Walking in the Shadows

Random musings from Warwickshire on life in general... Things that make me laugh, make me cry, things that wind me up beyond all endurance - and everything in between.

Showing posts with label Travel.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Travel.. Show all posts

Life never seems to go smoothly...

Well, this week has been somewhat of a roller-coaster for me. And for once, it's not my family that's suffering - it's a long standing friend of mine and Mum's who's suffering.

The lady had a stroke on Sunday, and her family is understandably devastated, especially when they get told that she won't be going home from hospital. I'm of the opinion that the lady is a tough ol' buzzard and that she'll pull though - and have said the same thing to her son, which made him laugh.

We (her son and I) are going to visit his Mum in hospital tomorrow night, and my other half has told me not to worry about going over to his place after I get back from the hospital, if I don't feel like I can face the drive over there, but he'll be on the end of a 'phone if I need to talk to someone.

On a positive note, my friend White Wolf is escaping to Ireland to start his new job with Apple in Cork. He leaves the UK shores tonight, and has said that he'll be out of contact for a while, whilst he gets himself settled in, and sees how the land lies...

So, in honor of his escape, I've been able to find this Irish joke....

Paddy the famous Irishman is driving home after downing a few at the local pub. He turns a corner and much to his horror he sees a tree in the middle of the road.

He swerves to avoid it and almost too late realizes that there is yet another tree directly in his path.

He swerves again and discovers that his drive home has turned into a slalom course, causing him to veer from side to side to avoid all the trees.

Moments later he hears the sound of a police siren and brings his car to a stop. The officer, approaches Paddy's car and asks him what on earth he was doing.

Paddy tells his story of the trees in the road when the officer stops him mid sentence and says,

"Fer Chris sakes, Paddy, that's yer air freshener!"

Suppose I should think about doing some w*rk, but I really have a case of TNFI....

Back when I get chance...


I walk where others fear to tread