Walking in the Shadows

Random musings from Warwickshire on life in general... Things that make me laugh, make me cry, things that wind me up beyond all endurance - and everything in between.

Finally at the end of The Road to Eternity

What can I say?  Magnum were awesome.  Bob and the boys were in fine form, and it was nice to be able to see them up close.  The Robin 2 was a really good venue to see them in, and to be honest, I’m glad that I went to see them in Birmingham first, as I think the Robin would have spoilt things.

The crowd was almost on top of the band, and as it was all standing, it made for interesting viewing...

The set list was the usual mix of a few songs from the current album – Lost on the Road to Eternity:

With Bob being ably assisted on the vocal duties by Al, as Tobias wasn't with the guys for this tour..

They also played Show Me Your Hands – which the crowd certainly did!

There were also some songs that I wasn’t familiar with – including the opening song of the set – Wild Swan:

As well as others that I was slightly more familiar with – Sacred Blood “Divine” Lies

Then it was Crazy Old Mothers

There was also a fairly gentle ballad – Your Dreams Won’t Die

Then there was the one song that always makes me think of the television adaptation of The Handmaids Tale – Don’t Wake the Lion (Too Old to Die Young)

The one thing I can say is that Bob is very expressive when he’s on stage – a real showman – this was taken during Les Morts Dansant:

But the most popular song was the last one – The Spirit.  Simply because this came from the album that most of the fans consider one of the best – Chase the Dragon.  The very album that my partner kept on about, and was the album that introduced me to Magnum…

And I owe my partner an apology – he was right about the sound at the Symphony Hall.  Magnum sounded so much better here – it was almost as if the sound check had been done to suit the support act – not the main group.  But, as I said at the start – I’m glad that I saw them at the Symphony Hall first, otherwise I may have been disappointed by the sound.

Ah well, time to call this quits.  My poor little phone needs to be charged up – it’s making pathetic beeping noises at me.

Back soon...


To the spirit that guides you, follow it through
To the spirit inside you, always be true
You know you'll despair
If the spirit inside you is used without care

All noise, no melody.

Who the hell thought that Red Scar were a good support group for Magnum????  It's all noise and no melody.

And yes, I did have the misfortune to listen to them.


Getting deafened towards the end of the Road to Eternity

Guess who's not impressed

They say a picture says a thousand words.....


Still on The Road to Eternity

At the Robin 2

The support group are on. Red Scar. The only thing that they are doing is providing the bar staff with plenty of work - people are drinking in a vain attempt to disguise the racket.... 

It's all noise, and little melody. Not my choice of music by any stretch of the imagination.

Roll on Magnum!


Getting to the end of The Road to Eternity

Back on the Road to Eternity

Well, as I type this, I'm sitting in the Sir Henry Newbolt, with a double of Red Leg spiced rum, waiting for dinner to arrive. I've been a demon, and had the Ultimate  Burger with a can of Innis and Gunn Mango on the run UPA.

The gig kicks off at 7:30 (ok - doors open) and it should be a good night.

Time to call it quits - dinner had arrived.


Somewhere on the Road to Eternity