Well, the engineer has been out to sort the problem with the alarm. It turns out that the moggies weren't responsible at all - it was a spider walking across the sensor!
A few years ago, we'd had the sensors sealed against eight-legged invaders, but it looks like the damned things needed re-doing. The one sensor had quite a few webs in it, and a couple of small spiders that had taken up residence there.
Needless to say, Mum and I were not very impressed, as Ponto is supposed to be the moggy with the hair-trigger appetite - and he's got a thing for eating spiders. Revolting hairball!
Still, at least I know what I can do to prevent this from hopefully happening again - just make sure that there are no eight-legged fiends near the sensors!
Time to call this entry quits - I'm off to watch the Spanish GP on ITV...
Back later, if I get chance.
I walk where others fear to tread
A few years ago, we'd had the sensors sealed against eight-legged invaders, but it looks like the damned things needed re-doing. The one sensor had quite a few webs in it, and a couple of small spiders that had taken up residence there.
Needless to say, Mum and I were not very impressed, as Ponto is supposed to be the moggy with the hair-trigger appetite - and he's got a thing for eating spiders. Revolting hairball!
Still, at least I know what I can do to prevent this from hopefully happening again - just make sure that there are no eight-legged fiends near the sensors!
Time to call this entry quits - I'm off to watch the Spanish GP on ITV...
Back later, if I get chance.
I walk where others fear to tread
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