Walking in the Shadows

Random musings from Warwickshire on life in general... Things that make me laugh, make me cry, things that wind me up beyond all endurance - and everything in between.

Showing posts with label Concerts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Concerts. Show all posts

Happiness is knowing....

That you've got the tickets for the concert that you wanted to go to.

Yes - I've managed it.  2 tickets for the Magnum concert on the 2nd March 2018 at Birmingham Town Hall.

To say I am a happy bunny is an understatement.  I really didn't expect to get the tickets as easily as I did, and I have told my partner that his ticket will be part of his birthday present.  I mean, what else can you get a fella?

He doesn't wear aftershave, and isn't into fashion, and getting gadgets is not a good idea, as he leaves anything slightly technical to me.  So, being able to get tickets to a group that he likes (and I have gotten into) is a bonus.

Ah well, guess I'd better get read to go back to work, but I'm really *not* in the mood.  Too damned happy.


Our dreams, won’t die
If you remember them each day
Sweet dreams, blue sky
They’re gonna take you all the way
I believe, in you, no lie
Your dreams, won’t die
Your dreams won’t die

Getting tickets

I know it's been a while since I posted anything, but things are still ticking along nicely for me.  My partner and I have made plans to do quite a bit together, and the one thing that I am trying to do is get concert tickets.

Specifically tickets for a UK rock group - Magnum.  Now I know that those few people who know me well will be surprised that I like this group, but since I've been with my partner, he's really opened my eyes (and my ears) to new music.

Ok - I knew the one Magnum track - "Start talking Love", but that was my limit.  Until he mentioned that he wanted to get an early album - Chase the Dragon.

So, me being me, decided to see what I could find, and ended up listening to the album...  And it made it to my MP3 player....  And then it sort of spiralled from there, as I ended up getting a copy of Storyteller's Night  - again, on my MP3 player.

But this time, it wasn't my partner that got me listening to it.  It was my godsprog - Amber.  She kept nagging me to listen to it (even lent the album to me so that I could listen to it - but not in the car, as  I don't have a CD player) and again, I was hooked.

So now, I'm trying to get the tickets for their new tour:  The Road to Eternity.

Murphy's law states that the tickets go on pre-sale this morning, but can I access them?  Can I hell.  So, I'll have to wait until tomorrow morning, and pray that I can get them.

Ah well, guess I should call this quits - it's nearly time for me to finish lunch.

Back when I get chance.


The miracle of love
Will take away your pain
When the miracle of love
Comes your way again.