Walking in the Shadows

Random musings from Warwickshire on life in general... Things that make me laugh, make me cry, things that wind me up beyond all endurance - and everything in between.

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! Sorry it's taken a while for me get this post on to the blog, but I've been rather pre-occupied with various things - including making sure that my friend is ok...

As I type this, Rachel is still in hospital recovering from the riding accident, and to be honest, I'm wondering if she'll ever want to get back on a horse again.

But, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it - no point on dwelling what may not even happen. If the events of the past year have taught me anything - it's grab every chance with both hands - life's too short for what if....

So, having taken that lesson on board, I did exactly that, and did something that most people would consider crazy. I bought a horse. Not just any horse, but a thoroughbred. As in race horse breed. I've no intention of racing her, as I don't fancy the expense / heartache that comes with race horse ownership.

However, she's a really bright / intelligent horse, and she's called Heart of Flame (more often called Flame for ease!) When I get the scanner sorted out (really must take the computer apart this weekend!) I'll take some photos of her (I don't do self portraits), and post them on my blog.

On a personal note, aside from the purchase of my horse, things have been ticking along quietly, and things are getting..... Interesting. Obviously, I'll refrain from naming people (unless I get their ok), but suffice to say that I'm happier than I've been for quite a while.

Admittedly, I do take some stick at work for it, but it's water off a duck's back as they say, as there is very little that anyone can say / do to dampen my happiness.

Ah well, time to call this entry quits - I've got to get dinner ready for when Mum gets in...

Back tomorrow - possibly.


Don't let the b'stards get you down.