Walking in the Shadows

Random musings from Warwickshire on life in general... Things that make me laugh, make me cry, things that wind me up beyond all endurance - and everything in between.

Finding a UFO in the car... (Uninvited Furry Object)

No, I'm not going 'round the twist. I was checking the car over in the garage, and obviously, to get access to the controls and the bonnet catch, I had left the driver's door open.

The cats have the run of the house and garage, and Fred, being the nosy / dumb moggy that he is, hopped in to the car. Ok - not a major problem, as he had a quick sniff 'round, saw that there was nothing of feline interest, and hopped out.

Ponto, on the other hand was a different kettle of fish. (Or fur - your choice!) He hopped into the car, and promptly settled down for a sleep on the back seat. I closed the bonnet, and the door of the car, and went back into the house to grab my coat and handbag, so I could leave for work.

No problem there. The problem arose, when I backed the car out of the garage, and had just closed the garage door, with the intention of heading to work. Only to have a small (or not so small) grey head pop between the front seats, look up at me and go 'Meow.' As if to say "where are we going, and will I be able to sleep?"

I will admit, I was too stunned to even scream. I stood on the brakes, and slapped the hazards on - the last thing that I wanted was for one of the other residents to plough into the back of my car, whilst I was busy throwing Ponto back into the house.

Grabbing hold of him wasn't that difficult - I think he was more stunned by my reaction than I was! I opened the garage door, and then opened the back door and plonked him down on the floor with a few kitty crunchies. Whilst he was munching, I scarpered out the back door and back to the car, muttering darkly as I did so.

If the truth be known, Ponto & Fred wouldn't dream of going near my previous car, as I used to take them to the vet, and the minute they saw the door open on the car, the two of them fled!

So, I guess the moral of this furry tail (ok - I mean tale) is to make sure that neither cat is in the area when I'm checking the car over... Until I have to take them to the vet that is!

Suppose I'd better get on with some work...

Back later - if I can get the peace and quiet!


Don't let the b'stards get you down