Walking in the Shadows

Random musings from Warwickshire on life in general... Things that make me laugh, make me cry, things that wind me up beyond all endurance - and everything in between.

Coping with a migrane, and other things...

I know that it's been a few days since I've posted anything to my blog, but this was because I've been ill with the bane of my existence - migrane. For those people lucky enough to avoid suffering from this, let me try and give an insight into the pain and anguish that it can cause.

Imagine one side of your head is being crushed in a vice. Then, add to that pain visual disturbance that would make a drug induced hallucination seem like a Disney film. On top of that, add in nausea, which makes you feel like you're going to vomit if you move too quickly.

That was what I was trying to work though on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. My line manager was a real angel, and made sure that I managed to get quiet a bit of time away from my computer screen, as he admitted that he knew what it was like to suffer from migraine himself.

And I wasn't helped by smart ass comments like "why aren't you wearing your glasses? Surely you'd be better off with them than wearing your contact lenses."

Congratulations. It doesn't matter what I wear to try and improve my eyesight - the problem lies in my skull - something along the lines of the blood vessels in the brain constricting, and causing the pain. Or something like that.

Including the one idiot on Friday who was unwise enough to argue with me. He claimed that he'd ordered a specific tyre pattern, and we'd sent the wrong one. There was only one problem with that. The person who'd placed the order has far more experience than anyone of us in the office, and if it had been me, I could have understood it, as I was spaced out of my brain on various painkillers on Thursday, in an attempt to kill the migraine.

Ok - here's a little background on this. This idiot called me, and started screaming that the wrong tyres had been ordered at our end, and that he needed these tyres for a customer who was going to Europe on Saturday morning. (Aren't they always?!)

Unfortunately for the moron at the end of the 'phone, he'd picked the worst time to call me, as my head was pounding. He tried to get me to agree to the same day delivery, but I don't think he'd banked on dealing with a bad tempered, stubborn female.

I refused to give in on the same day delivery, but gave him the following options, to prove that I wasn't being awkward. (Well, no more than normal!)

* Delivery on Monday
* He collected the tyres from the warehouse

"I'll get back to you" was the response. Fine with me, as I could almost guarantee that it wouldn't be me that he'd speak to... Needless to say, the twerp called back and spoke to one of the others in the department, and said that the Monday delivery would be fine. What a surprise.

But, I will admit to feeling bight enough to escape out on Friday night with one of the girls... We went to a pub that I have a real soft spot for - The Blue Lias at Stockton. We sat and talked about things that had really wound the pair of us up over the past couple of weeks, things that were of interest to the pair of us, our respective families and of course, the office gossip.

Unfortunately, it looks like I'm about to become part of the office gossip, as one or two of the people who were at the post conference piss up are starting to jump to conclusions along the lines of 2 + 2 = 22. Thankfully, forewarned is forearmed as they say, and no doubt there'll be sly digs, and not so subtle questions about what happened.

Time to call this entry quits - I want a peaceful bath - without furry intervention!

Back later, if I feel up to it.


Don't let the b'stards get you down.