Walking in the Shadows

Random musings from Warwickshire on life in general... Things that make me laugh, make me cry, things that wind me up beyond all endurance - and everything in between.

Showing posts with label Football. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Football. Show all posts

Something that made me smile...

Now normally, I don't follow football, but this cartoon in the Daily Mail had me giggling...


Now some things you hold on to - and some you just let go
Seems like the ones that you can't have
Are the ones that you want most


“….and when Manchester United scored their eighth goal, what did you do then, Sir?”

World Cup? More like World fiasco.

Well, the hype is over and England has failed in the bid to win the world cup. I'm not upset - far from it, as I dislike football, but what annoys me is the money that has been wasted on the bid.

Ok - I know that it would have been good for the country's economy, and raised the UK profile but it does make we wonder what FIFA were (or more to the point weren't) think about when they awarded the 2018 cup to Russia. I could understand the cup going to South Africa (vuvuzelas anyone?) as there hasn't been an African World Cup, but Russia? Sorry, that doesn't make sense to me.

I'm not saying that the England bid was perfect - far from it - but as far as I can tell, the infrastructure is already in place (and will have been improved further because of the 2012 Olympics in London) but all the reports are saying that Russia will have to do an awful lot of building to be able to cope with the influx of fans...

Add into that, it does make you wonder how much damge the BBC Panorama programme did to the bid. Yes - I agree that the allegations of corruption in FIFA need to be made public, but surely that Panorama programme could have been held over until the voting was over and done with, as it appears to have done quite a bit of damage to the bid.

Ah well, at least we have the Olympics (2012) and Rugby World Cup (2015) to look forward to..

Guess I should call this quits - I'm falling asleep at my PC again...

Back when I get the chance.


Now some things you hold on to - and some you just let go
Seems like the ones that you can't have
Are the ones that you want most

Football Blues

I’ve just realised that the blasted World Cup football starts in 11 days, and I loathe football.

Already the media is whipping up the hysteria about this, and I am starting to get bored even before the tournament starts. If it was rugby –that would be a different matter as I am a rugby fan, but football leaves me cold.

I know that there are people who will be watching every single match, and some people who will just watch the England matches. I, however am not one of them, so I have a stash of films that I have been saving for this four week period of rotten TV.

However, I guess that I am going to have to put up with the hysteria that will become almost the norm (and cope with the strange looks when I say that I won’t be watching any of the football.

Ah well, I guess I should do some w*rk, but as I'm only in the office (or playpen) for three days this week, I'm really struggling to find the enthusiasm to do anything today…

Back when I get the chance.


Now some things you hold on to - and some you just let go
Seems like the ones that you can't have
Are the ones that you want most