everything in between.

Showing posts with label Lock-down. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lock-down. Show all posts

Welcome to Tier 3 London!

That's what really annoys me,  My home area has been placed in tier 3 for COVID-19 restrictions, meaning that the following rules are in place:


  • You cannot mix indoors, in private gardens or in most outdoor venues, except with your household or bubble
  • You can meet in a group of up to six in other outdoor spaces, such as parks, beaches or countryside
  • Shops, gyms and personal care services (such as hairdressing) can stay open
  • Bars, pubs, cafes and restaurants must stay closed, except for delivery and takeaway
  • Sports fans cannot attend events in stadiums
  • Indoor entertainment venues - such as bowling alleys and cinemas - must stay closed

So, when London, parts of Essex and Hertfordshire get put into tier 3, you would have thought that the world was ending - especially the way that it was being reported by the media.  These two gems came from BBC News and Sky News respectively:


The director of the Theatres Trust said the London's theatres would face "disaster" under the stricter rules, while business owners in the capital said it would "be a ghost town".


The Confederation of British Industry warned that "thousands of jobs and livelihoods could be at risk" due to the government moving London into Tier 3.

Congratulations.  Now you know what the rest of us are having to put up with.  Why the south of England thinks that they are so unique, I have no idea.   They're not the only areas that have had these issues.  

Areas in the north of England (and my home in darkest Warwickshire) are all under these restrictions - and I think that we have gotten off lightly, as we (Warwickshire) only got placed into tier 3 the beginning of December, where as places like Newcastle have been in tier 3 since the beginning of September (if not longer!)

Ah well - rant over.  I've had enough of staring at a computer screen today.

Back when I get chance...


Man will take the treasure
Innocence is lost
Thinking he's so clever
Lines have been crossed
Man won't live forever
Shadows on the wall
Can't get it together
Sacrifice all

The tiers are in… And we’ve been rated…… TIER 3.

Great.  The new tiers have been announced, and my home area is in tier 3, as is my partner’s home.  Now his area, I can understand, but mine?  Unless there is something I have missed, I didn’t think we were as bad as some areas

So, as we’re in a support bubble (and we’re in the same tier) I’m planning to escape next weekend to see him, as I haven’t seen him since the end of October.  I know it’s not as long as the first lockdown, but this time of year, things are that much gloomier, and it makes me want to curl up with someone I care about, and chill out watching a film.

Ah well, guess I’d better get back to the grindstone – my lunch break is nearly over.

Back when I get chance.



You gave me your love
To last me forever I know
Our love is forever
You gave me your love
To last me wherever I go

Working from home (part 2)

 Well, I’m back at home, due to the new lockdown that was announced on Saturday night.  The office is closing from tomorrow night, so I’ve had to make sure that I have everything I need at home.  

That’s not an issue – apart from me being an idiot and not plugging the headphones into the laptop (they were plugged into the monitor), and wondering why I couldn’t hear anything.

Once I’d realised what I’d done (and finished feeling like an idiot) I was up and running.  EE must have done some serious network improvements, as I’ve not had to curse the dongle once.  Which is a miracle.  

Ok – I’ll rephrase that.  I only cursed whilst my dratted laptop decided to do an update this morning, meaning that I was late logging on to the system. OK – not an issue…  

Or I thought it wasn’t….  Until I realised that I couldn’t use the phone.  Or log into part of the system where I keep files that I need to get access to.

So, one call to the IT helpdesk, and the issue with the cloud storage was sorted.  The phone side was sorted by emailing a colleague who is already working from home, and they managed to help me sort the settings, so that was nice and easy.  What I didn’t realise was that I would end up feeling…... Numb.

 I didn’t realise just how much I enjoy being in the office – despite all my grumps about my colleagues – it’s a good laugh with them as it means we can bounce things off each other, especially if one of us gets stuck with something that we have no idea about.  

OK – on the plus side, I have the view of the garden, and no travelling, meaning a decent lie in in the morning, and no fighting my way through the traffic to the office, and contending with 4x4 with only one child in going to the private school!

 But on the downside?  It’s the human need for companionship.  Now I am the first to admit I am an antisocial so-and-so at the best of times,  but there is something comforting about being part of a group…  But I know I’ll get over this, and knowing me, will probably resent the fact that I have to go back into the office after this lock down.

Ah well, time to log off and join family.  I shall be spending enough time staring at this damned screen for the next four weeks or so...

Back soon.


Watch the birdies

In these dark times of lock-down, it's the little things that make me smile.  In this case, it was a pair of sparrows having a bath.

Normally, that's not something I would pay much attention to, as I would be busy with other things that my life involved, and forgetting about taking the time to watch the birdies...


But the sparrows aren't the only thing to visit the garden...  A cock pheasant has also decided that the garden provides a suitable dining table for him...  Again, these photos were taken from the conservatory on my phone - hence the leaves in the photos...

So I guess there is something to be said for living in Darkest Warwickshire...  When I get sights like this from the conservatory, it helps me appreciate home even more.

Ah well,  time to call this quits.  My poor little phone is making pathetic beeping sounds at me, as I have't put it on charge to do this...

Back when I get chance / inclination...


Well, it's a brand new morning
And it's the start of your new life
Yeah, it's a brand new morning
You'd better try and get it right
Brand new morning
You've been awake since early light
Brand new morning
So spread your wings and you'll take flight

Enforced lock-down extension.....

Well, we have another three weeks of the so-called lock-down.  HM Government has said that there has been a decrease in the virus infections, but not enough to allow people to escape.

I’m lucky – I have the garden I can escape into, as it’s been beautiful weather.  If it had been cold and wet, then it would have been a very different kettle of fish – I’d have been going stir crazy.  And the best bit?  The cowslips in the paddock are in bloom, and putting on quite a little show.

Cowslips in the paddock

The funny thing is, we only planted a couple of plants - and they were the red and yellow ones - they obviously reverted over the past 20 or so years..  And spread.  Not that I am complaining, although I don't mind admitting that it does make mowing the grass a little difficult...

However, there is a drawback to the lock-down...  I haven't seen my partner for just over 5 weeks.  OK - that has happened before - it happened last year when I caught a nasty chest infection that flattened me, and meant that I spent more time asleep than anything else.  But at least we knew that when I was recovered (and fit enough to drive) we would see each other.

This time, we are (as I type this) both fit and healthy, and only apart due to the social distancing rules.  And all I can say is thank god for unlimited texts / minutes on my phone.  I know there is a reason for the separation, but it doesn't stop me missing him like hell.

Ah well, guess I should call it quits - my favorite Magnum song has started playing on my MP3 player...  Welcome to the Cosmic Cabaret.

Back whenever,


Hard game and the music's going nowhere
This room's getting smaller by the day
Some dog on the street, he just keeps howling
Welcome to the cosmic cabaret