Walking in the Shadows

Random musings from Warwickshire on life in general... Things that make me laugh, make me cry, things that wind me up beyond all endurance - and everything in between.

After the rush...

Talk about coming back down to earth with a bump. My landing this morning wasn’t so much of a bump, as the sort of impact that leaves a 20 feet deep crater in the ground.

But, thankfully, my friend was back in contact with me, and even apologised for being too forward with me!

Tying to explain that if I’d felt uneasy with the contact, he’d have known about it, is not really the easiest thing to do via e-mail, but given the fact that we were both at work, and our lunch breaks don’t coincide, it was the best that I could do.

I guess that I must have gotten the wording right, as he said that he’d really enjoyed himself yesterday, and wanted to meet up with me again! To be honest, I was a little bit surprised, and said that the next time we met up; it would be my turn to travel, as it was only fair.

Aside from that bright point, today was the sort of day that I could have cheerfully done without – as nothing appeared to go right, and I seemed to get dragged down into whatever mire I was trying to escape from.

Thankfully, 17:00 came fairly fast as I was busy, and I was only too glad to get out of the office. Normally, I’m willing to stay a little bit after 17:00, and normally don’t leave until about 17:15…

However, this evening, I was out of the office by 17:10 and on the road to my other half’s home (where I’m updating my blog from!)

Time to call this entry quits – I’m getting tired, and I need to get some rest, as I was too wired to sleep last night…

Must have been something to do with the company I was keeping yesterday!

Back tomorrow, if I get chance…

I walk where others fear to tread