Walking in the Shadows

Random musings from Warwickshire on life in general... Things that make me laugh, make me cry, things that wind me up beyond all endurance - and everything in between.

After the rush...

Talk about coming back down to earth with a bump. My landing this morning wasn’t so much of a bump, as the sort of impact that leaves a 20 feet deep crater in the ground.

But, thankfully, my friend was back in contact with me, and even apologised for being too forward with me!

Tying to explain that if I’d felt uneasy with the contact, he’d have known about it, is not really the easiest thing to do via e-mail, but given the fact that we were both at work, and our lunch breaks don’t coincide, it was the best that I could do.

I guess that I must have gotten the wording right, as he said that he’d really enjoyed himself yesterday, and wanted to meet up with me again! To be honest, I was a little bit surprised, and said that the next time we met up; it would be my turn to travel, as it was only fair.

Aside from that bright point, today was the sort of day that I could have cheerfully done without – as nothing appeared to go right, and I seemed to get dragged down into whatever mire I was trying to escape from.

Thankfully, 17:00 came fairly fast as I was busy, and I was only too glad to get out of the office. Normally, I’m willing to stay a little bit after 17:00, and normally don’t leave until about 17:15…

However, this evening, I was out of the office by 17:10 and on the road to my other half’s home (where I’m updating my blog from!)

Time to call this entry quits – I’m getting tired, and I need to get some rest, as I was too wired to sleep last night…

Must have been something to do with the company I was keeping yesterday!

Back tomorrow, if I get chance…

I walk where others fear to tread

What a rush!

Well, this weekend has been a real blast from start to finish. Yesterday, I spent the day in the Malvern Hills, with my friends Carole & Rachel, and my god-sprog, Amber.

We’d decided to go trekking in the hills, and had taken the three horses and Kipper – Amber’s pony. Carole’s husband, her youngest daughter Elian and my other half elected to stay with the transporter, as the three of them couldn’t ride, and the two fellas wanted to listen to the rugby.

The ride itself was just what I needed – even if I couldn’t do what I really wanted – and that was give Flame her head, and gallop off into the wilderness.

But, I understood the reasons behind it – we have an unwritten agreement that none of us goes out of sight / earshot of the others, in case there’s a problem that requires the others to assist or in the worst case scenario, go for help.

The funniest part of the day was when Amber decided that she’d had enough of riding Kipper, and demanded to be allowed to ride Flame. Under normal circumstances, I wouldn’t have had any problems with that at all.

This time, it was a little different, as I was worried in case something spooked Flame, and she bolted with Amber on her. But, being a typical three-year-old, she gave me no peace until she got her own way, and I lifted her up onto Flame’s back.

Once she was on Flame, I went to take the reins over Flame’s head, so that I could lead her, only for Amber to insist that she was going to hold on to them instead!

Thankfully, I’d had the foresight to take a lead rein with me, which was clipped to my belt. I un-clipped the rein, and attached it to Flame’s bridle, and led Flame along the path, with Kipper trotting alongside me, as I was holding her reins!

All I can say is thank goodness that Kipper didn’t decide to play up; otherwise I’d have been in real trouble! But I guess the mere fact that I kept her well bribed helped...

Now onto today. Today was a matter altogether, as I was meeting a friend of mine in Stratford-upon-Avon, and I don’t mind admitting I was quite apprehensive.

Simply because this was the first time that I’d actually met this fella in person. Ok – I guess I’d better explain what I mean. This person (who shall remain nameless until he says I can name him in my blog) and I have spoken and e-mailed all sorts of silly jokes, shared personal information about ourselves, but never managed to meet face to face.

At first, he seemed to be a little guarded, but thankfully soon began to relax, and make me laugh with his silly jokes / antics. I soon came to the conclusion that he’s as daft as a brush, and has a real heart of gold.

As he wasn’t familiar with Stratford, I decided to do the tourist-guide bit and show him the sights (and avoid the tourist traps!) But there was one place that I knew he’d enjoy visiting – The Garrick Inn. It’s one of the oldest pubs in Stratford, and does some really good real ales – something that we both have a weakness for!

We also went Hog spotting. Ok - I’d better elaborate on that. My friend is a Harley Davidson fanatic. (He has one himself, so that’s the reason he was doing his best to educate me about Hogs…)

We also watched an entertainer by the riverside, and we were only able to catch the end of his act… He’d got three batons – two were unlit, and the third was lit.

He was planning the put the batons down his trousers, and was making jokes that it was usually at that point where he hoped that some beautiful single female would come rushing up to him, begging him not to do it… Not my friend.

He stood behind me, and yelled “Go on Steve – do it!” I don’t mind admitting that I was laughing, as I was thinking the same thing, but just lacked the courage to yell anything.

So, this fella, Steve, went through with the show. Down went the batons – both the unlit batons and the lit one! I was quite impressed, and my friend muttered something about “bloody crazy northerners!”

As the afternoon drew to a close, we started to walk back to my car, as my friend was parked the other end of the town, and I wasn’t unkind enough to make the poor guy walk though an unfamiliar town to find his car.

As we walked, I felt his arm go around my shoulders, and will admit to being a little bit surprised! When I remarked on it, he quickly took his arm from ‘round me, and looked like a puppy dog that had been told off for playing with its favourite chew toy!

I will admit, I hated seeing the look of hurt in his eyes, and made sure that he knew I wasn’t worried about him putting his arm around me – all my instincts were telling me that I could trust him.

So, I decided to return the favour, and slipped my arm around him, and snuggled up to him, making damned sure that he knew that I was comfortable with the contact.

I dropped him off at his car, and as he wasn’t quite sure how to get to the M40 motorway from Stratford, I said that the best thing he could do, would be to follow me, as I was going to be heading towards the M40 myself.

Before he got into his car, he gave me a kiss and a cuddle! I didn’t object in the slightest, and gave him a cuddle of my own before we parted, having made him promise that he would let me know he was home safely.

To be honest, if things were different (i.e. we were both single and lived closer to each other) I would seriously consider asking him out. But, as we’re both attached, and live miles away from each other, I’ll settle for having a damned good friend that I know I can turn to when times get too rough, and I feel like I’m going to break.

Time to call this entry quits – I’ve got bits and pieces to do before I retreat into my pit.

Back tomorrow, if I get chance.


I walk where others fear to tread

Things that go “crunch” in the night (or on the car)

Driving home from Leek Wooten at about 02:00 last night, I heard this horrible crunch, and realised that I'd hit something. When you're doing about 80mph, there isn't going to be much left of whatever got hit...

So, I managed to stop in a safe place. Ok. I'll re-phase that. A place that's as safe as anywhere for a lone female at 02:00. Only see the remains of a rabbit splattered on the front air-dam of the car.

Great. Just what I didn't need. A bill for £400 plus, for a new air-dam from Arbury Peugeot, or a claim on my car insurance. So, muttering darkly, I got back into the car, and drove the rest of the way home.

I didn't mention the fact that I'd had an impact on the car to Mum; otherwise she would have fussed about me, making sure I was ok. I was - I was more annoyed with myself for forgetting that the road I was travelling on was well known for being a rabbit playground.

So, I got into work, and started talking with colleagues about things, and then let it slip that I thought I'd damaged the air-dam on the car...

"Why don't you get your fella to have a look at it, Kaz?" asked my line-manager.

That was the worst thing that he could have said to me. Ok - I know that he didn't mean that I wasn't capable of sorting the car, but I felt that it implied that I was a typical ditzy female that didn't know one end of a fibre-glass patch from another.

I politely pointed out that it was rather difficult, as he was in one location, and I was in another. Thankfully, my line-manager didn't take offence, and offered to take a look at the damage himself.

That was too good an opportunity to resist I knew what a mess there was on the air-dam, and decided that me being the rotten little b'stard that I can be, the best thing I could do would be to keep quiet.

Needless to say, when he got down on his hands and knees at the front of the car, the picture was a real "Kodak" moment. He went very pale, and muttered something about me having a very twisted sense of humour.

He looked a little shaky when he stood up, but said that I'd avoided damaging the air-dam - it was nothing that a good wash and brush wouldn't cure.

I don't know how I managed to avoid laughing, but to be honest, I was grateful that he'd confirmed that the car was in one piece, as I was not looking forward to having to contact the insurance company, and tell them that I'd damaged the car doing 80mph on a 60mph limit road, because I was desperate to get home and get some sleep!

Time to call this quits - I don't really want to push my luck any more today!

Back when I get a chance to think straight!


I walk where others fear to tread

One year on, and things still hurt.

It’s been a year and a day since Dad died, and it still hurts like hell. And to make matters worse, my best mate called me yesterday morning to say that his Dad had been rushed into hospital with a heart attack.

That nearly broke me in the morning, and I will admit to being rather subdued at work, which did make people wonder if I was ok, but those that work with me knew the reason for me being subdued.

I will admit, I was glad that he called me, as I was supposed to be going over to see him and his family last night, and he said that the last thing he wanted was for me to walk straight into the mess.

Time to call this entry quits - I'm too emotionally challenged to be able to think straight.

Back when my mind and emotional state allow.


I walk where others fear to tread

Its funny how life turns around....

I know that I've not posted for a while, but to be honest, my life has been a little too manic for me to even think about going near a computer after I finish work, and I don't seem to get the time to post whilst I'm at my desk.

So, I guess that now's as good a time as any to bring this blog up to-date. I've had the cortisone jab in my shoulder, and as I type this entry, I'm beginning to wonder if I've made the right decision.

Simply because the shoulder doesn't seem any easier, and just to add insult to the injury, my damned arm has swollen up, making it near impossible to wear my watch and my normal ring on my right hand.

But, I'm willing to give this shot chance to work, simply because I don't want to go and see a saw-bones, as I know that it will mean a substantial lay-off from the things that I enjoy doing - including the horse-riding!

Horse-riding.... That was the reason I used to sign off on my last blog entry. I will admit, it was break that I really needed, and in a way, all it did was re-affirm the bond that I have with my partner, who has been a tower of strength to me, whilst I try to get to grips with things.

But, I’ve always said that this time of year is not good for me at all, as it’s nearly a year since Dad died. And to make matters worse, my feelings for someone are getting stronger.

I know this sounds crazy, especially when I love my partner so much, but this other person makes me laugh, and seems to have the knack of bringing me out of whatever funk I’m in, by aiming some silly comment or joke in my direction.

In some ways, I get the feeling that it’s a case of familiarity breeds contempt – especially where my partner is concerned. We’ve been together since Christmas, and he’s been a real help, when I’ve hit a few rough patches. Now, I feel like I’m betraying him – emotionally, at least, by having feelings for this other person.

So, I guess that the only thing I can do, is carry on what I’ve been doing – and that’s hiding my emotions, never letting on how I feel about this person, and praying that no-one realises the conflict that’s raging inside me.

Time to call this entry quits - I'm supposed to be getting ready to go out to dinner with my partner.

Back tomorrow, if I get the chance.


I walk where others fear to tread

Getting fustrated, but not for too long..

I know that I was told by my line manager that my new role would be challenging to me, but there have been a couple of occasions this week where I've come very close to telling him that he could find some other mug to look after this one damned account.

I mean, this particular account has caused me more grief in the last four weeks, than any of the others managed in six months. But, I'm determined that this bunch will not beat me, and I'll win them over if it's the last thing I do!

But, I guess that I'm lucky enough to have a partner who understands why I'm in an evil temper when I go straight over to his place, after work, and who does his best to make me laugh, by telling me silly stories and jokes, like this gem:

From the State where drunk driving is considered a sport, comes a true story from the Sunshine Coast, Queensland.

Recently a routine police patrol parked outside a local neighborhood tavern. Late in the evening the officer noticed a man leaving the bar so intoxicated that he could barely walk. The man stumbled around the car park for a few minutes, with the officer quietly observing.

After what seemed an eternity and trying his keys on five vehicles, the man managed to find his car which he fell into. He was there for a few minutes as a number of other patrons left the bar and drove off. He finally started the car, switched the wipers on and off (it was a fine dry night), flicked the indicators on, then off, tooted the horn and then switched on the lights. He moved the vehicle forward a few inches, reversed a little and then remained stationary for a few more minutes as some more vehicles left.

At last he pulled out of the car park and started to drive slowly down the road. The police officer, having patiently waited all this time, now started up the patrol car, put on the flashing lights, promptly pulled the man over and carried out a breathalyser test.

To his amazement the breathalyser indicated no evidence of the man having consumed alcohol at all! Dumbfounded, the officer said "I'll have to ask you to accompany me to the Police station this breathalyser equipment must be broken."

"I doubt it," said the man, "tonight I'm the designated decoy..."

True story (allegedly!)

Time to call it quits - I can her my other half calling me, to say that dinner's ready.

I don't know when I'll next be able to update my blog, as I'm off to the Peak District on Friday night, on a trekking break with Rachel and a friend of ours, and won't be back until Sunday night.

Back when I get the chance...


I walk where others fear to tread

A shot in the shoulder

I've been to my doctor this morning, and been told that the next step isn't for me to see a saw-bones. (Thank God - I hate having to go to Warwick hospital - for obvious reasons!) Instead, I'm to have a cortisone jab in the joint, in an effort to reduce the inflammation, then go back to the sadist (sorry - I mean physiotherapist!) to get things moving again.

There is, however, one drawback to this jab... The last time I had a cortisone jab, I went and passed out, and gave the doctor quite a fright. But the main thing, is the fact that Mum's on the late shift so that it means that I can get a lift with her to the doctor's, have the jab, and then get a lift into work...

However, I've also got to go to a meeting in Winchester the following day, and I'm not looking forward to that at all. Still, I can always explain an evil mood by saying that I'm in pain with my shoulder, and from what the doctor has said, I'll be in a sling for a couple of days! So, guess what - I'm going to be playing the sympathy vote for all I'm damned well worth!

I know that it's not normally the sort of trick I pull, but given how I feel about this meeting it's just what I'm going to do.

Time to call this entry quits - I'm off to Birmingham to see Amber.

Back when I get chance.

I walk where others fear to tread

Eight legged fiends....

Well, the engineer has been out to sort the problem with the alarm. It turns out that the moggies weren't responsible at all - it was a spider walking across the sensor!

A few years ago, we'd had the sensors sealed against eight-legged invaders, but it looks like the damned things needed re-doing. The one sensor had quite a few webs in it, and a couple of small spiders that had taken up residence there.

Needless to say, Mum and I were not very impressed, as Ponto is supposed to be the moggy with the hair-trigger appetite - and he's got a thing for eating spiders. Revolting hairball!

Still, at least I know what I can do to prevent this from hopefully happening again - just make sure that there are no eight-legged fiends near the sensors!

Time to call this entry quits - I'm off to watch the Spanish GP on ITV...

Back later, if I get chance.


I walk where others fear to tread

Another early start...

Just what Mum didn't need. I'd been out horse riding this morning. (I left the house at 05:30 and got back just after 07:00.) I set the alarm and went upstairs to sort out some files on the computer off line when the damned alarm went off!

I shot downstairs and turned the thing off and cursed whatever caused it to go off. There was no sign of anything that could have caused it - not even one of the cats as they were both in the study with me. (I think Ponto was under the impression that if he looked appealingly enough at me, I might feed him. Think again cat!)

Thankfully, Mum and I sound identical on the 'phone so once I'd turned the alarm off and reassured Mum that it was nothing to worry about, I called the service centre who said that an engineer would be out by 10:00 this morning.

Great. It's a good thing that I wasn't planning on doing anything today, otherwise I would have been well and truly screwed.

Under normal circumstances, this wouldn't have been a problem as Mum was supposed to be working this weekend. But, as she's been signed off by the doctor with inflamed cartilage in the right knee, she was asleep - or at least she was until the alarm went off!

So, because Mum's been signed off, she's been at home the past few days,, and has been told by the doctor that she's to do as little as possible, and rest with her feet up - which means no gardening - much to Mum's disgust!

But, I guess there is a positive side to me sitting here on the computer… It gives me chance to assess the perfume I tried yesterday in Stratford. It’s Dior’s new fragrance – Addict 2.

I will admit, when I first tried it, I thought it was a little too sweet smelling, but as it’s warmed up and adapted to my skin acidity, it’s really nice. Think I might drop a hint to the other half about getting me some, otherwise I’ll just go and get it myself!

Time to call this quits – I want to get the washing knocked off this morning.

Back later.


I walk where others fear to tread.

It never rains but it pours....

And I guess that this blog entry sums up how I'm feeling at this moment in time. I had a missed call on my 'phone this morning, and because I was up to my eyeballs in work, I didn't get chance to check who it was from until lunchtime.

The missed call was from my best mate, and I sent him a text, to see how he was... He called me back, and dropped the bombshell on me: his Mum's got kidney cancer. He's had to cut short his holiday, as he said that the last thing he wanted, was to be on holiday, knowing that his Mum's seriously ill.

I will admit, I was stunned, and asked him to let me know how his mum was when he got home. He agreed, and said that the reason he called me, was because he knew how close I was to his Mum and Dad.

That's quite true - they welcomed me with open arms when I started seeing him, and when we split up, berated him for being a fool for calling it quits with me. But, when I lost Dad, his family welcomed me with open arms, and really helped me though a very difficult time.

Suppose I should call this quits - I'm supposed to be working.

Back when I get chance.


I walk where others fear to tread

Things are looking up!

Guess I must be doing something right after all... I've had my review, and to say that I was stunned by the review was an understatement.

It was really good, and it turns out that the powers that be at my company have noticed my "can do" attitude, and are making comments in meetings that my line manager attends. So, needless to say, he's really pleased with the way that I've coped with being thrown in at the deep end.

I did admit to getting home a couple of times, and throwing things across the living room (causing both moggies to run for cover!) and he laughed, and said that it proved that I was getting challenged by my job.

Damned right I am, but to be honest, I don't object to that, as I'm the sort of person that needs a challenge to keep myself on top of the game, and stop myself getting bored.

But, after my review, whilst I was trying to get my feet back on the ground, I started thinking... And I realised what was different about this job. It's because I like the people I work with, and the attitude that the company takes with its staff. And, because of that, I'm willing to pull out all the stops to give the company 110% - especially as my colleagues have been really supportive over the past year or so....

And I've really needed that support - especially just recently. My god-daughter, Amber, is currently in Birmingham Children's Hospital, having undergone major heart surgery to replace two of the valves in her heart, and I've been spending every evening at her bedside.

It breaks my heart to see the little munchkin all wired up, but as she was asking for her teddy today, I know that she's on the road to recovery.

Guess I should call this entry quits - got bits to do before I head for Birmingham...

Back tomorrow.


I walk where others fear to tread

Talk about an adrenaline bounce!

I completed the point-to-point with Flame, and the little beauty (ok - not so little - she's 17hh!) made it round the course - all 3 1/2 miles of it!

We did really well - out of a field of 30 competitors, we came 5th! Not bad going, when you consider that Flame's only a 5-year old - which means that she's still only a baby in horse terms!

The best bit was the fact that my other half was there to see me off, and from what my friend was saying, he could barely watch the race, as he was terrified I'd injure myself.

Ok - there's a good reason for him being worried, as the last time I rode the course, I ended up in hospital with concussion as my horse had accidentally kicked my head (which was protected by a very good riding hat - the only thing that prevented a more serious injury!)

But, once he realised that I was back safe and sound with Flame, he was the first one to cuddle me, and helped me cool Flame down after the race. Even Amber wanted to help out, and was as proud as anything, leading Flame around slowly, and looking for all the world like my minature groom!

The only thing that worried me was the fact that Amber didn't look too well, and I asked her mum if she was ok... It turns out that the poor little kid has to go into hospital next week for major heart surgery.

I knew that Amber hadn't been very well, and will admit to being a little miffed that her Mum hadn't told me how ill Amber was. But, given the fact that Carole (Amber's mum) pointed out that I'd got enough on my plate, I was willing to let things rest...

Suppose I should call this entry quits - I'm off out to celebrate!

Back tomorrow - hangover permitting!


Don't let the b'stards get you down

Still in pain

I must have been a real b'stard in a previous existence, if the pain my shoulder is anything to go by. I've made an appointment with the doctor, and hopefully, I'll get myself referred to a saw bones to get this damned shoulder sorted out.

I think I know the reason why my shoulder is so painful: - Ponto (the furry thug) was asleep on my shoulder when my alarm went off this morning, and I think that he must have put his full weight (about 1.5kg) on my shoulder joint.

On top of that, the ungratefully moggy bit me, because I had the nerve to move the little thug, so I could get up! So needless, to say, today has not been a good day for me.

That and the fact that I've got to attend another meeting on Wednesday afternoon, to review my progress. The company is a great believer in keeping tabs on your progress, and giving you things that you need to aim for.

Don't get me wrong - I'm not worried - much. But, I know from past experience that if there was a major problem, I would have been spoken to before now, so it's probably going to be a case of setting new aims / targets for the next few months, as well as talking though any issues that may have arisen that haven't already been discussed.

Hmm - don't really want to blot my copy book by getting caught blogging...

Back later, if I get the chance.


Don't let the b'stards get you down

The mother of all jumbos!

IT FLIES!!!! The Airbus A380 flies!!! To be honest, I will admit to feelings of sorrow and loss as I watched this new aircraft take to the skies on BBC News 24. Simply because this is the first new airbus launch that I've missed seeing from Toulouse airport.

How did I manage to watch all the other test flights? Simple. Dad used to take me to watch the test flights, because he knew that it was something that I was (and still am) very interested in.

Ok - I will admit Dad had a professional reason for being at the test flight - he was going to be the one working with the aircraft, but for me, it was a chance to see a new aircraft, and learn more about Dad's job.

But, whilst I was allegedly doing some work, I've managed to find the offical Airbus website. It's got some stunning images, and is well worth a look: http://www.airbus.com/A380/seeing/indexminisite.aspx

Hmm, guess I should call time on this entry for today - I know I appear to have a charmed life at times, but I don't really want to push my luck too far...

Back when I get chance.


Don't let the b'stards get you down

Getting fed up with the kid glove treatment

I know this sounds crazy, but I’m getting more than a little fed up with people treating me like I’m made of china.

People may find this rather trivial, but to me, at this moment in time, it’s a real irritation to me, and I can’t see a way of stopping people without causing major offence.

One of the worst offenders (if I can call him that!) is my line manger. Ok – he’s seen me when I’ve been very close to breaking point, and has seen me coming into the office in tears, because I’d visited the crem at lunchtime.

Admittedly, that’s probably the reason he treats me with kid gloves, but there are times that I find it incredibly annoying, and I know damned well that if I did say anything to him, he would be really hurt.

But, I guess that it's just something that I'm going to have to put up with - especially as it's nearly a year since I lost Dad, and I guess that the façade that I present to the world is starting to crack a little - and if that's the case, then I'm scared.

Simply because I obviously thought I was stronger than this, and am too damned stubborn to admit that this impending anniversary is going to hurt like hell.

Guess I should call this entry quits - I'm supposed to be doing some work!

Back later, if I get the chance.


Don't let the b'stards get you down

Just a little something that made me smile...

There's something to be said about working in an office like mine... You get all sorts of weird and wonderful things sent into your inbox - this one being the latest in a long line that has been floating around...

A woman was very distraught over the fact that she had not had a date or any sex for over 5 years. She was afraid she might have something wrong with her, so she decided to seek the medical expertise of a well known Chinese sex therapist called Dr Chang.

Upon entering the examination room, Dr Chang said "OK, take off all your crose." The woman did as she was told."Now get down and craw reery, reery fass to odderside of room"

Again the woman did as she was instructed. Dr Chang then said "OK, now craw reery, reery fass back to me"

As she did Dr Chang shook his head slowly, "Your probrem vewy bad. You have Ed Zachary disease. Wurse case I ever see. Dat why you not haf sex or dates."

The woman said anxiously "Oh my God, Dr Chang what on earth is Ed Zachary disease?"

Dr Chang sighed deeply and replied "Ed Zachary disease is when your face look Ed Zachary like your arse."

Time to call this entry quits - I'm supposed to be working. Well, that's the theory, anyway!

Back when I get chance.


Don't let the b'stards get you down

Early Darwin award nominee

Sorry - I couldn't resist this one!!

The following mind-boggling attempt at a crime spree in Washington USA appeared to be the robber's first (and last), due to his lack of a previous record of violence, and his terminally stupid choices:

1. His target was H&J Leather & Firearms. A gun shop specializing in hand guns.

2. An armed security guard courteously opened the door to let the would-be robber into the store.

3. The shop was full of customers - firearms customers.

4. To enter the shop, the robber had to step around a marked police patrol car parked at the front door.

5. A uniformed police officer was standing at the counter, having coffeebefore work. Upon seeing the officer, the would-be robber announced a hold-up, and fired a few wild shots from a .22 target pistol. The officer and a clerk promptly returned fire, the police officer with a 9mm Glock 17, the clerk with a .50 Desert Eagle, assisted by several customers who also drew their guns, several of whom also fired. The robber was pronounced dead at the scene by paramedics.

Crime scene investigators located 47 expended cartridge cases in the shop. The subsequent autopsy revealed 23 gunshot wounds. Ballistics identified rounds from 7 different weapons. No one else was hurt in the exchange of fire.

Here we are only in April and we already may have the 2005 winner of the Darwin Award. This guy is going to be hard to beat!

Time to do some work...

Back when I get peace and quiet!


Don't let the b'stards get you down

Listening to my soul

I know this sounds crazy, but as I'm playing around on my computer at home, I'm using my Windows media player to play some of the music that I've got stored as MP3 files on my hard drive..

One of them is Muse - Sing for Absolution

Lips are turning blue
A kiss that can't renew
I only dream of you
My beautiful

Tiptoe to your room
A starlight in the gloom
I only dream of you
And you never knew

Sing for absolution
I will be singing
Falling from your grace

There's nowhere left to hide
In no one to confide
The truth runs deep inside
And will never die

Lips are turning blue
A kiss that can't renew
I only dream of you
My beautiful

Sing for absolution
I will be singing
Falling from your grace

Sing for absolution
I will be singing
Falling from your grace

I won't remain unrectified

And our souls won't be absolved
I guess that in a way, this song sums up how I feel about someone. Don't get me wrong - I love my partner dearly, but this other person really brightens up my day, and always seems to have the knack of making me smile or laugh when I'm feeling low, or I feel like I'm going to burst into tears.

I know that people will be trying to guess who I mean, but that remains within my soul, as I have no intention of making a fool of myself or the other person - whom I respect as a person, as well as caring for them.

Time to call this entry quits - I'm supposed to be going out with my other half tonight.

Back tomorrow - if I get chance!


Don't let the b'stards get you down

Just a quick joke

There have been countless Michael Jackson jokes floating around, and so far, none have them have been particularly funny.... But this one, I felt broke the mould! And all I can say is don't blame me - this was sent to me!!

I got a new car radio last week - voice activated - and it is terrific.

If I say "Rock" it plays rock and roll.

If I say "Rap" it plays rap.

If I say "Love" it plays love songs.

Then, three kids ran out in front of the car and I said "Fu*king kids!"

And it played Michael Jackson !!

Time to call this entry quits - I'm supposed to be working!

Back later, if I get chance.


Don't let the b'stards get you down

Getting fed up

Ever had one of those days when all you want to do is tell the world to go screw itself? Well I'm having one. To be honest, I'm more than a little fed up, as people seem intent on screaming blue murder about things that I deal with to other people, but don't have the decency to speak to me.

I know I was warned about this happening, but it still irritates the hell out of me - in fact, this person would make the perfect laxative - because they irritate the sh*t out of me!

Aside from that, I've been told that I'm going to have to attend a meeting with this person - knowing full well that they've tried to stab me in the back, and will be all sweetness and light to my face. But, I can live with that, as I'm perfectly aware of this person's nature, and won't be dumb enough to get suckered in, and let something slip that I may regret later on.

On a different note, things are really looking up for me at this moment in time, on a personal front at least! My other half has said that he wants to go on holiday with me to the West Country in July!

I will admit, I was speechless, and when I finally regained the power of speech, I said that I would be delighted to go. He's said that he wants to take me to the Eden Project at St Austell - I didn't like to tell him that I've already been there with Mum and Dad a couple of years ago!

Hopefully, I'll be fit enough to climb the steps to the top of the tropical bio-dome this time, as when I was there a couple of years ago, I'd damaged my knee, and that meant that I wasn't fit enough to scarper up the top of the waterfall. Mind you, I wasn't even fit enough to walk 'round the bio-domes!

Suppose I ought to look like I'm working instead of blogging...

Back when I get chance.


Don't let the b'stards get you down

After the Physio….

Well, I’ve reached the magic sixth session of physio. Why do I say the magic sixth session? Simple. It’s apparently the number of sessions that usually mean that the treatment has made a marked improvement in the injury. The physio and I have come to the decision that I need to be referred to a saw bones.

Admittedly, the shoulder has improved dramatically – i.e. I can use the arm reasonably normally. Even if I do still get this very disconcerting “crunching” when I move the arm in a certain way!

I’ve been advised to leave it a month before I go and see my GP to get the referral, and then all I’ll have to do is wait and see what the outcome is.

Hopefully, I won’t need surgery, as I’ve said in previous posts, surgery would mean no fun for a minimum of 6 – 8 weeks, and I’ve only just started to get things going right in my life – not to mention starting to play with the Pug on track days…

Suppose I’d better call this entry quits – I promised that I would go and see my god-sprog tonight, and read her a bed-time story to get the little munchkin settled down.

Back tomorrow, if I get chance.


Don't let the b'stards get you down

Trying to make sense of the past.

I don’t know what’s up with me at the moment. I’ve been feeling rather flat, and I guess that I’m just mulling over the past 15 months or so.

What makes me say this? Simple. This time last year, I was engaged, and preparing to take my fiancé to Heathrow airport, so that he could fly out to Japan on a business trip, and was wondering how I would cope for four weeks without him, as I spent every weekend with him.

Now, I’m sitting at my computer at home, mulling over the events that seemed to turn my nice, simple life upside down. I got offered the job at my present company, and went permanent with them on 04/05/04.

Then on the evening of Friday 21/05/04, I went down to Heathrow to pick up my fiancé, and for some reason, instead of spending the weekend with him, I came back to Warwickshire.

And I’m glad I did; as that was the last full weekend that I was able spend with Dad, as he died on the Monday.

At the time, I was really grateful that my fiancé dropped everything to come up to Warwickshire, and was a real help to Mum and myself when we were trying to sort out the funeral arrangements. But even now, I don’t know what caused him to change.

After Dad’s funeral, he seemed to change, and wanted me to leave my job, and Warwickshire and move south with him, and work for the same company as him, as a PA.

His timing stank, and I made damned sure that he knew how I felt about that, but he seemed to drop the idea, for a while anyway. Then, he started trying the emotional blackmail, saying that I couldn’t care for him that much, if I was reluctant to leave my job and move in with him.

I guess that was the final straw, and it helped me to remove the rose-tinted glasses that I’d been wearing where he was concerned. It was bad enough that he wanted me to leave my job, but the fact that he wanted me to leave Mum as well was the killer blow to our relationship.

I know dammed well that he reads my blog, and if you’re reading this now – I am so much better off without you, it’s untrue.

You once gave me an ultimatum – "it's me or the horse". My answer still stands – it’s the horse every time, and this time, I’ve found someone who is willing to try and get involved with my hobbies – and doesn’t begrudge the time that I spend with other people.

Time to call this entry quits – I’ve got stuff to do before I go out this afternoon.

Back when I get chance.


Don't let the b'stards get you down

MG Rover bites the dust

Well the inevitable has happened. MG Rover has gone bust. And despite the bleeding heart cries from Tony Blair and his cronies, there seems to be no depths that this government will not plunge to, in a vain attempt to stay in power.

Ok - I admit it sounds like I'm just jumping on the bandwagon - and using the MG Rover crisis to blast the government. Far from it. What irritates me, is that this government were quite happy to sit back and watch Ford pull the plug on the Jaguar plant in Coventry, with a similar number of jobs being lost, and no offers of help to re-train the workers affected.

But the minute there's an election in the offing, Blair scampers up to Birmingham in an attempt to be seen doing something to help the affected families, and hopefully, ensure that they vote for his mob again.

But, unfortunately, the words too little, too late tend to come to mind. The only time that the top brass politicians come to the Midlands, is when they need the public to vote them back into power. Well, I've got news for them. I doubt if the families affected by MG Rover's closure will vote for them again - I know I certainly won't!

Time to call it quits - it's time for me to escape.

Back tomorrow if I get the chance.


Don't let the b'stards get you down

Trying to prevent an accident...

I could have cheerfully strangled my other half this morning. He told me that he could ride, and I didn't have any reason to disbelieve him. Especially when he showed that he could get Flame walking in a circle, could get her to change direction, and stop.

I guess I should have smelt a rat when he asked how to get her moving after he'd brought her to a stop... I told him to squeeze her sides with his legs, or just gently touch her sides with his heels. He took the second option, and his touch was far from gentle.

The next thing I know, Flame has taken off like she's in the Derby, and he's hanging on for dear life! Thankfully, I'd been saddling up Tequila, and was able to go after Flame before anything happened - like she injured herself, or my other half fell / got thrown off.

When I managed to get Flame to stop, I was shaking - but not as much as my other half. I've never seem him look so scared, and it turned out the only thing he'd ridden was a donkey, when he was a kid!

Needless to say, I was less than impressed, and thankfully, I was able to lead Flame back to the stable, where my other half sheepishly dismounted, and helped me to remove the tack from both horses, and then get them cooled off, groomed and turned out.

I guess that I shouldn't be such a grouch - at least he's trying to join me in my hobbies - and because of that, if he wants, I've said that I'll ask a friend of mine to teach him to ride - but not on Flame - she's too much of a handful for a novice rider!

Time to call this quits - it looks like I've got some work comming my way...

Back later, if I get the chance.

Don't let the b'stards get you down

Concrete waders anybody?

Talk about an inauspicious start to the day!! I got in this morning, and discovered that I should have sorted out a delivery for today! Whoops! Thankfully, I've been able to sort out a delivery tomorrow, but that didn't stop me feeling like a prize prat!

On top of that, I've been nominated to go on some more training - at a trade show! The theory being that I'll learn a lot more, and hopefully, get to grips with things better. Part of me wondered if I was being fitted for the concrete waders, but my line manager said that he knew I'd be able to cope! Wow! Talk about a vote confidence... Which is just what I needed after the crappy start I had today.

Don't get me wrong - it could have been a lot worse, but it's still embarrassing for me, as I've only just started working with this account, and I've been told to treat them with kid gloves, as they like to think that the world revolves around them. I've got news for them - I've got other things that are just important to sort out. But, despite that, I've been able to get things sorted out and hopefully, be able to avoid making this sort of mistake again!

But, there are things that make me laugh - and this was given as an order number - PI33OFF. I will admit, I started laughing as soon as I saw it, and the guy was adamant that he wanted that as his order number. So, as the old saying goes "the customer is always right" so I left it as it was! Should cause fun when he gets the call to say that the tyre is now in stock...

Time to call this entry quits - it's nearly time to go on my lunch!

Back later - if I get the chance....


Don't let the b'stards get you down

Luck of the draw I guess...

I lost in the office sweepstake. My horse (Arctic Copper) did at least manage to complete the course - even if he did finish 19 out of 21... But I was really glad that Hedgehunter won, as he was so unlucky last year, when he fell last year.

But, I was pleased to see that Carrie Ford - the only female jockey in the race managed to get round the course in one piece - which hopefully means that next year, she'll ride again - and win!

Whoops - time to go - I'm supposed to be going over to see my godsprog and her little sister now, as I said that I would babysit for her Mum and Dad tonight...

Back when I get chance.


Don't let the b'stards get you down

Death of a pope

Those who know me, know that I am not the slightest bit religous, and the only time I go to church, is "hatch, match, despatch and when I'm dragged!"

Don't get me wrong - I do have friends of most religions, and am of the opinion that there must be some higher power. But, as I've demonstrated in the past, even when organising Dad's funeral - I opted for a non-religous ceremony - with Mum's full agreement.

I do admit to having a certain degree of curisoity about the Catholic faith, as it is very different from the faith that my own family stems from - the Protestant order - but to be honest, watching the highlights of the Pope's funeral last night, as I was unable to watch the event live due to work commitments, and I was unwilling to travel to Rome.

Because I felt that to do such a thing when I am not a Catholic, would have deprived someone, to whom the late Pope meant a great deal to, the chance of seeing him lying in state, and attanding the funeral rites.

Time to call it quits - got bits and pieces to do - including retrieving the furry thug again!

Back later (after the Grand National!)


Don't let the b'stards get you down.

Hello - the PM's in the area - there must be an election coming up....

I guess the title of this entry sums up how I feel. It's funny (in an ironic kind of way) that the minute the PM realizes that Rover has gone into administration, both he and the Chancellor make an appearance in Birmingham, promising to do everything they can to help Rover.

Call me cynical if you like, but it stinks when you think about it. If the PM had been so concerned about Rover (and all the other companies that have been / are currently struggling), then why didn't he do something to help out? But no, there wasn't an election imminent, so it appeared to be a case of 'Sod it. I don't need to worry - I've got months before I need to look like I'm doing anything.'

Now the election has been called for 05 May 2005, the PM has suddenly realized that there are an awful lot of people who are rather upset with his government, and now have the power to kick them out.

And before I get comments about this being an anti-Labour post - I'm aiming at all the major parties - Tory, Labor and to a certain extent, Lib Dem - even though I do agree with Charles Kennedy's comment that the Government should have acted sooner.

Ok - I know that it sounds like I'm determined to kick the government, and yes - I am. Simply because since this lot came to power in 1997, things have, as far as my family is concerned, taken a turn for the worst.

Firstly, they introduced tuition fees for students - despite the fact that most, if not all of the labor top brass enjoyed a free education - i.e. one without tuition fees of £3000 (or more if the top 20 or so universities get their way!), meaning that I cannot return to some kind of further education without paying excessive financial penalties. On top of that, the Chancellor upped the income tax that middle earners like my late father got clobbered with.

Just to add insult to injury, the very people who are supposed to help out, have the temerity to tell my Mum that the widow's benefit is only payable for 52 weeks - and when she queries it, is told by some snotty, faceless person at the benefits agency, that this is explained on the form that she filled in, just after we lost Dad.

Thanks a lot. It just makes me wonder what the use was, of Dad paying all that National Insurance over the years - including the time that he was overseas, and paid class 2 contribution, in order to keep his state pension entitlement.

Guess I should call time on this entry - I'm getting serious about politics - something that I never normally do!

Back when I've cooled off.


Don't let the b'stards get you down

MG Rover Press Statement

This is statement that the board of MG Rover have placed on the company web-site: http://www.mg-rover.com/static/index.html


The Board of MG Rover has asked PWC to accept engagement to advise the board of directors on the current position of the company.

The management is committed to work closely with the trade unions, the Department of Trade and Industry and the many West Midlands agencies who can provide support.

This is a deeply worrying time for everyone and our thoughts are with them and their families. We thank everyone for their loyalty and commitment at this very trying time.

End of the road for Rover......?

Well, another British car maker has started to bite the dust. Ok - I know that it's a real tragedy for the workers at Longbridge and their families - having an insecure job is no fun (and I know - I've been there myself!)

But, the real crux of the matter is the fact that Rover make outdated cars, that the British car buying public don't really want. Ok - you get the die hards who will only drive Rover cars, and those (like myself) who like the MG series, but when it comes to the crunch, Rover lacks that little something that makes people go Yeah - I like that - I'll buy it

Add into that, the fact that the dealer network, has in the past really let Rover down with poor service standards, then you get a viscous cycle starting.

Because, unfortunately for John Towers and his partners at Phoenix, the British motoring public have long memories and have become accustomed to the service standards of car makers like Toyota , Audi and Peugeot, to name but a few competitors.

I've already admitted that I like the MG series, but when I actually looked into the logistics of getting an MG ZR, it would have cost about £15,000. Ok - I could live with that, as I was looking at the 1.8 stepspeed (semi automatic).

The killer blow came when I realised that I would have to travel to Stratford upon Avon to use a dealer that had been recommended to me.

Thanks a lot. Not a lot of good when I needed to get the car serviced, or if I got a problem with it!

Suppose I'd better call this entry quits - I've got work I should be doing...

Back when I get chance.


Don't let the b'stards get you down

Thankfully, a quieter day!

And boy, I need it! After yesterday, I was quite ready to tell certain people where they could stick their tyres, and walk out. But, after a relaxing evening with my other half (it was his birthday yesterday, so rather than allowing him to cook - I treated him to dinner - more in a bit!), I feel an awful lot happier. But that's not that hard, given the fact that I was tired, stressed and in an awful lot of pain, because I'd hurt my shoulder on Sunday.

Me being dumb, decided to go riding, as I'm preparing for a point-to-point the end of April, and I need to make sure that Flame is fit enough to run. Because I'd not been riding for a few days, she was rather on the frisky side, and started pulling quite a bit!

As for the point-to-point, I don't expect Flame and I to win, but if we ge tplaced, I'll be quite happy with that. Ok - I know I've got to be fit enough, but I'm working on the principal that I can dose myself up on painkillers and ride that way. Admittedly, it's not the ideal way to ride, but I'm lucky enough to have a horse that I trust!

Last night was, as I've already said, my other half's birthday dinner. We went to a pub that I know - The Blue Lias at Stockton. He was really surprised that I'd bothered to book a table for us, and was pleased that I'd chosen The Blue Lias, as it was somewhere a bit different...

The thing that made the pair of us laugh, was the tabby cat that decided to try and mug the pair of us for various bits of food - especially my other half - who was dumb enough to have the trout!

Despite the attentions of the moggy, it was a fun evening, and I don't mind admitting that I'm knackered now!

Suppose I should call this quits - I've got stuff to get on with...

Back when I get the chance...


Don't let the b'stards get you down

Ever had one of those days?

Well, I've had one. It started at about 03:30 this morning, when the furry fiend (Ponto) decided to take a flying leap onto the bed, to start a play fight with Fred. Ok - that's not normally a problem. But it is when I've got to to be at work for 09:00 in the morning, and deal with something that I've never done before, it's not appreciated.

Then, things got worse. There were three people off, the phones were going bananas, and there was me, trying to deal with the bloody report, and all the other crap that was slung my way. So, needless to say, I was less than impressed when I kept getting calls to deal with various bit and pieces...

But, thankfully, there are things in this world that have me creasing up with with laughter - and this is one of them...

30 Lines To Make You Smile Today

1. My husband and I divorced over religious differences. He thought he was God.
2. I don't suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it.
3. I Work Hard Because.. Millions On Welfare Depend on Me!
4.. Some people are alive only because it's illegal to kill them.
5.. I used to have a handle on life, but it broke.
6.. Don't take life too seriously; No one gets out alive.
7.. You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me.
8.. Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.
9.. Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.
10.. I'm not a complete idiot --Some parts are missing.
11.. Out of my mind. Back in five minutes.
12.. NyQuil, the stuffy, sneezy, why-the-hell-is-the-room-spinning medicine.
13.. God must love stupid people; He made so many.
14.. This gene pool could use a little chlorine.
15.. Consciousness: That annoying time between naps.
16.. Ever stop to think, and forget to start again?
17.. Being "over the hill" is much better than being under it!
18.. Wrinkled.. Was Not One of the Things I Wanted to Be When I Grew up.
19.. Procrastinate Now!
20.. I Have a Degree in Liberal Arts; Do You Want Fries With That?
21.. A hangover is the wrath of grapes.
22.. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a cash advance.
23.. Stupidity is not a handicap. Park elsewhere!
24.. They called it PMS because Mad Cow Disease was already taken.
25.. He who dies with the most toys is nonetheless dead.
26.. A picture is worth a thousand words, but it uses up three thousand times the memory.
27.. Ham and eggs. A day's work for a chicken, a lifetime commitment for a pig.
28.. The trouble with life is there's no background music.
29.. The original point and click interface was a Smith and Wesson.
30.. I smile because I don't know what the hell is going on.

Guess that I should log off and bog off - I'm supposed to be heading over to see my other half tonight, as I'm taking him out to dinner...

Back tomorrow - if I get the chance.


Don't let the b'stards get you down

Revenge of the cue ball.. And other jokes

I make no apologies for these next two jokes - they had me biting my tongue trying not to laugh whilst I was at work...

A guy walks into a bar with his pet monkey. He orders a drink and while he's drinking, the monkey jumps all around the place.

The monkey grabs some olives off the bar and eats them, then grabs some sliced limes and eats them, then jumps onto the pool table, grabs one of the billiard balls, sticks it in his mouth, and to everyone's amazement, somehow swallows it whole.

The bartender screams at the guy, "Did you see what your monkey just did?"

The guy says "No, what?"

"He just ate the cue ball off my pool table - whole!"

Yeah, that doesn't surprise me," replied the guy, "He eats everything in sight, the little b'stard. Sorry. I'll pay for the cue-ball and stuff."

He finishes his drink, pays his bill, pays for the stuff the monkey ate, then leaves.

Two weeks later he's in the bar again, and has his monkey with him. He orders a drink and the monkey starts running around the bar again.

While the man is finishing his drink, the monkey finds a maraschino cherry on the bar. He grabs it, sticks it up his ass, pulls it out, and eats it.

Then the monkey finds a peanut, and again sticks it up his ass, pulls it out, and eats it.

The bartender is disgusted. "Did you see what your monkey did now?" he asks.

"No, what?" replies the guy.

"Well, he stuck a maraschino cherry and a peanut up his ass, pulled it out, and ate it!" said the bartender.

"Yeah, that doesn't surprise me", replied the guy. "He still eats everything in sight, but ever since he had to sh!t out that cue ball, he measures everything first."
Ok - call me warped, but this next one was the killer as far as I was concerned...
Love him or hate him, he sure hits the nail on the head with this. To anyone with kids of any age, whether at home or at work, here's some advice.
Bill Gates recently gave a speech at a High School about 11 things they did not and will not learn in school. He talks about how feel-good, politically-correct teachings created a generation of kids with no concept of reality and how this concept set them up for failure in the real world (well ... Almost everywhere in the real world).

  1. Life is not fair - get used to it!

  2. The world won't care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something BEFORE you feel good about yourself.

  3. You will NOT make $60,000 a year right out of high school. You won't be a vice-president with a car phone until you earn both.

  4. If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss.

  5. Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your Grandparents had a different word for burger flipping - they called it opportunity.

  6. If you mess up, it's not your parents' fault, so don't whine about your mistakes, learn from them.

  7. Before you were born, your parents weren't as boring as they are now. They got that way from paying your bills, cleaning your clothes and listening to you talk about how cool you thought you were. So, before you save the rain forest from the parasites of your parent's generation, try de-lousing the closet in your own room.

  8. Your school may have done away with winners and losers, but life HAS NOT. In some schools they have abolished failing grades and they'll give you as MANY TIMES as you want to get the right answer. This doesn't bear the slightest resemblance to ANYTHING in real life.

  9. Life is not divided into semesters. You don't get summers off and very few employers are interested in helping you FIND YOURSELF. Do that on your own time.

  10. Television is NOT real life. In real life people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs.

  11. Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one.
Time to call this entry quits - I've got work to do....

Back later, if I get the chance.


Don't let the b'stards get you down

Who said the Germans don't have a sense of humour?

I don't know how many people saw this in the Daily Mail this morning, but I will admit I started laughing when I read it...

Read it, and see what you think.... And before I get furious comments - this was a genuine advert!

By the end of 2007 you will not be allowed to use a right hand drive car on the roads of mainland Europe.

It's a ruling BMW has vigorously opposed, but our lawyers were eventually routed and it was left to our engineers to fight a rearguard action.

Their repost was one of startling élan: hands-free steering. It uses a combination of sensors and VAT (Voice Activated Technology) and does away with the steering wheel altogether.

All the dials and controls are mounted in the centre of the dash on a pivoting section which can be angled towards either of the front seats.

Whilst crossing the channel, simply tilt the instrument panel to the left and change seats with your passenger. Pedals are recessed into both footwells, the relevant set becoming active when the position of the central section is fixed.

The sensors work as an intermediary between the driver's eyes and the road and combine with voice commands to steer the car wherever you want to it go in complete safety.

Early prototypes were prone to sudden U-turns if the driver swung round to shout at the children in the back, but a satellite monitoring system developed by Dr Bitt-Fischi, our head of R&D has eradicated this minor flaw.

An additional advantage of the system is a new feeling of liberation for the driver. Indeed at first this is almost unsettling, so a retractable, padded bar can be elicited from the dash and grasped or lent upon until the driver is fully acclimatized to the unfamiliar freedom.

The hands-free option will be available across the BMW range by next spring, in plenty of time to beat the ban.

If you would like more details in advance, please click on
http://www.uninventthewheel.co.uk/utw/index.htm or call our Customer Liaison Chief, Herr Hurhr-Hurhr on 0800 777 129

All I can say is:

Nice one BMW

Time to call it quits - I'm supposed to be working!

Back later - if I get chance!

Don't let the b'stards get you down

Recovering from a late(ish) night...

I did my usual trick, and went over to see an old friend last night... We sat and watched a film -Troy - the one with Brad Pitt & Orlando Bloom... The special effects were good, and it was just one of those films that was perfect for cabbaging out in front of, when you'd had a grotty day at work.

Work... Well, yesterday was rather bitty, in terms of the number of calls that came in, but despite that, I was kept busy doing various bits of admin work, ready to hand over to the various people who are taking over some of the work that I do at the moment...

I also had a damned good laugh this morning... I got into work, and because I've been complaining about being freezing cold where I sit, the powers that be have finally given me a partition to keep the cold from hitting my shoulder... I got in this morning, to see this:



Attached to the partition! It gave me a damned good laugh, and I think the people responsible were a little worried that I may have taken offence...

Suppose I'd better log off and bog off - looks like more work is coming my way...

Back later if I get the chance.


Don't let the b'stards get you down