Walking in the Shadows

Random musings from Warwickshire on life in general... Things that make me laugh, make me cry, things that wind me up beyond all endurance - and everything in between.

Ever felt like..............

Strangling someone? Well, I'm having one of those moments. It's one of those cases where I got caught a real blinder by a customer.... Because the guy he usually speaks to is on holiday, he decided to call me in the office...

Thanks. What I know about this guy's accounts, you can carve painlessly on my small fingernail, and still have room to spare. So, it was a case of the blind leading the blind clueless (me being blind clueless!)

Thankfully, I was able to get some help - even if it was a case of swallowing my pride a little bit... Simply because it was my partner who's help I was asking for! He said the he would help me out, as I'd admitted that I hadn't got the foggiest how to deal with the query...

I know damned well when I see him tonight, he's going to be making the most of the fact that I had to ask for help, but I'll accept the gentle ribbing that he'll give me tonight...

But that's not the only thing that's caught me on the hop in the past 24 hours.... My best mate called me last night, and as I was a bit dopey (I'd taken some pain killers to stop my shoulder hurting me), it took me a few minutes to guess what he was talking about...

"What's the one thing that I said I would never do?"

Me being dopey, couldn't exactly recall, as there were two things that he said he'd never do - one of them was get married again, and the other was cheat on his partner....

I said it was get married.. And boy was I wrong. It turned out that he's cheated on his partner. And it gets better. It was with his brother's ex-girlfriend.

He said that he needed to speak to someone (namely me) who could give him a few sensible answers, and wouldn't fly off the handle at him.

To be honest, I was too dopey to do anything apart from call him "a muppet", and ask him if he wanted to split up with his partner. The reply was something that I didn't expect...

"I love xxxx to bits, but the trouble is, I can see me and yyyy having a future together... I guess that I've not really been settled since xxxx dumped me via text a few weeks ago, and then got back with me..."

That's all very well, but the trouble that it would cause between him and his brother is not something that I wish to contemplate - as his brother has an explosive temper, and my friend has said this lass is not worth all the hassle that it would cause him...

He said that he would call me tonight, and sit and talk with me, as he needed me to be my normal objective self to help him get his head 'round a few things...

At the end of the day, it's his decision - all I can do is provide a friendly (or not so friendly) ear to bend...

Suppose I should think about doing some w*rk, but I'm suffering from terminal TNFI.....

Back later, if I get the chance.


I walk where others fear to tread