Walking in the Shadows

Random musings from Warwickshire on life in general... Things that make me laugh, make me cry, things that wind me up beyond all endurance - and everything in between.

Wondering what will hapen to Silverstone...

As Silverstone is the home of British motorsport, I just hope that Bernie Ecclestone (the head honcho of F1) will allow this circuit to stage the British F1 GP next July... I've been to the last four British GPs (2000 - 2004 inclusive) and have thoroughly enjoyed myself each time...


June 1998 - Bernie Ecclestone sells rights to British GP to US company Octagon

December 2000 - Octagon agrees 15-year lease of Silverstone to run British GP

March 2003 - Octagon pulls out of its motorsport business because of debts, leaving race needing new promoter

Sep 2004 - Britain omitted from provisional 2005 calendar because of lack of agreement on promoter

Oct 2004 British GP named on draft 2005 F1 calendar

This is what BBC on-line (http://www.bbc.co.uk) has to say about the affair:

Silverstone's owners say a deal must be in place by the end of October if the 2005 British Grand Prix is to go ahead. The dispute between the British Racing Drivers' Club and F1 chief Bernie Ecclestone rests on contract details.

BRDC chairman Ray Bellm told BBC Five Live: "The main bone of contention is that Bernie wants a one-year contract with a six-year extension.

"We want two years with a five-year extension. Our crunch point is the end of October."

The World Motor Sport Council meets on 10 December to finalise the 2005 calendar, but Bellm wants to finds a solution well before then to allow the BRDC the planning time required to stage the race.

The British GP has been given a date of 3 July on next year's draft schedule but a commercial deal must be agreed before the race is confirmed.

Ecclestone, however, has already warned the BRDC that his offer to save the race is not open to negotiation. "We can't negotiate any more on this," Ecclestone told the Daily Express.

"They are on the calendar for the moment but we have to have a decision on this soon."

Ecclestone prefers a one-year deal, with a six-year extension dependent on the progress of improvements made to the track and its surroundings.

The current negotiations are not thought to involve Brand Synergy, the company which includes Nigel Mansell as one of its backers. However, the group is still hopeful of persuading the BRDC to join forces to safeguard the future of the British Grand Prix.

France and San Marino were also given provisional dates by F1's governing body the FIA on Wednesday. Ecclestone is limited to 17 Grands Prix a year by contract with the teams and must trim his draft calendar of 19 if he is to avoid a costly pay-out.

This year he had a multi-million pound bill for paying the teams to participate in an 18th race.

I just hope that this is sorted out, otherwise British petrol heads will have to travel overseas to see what I personally consider to be the pinnacle of four-wheel motor sport.

Time to call it quits - I need to grab a bite for lunch.

Back later.


Do spiders scream when they see a big fat hairy human in the bath?

More jokes from America

Again, I know people will think that I'm taking a swipe at Americans - nothing could be further from the truth. The jokes I tend to post on my blog have all been sent to me by Americans - to whom I am indebted for their kindness, and more to the point, all the jokes!

Law Enforcement

The LAPD, The FBI, and the CIA are all trying to prove that they are the best at apprehending criminals. The President decides to give them a test. He releases a rabbit into a forest and each of them has to catch it.

The CIA goes in. They place animal informants throughout the forest. They question all plant and mineral witnesses. After three months of extensive investigations they conclude that rabbits do not exist.

The FBI goes in. After two weeks with no leads they burn the forest, killing everything in it, including the rabbit, and they make no apologies. The rabbit had it coming.

The LAPD goes in. Two hours later they come out with a badly-beaten bear who's yelling, "OK, OK! I'm a rabbit......"

Here's another gem from America:-

A Letter from a hillbilly dad to his son

Dear Son,

I'm writing this slow 'cause I know you can't read fast. We don't live where we did when you left. Your Mom read in the paper where most accidents happen closer than 20 miles to home, so we moved. I won't be able to give you the address 'cause the last family that lived here took the numbers with them for their next house so they wouldn't have to change their address.

This place has a washing machine. The first day, I put four shirts in it, pulled the chain, and haven't seen them since. It only rained twice this week... Three days the first time and four days the second.

The coat you wanted me to send you... Your Aunt Sue said it would be a little too heavy to send in the mail with them heavy buttons, so we cut them off and put them in the pockets.

We got a bill from the funeral home. It said if we didn't make the last payment on Grandma's funeral, up she comes. About your Mother... She has a lovely job. She has over 500 men under her - she is cutting grass at the cemetery.

About your sister... She had a baby this morning. I haven't found out whether it is a boy or a girl, so don't know if you are an aunt or and uncle.

Three of your friends went off the bridge in a pickup. One was driving, the other two were in the back. The driver got out... He rolled down the window and swam to safety. The other two drowned. They couldn't get the tail gate down.

Your uncle Bo fell in the whiskey vat. Some men tried to pull him out, but he fought them off. Even got out twice to pee. He drowned. We cremated him ... He burned for three days.

Not much news this time ... Nothing much happened.

Write more often.



But, with this joke, I'm taking a swipe at the way we're living our lives - and I admit - I'm guilty of at least 90% of this!

You know you're living in 2004 when...

1.You accidentally enter your password on the microwave.

2. You haven't played solitaire with real cards years.

3. You have a list of 15 phone numbers to reach your family of 3.

4. You e-mail the person who works at the desk next to you.

5. Your reason for not staying in touch with friends is that they don't have e-mail addresses.

6. When you go home after a long day at work you still answer the phone in a business manner.

7. When you make phone calls from home, you accidentally dial "9" to get an outside line.

8. You've sat at the same desk for four years and worked for three different companies.

10. If you don't have your mobile on you, you have no idea what your huband's / wife's / girlfriend's / boyfriend's phone number is.

11. You learn about your redundancy on the 11 o'clock news.

12. Your boss doesn't have the ability to do your job.

13. Contractors out number permanent staff and are more likely to get long-service awards.


14. You read this entire list, and kept nodding and smiling.

15. As you read this list, you think about forwarding it to your friends.

16. You are too busy to notice there was no #9

17. You actually scrolled back up to check that there wasn't a #9 AND NOW YOU'RE LAUGHING at yourself.

One final thought...

Life explained...

On the first day God created the dog. God said, "Sit all day by the door of your house and bark at anyone who comes in or walks past. I will give you a life span of twenty years." The dog said, "That's too long to be barking. Give me ten years and I'll give you back the other ten." So God agreed.

On the second day God created the monkey. God said, "Entertain people, do monkey tricks, make them laugh. I'll give you a twenty-year life span." The monkey said, "How boring, monkey tricks for twenty years? I don't think so. Dog gave you back ten, so that's what I'll do too, okay?" And God agreed.

On the third day God created the cow. God said, "You must go to the field with the farmer all day long and suffer under the sun, have calves and give milk to support the farmer. I will give you a life span of sixty years." The cow said, "That's kind of a tough life you want me to live for sixty years. Let me have twenty and I'll give back the other forty." And God agreed again.

On the forth day God created man. God said, "Eat, sleep, play, marry and enjoy your life. I'll give you twenty years." Man said, "What? Only twenty years! Tell you what, I'll take my twenty, and the forty the cow gave back and the ten the monkey gave back and the ten the dog gave back, that makes eighty, okay?"

"Okay," said God, "You've got a deal."

So that is why the first twenty years we eat, sleep, play, and enjoy ourselves; for the next forty years we slave in the sun to support our family; for the next ten years we do monkey tricks to entertain the grandchildren; and for the last ten years we sit on the front porch and bark at everyone.

Life has now been explained to you.

Hopefully, this explains just a little bit about my sense of humour. Those who know me, will know that this is only just a small sample of the jokes that I have a tendency to send to people.. The rest tend to be stored in my head, and I rarely get the chance to post them, but I promise I'll do my best....

Time to call it quits - I'm supposed to be working!

Back later.


Do spiders scream when they see a big fat hairy human in the bath?

Knackered - and ready to string someone up!

As the title says, I'm knackered. Ok - the scare I had in the car this morning woke me up (for an hour or so), but now I'm starting to doze again. Why? Simple. The blasted alarm system triggered this morning at 02:33.

There was no reason for it, as both cats were upstairs - Fred snoring on my bed, and Ponto was sulking in the study - I'd told him off earlier in the evening for coughing up a hairball on my bed!

I grabbed my dressing gown, and flew downstairs, muttering expletives, and switched the damn thing off. There was no reason for it to trigger (well, none that I could find) and I started to walk back upstairs, only to have the appetite on legs (Ponto) decide that as I was up and around, he could have breakfast!

I gave him a few cat biscuits, which he ate, and then just sat there, looking at his bowl, then looking up at me, as if to say "is that all I'm going to get?" Damned right. I had no intention of feeding him all night - not when I had to be up at 06:30!

Mum had also been woken up by the alarm, but fortunately for her, she has today off, and the only major thing that she has to do, is take the 307 into the garage to get the indicator cluster sorted out in the offside front headlamp.

Hmm - suppose I'd better answer my 'phone before it drives me barmy.

Do spiders scream when they see a big fat hairy human in the bath?

Trying to wrap myself around a kerb...

And no - I'm not joking. I got it wrong on the Myton Road island, heading to work, and as I started to turn towards my exit, the car decided to go straight on - towards the kerb. If it hadn't been for the fact that I'd done skid pan training about three years ago, I would have lost the front end of the car.

So, after that, I did back off the throttle - a bit. But, I doubt if it will slow me down for very long, as I'm one of these people that just has to push my limits in the car. I can get away with it in this one, as I've had it long enough to know its quirks, but the new one will be a totally different kettle of fish. If I try to pull some of the tricks in the new one, then there is every chance I will do one of several things:

* Kill myself
* Write the car off
* Write the car off AND kill myself

But, whatever happens, life's too short to worry. Although Mum wouldn't be too happy if she knew what I was like when I'm on my own... But this morning, I get the impression that someone was looking after me this morning, and all I can say is thank you.

Back later - it's starting to get busy...


Do spiders scream when they see a big fat hairy human in the bath?

I hate trying to configure my computer!

As the title says, this has been driving me scatty. Why? Because I'm using speakers that are 'not supported by Microsoft Windows ®' so half the fancy gizmos that the new operating system can do, are soddin' usless to me.

Needless to say, I've found a way 'round this. It's not something that Billy Gates would approve of - but this is my computer - and I decide what I do to it, to make my sound system work or not..

Suppose I'd better call it quits - I've got to be up at 06:30 tomorrow morning, and the appetite on legs is giving me the evil eye...

Back tomorrow.

Do spiders scream when they see a big faty hairy human in the bath?

Getting bored of US politics

Before I get hoards of complaints about this - it was sent to me by an American e-mail friend! And given the current state of American politics, I felt this was rather appropriate!

After numerous rounds of "We don't even know if Osama is still alive", Osama himself decided to send George W. a letter in his own handwriting to let him know he was still in the game. Bush opened the letter and it appeared to contain a coded message:

370HSSV 0773H.

Bush was baffled, so he typed it out and emailed it to Colin Powell.

Colin and his aides had no clue either so they sent it to the CIA. No one could solve it so it went to the NSA and then to MIT and NASA and the Secret Service.

Eventually they asked Britain's MI6 for help. They cabled the White House: "Tell the President he is looking at the message upside down."

To be honest, I've had enough of politics to last a lifetime. All we seem to get is lies, lies and excuses, and the British Prime Minster (a certain T. Blair) seems to be more interested in saving his skin for a third term in office, than in answering a straight question, and explaining why he dragged Britain into George W. Bush's war.

And I get the feeling that 'Shrub' was determined to go one better then Bush Snr - and take out Saddam. And no - I'm not one of Saddam's supporters. I just feel that there had to be a better way of removing him, and that the task should have been completed back in 1990 - during the First Gulf war, when the allies had the backing of the Arab world.

Time to call it quits - nearly time to escape.

Possibly back later...

Do spiders scream when they see a big fat hairy human in the bath?

Getting into mischief... Or not as the case may be!

As you can tell, I'm getting bored. I've decided to take some cuttings of one of my plants - a Tradescantia. It serves two purposes - it makes the plant bushier, and allows me to propagate some more of the plant, so I can plant them into the same pot, should the cuttings take of course! I've also got another plant to bring into the office - a Sinderpuss aureus (Devils ivy). So, when this arrives on my desk tomorrow, the plant rota will read (for the winter season anyway!):

1 x Spathillium "Mona Loa"

1 x Chlorophytum verigata (a spider plant by any other name!)

1 x Tradescantia zebrina (Wandering Jew is this plant's other name - no idea why!)

4 x cuttings (not sure if these will survive yet - will keep you posted!)

1 x Sinderpuss aureus

The summer season will have the addition of the two Gloxinias - a Kaiser Fredrich (this is now called Emperor Fredrich for some reason!) and Hollywood.

They're all plants that thrive with me in the office, and in the summer, when I've got the other two plants (the Gloxinias), my desk tends to look like a jungle (or a greenhouse - depending on who you speak to!). Despite the comments, I find it rather relaxing, and have decided that what I am going to get next growing season, is some insect repellent sticks.

These ingenious little devices sit in the compost, and as soon as the invading greenfly lands, and decides to have a snack, it gets a nasty surprise - the plant has something noxious in its sap stream, and this does one of two things - either kills the offending aphid, or gives it such bad indigestion, that it goes elsewhere for lunch!

Hmm - looks like I'm about to get given some more work.... And I'm beginning to give serious consideration to swapping my in tray!

Back later.


Do spiders scream when they see a big fat hairy human in the bath?

Back in the posting habit...

After a short break from posting, I'm back in the hot seat. Yesterday was a little too manic to post, and to be honest, I didn't know which way was up! I also realised that I need to get another top for the company's Christmas do - as most of my clothes are casual, and not really suitable for this sort of do!

So, I've got to go shopping. And guess what - I loathe shopping. So, I've got no idea what I want to get, other than the fact that it must be something that I'll wear again - I'm not one of these women that will only wear a top once only!

The worst part is, the colours that seem to be in fashion this winter are black, cream or dusky pink. The black and cream are not a problem - the dusky pink is - simply because I look awful! But, I've been given some ideas, and I can see that I'm going to team up with a good mate of mine - the sort who'll tell me if I look soddin' awful in a top!

Rats - got some work being passed my way..

Back later...


Do spiders scream when they see a big fat hairy human in the bath?

Jumping to the wrong conclusion - again!

But that's nothing unusual for me! I called my friend as soon as I was out of the office, expecting to talk to this voice mail, only for him to answer the 'phone! I asked if everything was ok, and he told me that he'd not been able to reply to the text message that I'd sent to him, as his 'phone was playing up!

He explained the situation (and I'm not going to elaborate - suffice to say that he was helping out his girlfriend - more than that remains between the two of us!) and that he was feeling a little bit guilty about having to change our plans at the last minute.

That didn't worry me in the slightest, as he was decent enough to call me before I finished work, and also left me a voicemail to let me know what was happening (after a fashion) as I couldn't answer my 'phone - I was on a work related call!

But, we've re-arranged our get together - nothing more drastic than a coffee, a chat and a film on DVD - for next Tuesday night. That way, both of us can get the various arrangements in place to make sure that neither of us have upset members of our respective families and or significant others.

Time to call it quits - got a CD that I want to make a copy of for the car...

Back tomorrow.


Do spiders scream when the see a big fat hairy human in the bath?

The best laid plans..

If there's one thing that I've learnt, it's never to make plans with my best mate, and expect things to go smoothly. The same thing has happened yet again - he called me and left a message on my answerphone, which said that he needed to take a rain check on us meeting up tonight, and that he would call me sometime to explain.

Ok - I can live with that, but it is damned annoying at times, when you've made plans for an evening... However, I'll live, and no doubt I'll get a phone call at some awful time in the morning, because he needs someone to wibble to.

Time to call it quits - it's after 16:30!

Back later...

Do spiders scream when they see a big fat hairy human in the bath?

I didn't expect a post!

As the title says, I didn't expect my blog to publish my posts from this e-mail! But, having said that, it can prove to be a lot of fun, updating the blog, without looking like I'm web surfing! *Grin*

To be honest, I haven't had much time to update my blog today, as I've been kept busy working on various bits and pieces for people, but things have calmed down a bit, hence the reason I can run this update, and also look like I'm doing some work.

After I finished my shift at 16:30 yesterday, I walked to the garage where I was meeting Mum, and spoke to the salesman who's been dealing with both of us, told me that there had been a change in the build dates. One car is supposed to be being built on 14/10/04, and the other is supposed to be being built on 21/10/04!

They're hoping to have the dates confirmed in a few days time, but until then, we don't know which car is being built when! I've also asked if I can have a set of carpet mats for my car...

The salesman told me that they (the dealership) would do me a good deal, as the mats I want are usually £29.99 inc VAT... But, I was quite pleased with that price, as the mats for my current car were £37.49! So I was more than happy with that quote, and toddled home a happier little tigger.

Mum has the 307 booked in for the indicator problem on Friday, and that way, she can find out what's causing the problem - hopefully! Personally, I think that the car needs to be re-wired completely, that way, the problems should hopefully be solved! But, when Mum sells the car, then it's down to the new owner to sort out - not us!

Time to call this quits - nearly time to escape!

Back tomorrow...

Do spiders scream when they see a big fat hairy human in the bath?

Wondering what to do...

As you can tell, I'm getting bored. But, despite that, there are some customers who are making me laugh - especially those that try to get me to move them to the top of the back order list, despite the fact that they have only ordered (or enquired about) the tyres today. Even if I could do that, there is no way on this earth that I would do that - it's more than my job's worth!

Plus, I will admit, I'm clock watching. But, only because I'm finishing at 16:30 today. As I've said in a previous post, I'm meeting Mum at the garage, because she's not happy with the car. There have been comments, after it got liberally coated in seagull shit whilst she was at work, that "shit attracts shit".

That made me laugh, but it also set me wondering if that was the reason that the mouse attempted to set up home in my car's engine bay - it was trying to join its relatives that Mum jokingly says I've got in the car. (Apparently, my car's power isn't measured in horse power, mine's measured in mouse power - I doubt that very much, as I take the cats to the vets in my car - Mum refuses to take the risk of Ponto throwing up on her leather upholstery! Thanks - my car's got velour upholstery - at least leather's easy to clean!)

Hmm - more work's winging it's way to me.

Possibly back later.

Do spiders scream when they see a big fat hairy human in the bath?

Back at my desk - and getting bored!

There are only so many calls you can take, before you start getting bored... And I'm fast approaching my limit.

Having said that though, there is plenty to keep me out of mischief - for about 30 seconds anyway! And after that, then it takes more than Solitaire to keep me occupied. Unfortunately, the company won't let me bring in Divine Divinity to play - otherwise, I'd be in my element, and have completed more of the game than I do at the moment.

But, knowing my luck, I would get to a call, just as I was in the middle of beating heck out of something that was trying to kill me... And me being me, wouldn't be able to save quick enough to prevent my character being slaughtered like a pig, and me having to restart the bit I was playing, as I don't always remember to save after a huge punch up!

Mind you, this is the first time that I've tried posting by e-mail. Ok - it arrives at my blog, needing a little bit of work (formatting the signature colour, and other minor bits), but it does make it that much safer for me, as it doesn't look like I'm web surfing. Simply because the company is starting to crack down on those of us web surfing whilst we're at our desks. (For some reason, they think we should be working!)

Time to call it quits for now - got some work landed in my IN tray... I'm tempted to swap my in tray for the rubbish bin - that way it cuts out the middleman!

Back later.

Do spiders scream when they see a big fat hairy human in the bath?

A quite day..

But not for me. Simply because I've taken over some more of the admin work in the department, and for some reason, people have taken to generating even more paperwork than normal!

I've also go to go and meet Mum at the local Peugot dealership, as the 307 has yet another problem. This time, the offside (right hand) indicator cluster in the front headlamp has packed up. The side repeater's working fine, as is the rear indicator cluster. The only way that the problem can be picked up, is by the fact that the idicator on the dashboard flashes that much faster than normal.

Time to call it quits - nearly time to get back to my desk - but thankfully, I don't have that long to wait, as I finish at 16:30 today!

Back later....


Do spiders scream when they see a big fat hairy human in the bath?

Copying music

I'd never really bothered with the Windows media player on my home PC... Until now. I was playing around with a CD (no - it wasn't the Rasmus - it was Mike + the mechanics) and it (Windows media player) hooked up to some website of database, and gave me all the info on the album (OK - I admit it - I didn't know I could do that!).

As soon as it did that, I was hooked. I'm now in the process of copying most of my CDs (the ones that get played on a regular basis!) to my computer, so I can play them whilst I'm working on various bits and pieces.

I've also been on the 'phone to a friend of mine (who shall remain nameless & sexless unless I'm told otherwise!) as this person was rather distressed. But not as distressed as I was, when my blasted bluetooth headset decided that the battery was about to give up the ghost! But, thankfully, I was able to switch to the handset - even if it did make playing on the computer that bit harder!

Time to call it quits - lunch is ready.

Back later...


Do spiders scream when they see a big fat hairy human in the bath?

Getting something for Dad..

No - I'm not going 'round the twist. It's just something that both Mum & I agreed to do, when we were coming to terms with our loss.

So, we decided to go to Stratford upon Avon - yes - the home of William Shakespeare. The reason? Simple. There is a very good china & glass shop there called BW Thornton (it's at the top end of Stratford by the Shakespeare birthplace trust).

It doesn't look very much, but when you get inside, it holds some of the most beautiful pieces of glass and pottery that you could wish to see. Everything from Isle of Wight Glass to pieces by Sidi Langley and pottery by the Dennis Chinaworks (designs by Sally Tuffin - she of the wonderful wildlife designs!) to the traditional Moorecroft pottery and enamels.

Mum and I were having a look, and the pair of us fell for a small vase by Sidi Langley. It colour matches several pieces that we have in the collection, and every time I go into that shop, all I can recall is Dad trying to talk me out of a perfume bottle that I'd seen for Mum's birthday.

Again, it was a Sidi Langley piece, and he was worried that Mum wouldn't like it. I knew better, and when Mum opened the box on her birthday, the look of delight was something to make me smile, even now.

It wasn't wildly expensive - I think it was about £56 (no idea what that is in other currencies, so please don't ask me!) and the pair of us have agreed that we'll get one piece of glass a year for the collection - be it a paperweight, perfume bottle or other, but the only restriction is that we both like it, and that the piece costs less than £60. Unless it is an exceptional piece that we both like, then the price limit is up for discussion!

I've also agreed to do my best to overcome my severe sea sickness, as Mum wants to go to the Isle of Wight next year. Unfortunately for me, the only way to get there is by ferry. So, I've said that I'll go into the pharmacy, and see what I can take to prevent myself throwing up everywhere - but the only request that I make, is that it doesn't make me sleepy, as there's a good chance that it will be me doing the driving, as I cannot read a map for love nor money!

So, I've sent a request to the Isle of White tourist board (http://www.islandbreaks.co.uk/) to get the relevant information, and see what there is to do on the island. I knew about the glass making - that's the main reason why Mum wants to go (that and the fact that she and Dad were planning to go next year!) and I also want to go.

Why? Simple. There's a peculiar thing called a garlic farm there (see http://www.thegarlicfarm.co.uk/ for details!) - and I am a garlic addict - much to the dismay of my work colleagues I may add!

Time to call it quits - I'm getting glared at by the appetite on legs again - he's being ignored whilst I'm on the computer, and he doesn't like it. And more to the point, I don't think my Jaffa cakes are safe with him around!

Back later - if I can get the peace and quiet!


Do spiders scream when they see a big fat hairy human in the bath?

Mine is but to post...

And I make no apologies for this post. All credit goes to an old friend of my late father's - if you're reading my blog big fella - many thanks for the jokes!

Now read this.... And draw your own conclusions....

While America Slept
By David H. Hackworth

You’d think a Hollywood screenwriter scripted the “Saving Private Jessica Lynch” spectacle the Pentagon produced last year. But that five-sided propaganda factory with its battalions of well-trained deceivers came up with this particular fairytale – about how a Special Ops unit snatched a beautiful blonde American heroine from Iraqi fiends – all on their own.

Why? In late March of ‘03, the invasion wasn’t going according to plan. Guerrillas were popping out of the desert like sand flies, gumming up the U.S. attack, and General Tommy Franks – having gone in far too light and without the right force mix – was in trouble. So the spinners came up with a scheme to distract an easily gulled American press corps and divert public attention.

First the real story behind Lynch’s rescue: A daring Special Forces team out of Fort Campbell, Ky. – operating deep behind enemy lines – learned from an Iraqi source that an American soldier was being held in a nearby hospital. They quickly sent the Iraqi back with a concealed camera to determine how the hospital was secured, critical information that was then flashed to the team’s command element.

On 1 April, Special Ops guys conducted a flawless raid – taped by Pentagon flacks for the entire world to watch as it unfolded in all its live-fire, heart-pounding ultimate reality show glory – against no resistance whatsoever, since the Iraqi defenders were long gone.

Lynch, it turns out, wasn’t wounded in action. She was badly banged up in a vehicle accident which occurred while she and her mates were trying to escape a guerrilla ambush. She not only never fought with her rifle and trench knife as the Pentagon had leaked, she never even got off a shot – because she was out cold from the time of the collision until she woke up in the hospital. Where the Iraqi docs couldn’t wait to transfer their well-cared for but terrified patient to Special Ops control.

Because the Iraqi lawyer Mohammed Odeh Rehaeif – who became famous for saving Lynch – was considered unreliable by the Green Berets, his info was never used and the true hero of the rescue was the unsung Special Forces source, who pocketed his modest pay and disappeared.

Not that the truth mattered. Rehaeif was flown to the States, given a lofty position with a White House-connected Washington law firm, signed to a six-figure book deal and, as with Lynch, spun into legend.

Lynch garnered a Bronze Star for her “heroics,” the Purple Heart for “wounds received in action,” a mega-buck book deal – and millions of proud Americans got to view her “gallantry and sacrifice” in an NBC TV docudrama. To keep the press bamboozled, she was locked up under tight control in Army hospitals with a convenient bout of amnesia.

In its micro way, the Lynch scam symbolizes the miasma of deception surrounding the invasion and the ugly unsolvable occupation already causing the direst consequences to our national security.

From post-9/11 to the present, the war too has been based on lies fanned by the same Pentagon propaganda machine busy doing everything possible – including the censorship of our troops in Iraq for “national security purposes” – to convince the American people that, as we sadly heard for eight bloody years in Vietnam, there’s “light at the end of the tunnel.”

We went to war because we were told Iraq had WMD that threatened our country’s security and that Saddam was a key player behind 9/11. Both have been proven to be super whoppers.

We were also told that liberating Iraq would be a cakewalk with few U.S. casualties and would cost no more than a billion bucks – which would quickly be repaid by Iraqi oil. Yet more duplicity.

So far I count 1,050 American dead, 7,750 combat wounded and about 30,000 non-battle casualties. And our war costs are already close to a cool $200 billion.

Meanwhile, Super Flack James Wilkinson, the reported Spielberg of the Lynch saga, has recently been shifted from desert duties to advising National Security Advisor Rice on how to further deceive the American people.

Like Vietnam, the cover-ups and distortions will continue until the press and the people wake up. Hopefully that will be before the count is 3,000 or 4,000 dead American soldiers.

Col. David H. Hackworth (USA Ret.) is SFTT.org co-founder and Senior Military Columnist for DefenseWatch magazine.

Complaints – shouldn’t happen on a Friday!

I loathe dealing with whinging customers. Especially when they take their grievances about the company out on me! It’s almost as if it’s my personal fault that the tyres they ordered on Monday have failed to arrive, and when they ask for an AM delivery, some bright spark here promised an AM delivery…

And when he didn’t get his AM delivery, muggins here is the one who cops the abuse. This guy said that he was fed up with the service, that we always let him down, our drivers ignore instructions for urgent deliveries, and what have you. Funny how he only complains when the customer is there… I guess that it’s his way of making himself seem better in front of the customer.

But, I don’t care. It’s not my problem, and if he’s petty enough to complain about us when the customer is there, then that’s not my problem – that’s his.

Time for lunch…

Back later - if I get the peace and quiet!.

Do spiders scream when they see a big fat hairy human in the bath?

Legacy of a crash [part 2]

Well, the price for the same day delivery has been given… £165 + vat. Glad it’s not me that has to pay that! Call me tight fisted if you like, but the problem only arose due to our system failure on Wednesday.

I know one thing – it’s taught me to make sure that I use the manual ordering system, when the computer ordering system is unreliable!

Bugger – there goes my ‘phone. Suppose I’d better answer it.

Back later.

Do spiders scream when they see a big fat hairy human in the bath?

Legacy of a crash [part 1]

Just what I didn’t need. An order that I manage to force into the ordering system on Wednesday, (when it was up and running after a fashion) has come back to haunt me.

The truck tyres that were ordered haven’t arrived and the guy at site is going mad, as the truck that they are to be fitted to is going for the MOT on Monday, and the company that owns the truck isn’t open on Saturday, so that negates a Saturday delivery.

The worst part is, there has been a crackdown on same day deliveries, and due to the system being down on Wednesday, the transport system didn’t register the fact that there had been an order placed.

So, as I type this, we are waiting for a price to see if the same day delivery can be sorted… I hate computers at times like this!

Back later [possibly].

Do spiders scream when they see a big fat hairy human in the bath?