Walking in the Shadows

Random musings from Warwickshire on life in general... Things that make me laugh, make me cry, things that wind me up beyond all endurance - and everything in between.

Just something to brighten a dreary Monday

I make no apologies for these next two jokes - they were sent to me by an American friend!

During a recent campaign tour of the Apache Nation in the state of New Mexico, President George W. Bush said that he planned to increase every Native American's income by $40,000 a year.

The President refused repeated requests for details of his plan. However, he also told the Apaches that during his career as Governor of Texas, he signed YES 9,637 times on Indian issues that reach his desk for approval.

Before his departure, the Apache Tribe presented the President with a plaque inscribed with his new Indian Name, 'Walking Eagle'.

After the President's departure on Air Force One, tribal officials explained to the news media that 'Walking Eagle' is the name given to a bird so full of shit that it can't fly.

And the next joke:

Bush, Cheney and Rumsfield are together on Air Force One.

Bush says, "If I dropped a $1,000 bill out the window I would make someone very happy."

Cheney says, "If I dropped 10 $100 bills out the window I would make 10 people very happy."

Rumsfield says, "If I dropped 100 $10 bills out the window I would make 100 people very happy."

The pilot turns to the co-pilot and says, "Big shots ! If I dropped the three of them out the window I would make 56 million people very happy."

Suppose I should look like I'm doing some work...

Back later - if I get chance.


Don't the b'stards get you down.