Bloody hell. A date at last...
And the verdict is.......
Just had the call from the SWIMs team. The verdict is in - I have dodged the scalpel.
I'm to be put on the waiting list for the Lumbar radiculopathy aka Nerve root block / foraminal epidural injection as well as being referred to physiotherapy.
To say that I am relieved to avoid the surgery is an understatement. The GP has also prescribed me the recommended tablets for nerve pain, but has told me that there may be side effects (as in I may feel drowsy - so take it before I crawl into my pit) and that the tablets may cause me to throw up. If that happens, stop taking them and then call the surgery to see if there is a suitable alternative.
Equally, I have been told not to expect instant results. That wasn't something I had considered - as far as I am concerned, I need to give the tablets time to kick in and see if they work - if they don't then I can talk to the GP and get a revision of the doseage.. As in it may have to go higher from the inital 10mg...
Ah well,time to call this quits - I want to get back to my kindle.
Back when I get the inclination...
Waiting for the hospital appointment
- Physiotherapy
- Steroid injections in my back
- Surgery to shave the offending disc
Now I’ll tell you how I feel
I’m lost, feeling second-hand
Do you treasure what you steal?
Can you tell me where you stand?