Walking in the Shadows

Random musings from Warwickshire on life in general... Things that make me laugh, make me cry, things that wind me up beyond all endurance - and everything in between.

Showing posts with label Birthday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Birthday. Show all posts

Another year older.

Well, another birthday has been (and almost gone), and allegedly as you get older, you’re supposed to feel wiser. I certainly haven’t, so I think that myth has, in the infamous words of the MythBuster team “been well and truly busted”.

Today started on a surprising note for me. My alarm had gone off at 07:25, and I was doing my best to ignore it, when my phone rang. Now normally, I would ignore it, and go back to sleep.

But not for this call, because it was my beloved. The fact that he’d taken the time to call me (ok, it was 07:30) really started the day off with a smile. He sang “happy birthday” to me, and said that when we met up, he would give me my birthday hug when he saw me, but that he was sending me virtual hugs all day.

It was then time for me to crawl out of my pit and get ready for work, but I have to admit that it was with real reluctance that I got up as I was nice and warm in bed! As I had agreed to have my presents when I came home, as it would have meant a mad rush for me this morning, and I really cannot face that sort of thing!

Once into the playpen, it was quiet, and there were no decorations on my desk! Not that I am complaining – far from it. Mind you – this could be due to the fact that I have a habit of leaving my desk in such a way that it is almost impossible to decorate it without removing stuff that I need.

My beloved was true to form, and kept sending me silly pictures on my e-mail:

I have to admit, they had the desired effect and made me gin like the proverbial village idiot all day.

Once the working day was over, I escaped home and much to my amusement, Mum had left my presents on the sofa, along with my card. I opened the card, and it promptly started playing the theme to Shaun the Sheep! My presents were silly bits – the best one being a bottle of Captain Morgan’s spiced rum.

To be honest, it was a nice, gentle day, but as I type this, I can feel my eyes getting heavy, and I am ready to crawl into my pit, so I guess this is time to call this entry quits and head for bed.

Back tomorrow if I get the chance…


Now some things you hold on to - and some you just let go
Seems like the ones that you can't have
Are the ones that you want most

Getting old(er)

It's my birthday today, and I feel...  Well, ancient.  Aside from that, I'm in the playpen, and am not exactly delighted to be in, as I really felt like taking a so-called "duvet day" (a day when you're not sick - just can't be asked to come in to work)

But there was one bright spot when I got into the office and logged on to my e-mail.  My beloved had sent me a really sweet e-mail, with this picture attached to it:

That just about finished me off, as it was the last thing that I had expected, and nearly made me drop my mug - which would have really upset me, as it's a limited edition from Denby Pottery:


Ok - this mug is the Linen colour (mine's Imperial Blue) and holds a pint of liquid.  Admittedly, to some people, that's quite daunting but I' m quite used to it, and no-one else in the office would dare pick it up, as it's always seen on my desk.  That and the fact that it is rather heavy!

Ah well - guess I should be getting on with some w*rk, but I have got a severe case of TNFI...

Back later.


Now some things you hold on to - and some you just let go
Seems like the ones that you can't have
Are the ones that you want most

Getting ready to escape…

As I type this, I don’t mind admitting that I’m nervous. Why I have no idea, but I guess that it’s just me being slightly apprehensive – simply because I’m heading south to spend a few days with my daft hog riding friend and his family.

Thankfully, he’s been a real darling and sent me directions, so all I have to do is read them and follow them to the point where we’re supposed to meet up...

Aside from that, I gave Mum her birthday present last night, and I half expected her to lynch me as she realised what I’d bought her as soon as she saw the bag it was in (no – I didn’t wrap it up – I just about had time to draw breath on Wednesday, let alone get the peace and quiet to wrap the present up!)

What I’d bought her was a piece of studio glass – from the Okra glass factory. It was a one off piece made for B W Thornton in Stratford, and as soon as I saw it, I fell for it.

Ok – I knew that I would end up going there for Mum’s present, but I had no idea what to get her, and was totally open minded about what I got – the only limit being that I was unwilling to pay more that £200 for whatever I decided to get her.

Admittedly, £200 sounds an awful lot, but given that Dad and I had bought one piece for £350 (which is truly spectacular), I felt that it was a reasonable level to set. In the end, the piece was very reasonable - £60!

Mum was over the moon, and said that it was just the sort of thing that she would have bought, and that she knew as soon as she saw the bag what it was likely to be… I just neglected to tell her that I’d taken yesterday morning off to get it for her!

I also had to go back to Warwick hospital yesterday... I was due to see the sawbones about my shoulder (which is no better - more in a bit) and also got my ribs checked over. The ribs have healed, and I've been given the all clear to start riding again, as long as I wear my body armour!

However, the shoulder is still giving me serious grief, and I don't think I've done myself any favours by refusing the cortisone jab that the sawbones wanted to do yesterday.

The only reason that I refused was because I'm heading south today, and I have no intention of going to see a good friend when I'm in pain with my shoulder and suffering from the after effects of the cortisone jab. So, it's off to the hospital on July 6th to get the jab in the shoulder.

Until then, I'm going to have to grin and bear it, and hope that I'm not too bad tempered after the drive this afternoon...

Guess I should call this entry quits – I’m supposed to be working, not blogging!

Back when I get the chance.


Learning to fly, but I don't have wings

Another birthday, and another year older..

They say that as you get older, you're supposed to get wiser... I can disprove that theory, as I don't feel any damned different... If anything, I feel dafter than normal.

But, having said that, my partner has made a real fuss of me today, and has said that he will do everything that he can to make me feel brighter than I have for a while.

I guess the news that I need to have this MRI scan on my shoulder is really bothering me, and I don't mind admitting that I'm scared out of my tiny mind about it, especially as Mum is having trouble with the screws in her knee...

They're making a break for freedom, and I know damned well that the most important thing is for her to get that sorted out - my shoulder is just a painful inconvinence compared with that!

Suppose I'd better call this entry quits, as I'm supposed to be getting ready to go out to dinner...

Back when I get the chance.


I walk where others fear to tread

Another year, another birthday..

From all the fuss that is made about turning 30, you would expect to wake up feeling totally different - more mature somehow. But, the only thing that I feel this morning, is knackered! Simply because I got a 'phone call at 05:00 from some horrible person who shall remain nameless (you know who you are, as you read my blog!)

But, despite that, it has been a good start to the day, as I got to my desk, only to have found that my colleagues had decorated my desk with banners proclaiming my age! Thanks - as if I needed reminding. But, despite that, it was done in good humour and it's a nice touch.

There's also the tradition of bringing munchies into the office... I've obliged by a small box of Thorntons toffee, but as one of the girls is leaving tomorrow, we both said that it was pointless bringing in two lots of munchies on two consecutive days. So we're doing a double munch tomorrow - we're going to order 100 vegetable samosas from a local shop that will deliver to the office.

Time to call it quits - got 'phone calls to make.

Back later...


Do spiders scream when they see a big fat hairy human in the bath?