Walking in the Shadows

Random musings from Warwickshire on life in general... Things that make me laugh, make me cry, things that wind me up beyond all endurance - and everything in between.

More problems with the car

I seem to be cursed when it comes to automatic gearboxes on a Peugeot. I know there are people who will say that this is one of the things that you expect when you drive a French car (excuse me – I know that German cars also get gearbox issues – the Porsche Tiptronic is far more temperamental than my EAT6), but unfortunately for me, I like my Peugeot.

So, I have taken the advise of the garage that told me I have an issue with the gearbox (they think it’s the torque converter at fault) and booked it into be looked at by a company in Aylesbury – AJ Automatics

Yes, I know it’s a way from home (just over 60 miles), but they are gearbox specialists. The only drawback is that I may “lose” the car for 2 weeks (I’ll use two weeks holiday to get this sorted – not fair to ask Mum to bring me to Banbury every day). But if they can get my little monster back on the road, I will be more than happy.  

The only thing I am not looking forward to is finding out how much this is going to cost me. But I know one thing – I doubt very much if it will be as expensive as taking it to the local Peugeot stealership here in Banbury. 

And there is no way on this earth I would let *them* near the monster again – especially after the mess they made of the poor little thing in September….

Ah well, time to call this quits – I’m coming to the end of my lunchbreak and the playpen is calling.

Back when I get chance


When things never happen like you wanted
Dark nights always keep you in the shade
Some words would be better left unspoken
No joke there's a price that must be paid