Walking in the Shadows

Random musings from Warwickshire on life in general... Things that make me laugh, make me cry, things that wind me up beyond all endurance - and everything in between.

The verdict? A wheel bearing.

I've taken the monster to AJ Automatics and the verdict?

A bloody wheel bearing.  Not the gearbox torque converter as I feared.  The difference?  A repair bill of £250 instead of £2500.

Tony was a real gent and explained that the noise is coming from the driver’s side front, and apparently, the torque converter on the Monster is on the passenger side.  

He said that some garages would take advantage – tell me that they could sort the gearbox issue for £1000, then sort the wheel bearing.  Result? No noise and a large bill.

So, it’s back to Banbury Autos to get that sorted out.  Part of me wished that AJ Automatics were closer to home, but now I know where they are, it’s a garage to keep safe in case of gearbox emergency.

Ah well, time to call this quits – my kindle is calling me..  I’m nearly finished Ben Macintyre’s wonderful book – Operation Mincemeat.

Back when I get the inclination to put my kindle down...


When things never happen like you wanted
Dark nights always keep you in the shade
Some words would be better left unspoken
No joke there’s a price that must be paid

More problems with the car

I seem to be cursed when it comes to automatic gearboxes on a Peugeot. I know there are people who will say that this is one of the things that you expect when you drive a French car (excuse me – I know that German cars also get gearbox issues – the Porsche Tiptronic is far more temperamental than my EAT6), but unfortunately for me, I like my Peugeot.

So, I have taken the advise of the garage that told me I have an issue with the gearbox (they think it’s the torque converter at fault) and booked it into be looked at by a company in Aylesbury – AJ Automatics

Yes, I know it’s a way from home (just over 60 miles), but they are gearbox specialists. The only drawback is that I may “lose” the car for 2 weeks (I’ll use two weeks holiday to get this sorted – not fair to ask Mum to bring me to Banbury every day). But if they can get my little monster back on the road, I will be more than happy.  

The only thing I am not looking forward to is finding out how much this is going to cost me. But I know one thing – I doubt very much if it will be as expensive as taking it to the local Peugeot stealership here in Banbury. 

And there is no way on this earth I would let *them* near the monster again – especially after the mess they made of the poor little thing in September….

Ah well, time to call this quits – I’m coming to the end of my lunchbreak and the playpen is calling.

Back when I get chance


When things never happen like you wanted
Dark nights always keep you in the shade
Some words would be better left unspoken
No joke there's a price that must be paid