Walking in the Shadows

Random musings from Warwickshire on life in general... Things that make me laugh, make me cry, things that wind me up beyond all endurance - and everything in between.

Things that make me laugh

Well, I've been lucky. I've avoided ruining a friendship, as my friend has been making me laugh with silly jokes that he found..

These are just two of the ones that I got sent today!

The pet shop door it opened
And a little girl walked in
With curly hair, bright sparkling eyes
And a cheeky little grin.

She walked up to the counter
Her tiny hand held high
And opened little fingers
To show her money safe inside

"What would you like, sweetheart?"
The pet shop man he asked,
"A little bunny rabbit, please"
She said in words and gasps.

"Now would you like a white one,
A grey one or a black?
Or you can have a brown one
With cream fur upon its back."

"Or what about a lop-eared one,
A girl one or a boy?
A chinchilla or a dwarf one
To bring you lots of joy?"

She looked at the shop owner,
His help and wisdom he would share,
She drew a great big breath and said:
My pet python doesn't care."

The other joke, I admit has been doing the rounds for years, but it made me laugh....

A woman in labour is told by her midwife that there is a new pill which gives a quarter of the pain to the father. Her husband agrees to help, so she takes one pill.

He claims he can't feel any pain. She asks him to take half the pain. He agrees. She takes another pill.

He still feels no pain he claims, and says all women are wimps. So she asks him to take all the pain. He agrees, so she takes two more pills..

He says he still feels nothing, and the woman gives birth to a healthy baby.

When they go home, they find the postman dead on the doorstep.

Suppose I should think about logging off, and bogging off - it's nearly time for me to escape!

Back tomorrow, if I get the chance.


I walk where others fear to tread