Talk about an inauspicious start to the day!! I got in this morning, and discovered that I should have sorted out a delivery for today! Whoops! Thankfully, I've been able to sort out a delivery tomorrow, but that didn't stop me feeling like a prize prat!
On top of that, I've been nominated to go on some more training - at a trade show! The theory being that I'll learn a lot more, and hopefully, get to grips with things better. Part of me wondered if I was being fitted for the concrete waders, but my line manager said that he knew I'd be able to cope! Wow! Talk about a vote confidence... Which is just what I needed after the crappy start I had today.
Don't get me wrong - it could have been a lot worse, but it's still embarrassing for me, as I've only just started working with this account, and I've been told to treat them with kid gloves, as they like to think that the world revolves around them. I've got news for them - I've got other things that are just important to sort out. But, despite that, I've been able to get things sorted out and hopefully, be able to avoid making this sort of mistake again!
But, there are things that make me laugh - and this was given as an order number - PI33OFF. I will admit, I started laughing as soon as I saw it, and the guy was adamant that he wanted that as his order number. So, as the old saying goes "the customer is always right" so I left it as it was! Should cause fun when he gets the call to say that the tyre is now in stock...
Time to call this entry quits - it's nearly time to go on my lunch!
Back later - if I get the chance....
Don't let the b'stards get you down
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