Walking in the Shadows

Random musings from Warwickshire on life in general... Things that make me laugh, make me cry, things that wind me up beyond all endurance - and everything in between.

Knackered… And I want some sleep!

My own fault really – I should know better than to have my mobile turned on at night. But, having said that, the person who called me was very apologetic when it was pointed out that I’d been woken up.

Despite that, I ended up spending three hours on the phone talking, as we’d not spoken for a couple of weeks, simply because the pair of us had been busy with various bit and pieces – me getting ready for my escape to Jersey, and the other party (who shall remain nameless & generally unidentified until I get told otherwise!) sorting out bits that needed sorting out.

But, I don’t feel too bad – even if I did eventually settle down, and get back to sleep at 04:00… Only to have my two furry alarm clocks wake me up at 06:30!

Selfish blasted pair – they don’t have to get up and work – they can just suit themselves – mind you that is what you get for living with two cats!

Time to call it quits – got work to do.

Back later [possibly]


Do spiders scream when they see a big fat hairy human in the bath?