Walking in the Shadows

Random musings from Warwickshire on life in general... Things that make me laugh, make me cry, things that wind me up beyond all endurance - and everything in between.

There are times when I could cheerfully wring someone’s neck. Care to volunteer?

Just spoken to the probate office. Because the insurance policy is over £5k, then there is the requirement to go through probate, which can take about two months or more!

Apparently, it is quite easy, but the lass I spoke to said that we needed to declare all of Dad’s assets – that were held in his name only. Because the majority of the assets were in joint names, they don’t count, but there are some bits I need advise on.

So, the lass has arranged for one of her colleagues to call me during my lunch break, and I can talk things through with him, and see what the best course of action is – i.e. if Mum & I do the work, or if we just let the family solicitor loose.

Hmm – looks like things are starting to work. Not.

Back later.


Do spiders scream when they see a big fat hairy human in the bath?

Dratted insurance companies… Why can’t they be more helpful??

Why is it that you try to make a claim on a life insurance policy, the company throws as many obstructions in your path as they possibly can? We’ve been told that the claim had been authorised, but as it was over the company limit, we need to go through probate.

Which is a pain in the backside, as everyone else has been a real help, and has agreed that there is no requirement for this. Simply because Dad’s will stated that everything had been left to Mum and there are no other claimants on the estate. I don’t count, because I’m classified as independent, as I’m earning my own money.

The worst part, is the fact that Birmingham office that I’m trying to contact has a recorded message, to say that the reception is on restricted hours, due to staff training, and that if you leave a message, they will call you back. Fine under normal circumstances, but knowing my luck, they would call me when I was unable to take the call.

So, I’ve decided to call them during my lunch break, and see what happens. The last time I called them, they were really helpful, and gave me the information about what to do, and whom I should contact when I needed help.

Suppose I’d better answer my phone before it drives me scatty!

Back later.

Do spiders scream when they see a big fat hairy human in the bath?

Yawn – why are meetings so boring?

And if I had the answer to that question, I’d make a fortune! Simply because I’d have found a way to brighten up meetings, and avoid falling asleep, and getting nudged by a colleague, in order to stop my subtle (or not so subtle) snores!

Thankfully, that didn’t cause too much trouble, as I’d already admitted that I was knackered, and had gotten very little sleep last night. What I didn’t admit to, was the fact that I’d done my usual trick, and spent most of the night reading. (You expected me to say that I’d been up playing Divine Divinity!)

But, the book was really worth it. It was the second of the Kelley Armstrong books I’d bought the other day. To be honest, Industrial Magic was better than Dime Store Magic, but you really needed to read Dime Store before Industrial, in order to understand the various bits and pieces.

Me being such a bookworm, I’ve started to read another book – this one’s called The Saga of Darren Shan – Vampire blood. It’s really good, and I will admit, I was loath to put the book down at the end of my lunch-break!

Hmm – more work to do…

Back later – possibly.

Do spiders scream when they see a big fat hairy human in the bath?

Why have I got a soddin’ headache?

There must be some conspiracy to drive me out of my braincell today. That and the fact that someone keeps trying to call my mobile – with a withheld telephone number, and as soon as my answering back service (sorry – voicemail!) cuts in, they hang up.

If it was so important that he / she / it contacted me, then they would surely leave me a voicemail to get me to call them back. But I get the impression that I know who it is, and at the moment, all they are managing to do, is leave a list of missed calls on my mobile.

By the same token that’s the reason why they won’t send me a text message, as the mobile number is listed, and I could identify the caller / sender from that.

So, as far as I’m concerned, no voicemail or text message, then you won’t get a response from me – as I now refuse to answer unlisted numbers on my ‘phone, as the last time I did, I got more hassle than answering the call was really worth.

The other thing that’s trying to drive me out of my braincell, is this headache. It feels like eyestrain, but I know that it can’t be due to my contact lenses, as I’ve got the new ones in. So, I get the feeling that it may be due to my screen settings being wrong, as well as the theme colours finally driving me spare.

So, me being me, I’ve altered the theme to something a little more relaxing… The cursors are quite good – little starfish, and things like that, and the icons are good as well. The best bit though, is the fact that the colours are restful to the eyes – fairly close to the Windows system standard colours – which I will admit are fairly innocuous.

But, there is one other thing that drives me out of my braincell – is the speed (or lack of) my computer! I ask it to do something, and it just sits there giggling – almost as if to say ‘You expect me to do this fast? Forget it!’ Needless to say, this infuriates me, and causes me all kinds of problems with my work, as it delays me completing an order, and also can result in me doing a manual order.

That’s when I abandon the computer, and grab the old fashioned pen & paper, and then check the computer for the stock when its decided to do some work for me! The trouble is, it then results in a phone call to the customer, and telling them that the tyres are in stock or on a back order (i.e. we’ve got no stock, and are waiting on more coming into our warehouse).

Time to call it quits – got a meeting to attend (and fall asleep in!)


Do spiders scream when they see a big fat hairy human in the bath?

Waiting patiently is hard to do…

As the title suggests, I’m finding the wait for my new car somewhat trying. But, I’ve been given a build date of 18/10/04, so hopefully, I should have the new car for the end of the month!

The best bit is, that I’ve not told anyone at work that I’m getting a new car, and when ever I’ve been asked, I’ve been rather evasive! So it should be quite funny to see the look on people’s faces when I bring the blue flyer into work!

I’ve also got to book my remaining half-day’s holiday, in order to use up my allocation before the end of the year. So, I’ve put in for a half day in the end of November, so that I can do some Christmas shopping.

Don’t get me wrong – I’ve not got that much to do, but it will give me chance to get a few bits and pieces – including Mum’s footspa. Thankfully, she’s off, so she can help me pick out the right one for her, and also have a look for a few bits for my Godsprog.

But, the trouble is, I don’t have the foggiest what to get her. I mean, what do you get a three year old girl, who seems to have everything, and is more interested in her pony than dolls?

I get a feeling that I may be taking a trip to Walsall, to see if I can get her something to do with the pony, as that seems to be where her interests lie at this moment in time.

I’m also going to speak to her mum, and see if she has given any indication of what she would like for Christmas… I know that’s cheating, but to be honest, what else can I do?

Time to call it quits – my ‘phone’s ringing.

Back later – if I get chance.


Do spiders scream when they see a big fat hairy human in the bath?

Mentioned in despatches...

Talk about blowing your own trumpet. The charity I nominated for the company’s charity of the year has been selected! How do I know this? Simple. It was in the company’s internal newsletter!

‘We are looking to adopt the Northampton & Warwickshire County Air Ambulance (also known as the Princess Diana air ambulance), based in Bagington, as our Charity for 2005. This is the aircrew who recently appeared on the television. This charity was suggested by Karen of the Contact Centre. Many thanks for your suggestion Karen and lets see how much we can raise for them.

The Company will look at asking staff on the first Friday of every month who participate in a "casual dress day" to donate the minimum of a £1 to the charity. Thank you for your continued support.’

 Wow – just goes to prove what an e-mail in the right place can do! But, having said that, it is a charity that I support, and at Dad’s funeral, instead of flowers, we (Mum & I) asked that donations were made to the Northampton & Warwickshire County Air Ambulance.

This was because it was something that he believed should be supported by the National Lottery good causes fund, instead of being purely funded by charitable donations, because he saw the good that an air ambulance did when he was travelling in North America.

Time to call it quits – the ‘phones are going mad!

Back later - possibly.

Do spiders scream when they see a big fat hairy human in the bath?

Weird films and other stuff...

If I didn't know better, I would swear that Dreamcatcher was based on a Stephen King book.(Feedback to let me know if I'm right, or scatching the wrong post would be much appreciated!) Don't get me wrong, I loved every second of the film - and have deemed it another must get for my ever expanding DVD collection!

I will admit, it freaked my friend out, and she sat for the best part of the film, cuddling a cushion, and hiding when some of the worms made their presence known. I won't say anymore, but to those who read Stephen King books, it will come as no surprise the style of the ending...

Onto a slightly touchy subject - Christmas. I always jokingly say "Unh, no-one mention the c-word" - just a slight twist on a line in Beetlejuice! Because Mum is at work this weekend, I made the most of it, and escaped into town (Leamington) and managed to get part of Mum's Christmas present.

She knows that I'm going to get her a Remington Footspa, but this second bit, is unknown to her. I've bought her a perfume bottle. Ok - I know that doesn't sound much, but I'd better explain a bit more.

Mum and Dad used to collect what is commonly known as Studio Glass - i.e. the stuff that is still blown by hand. Good examples are Okra (it used to be part of the Moorcroft pottery group) and John Ditchfield (he of the wonderful glass lilly pad paperweight - complete with the little silver frog!)

This perfume bottle is made by an English glass-making company, in the Lake District - Heron Glass. It's all iridecent blues, greens and golds, and it's just the sort of thing that Mum would go for. The best bit is, the fact that I've been able to hide the bottle in the study - as it's one of the two rooms that she won't willingly venture into - the other one being my room, as she's never sure where the cats are hiding!

Time to call it quits - I can see the moggies giving me the evil eye again, as they're not getting any attention from me, and Ponto looks like he's going to eat the computer mouse if I don't sign off!

Back tomorrow - I hope!


Do spiders scream when they see a big fat hairy human in the bath?

Listening to my choice of music for once…

That’s the worst bit about having to share a car. I can’t listen to my choice of music. At the moment, I’m blasting the airwaves with Jean Michele Jarre’s latest album – Aero. (There's a specific website for this album - see http://www.jeanmicheljarre.com/) It’s really good, and sounds absolutely phenomenal on the car stereo – with the windows open!

The best bit (for me) is the fact that I managed to get the album with the limited edition DVD of some of JMJ’s videos. I’ve never seen any of them, but I have been lucky enough to see him in concert in Paris a good few years ago. (One of the joys of being an airline brat – I was able to get cheaper tickets to places like Paris!)

So, that’s something for me to look forward to tonight – I’m going to see my gosprog, and her mum is a big JMJ fan, and has got a super home cinema setup (5.1 Dolby surround sound), so we’ll be rocking the night away to JMJ and other music stuff!

Rats – my phone’s ringing – suppose I’d better answer it.

Back later…

Do spiders scream when they see a big fat hairy human in the bath?

Ahhh... I see the screw-up fairy has visited us again.

Jut another little part of my job. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining. Much. But there are times when the best laid plans go astray, and that’s what I find annoying – having to break a promise to someone.

But, I should have known better, as the promise was made on the assumption that a tyre collection could be made, only to discover that the quantity is too great for the collection to be done today.

Needless to say, I’m less than impressed, and have been promised that the collection will be done on Tuesday. But the annoying part (for me) is the mere fact that I had to make the call to the customer in the first place, to see if the tyres had been picked up!

Time to call it quits – before I go and splatter something!

Back later…

Do spiders scream when they see a big fat hairy human in the bath?

It's a thankless job, but I've got a lot of Karma to burn off...

The paperwork I’m doing is repetitive, and trying to read the handwriting at times is like trying to decipher a soddin’ code. I wouldn’t mind, but when I write out the same paperwork, I make damned sure the handwriting is clear!

Despite that, it’s good practice for me, as I’m going to be taking responsibility for this particular aspect of the work. I need a training session or two to get me into the swing of what should be done, and that way, I know that if I goof up, it won’t cost the company too much money…

Time to call it quits – got more work to do.

Back later…

Do spiders scream when they see a big fat hairy human in the bath?

Knackered (again)

Self inflicted though – I was up until 02:30am this morning, playing Divine Divinity. (For details, see http://www.larian.com/ ) The trouble is, the game is addictive, walking ‘round beating heck out of Orcs, spiders and other nasty creepy crawlies that try to kill you. You also have various quests to solve, in order to progress though the game, and to be honest, it does take quite a bit of thought, trying to get the various bits to come together.

Having said that though, I find it rather relaxing, to sit there fighting these creatures with various spells, as my character is a mage / warrior. There are three basic classes of player – warrior, survivor (or thief) and mage – but you can combine the skills from all groups to make a mage / warrior, or any combination that you fancy.

Time to call it quits – looks like I’m about to be let loose on some paperwork…

Back later…

Do spiders scream when they see a big fat hairy human in the bath?

First of the month…

And I’m expecting this to be mayhem. Simply because this is the insane time when every person in the country, who needs tyres, gets them ordered from us. I don’t mind, but there are times when it gets a bit too much, and I get very little peace and quiet from my ‘phone. Plus, I have to get the two reports done and e-mailed to the various people.

But, I can’t complain too much – I actually prefer to be busy, otherwise I find my fingers get me into trouble, as I can sit here doing all sorts of weird and wonderful things to my computer, which gives the IT department nightmares… *Grin*

Time to call it quits – got work to think about doing…

Back later…

Do spiders scream when they see a big fat hairy human in the bath?

Someone hide my WH Smith’s loyalty card!

Simply because I have this terrible habit of going in there with the intention of just looking, and end up buying one or more items! In this case, I bought two books – both by Kelley Armstrong – Dime Store Magic and Industrial Magic.

I also bought two DVDs (special edition 2 disc DVDs) – it was buy one, get one free – so I did. The DVDs in question are Tom Cruise – Minority Report, and Ben Affleck - Daredevil.

Both are films that I have enjoyed immensely (for various personal reasons!) and managed to miss getting the ‘normal’ DVD editions the first time ‘round – hence the reason for me getting them now. I’m also tempted to see if I can get the final part of the Lord of the Rings trilogy – The Return of the King on the four disc special edition.

I know that it sounds like I’m obsessed with the special editions of the DVDs, but in the case of the Lord of the Rings, you get all the extra bits and pieces that were never shown at the cinema.

The others, it’s just a case of getting things like the director’s commentary, the making of the films, and the background of the film as well, which I personally find quite interesting.

But there is one film, which means an awful lot to me. I know this is going to sound silly to some people, but it’s Master and Commander – The far side of the world. Simply because this was the last film that Dad and I watched together before his untimely death.

I know that you shouldn’t attach so much importance to something like that, but it was an evening that I really enjoyed, and so it will always have a special place in my heart.

Time to call it quits – my ‘phone’s ringing. Again.


Do spiders scream when they see a big fat hairy human in the bath?

Watching ghosts from my past walk by…

An appropriate title for this entry in my blog… Simply because I went to see an old friend last night – an ex to be more precise. We split as lovers, not because one cheated on the other, but because we knew that it wasn’t right – there was some essential spark missing.

Despite that, we’ve been able to stay good friends, and I went over to see him, and share a laugh and a joke, and a few tears [over Dad], simply because I know that I don’t have to put up the tough bitch act when I’m with him.

He looked tired, and when he told me the reason behind it, I started laughing, and told him that I had no sympathy for him whatsoever. In the past, when he’s admitted something like that to me, I’ve exploded, and accused him of ‘rubbing my nose it.’

But now, I’m not bothered in the slightest, and am really pleased that he’s happy. And no – I’m not just saying that to make myself appear totally selfless – it’s a genuine opinion, and the most important thing, is that fact that my best friend knows how I feel.

When I was a little more composed, we sat and watched a film on DVD – Ghost Ship. I will admit, I’d picked the DVD up myself, a couple of times, with the intention to buy it, but changed my mind at the last minute for some reason.

Parts of it really freaked me out (especially the scene with the rats in the packing case – I hate rats!) but in general, it was a really good film – one that I have now resolved to get myself!

He also lent me Dreamcatchers on video, and again, it’s a film that I’ve looked at, but never gone through with the purchase. So, that’s going to be a quiet night in front of the telly for me and the cats, watching that film, and scaring myself half to death!

Time to call it quits – nearly time to escape on lunch…

Back later.


Do spiders scream when they see a big fat hairy human in the bath

Ever had one of those days?

We’re short staffed, the phone is going barmy, and I’ve got to try and do two reports from last week. Needless to say, I’m not a happy person, as I’m trying to do about three or more things at once. Especially as the one report requires me to pay attention to what I’m doing – more than normal, anyway!

The worst part is, I’m half expecting one of the external recipients of this e-mail to start hassling me, and demanding to know where this data is, as they require it to plan their stock orders for the next few weeks. Don’t know why they’re so bothered – most of the stuff they want isn’t in stock at the moment!

Ah well, time to crack on, before I crack up!

Back later [possibly]

Do spiders scream when they see a big fat hairy human in the bath

Jokes and or stories…

I’ve been meaning to post a couple of jokes / funny stories that I’ve been told, and if you’re easily offended, I suggest that you skip this next post, as the jokes are, well... Read for yourself!

While I was driving down the M4 the other day, (going a little faster than I should have been) I passed under a bridge only to see a copper on the other side with a radar gun laying in wait.

The copper pulled me over, walked up to the car, and with that classic patronizing smirk, asked:"Runway too short?"

To which I replied, "I'm late for work."

To which he asked, "What do you do?"

"I'm a rectum stretcher," I responded.

The copper was surprised and confused. "A what? A rectum stretcher?? And just what does a rectum stretcher do?"

"Well," I said, "I start by inserting one finger, then I work my way up to two fingers, then three, then four, then with my whole hand in, work side to side until I can get both hands in, and then I slowly but surely stretch the hole, until it's about 6 feet." Then the copper asked questioningly and cautiously, "And just what do you do with a six-foot arsehole?"

To which I politely replied, "You give him a radar gun and park him behind a bridge..."

Speeding ticket: £105.00

Court costs: £45

Look on copper's face: Priceless.
Next story / joke:

A teacher gave her class of 11-year-olds an assignment: get their parents to tell them a story with a moral at the end of it. The next day the kids came back and one by one began to tell their stories.

Ashley said, "My father's a farmer and we have a lot of egg laying hens. One time we were taking our eggs to market in a basket on the front seat of the car when we hit a big bump in the road and all the eggs went flying and broke and made a mess."

"What's the moral of the story?" Asked the teacher.

"Don't put all your eggs in one basket!"

"Very good," said the teacher.

Next little Sarah raised her hand and said, "Our family are farmers too. But we raise chickens for the meat market. One day we had a dozen eggs, but when they hatched we only got ten live chicks, and the moral to this story is, 'Don't count your chickens before they're hatched'."

"That was a fine story Sarah. Michael, do you have a story to share?"

" Yes. My daddy told me this story about my Aunt Karen. Aunt Karen was a flight engineer on a plane in the Gulf War and her plane got hit. She had to bail out over enemy territory and all she had was a bottle of whisky, a machine gun and a machete. “

“She drank the whiskey on the way down so it wouldn't break and then she landed right in the middle of 100 enemy troops. She killed seventy of them with the machine gun until she ran out of bullets. Then she killed twenty more with the machete until the blade broke. And then she killed the last ten with her bare hands."

“Good heavens," said the horrified teacher, "what kind of moral did your daddy tell you from that horrible story?"

"Stay the f** * away from Aunt Karen when she's been drinking. "

I make no apologies for these stories – they just appealed to my very warped sense of humor… And before I get complaints about people having heard or read these before – I know! They’re old jokes that keep doing the ‘rounds, but they’re something that has made me laugh, and brightened up my day…

Suppose I’d better get on with some work…

Back later – possibly.

Do spiders scream when they see a big fat hairy human in the bath

Early starts…

I was up at 06:00 this morning, and got the moggies fed, and then had to throw Fred out of the bathroom, as the little sod was trying to get into the bath, so he could play in the shower!

Needless to say, I got the evil eye from him, but I was too tired to care. For some reason, I’ve not been sleeping very well. Yes, I’ve been sleeping through the night (I have this tendency to hit the pillow and sleep rather rapidly), but for some reason, I don’t feel refreshed afterwards. No doubt there’s some reason behind it, but as far as I’m concerned, it’s just a phase I’m going through.

I then had to battle my way through the traffic, and contend with the half-asleep idiots behind the wheel of their expensive executive cars, and try and get into work for 08:30… Which I somehow managed to do, and got a decent parking space into the bargain!

Hmm – need to get this work finished off.

Back later…


Do spiders scream when they see a big fat hairy human in the bath

Knackered… And I want some sleep!

My own fault really – I should know better than to have my mobile turned on at night. But, having said that, the person who called me was very apologetic when it was pointed out that I’d been woken up.

Despite that, I ended up spending three hours on the phone talking, as we’d not spoken for a couple of weeks, simply because the pair of us had been busy with various bit and pieces – me getting ready for my escape to Jersey, and the other party (who shall remain nameless & generally unidentified until I get told otherwise!) sorting out bits that needed sorting out.

But, I don’t feel too bad – even if I did eventually settle down, and get back to sleep at 04:00… Only to have my two furry alarm clocks wake me up at 06:30!

Selfish blasted pair – they don’t have to get up and work – they can just suit themselves – mind you that is what you get for living with two cats!

Time to call it quits – got work to do.

Back later [possibly]


Do spiders scream when they see a big fat hairy human in the bath?

Happiness... Is being told that your car insurance hasn't gone up...

As you can see, I'm quite a happy little tigger at this moment in time. Why? Because I've just spoken to my insurance company, and have been told that my premium won't increase for this year, because I'm getting a new car!

Other than that, it's been a surprisingly successful day for me. I managed to find a pair of shoes that didn't cripple me - I've got wide feet, and for some reason, most shoe manufacturers seem to think that women have dainty little narrow feet. I don't (too many years of wearing sandals - allowed my feet to spread quite merrily!), so I find it hard to get shoes that don't cripple me, or look like shoe boxes.

I've also put the order in for my contact lenses - and saved 50% on the price! They should be £45 for the first three months, but I only paid £22.50... The optician admitted that he'd kept quiet about the half price promotion, as he didn't want to influence my decision about the lenses, by telling me that they would be half price.

Ok - I'm not the sort of person to be swayed by that sort of offer - it was just a bonus for me, as far as I was concerned, but I can understand his reluctance to mention it, in case it did influence my decision to get the lenses.

I also managed to get another book (I'm quite a bookworm, and can go through a book in a couple of days, with relative ease.) This one is a Robin Cook omnibus - with Toxin and Chromosome 6 in it. I've read several of his books before - they tend to be medical thrillers, and to be honest, I find them hard to put down.

Suppose I'd better log off, and bog off - I've got to go and see my Godsprog this evening, and I've got some fudge to give to the little monster. (She's actually a really sweet kid - but she's drawn the short straw with me as her Godmother - I'll teach her all my bad habits!)

No doubt I'll be very popular with her, and her mother will threaten to lynch me. Again. But, that's what Godchildren are for - spoiling rotten, especially when you can hand them back to their parents!

Back tomorrow - I hope!


Do spiders scream when they see a big fat hairy human in the bath?

I hate...... That bloody mouse!

In case you're wondering what my latest rant is about - it's not aimed at the Disney mouse. No - it's aimed at the common house mouse. Especially the little b'stard that build its nest on the top of my car battery.

No, you're not seeing things - there was a mouse nest on top of the battery of my car. I opened the bonnet, and the language was foul. I called the mouse all the names under the sun, then carefully removed its nest.

Thankfully, there was no damage to the wiring of the car (I used it for the trip to Northampton today - more on that later), but I was less than impressed. You would have thought with TWO cats in the house (one with a hair trigger appetite, and a Swiss army claw attachment!), that the garage was the LAST place you would find a mouse living in.

The best bit was, the mere fact that Mum & I suspected that there was a mouse in the garage before we went on holiday, and bought a Mouse bait box - the idea being that the little vermin goes in, munches the bait, and goes to the great mousehole in the sky.

We get back, and the bait has been duly munched, but the little b'stard still built a bloody nest. If I get my hands on it, it's one very dead mouse. Pity we've tried to poison it, otherwise I'd give it to Ponto, and say

"All yours. Have fun".

Now onto happier news. Mum & I went to see the shoemaker today, and the shoes that he's made for Mum are brilliant! For the first time in over three years, she's walking straight, and not rolling like a drunk.
Ok - the shoes aren't anything like Jimmy Choo's (if anything - they're more expensive - like about £500 + !), but as far as I'm concerned, if these shoes stop Mum suffering any more damage to her joints because of the way she's walking, then they're worth every penny - and I don't think that Dad would disagree with me. My only regret is the fact that he didn't live to see Mum walking normally in the shoes, but somehow, I think he knew Mum was in good hands.

Tomorrow should be fun for me - I've got to go to the optician in Leamington, to let the optometrist know how I've gotten on with the new contact lenses. After more years than I'll admit to (like about 13 years!), wearing contact lenses, I've finally opted to change from gas permeable (rigid) lenses, to the more gentle soft lenses.

When I started wearing contacts, I was advised against the soft lenses, as the wear time was very restricted (about 6 hours at most), and I was going to be wearing my lenses for about 12 hours or more. Now, the technology has improved to such an extent, that I found the soft lenses far more comfortable for me!

They've got some kind of coating (silica I think) that makes the lens more comfortable for the eye, and also makes that most dreaded of occurrences - a dry eye - less likely. They've also got a higher oxygen permeablity rating - something like 82%, as opposed to the 15 - 20% for normal soft lenses. As a result, the lenses are slightly more expensive, but as far as I'm concerned, the comfort factor more than makes up for any cost implications.

And no - I'm not even going to consider laser eye surgery. Not because it's too expensive, or anything like that. It's the mere case that I happen to be a coward, and as far as I'm concerned, I've only got one pair of eyes, and if something goes wrong.... The consequences are too horrific for me to contemplate.

Ah well, time to log off, and bog off - my mobile's ringing, and I haven't got very good reception in the study, where my computer is!

Back tomorrow...

Do spiders scream when they see a big fat hairy human in the bath?