Walking in the Shadows

Random musings from Warwickshire on life in general... Things that make me laugh, make me cry, things that wind me up beyond all endurance - and everything in between.

I hate...... That bloody mouse!

In case you're wondering what my latest rant is about - it's not aimed at the Disney mouse. No - it's aimed at the common house mouse. Especially the little b'stard that build its nest on the top of my car battery.

No, you're not seeing things - there was a mouse nest on top of the battery of my car. I opened the bonnet, and the language was foul. I called the mouse all the names under the sun, then carefully removed its nest.

Thankfully, there was no damage to the wiring of the car (I used it for the trip to Northampton today - more on that later), but I was less than impressed. You would have thought with TWO cats in the house (one with a hair trigger appetite, and a Swiss army claw attachment!), that the garage was the LAST place you would find a mouse living in.

The best bit was, the mere fact that Mum & I suspected that there was a mouse in the garage before we went on holiday, and bought a Mouse bait box - the idea being that the little vermin goes in, munches the bait, and goes to the great mousehole in the sky.

We get back, and the bait has been duly munched, but the little b'stard still built a bloody nest. If I get my hands on it, it's one very dead mouse. Pity we've tried to poison it, otherwise I'd give it to Ponto, and say

"All yours. Have fun".

Now onto happier news. Mum & I went to see the shoemaker today, and the shoes that he's made for Mum are brilliant! For the first time in over three years, she's walking straight, and not rolling like a drunk.
Ok - the shoes aren't anything like Jimmy Choo's (if anything - they're more expensive - like about £500 + !), but as far as I'm concerned, if these shoes stop Mum suffering any more damage to her joints because of the way she's walking, then they're worth every penny - and I don't think that Dad would disagree with me. My only regret is the fact that he didn't live to see Mum walking normally in the shoes, but somehow, I think he knew Mum was in good hands.

Tomorrow should be fun for me - I've got to go to the optician in Leamington, to let the optometrist know how I've gotten on with the new contact lenses. After more years than I'll admit to (like about 13 years!), wearing contact lenses, I've finally opted to change from gas permeable (rigid) lenses, to the more gentle soft lenses.

When I started wearing contacts, I was advised against the soft lenses, as the wear time was very restricted (about 6 hours at most), and I was going to be wearing my lenses for about 12 hours or more. Now, the technology has improved to such an extent, that I found the soft lenses far more comfortable for me!

They've got some kind of coating (silica I think) that makes the lens more comfortable for the eye, and also makes that most dreaded of occurrences - a dry eye - less likely. They've also got a higher oxygen permeablity rating - something like 82%, as opposed to the 15 - 20% for normal soft lenses. As a result, the lenses are slightly more expensive, but as far as I'm concerned, the comfort factor more than makes up for any cost implications.

And no - I'm not even going to consider laser eye surgery. Not because it's too expensive, or anything like that. It's the mere case that I happen to be a coward, and as far as I'm concerned, I've only got one pair of eyes, and if something goes wrong.... The consequences are too horrific for me to contemplate.

Ah well, time to log off, and bog off - my mobile's ringing, and I haven't got very good reception in the study, where my computer is!

Back tomorrow...

Do spiders scream when they see a big fat hairy human in the bath?

Whilst I was away.... (Why don't you rip the heart out of the city?)

I guess this rant sums up how I feel about Ford's decision to close the Brown's Lane Jaguar factory. You know - the historic home of the classic Jaguar car?

I know that Ford will be spouting all the reasons under the sun, as to why this decision makes economic sense, but try telling that to the 400 or so men & women who will lose their jobs, and the other countless hundreds of people who rely directly or indirectly on the plant being there.

Ok - so they [Ford] have said that jobs will be transferred to the Castle Bromwich site. Whoop-de-do. That doesn't make things any easier for people in the Coventry area - Castle Bromwich (and I'm speaking from experience here!) is a real pain in the proverbial butt to get to, and how long will it be before good ol' 'Uncle Henry' decides to pull the plug on the other sites here in the UK?

And, if they can do that to the Brown's Lane factory, how much longer will the Land Rover factory at Solihull survive? Ok - the unions & management have managed to get a stay of execution on the site [the Freelander is already made at the Jaguar Halewood plant in Liverpool], but all it needs is for some little pen pusher to decide that the site isn't viable, then "goodbye Lode Lane."

I know people will think that I'm taking a swipe at Ford, and saying that the company should have stayed in the dark ages, making huge losses, but it's not a case of that at all. All I'm trying to do, is make my personal feelings known - and also to highlight the loss of Midland manufacturing heritage. As it is, the Massey Ferguson site at Banner lane is all but closed - how much more can the city of Coventry take?

Time to call it quits - I've got to go and check my car over - it's been standing for over a week, and I'm off on a fairly long drive tomorrow...

Back tomorrow [possibly]


Do spiders scream when they see a big fat hairy human in the bath?

A time for reflection

A good title for today’s entry. It would have been Dad’s 56th birthday today, but instead, I’m spending a quiet time on my own, reflecting with my keyboard. Mum has gone to see friends who live near by, and so, I’m left to my own devices.

Don’t get me wrong – I don’t begrudge Mum going out – far from it. I just didn’t feel like being sociable at this moment in time. Especially as I was watching the final part of a TV series that I recorded last night – The Lyon’s Den, with Rob Lowe in the title role. To say that the end was unexpected is an understatement.

If you get the chance to see it – do so. Bear with it, as I will admit that at times, it can be a bit tedious, but the final scenes were brilliant – all credit to Rob Lowe & Kyle Chandler for some fine acting throughout the series – I was hooked from the start.

On a slightly different topic, Mum and I have ordered a new mower. It’s a key start; self driven 19” deck Mountfield, and should be ready to be collected in a couple of weeks time.

It was ‘fun’ trying to find this place in Worcester, especially as I cannot read a map to save my life, but we found the road, and the site, and got the mower on order. So, because we’ve managed to get the mower from the Worcester branch, there’s no need for us to go to Hereford [boo, hiss!].

But, I haven’t given up on the idea of going to the cider museum – far from it. It’s on the back burner for the time being, as there are a few things that I need to get sorted before I get back to work on Monday.

The main one being taking Mum to the shoemaker in Northampton tomorrow. Since Mum had the car accident, she walks with a pronounced limp. Ok – quick info burst – Mum was nearly killed in a car accident three years ago.

As a result of the injuries that she sustained, now requires a built up shoe to help her walk normally, because her right leg is about ½” shorter than the left. Because of this, she limps when she walks without the lift in the shoe. Because of this, both my late father and I have done our best to help Mum, and finally talked her into going to see this shoemaker in Northampton.

We got a call from him last night to say that the shoes are ready for the first fitting, and as Mum wasn’t feeling too good, she let me take the call. I walked into the kitchen, to make things easier for Mum, as the last time she’d been to see the shoemaker, Dad had been with her.

I explained what had happened, and that Mum had good days and bad days, and as a result, it would be me accompanying Mum for the appointment. The gentleman was surprised, and said that he couldn’t believe it, as Dad had seemed so healthy when they (Mum & Dad) had been there for the consultation in early May. I didn’t disagree, and arranged an appointment for the pair of us to go, and see how the shoes fitted.

I will admit this though, as I type this entry, I’ve been listening to some of my favourite music. I started listening to the Evanescence album [Fallen], but found that all it was doing was depressing me. There’s the one track on there, My Immortal that I cannot listen to, without bursting into tears:

I'm so tired of being here
Suppressed by all my childish fears
And if you have to leave
I wish that you would just leave
'Cause your presence still lingers here
And it won't leave me alone

These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have
All of me

You used to captivate me
By your resonating life
Now I'm bound by the life you left behind
Your face it haunts
My once pleasant dreams
Your voice it chased away
All the sanity in me

These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have
All of me

I've tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone
But though you're still with me
I've been alone all along

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have
All of me

The reason being, that it reminds me of the way that I felt in the immediate aftermath of Dad’s sudden death. Ok – as time goes by, it does get easier. But not much, and songs like that just cripple me at the moment. So, I’ve resorted to my old favourite – The Rasmus – Dead Letters album. Nothing like a good bit of guitar orientated rock to make you feel better!

Suppose I’d better tend to the moggies – I’m getting the evil eye from the pair of them!

Back when I get away from the furry fiends!


Do spiders scream when they see a big fat hairy human in the bath?

Back from holiday.

And I'm tired, and extremely annoyed. The reason? Only a three hour delay at Jersey airport, with no information being given as to the reason why other than "it's a technical problem". Congratulations. That tells me bugger all. But, I shall refrain from naming the airline - the people who know me will know which one I'm talking about! *Grin*

Having said that, there was a similar delay on the way to Jersey - only this was due to crew sickness (the captain called in sick at the last minute, so a substitute had to be called in) - something which we didn't find out until we were on the aircraft!

Now onto the holiday itself. I make no apologies for the amount of external web links that will be in this blog entry - they can give you far more information about the places that I went to than I can (ok - their versions of it). The opinions in this blog, are mine, and mine alone - and I make no apology for them whatsoever.

Once we'd landed at Jersey airport, Mum and I went to collect the hire car. OK- that wasn't a problem. The car itself was though. It was a Fiat Panda (See
http://www.fiat.co.uk for a picture of the hideous interior!!! I'll give you a clue - it was the yellow - with a pale blue exterior!)

I will say one thing - if it was my car, I would have taken it straight back to the garage where I bought it from, as there were several things that sounded seriously wrong with it: - the gearbox clunked when you changed gear manually (it was an eastronic box), it whined like there was a servo winding itself up, when the offside front door was opened, and it also sounded like there was a wheel bearing going in the offside rear.

Once we'd found the hotel (The West View hotel: - good food, good beer, and quiet - but I would recommend having transport of your own to stay there, as it's a little bit remote - see
http://www.jersey.com for more details!)

After we'd gotten lost because of the lousy directions that we'd been given by the hire company, we got settled, and then headed off for a tour of the island.

Our first stop was Jersey Pearl. (
http://www.worldpearl.com ) Don't get me wrong - I'm not one of these women who loads herself up with jewellery. Far from it. I tend to go for a couple of classical pieces, and make them count.

But, as I was wandering 'round, I will admit, I fell for a lovely pair silver drops with dark pearls on them. They weren't wildly expensive, and I will admit, I kept walking back to them and I knew that was it - I was going to buy them.

The following day, Mum and I went to the Eric Young Orchid Foundation. It's open throughout the year Wednesday through to Saturday. (http://www.ericyoungorchidfoundation.co.uk/) Unfortunately, the site doesn't show the display houses, but as soon as I get the scanner on the computer working, I'll post the photographs that I took there.

There were orchids that smelt of Vanilla - yes, orchids do have scent! The vanilla pod comes from the vanilla orchid! We then went for a drive round the island.

To be honest, it's hard to remember which day we did what, but some things really do stick out in my mind - the trip to Jersey Lavender (
http://www.jerseylavender.co.uk) being one of them.

Simply because on the previous trip to Jersey, I bought some Lavender & Rosemary cologne and that was it. I was hooked. Needless to say, I've stocked up, and made damned sure that I can get it via the web site!!

One of the other places that sticks in my mind is the La Mare Vineyards & Distillery. (
http://www.lamarevineyards.com) For the simple reason, that on the two occasions I've tried their wines, I've found them little better than paint stripper.

OK, they may be award winning wines, but as far as I'm concerned, you can keep them. The apple brandy wasn't much better - again, it reminded me of something that you could use to take the paint off the floor!

However, the one place that I really wanted to visit was the German Underground Hospital. It's now known as the Jersey War Tunnels (http://www.jerseywartunnels.com/) and I will admit, the first time I went, I was with my late father.

Mum refused to go on both occasions, as the one and only time she went, it gave her the creeps to such an extent, she's refused to go back ever since. So, I left Mum with the car keys, and off I went.

The first time I went, I will admit to feeling slightly daunted. But for some reason, this time, I felt really uncomfortable. Ok - I know that there will be some people who twitter on about me picking up psychic vibrations - it was nothing as far out as that. It was the mere fact that the last time I was there, I was with my late father, who did a wonderful job of explaining the things that I didn't understand, as I hadn't studied history at school.

As part of the entrance fee, I was given a reproduction of a Jersey Identity Card or Identitaetskarte, which related to a person in the gallery - along with a brief summary of their life, and what happened to them during the German occupation of the Channel Islands. [The only part of the UK that the German Third Reich actually managed to invade during the Second World War].

The person on my identity card was sent to Ravensbrück concentration camp gas chambers, for trying to help runaways from the underground hospital's labour force.

There is little more that I can say about the tunnels - other than if you go to Jersey, go and see them for yourselves and you'll see exactly what I mean.

The other place that had an impact on me was the Durrell wildlife conservation trust - also known as Jersey Zoo. (

I personally found the Tamarin wood the funniest part of the trip, as the Tamarins scamper around an open woodland, giving their usual vocal calls, and occasionally, posing for photographs! The rest of the tour was well worth it, with the Lemurs making both Mum and myself laugh with their antics - which are totally natural, before people start bristling about that!

Other places that Mum & I visited included Jersey Potteries (
http://www.jerseypottery.com) This left me cold, as there was little that actually caught my eye, and the few pieces that did, were horrifically over priced (in my opinion anyway!). The much vaunted museum left a lot to be desired as well, as there were very few pieces in the display, and very little information about them, and several I'd seen for sale on e-bay!

But, one place I did enjoy going to, was the Living Legend (http://www.jerseyslivinglegend.co.je/) It's great for kids, and to be honest, there are times when I'm little more than an overgrown kid myself! The presentation was slick, and gave an interesting insight into the island's history.

The comment that stuck in my mind was "England is Jersey's oldest possession" as the island was part of the Duchy of Normandy - and became part of the UK when William, Duke of Normandy invaded England in 1066 (yes - he was William the Conqueror).

Aside from doing the tourist bit, Mum & I did go into the main town on Jersey (ok - the ONLY town in Jersey!) St Helier. We had a walk around the shops - and noticed that some of the larger chain stores (who shall remain nameless) were trying to charge the full 17.5% VAT on their goods.

What makes me mention this? Simple. The Channel Islands have no VAT on their goods. But, we did find that if you went to the smaller shops (i.e. the one-off shops) the prices were quite a bit lower, even if certain stores had delusions of grandeur. Having said that though, I did manage to find a rather unusual aftershave. It's called Monsieur Balman, and is lemon based - a real favourite of mine.

Ok - there were a couple of aftershaves / perfumes that I liked, but the price difference wasn't worth me considering buying them. As for me wearing aftershave, I'm of the opinion that a fragrance is a fragrance - and, if I like the smell, and it suits my skin acidity, then I'll wear it.

However, there are perfumes by Dior (Dune being the main one) that I cannot wear, simply because they smell awful on me. I tried Dune when it first came out, and the guy I was shopping with [yes - a man who liked shopping - great rarity!] said that I smelt like I'd been urinated on by a camel (or words to that effect!) Needless to say, that comment caused me to change my mind rather rapidly about the perfume - but I will admit I'd been in two minds about it anyway.

Other shops were interesting, but some were a complete waste of time in my opinion. But, having said that, I was glad that I took my book with me. In the evenings, after dinner at the hotel, there was nothing I liked better than to curl up on the bed with my book. I took the Tom Holt omnibus - For Two Nights Only - which contains Overtime and Grailblazers. Put it this way, I had tears of laughter running down my cheeks - especially in this passage from Grailblazers:

"Running away" Boamund said, "is just not done."

"I've done it," Toenail interrupted, "lots of times. It's quite easy once you get the hang of it."

"But it's not right," Boamund protested. "Sir Lancelot never ran away from people."

"Maybe not." Galahaut retorted, as they skittered over a patch of turbulence. "Maybe the fact that everyone was shit-scared of him had something to do with it. I don't think that lot are terribly frightened of us, do you?"

He waved an arm behind them...

(For the rest, you'll have to read Grailblazers I'm afraid!)

Hmm - suppose I'd better leave my perch, and see who's had the nerve to ring the door bell.

Back when I get free.

Do spiders scream when they see a big fat hairy human in the bath?

How you remind me...

There's nothing I like more, than singing along to a rock song on the radio.. In this case, it was Nickelback - How you remind me [from the Silverside Up album - a true rock classic!]

Never made it as a wise man
I couldn't cut it as a poor man stealin'
Tired of livin' like a blind man
I'm sick inside without a sense of feelin'

And this is how you remind me
This is how you remind me
Of what I really am
This is how you remind me
Of what I really am

It's not like you to say sorry
I was waiting on a different story
This time I'm mistaken
For handing you a heart worth breakin'

I've been wrong, I've been down
Been to the bottom of every bottle
These five words in my head
Scream "Are we having fun yet?"
Yet? Yet? Yet?
No, no

It's not like you didn't know that

I said I love you and I swear I still do
It must have been so bad
'Cause living with me must have damn near killed you

This is how you remind me

Of what I really am
This is how you remind me
Of what I really am

It's not like you to say sorry
I was waiting on a different story
This time I'm mistaken
For handing you a heart worth breakin'

I've been wrong, I've been down
Been to the bottom of every bottle
These five words in my head
Scream "Are we having fun yet?"
Yet? Yet? Yet?,
No, no

In some respects, it reminds me of parts of my life - splitting up with the guy I really cared for, simply because we both knew that it wasn't working, and then getting into a relationship that nearly caused me to lose my mind. Don't get me wrong - the guy wasn't abusive - physically, anyway. His specialty was mental abuse - making me feel like I was the bad guy [ok - girl!] when I wanted to do something on my own.

It took the death of my father to make me realise what this guy was doing to me, and in a pervese way, gave me the courage to regain my life - without a control freak in it.

As a result, my new anthem is a Tom Petty song - Learning to Fly:

Well I started out down a dirty road
Started out all alone
And the sun went down as I crossed the hill
And the town lit up, the world got still

I'm learning to fly, but I ain't got wings
Coming down is the hardest thing

Well the good ol' days may not return
And the rocks might melt and the sea may burn

I'm learning to fly, but I ain't got wings
Coming down is the hardest thing

Well some say life will beat you down
Break your heart, steal your crown
So I've started out, for God knows where
I guess I'll know when I get there

I'm learning to fly, around the clouds,
But what goes up must come down

I'm learning to fly, but I ain't got wings
Coming down is the hardest thing

Time to log off and bog off - the moggies are demanding attention, and Ponto is looking like he's going to eat the computer mouse if he doesn't get fed within the next thirty seconds!

Back tomorrow - I hope.


Do spiders scream when they see a big fat hairy human in the bath?


It's hard to believe that it's been three years since the horific events of 9/11. I guess in a way, I'm lucky, living here in the UK - away from the terrorist targets of London and the other major cities. But that doesn't make me complacent - far from it. I can understand the need for extra vigilance, especially at airports, but what I don't understand is the reason for the war in Iraq.

Ok - I know that there will be people who say "she doesn't know what the **** she's talking about - the reasons are X, Y & Z" and equally, there will be people who say "yeah - go for it! The war is wrong for reasons A, B & C".

Ah well - enough political ranting - I can hear the appetite on legs trying to start a fight - I'd better go and sort him out...

Back whenever,


Do spiders scream when they see a big fat hairy human in the bath?

A step into the unknown...

Talk about a scary step! I've taken the plunge, and put the order in for my new car. It's the 206 SE 1.6 tiptronic auto... I've not added that much to the car - I didn't need to - but, I have ordered the luxury pack, which gives me 5-spoke alloy wheels, alarm and deadlocks.

I've received a good trade in price for my current car, which given the fact that it's 4½ years old, and has about 57k miles on the trip, isn't too bad at all. But, I know the one thing - it means that I'm going to have to adapt my driving style to the new car - the way I did with my current one.

Despite this, I've got about 6 /8 weeks to wait for the new car, as it's a factory build, due to the fact that it's a small auto, and I want a particular colour (Agean Blue)...

Rats - my mobile's ringing... Suppose I'd better answer it.

Back later...


Do spiders scream when they see a big fat hairy human in the bath?

I thought I wanted a career. Turns out I just wanted a salary

And that could be said of me in the past… I’ve just had to call about half a dozen customers, to let them know that they may not get their deliveries today, as the M6 is closed both ways between J11 & 10a [the M54 link], due to a bad accident and a spillage.

But, thankfully, all the customers were ok, as some of them had vehicles caught in the traffic chaos, and could understand the reasons for me calling to advise them.

I’ve also done the two reports that I have to get done on a Friday… The one takes a lot of fiddling with (it uses pivot tables, and other stuff like that); the other is relatively straight foreward - just a pain in the backside to get e-mailed out...

But, this is the last time that I'll have to worry about such things, until I get back anyway!

Ah well - suppose I'd better do some more work...

Back whenever.


Do spiders scream when they see a big fat hairy human in the bath?

How do I set a laser printer to stun?

Just a random thought. As you can tell, the last working day before my holiday is starting to get to me. Just a bit.

But, having said that, calling the customers to say that the tyres they ordered have come in, is great fun, as most of them I can have a joke with. The best one being a fella who was teasing me about going to Jersey – said that I was going to check up on my offshore millions. I started laughing, and said that I was going to get the Ferrari out of storage for the first day, then get the Aston Martin out and tour ‘round the island in it.

All in all, it’s not as bad as I thought it would be, but I don’t mind admitting that I’m looking forward to 17:00 – I escape for two whole weeks then!

And I’m awful tempted to send this as a final e-mail to all in my department:

Chaos, panic, and disorder - my work here is done.

Malevolent, I know, but it suits me at the moment!

Back later – more calls to make, and more people to gossip to…


Do spiders scream when the see a big fat hairy human in the bath?

I’m free!

No, I’m not doing my impersonation of John Innman in Are you being served? – it’s how I’m feeling this morning. It’s my last working day for two weeks, as I’m going to spend a week in Jersey and a week at home… Well, on the UK mainland anyway. Whether I stay in the Warwickshire area is another matter entirely!

But, if I get my way, I get a trip to the Hereford Cider Museum… http://www.cidermuseum.co.uk/ No, it’s not me being selfish – it kills two birds with one stone… We [Mum & I] need to get a new mower, as the old one packed up. Mind you – it got a fair bit of abuse from the family – including me running it into the fence on numerous occasions!

I know what some people will say – “why don’t you go to the local DIY store and buy one?” Simple. When you’re mowing a paddock, you don’t want to drag huge amounts of cable behind you, and most DIY stores don’t stock a decent petrol mower. When I say decent, I mean one that last longer than two years. The one that’s just packed up lasted 10 years, before it became too expensive to repair.

Hmm – suppose I’d better do some w*rk…

Back later.

Do spiders scream when the see a big fat hairy human in the bath?

How many times do I have to tell you?

Some people just don’t listen. You try to help them by offering an alternative product [or two] and they seem to insist on asking if the original product is in stock – despite having been told numerous times that there are none available.

Just one of the many things that seem to be sent to try my patience today – which was started when Ponto decided to drop a mouse [a dead one admittedly] into my shoe… Which I then put on. You can imagine the yell, and the expletives that were hurled at Ponto’s retreating form.

So, that meant I had to dash upstairs [ok – hop] and wash my foot, then change my shoes for my sandals, then grab my car keys, and pray that the car would start ok.

Thankfully, the car did start ok, and I got into work ok – I even managed to get a decent parking space! But, I did have an encounter with a Land Rover Freelander…

The stupid idiot was in the turn right lane at the traffic island, and decided that he /she/it wanted to go straight on. There was only one problem – I was already along side when the idiot started to make the move! So, the person concerned got a symphony in airhorn minor. In reply, I got headlights, but as far as I was concerned, not my problem. The Freelander was in the wrong lane.

Rats – just about to be given some w*rk to do...

Back later.

Do spiders scream when the see a big fat hairy human in the bath?

Things that make you go “Grr.”

There are times when I could cheerfully wring someone’s neck – and today is one of them. My car decided to play up last night: - the fuel gauge was showing that I was on fumes, so, like any normal person, I drove cautiously to the fuel station, and proceeded to get some petrol for the car…

Only for it to refuse to take any more than it had already go on board! I was charged for 2l (the minimum delivery), and as soon as I was clear from the pumps, I called my friendly mechanic (who services the car for me when it goes into the dealership for the services.)

He then told me that it sounded like the fuel sender in the tank was on the way out, and the best thing I could do, was get rid of the car, as this could be the start of something more serious. So, needless to say, I’m less than impressed. But, I suppose there is a silver lining to this problem – I’m going to order the Peugeot 206 on Saturday… http://www.peugeot.co.uk/

I will admit to feeling slightly upset – ok, I know that there will be people out there who say “Why? It’s only a car!” But that’s not the point – it’s my car – one that I’ve run in, tuned up and generally thrown around here there and everywhere.

But, life goes on, and I suppose this give me a chance to get to know another car – and spend time learning its quirks….

Rats – there goes my ‘phone. Suppose I’d better answer it…

Back later – possibly.


Do spiders scream when the see a big fat hairy human in the bath?

Things that make you go “Hmmm”

I did promise that this blog would have random musings in it, and lunchtime resulted in a random thought come rant.

I went to refuel my car, and me being dumb, forgot that I was driving my car, instead of Mum’s… And guess what. The filler cap is on the other side on my car (the left as opposed to the right on Mum’s!) So, like a twit, I pull up to the fuel pump, with the filler hose on the right hand side, instead of the left, and had to stretch the hose across the roof of the car.

Thankfully, I managed to avoid doing any damage to the car, and fuelled the car up – even if it did try and coat me in eau de petrol. Still, I suppose it’s better than being coated in eau de diesel.
What I want to know is why car manufacturers insist on putting the filler cap on different sides of the car? It would make life so much easier if the filler cap was on the same side of EVERY car… That way, dozy people [like me] wouldn’t get confused at the petrol station!

Suppose I’d better get on with some w*rk...

Back later. (Possibly)


Do spiders scream when the see a big fat hairy human in the bath?

Let sleeping tigers lie…

A quiet evening last night... I tried to watch a bit of telly, but did my normal trick, and fell asleep! Thankfully, I’d remembered to set my alarm clock, so there was no danger of me oversleeping this morning. Mind you, with the appetite on legs around [my cat, Ponto]; there is little chance of me staying asleep beyond 06:30! My other cat, Fred, is a totally different character. He’s a hippie in catskin – all peace, love & catnip, compared to Ponto, who eats anything that walks, crawls, flies or slithers.

Having said that though, I wouldn’t swap either cat for anything. They’re so undemanding (yeah – right. Believe that and you’ll believe anything!). Despite that, they’re great fun, and cause no end of mayhem when they want. Fred’s the worst offender – I can’t run a bath without checking to make sure that he hasn’t slunk into the bathroom, and jumped into the bath!

The first time I realised that the hairball liked water, was just after I’d got him from the rescue centre… I felt something furry ‘round my ankles whilst I was in the shower, and reached down to check what it was…. Only to have the furry thing go meow, and purr at me!

So, I decided to put the cat off having a shower, and grabbed a cat shampoo that I’d got for Ponto (when I could catch him!)... Fred seemed to love every second he was being washed, and the second I stopped, looked disgusted at me and seemed to demand conditioner on his fur! So that ruined THAT idea.

Ponto, on the other hand runs a mile the minute the word ‘bath’ is mentioned, and the few occasions that I’ve been unlucky enough to have to try and wash him, he’s come down the walls like Tom in the classic Tom & Jerry cartoons.

Hmm – looks like I’m about to be given some work to do...

Back later.


Do spiders scream when the see a big fat hairy human in the bath?

Still bored.

Roll on 17:30. I’m knackered after the weekend, and I could have really done with spending the day in bed, catching up with some much-needed sleep... I did my usual trick, and didn’t settle down to sleep until about 01:00 this morning, as I was reading [Bitten by Kelley Armstrong]. I'ts one off those books that I find very hard to put down...

Grr – just been given some work to do – suppose I’d better get on with it.

Back later… [Possibly]


Do spiders scream when the see a big fat hairy human in the bath?

Bored [part 3]

What I know about earthmover tyres [apart from they tend to be big and very expensive], you can carve painlessly on my small fingernail – with room to spare! But, thankfully, there are people in the department who know far more than I do about them, and I can quite happily pass the queries onto them.

However, car tyres are a different matter, and I can quite happily discuss the merits of various tyre types, and how they may affect the handling of a car… As you may have guessed, I’m somewhat of a petrol head, and can talk for hours about the latest Formula 1 race, [which tend to be won by a certain M. Schumacher in a Ferrari], or about the performance [or lack of] various road cars…

My own car is a wolf in sheep’s clothing… It looks absolutely standard – until I hit the throttle… Then it lights up, and looks for the nearest ditch to spit me into. But, that’s just the way I like it, and all I can say, is "God help the next owner!"

Rats – inconsiderate customers! Should be a law against them calling me!

Back later...


Do spiders scream when the see a big fat hairy human in the bath?

Done & dusted...

Sorted. The customers were quite happy, as I’d called them and not the other way ‘round. The tyres will be sent out with the deliveries tomorrow, and they’ll get priority, as they were let down today. I was half expecting one or two to go mad, saying that they had people waiting for these tyres; and that they were going on holiday to the south of France tomorrow, taking the car with them, and that they were going to be getting the 03:00 ferry tomorrow morning, etc.

But what I can’t understand is why people leave getting their car sorted until the last minute? Surely they know that they’re going to need new tyres before they go away? Mind you - I’m a fine one to talk – I’ve still got to renew my car insurance – which runs out whilst I’m away! Still, I can get that sorted later… A quick log on to the relevant website, and I’m all done.

Rats – there goes my ‘phone. Suppose I’d better answer it…

Back later.


Do spiders scream when the see a big fat hairy human in the bath?

Bored [part 2]

Still bored. It’s at times like this, that I can see where the ideas for series such as The Bastard Operator from Hell: (http://members.iinet.net.au/~bofh/index.html) were gained! But, clock watching will do nothing at all. Well, it will do something – depress me!
There must be an EU directive against torturing staff – especially when we have to deal with idiots on the telephone. Sorry – I mean customers. No, I was right first time. But only for about 25% of the callers – the rest tend to be OK.

Mind you – I’m a tad mystified... How the heck did one of my plants [a Gloxinia] has managed to get greenfly [aphids] on it? Did some pervert bring a pregnant female greenfly into the office, spot my plants and carefully place it on there?

But, at the moment, I’m trying to contact people to let them know that their deliveries won’t be done today, due to heavy traffic... I just hope that they’re ok about it – people tend to get rather upset when they don’t get the tyres for their cars!

Suppose I'd better get on with the calls...

Back later.


Do spiders scream when the see a big fat hairy human in the bath?

Bored - and wishing I was elsewhere!

Back at work. Don't get me wrong, I'm not one of these people that hates their job - far from it. I'm just not in the mood to work! I guess I'm getting into holiday mode, as a week today, I'm on holiday for two whole weeks! I'm going to be spending a week on Jersey [one of the Channel Islands], and I'm really looking forward to it... Don't worry - there will be loads of photographs of the things that I see & do [but none of me - I don't do photographs if I can help it!]

Time to get back to my desk...

Back later.


Do spiders scream when they see a big fat hairy human in the bath?

The day after the night before...

No - I'm not hungover. Just tired. I know what the cynical reader will think "Yeah - pull the other one - you had too much to drink last night." Nothing could be further from the truth - the drink/drive laws here in the UK are too rigidly enforced for me to even consider risking my driving license. Being caught over the limit is a mandatory one year ban, and the social repercussions are horrific - not to mention the financial consequences [goodbye job!].

It's just the mere fact that I didn't get to bed until 03:00 this morning. I wasn't late leaving the reception - I left at 22:30, and got home just after 00:00, but I was too wide awake to sleep, so sat up watching a film on my DVD player - it was Evolution (coming to wipe that silly smile off your planet).

The drive to Nottingham was ok - until I got to the M1. Then I remembered why I hated using that particular road. It seemed that every driver on that road had thrown all lane discipline to the four winds, and insisted on hogging the centre lane [a driver I refer to as a CLOC - Centre Lane Owner's Club] or blasting up on the outside lane, like he/she was racing Michael Schumacher in his Ferrari!

But, the one thing that really irritated me, was the idiotic driver who was in the middle lane, keeping pace with me, and seated exactly where I couldn't see he/she/it in my wing mirror. So, that meant that when I came to over take slower moving vehicles in my lane, I had to accelerate harder than I would have liked, just to get the space to get into the middle lane!

Despite that, I did wonder if I'd inadvertently left the hand brake on. The reason? Simple. I was travelling at about 75mph [the speed limit is 70mph], but I had cars going past me like I was standing still - including cars that I know very well would have been close to their max RPM / speed. Just for the record, at 75mph, my car does approx. 2750RPM (the joys of a digtal dash!)

Once I'd gotten to Nottingham, I then had the joy of trying to locate the registry office. Because I wasn't sure of the address, I called my friend, and asked if he could confirm the address for me. More by luck than judgement, I'd managed to find the place, and as a bonus, there was free parking nearby!

The ceremony was simple, but that didn't detract from the obvious happiness of the couple. After the ceremony, there were the obligatory photographs. I managed to hide for most of them apart from the one of the groom with his friends - I was told that there was no way I was hiding from that photo!

Then, the real fun started. The wedding party headed to the reception, at a local social club. The reception was due to start at 17:00, and we duly arrived just after that time... To find that there was no sign of life! That upset the bride, and the groom was all in favor of finding the responsible person, so he could sort them out, and make them realise just how much they'd upset his princess.

But, the hour was saved by the local pub - the Nag's Head [no - that's not me taking a crafty swipe at the bride or the mother in-law!] who very considerately put the pub at the party's disposal until such time as the social club opened at 19:00.

Once the social club was opened, the party got off to a real swing.. The happy couple had the first dance - to Jennifer Rush's song- The Power of Love. Several of the guests - myself included, were joking about the DJ playing the Frankie Goes To Hollywood version of the song.. The reason? Simple. It has the immortal line Keep the vampires from your door. And, there were six of us [the groom included] who all play vampire / half vampire creatures in various RPG campaigns.

But, despite the late start, it was quite a party.. The bride kept trying to get me to dance - something I cannot do to save my miserable skin! And more to the point, there are some songs that I refuse point blank to dance to - including anything by Wham! or Steps. But, get something like Donna Summer's Hot Stuff on the sound system, and that's it. I'm off to the dance floor - and I don't care if I dance like a eighty year old - I was having fun!

Aside from my pleasure at seeing my friend so happy, I was able to hook up with some old friends, and make some new friends as well, and have been made to promise that I won't leave it so long before I head back up to Nottingham, as well as keeping in touch. That's something I have every intention of doing, but the visit will have to wait until I get back from my holiday, and get things sorted here at home..

Time to log off and bog off - I've got to get the washing done, otherwise I won't have any decent clothes for work tomorrow..


Do spiders scream when they see a big fat hairy human in the bath?

In the shadows

OK - I admit it. I'm a Rasmus fan! I have been, ever since I switched on a heavy rock station [Kerrang! FM (availible on http://www.kerrang.com/)], and heard the song In the Shadows... So, me being me, I went and bought the album, and am now succeeding in driving my friends and family scatty with it constantly playing!

I suppose I'd better give you some kind of introduction to myself, and why I decided to start a blog.. My name's Karen, and the reason for the blog? Well, where do I start??

My life got turned upside down on May 24 2004 when I came home from work, and found out that my father had collapsed in the local shopping centre [I still have tremendous trouble going there!], and died later that afternoon in the local hospital's A&E department. So, that left my mother and myself wondering what the hell was going to become of the pair of us.. (Yes, I'm an only child - and I've heard all the comments about being a spoilt brat, thank you very much!)

Things have moved on since then, and Mum and I have slotted into a quiet routine, traveling into work together when our shift patterns allow it.. Mum works about a mile away from me, and usually starts earlier than I do. So if it's my turn to drive, I drop her off at work, then wind my way to my office, and see what has landed in my e-mail in box...

The weekends can be a trying time for me.. Because Mum works alternate weekends, I get left to my own devices, which suits me just fine.. Apart from today. I've got a wedding to go to this afternoon, in Nottingham.

Don't get me wrong - the person getting married is an old friend of mine, and I wish him all the luck in the world. It's just that I really don't feel like driving up the M1 with all that associated hassle, and I can think of other things that I'd rather be doing today. But, I've said I'll go, and it's too late to back out now.

The other thing that is driving me up the wall is my ISP. I keep getting bounced off, whilst trying to get the Windows XP security patch.. Most fustrating. OK - I can understand the reasons, but that doesn't do much for my computer - not when the patch is about 77 Mb!

Ah well, suppose I'd better log off, and bog off.... I've got to get ready for this weeding [sorry - wedding!]


Do siders scream when they see a big fat hairy human in the bath?