Walking in the Shadows

Random musings from Warwickshire on life in general... Things that make me laugh, make me cry, things that wind me up beyond all endurance - and everything in between.

Let sleeping tigers lie…

A quiet evening last night... I tried to watch a bit of telly, but did my normal trick, and fell asleep! Thankfully, I’d remembered to set my alarm clock, so there was no danger of me oversleeping this morning. Mind you, with the appetite on legs around [my cat, Ponto]; there is little chance of me staying asleep beyond 06:30! My other cat, Fred, is a totally different character. He’s a hippie in catskin – all peace, love & catnip, compared to Ponto, who eats anything that walks, crawls, flies or slithers.

Having said that though, I wouldn’t swap either cat for anything. They’re so undemanding (yeah – right. Believe that and you’ll believe anything!). Despite that, they’re great fun, and cause no end of mayhem when they want. Fred’s the worst offender – I can’t run a bath without checking to make sure that he hasn’t slunk into the bathroom, and jumped into the bath!

The first time I realised that the hairball liked water, was just after I’d got him from the rescue centre… I felt something furry ‘round my ankles whilst I was in the shower, and reached down to check what it was…. Only to have the furry thing go meow, and purr at me!

So, I decided to put the cat off having a shower, and grabbed a cat shampoo that I’d got for Ponto (when I could catch him!)... Fred seemed to love every second he was being washed, and the second I stopped, looked disgusted at me and seemed to demand conditioner on his fur! So that ruined THAT idea.

Ponto, on the other hand runs a mile the minute the word ‘bath’ is mentioned, and the few occasions that I’ve been unlucky enough to have to try and wash him, he’s come down the walls like Tom in the classic Tom & Jerry cartoons.

Hmm – looks like I’m about to be given some work to do...

Back later.


Do spiders scream when the see a big fat hairy human in the bath?