Walking in the Shadows

Random musings from Warwickshire on life in general... Things that make me laugh, make me cry, things that wind me up beyond all endurance - and everything in between.

Happiness is knowing....

That you've got the tickets for the concert that you wanted to go to.

Yes - I've managed it.  2 tickets for the Magnum concert on the 2nd March 2018 at Birmingham Town Hall.

To say I am a happy bunny is an understatement.  I really didn't expect to get the tickets as easily as I did, and I have told my partner that his ticket will be part of his birthday present.  I mean, what else can you get a fella?

He doesn't wear aftershave, and isn't into fashion, and getting gadgets is not a good idea, as he leaves anything slightly technical to me.  So, being able to get tickets to a group that he likes (and I have gotten into) is a bonus.

Ah well, guess I'd better get read to go back to work, but I'm really *not* in the mood.  Too damned happy.


Our dreams, won’t die
If you remember them each day
Sweet dreams, blue sky
They’re gonna take you all the way
I believe, in you, no lie
Your dreams, won’t die
Your dreams won’t die