Today started on a surprising note for me. My alarm had gone off at 07:25, and I was doing my best to ignore it, when my phone rang. Now normally, I would ignore it, and go back to sleep.
But not for this call, because it was my beloved. The fact that he’d taken the time to call me (ok, it was 07:30) really started the day off with a smile. He sang “happy birthday” to me, and said that when we met up, he would give me my birthday hug when he saw me, but that he was sending me virtual hugs all day.
It was then time for me to crawl out of my pit and get ready for work, but I have to admit that it was with real reluctance that I got up as I was nice and warm in bed! As I had agreed to have my presents when I came home, as it would have meant a mad rush for me this morning, and I really cannot face that sort of thing!
Once into the playpen, it was quiet, and there were no decorations on my desk! Not that I am complaining – far from it. Mind you – this could be due to the fact that I have a habit of leaving my desk in such a way that it is almost impossible to decorate it without removing stuff that I need.
My beloved was true to form, and kept sending me silly pictures on my e-mail:
I have to admit, they had the desired effect and made me gin like the proverbial village idiot all day.
Once the working day was over, I escaped home and much to my amusement, Mum had left my presents on the sofa, along with my card. I opened the card, and it promptly started playing the theme to Shaun the Sheep! My presents were silly bits – the best one being a bottle of Captain Morgan’s spiced rum.
Back tomorrow if I get the chance…
Now some things you hold on to - and some you just let go
Seems like the ones that you can't have
Are the ones that you want most