Walking in the Shadows

Random musings from Warwickshire on life in general... Things that make me laugh, make me cry, things that wind me up beyond all endurance - and everything in between.

Showing posts with label Social Distancing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Social Distancing. Show all posts

Enforced lock-down extension.....

Well, we have another three weeks of the so-called lock-down.  HM Government has said that there has been a decrease in the virus infections, but not enough to allow people to escape.

I’m lucky – I have the garden I can escape into, as it’s been beautiful weather.  If it had been cold and wet, then it would have been a very different kettle of fish – I’d have been going stir crazy.  And the best bit?  The cowslips in the paddock are in bloom, and putting on quite a little show.

Cowslips in the paddock

The funny thing is, we only planted a couple of plants - and they were the red and yellow ones - they obviously reverted over the past 20 or so years..  And spread.  Not that I am complaining, although I don't mind admitting that it does make mowing the grass a little difficult...

However, there is a drawback to the lock-down...  I haven't seen my partner for just over 5 weeks.  OK - that has happened before - it happened last year when I caught a nasty chest infection that flattened me, and meant that I spent more time asleep than anything else.  But at least we knew that when I was recovered (and fit enough to drive) we would see each other.

This time, we are (as I type this) both fit and healthy, and only apart due to the social distancing rules.  And all I can say is thank god for unlimited texts / minutes on my phone.  I know there is a reason for the separation, but it doesn't stop me missing him like hell.

Ah well, guess I should call it quits - my favorite Magnum song has started playing on my MP3 player...  Welcome to the Cosmic Cabaret.

Back whenever,


Hard game and the music's going nowhere
This room's getting smaller by the day
Some dog on the street, he just keeps howling
Welcome to the cosmic cabaret