Walking in the Shadows

Random musings from Warwickshire on life in general... Things that make me laugh, make me cry, things that wind me up beyond all endurance - and everything in between.

Sometimes I wonder....

What is it about some people? They buy a powerful car (something like a BMW 5 series) and then appear to be terrified of the car. I sometimes wonder if they've just bought the damned thing, because it's a prestige mark, and will look good parked on the drive / at the golf club / private gym car park.

Don't get me wrong - I'm not jealous (apart from the one occasion when I saw my dream car - an Aston Martin DB9 - being driven by some guy who couldn't have been a day over 90!), but it just infuriates me to see such cars being pootled about by people who seem to cling onto the steering wheel, almost as if that will somehow stop them going too fast.

What makes me rant like this today? Simple. A trip into Stratford-Upon-Avon, via the A46 - which is for all intents and purposes a motorway without the hard shoulder. I had the misfortune to get stuck behind someone in a 5 Series BMW, that refused to do above 50mph, and wouldn't move into the left hand lane either, despite the fact that there was nothing in the lane!

I eventually got past (a sneaky overtake on the Longbridge Island) and got a very dirty look from the passenger when I out accelerated the BMW, and sped off at high speed. Well, I was being reckless - I was doing 70mph - which is the speed limit on the road in question!

And before I get comments e-mailed to me that I would be scared to drive those cars, let me get one thing straight right now. I've driven everything from 1.2 litre Fiat Puntos (my first car was a '94 Fiat Punto SX - called Fiendish - simply because it was fiendishly expensive to sort out when it went wrong!) through to the one car that I will admit to being in awe of - the TVR Tuscan 3.8 l V8.... (See http://www.pistonheads.com/tvr/tuscanracer/brochure.htm for tech spec)

Ok - I know that my current car isn't exactly supercar material (I would have liked to get the Peugeot GTi 180, but my insurance company would love me, and my bank manager hate me!) but I'm planning on getting some tuning work on it... Along the lines of having the engine bored out to the exact spec that was laid down when the engine was designed, and a few other bits.

I did the same thing with my Toyota, and that turned it from a normal Yaris, into a tyre chewing, rain hating monster. Despite that, it was remarkably civilized around town (ok - it hated traffic jams), and was quite happy belting around a track - once I'd put the track day wheels on it.

Well, I'll be damned if I was going to ruin a set of road tyres, and as the tyres were about £50 + tyre - and that didn't include the hassle I had getting the damned things, it made sense for me to make the investment.

But, there was one drawback to using different tyres for the track days - I couldn't get the particular brand of tyre I wanted here in the UK, as there wasn't the requirement to bring the track tyre into the UK.

Thanks. That's a fat lot of good to me, but I was lucky enough to find a company who were able to help me get the tyres, and them fit them to the rims that I'd already invested in (OZ rims - expensive, but well worth the investment - the car went like I'd stuffed a small rocket up the exhaust pipe!)

However, when I sold the Toyota, I kept the wheels (I'm not as dumb as I sound!), and as soon as I get fit (or more to the point, I can use my right arm a bit more) I'm booking myself on a track day, and I'll see exactly what the Pug is made of...

So, if you're in the UK, and at a track day in the next few months, keep an eye open for a small Blue Pug with an attitude problem - you never know, it may be me!

Time to call it quits - I've got to go and wash the lights on the car - they're covered in road film because of all the salt / general crap that coats the roads these days.

Back tomorrow, if I get the peace and quiet.


Don't let the b'stards get you down.