Walking in the Shadows

Random musings from Warwickshire on life in general... Things that make me laugh, make me cry, things that wind me up beyond all endurance - and everything in between.

Tails from the furry side...

I know that I've not updated my blog for a couple of days, but I've been busy with various bits and pieces - including taking the furry psychopath (Ponto) and the hippy (Fred) to the vet for their booster jabs.

Normally, the vet puts little booties and a muzzle of sorts on Ponto, as he's totally anti-vet. But, this time, it wasn't the usual vet we (the cats and I) saw. It was a locum. Fred was his normal dopy self, and purred the whole time - even when he had the jabs!

Ponto was in a different league altogether. He came out the cat basket like a furry atom bomb - with teeth and claws. I managed to grab hold of him, and asked the vet if he was going to put the booties and muzzle on him.

"I don't need such protection" came the lofty reply. As soon as he said that, my thoughts were along the lines of 'ok - on your head be it - I know what Ponto's like!' So, as far as I was concerned, it was touch the cat and stand well back to avoid the claws and fangs.

Ponto got his jabs. Eventually. But only after the vetinary nurse grabbed hold of him, wrapped him in a towel and left one little bit to get the jabs. The cat's yowls were awful - I could almost hear the expletives in the yowls - I think they were along the lines of "lemme outta here you b'stard - I'll teach you to stick ****ing needles in me!"

I will admit to being glad to go to work this morning. Ponto did nothing but give me the evil eye all evening, and even refused to sleep on the bed. Not that I objected - he snores worse than my other half!

Time to call it quits - I'm supposed to give my other half a call to let him know what time I'm going to be able to make it over to his place tomorrow night...

Back tomorrow - workload / cats etc. permitting!


Don't let the b'stards get you down.