Walking in the Shadows

Random musings from Warwickshire on life in general... Things that make me laugh, make me cry, things that wind me up beyond all endurance - and everything in between.

Feeling awful... And I think I know why....

No, I haven't said anything that I may regret. Yet. (There's still the evening 'do' to get through so I'll try to avoid tempting the Fates like that!)

The reason I'm feeling awful is the fact that I discovered that I am a rotten traveler when I'm uptight or worried about something. Crazy, I know, especially when you consider all the thousands of miles that I must have traveled over the years....

As you know from my last post, I was helping to set the stand up for my department's presentation, and that involved traveling. Not a good move, as I wasn't feeling too good anyway - I'd got a rotten headache even before I left the office, and spent the outward journey as a quiet passenger.

Once at site, I brightened up, even to the extent of doing a little bit of baiting, much to the amusement of one of my colleagues who jokingly called me Tiger. Ok - I can cope with that, as I have a real soft spot for the big stripy pussy cats.

The fun started when I was heading back to the office. I settled into the back seat of the car, and that was it. I started to feel really ill. My traveling companions were chatting, and it was soon noted that I was rather quiet.

Normally, if I get asked if I'm ok when I'm in a car, I make a joke and say that I'm "checking my eyelids for light leaks" or something like that. This time, I was really ropy, and just quietly admitted that I wasn't very good when it came to traveling in the back of a car.

My colleagues were really sweet, and said that I should have said something before, and I could have sat in the front. Very commendable, but given how I was feeling, the best thing I could do was close my eyes and snuggle down into my heavy winter coat - to the extent that all you could see of my face was the brow of my nose and my eyes.

Thankfully, the trip wasn't that long, and I was able to get out of the car, and stretch my legs. But I still felt rotten, and managed to avoid the very kind offer of a lift to where Mum works, on the grounds that the last thing I wanted to do was spend any more time in an unfamiliar car.

Don't get me wrong, the person who was driving was very steady - fast, but steady. Speed doesn't really bother me, but there was just something that I wasn't comfortable with, and I guess that it's because that I'm really wound up about this presentation.

Luckily for me, I'm going to be driving to the conference tomorrow, so I'll be too concerned with making sure that I get myself and the car to the site in one piece, so I hopefully won't have time to get travel sick.

Slightly change of topic now - Mum and I have booked our break to the Isle of Wight. We've booked a four night break at the St Maur hotel in Ventnor (see http://www.stmaur.co.uk/index.html) for full details. Now all I have to do is go and see the Doctor to get myself sorted out for the ferry!

Suppose I should log off and bog off. I want to get a decent night's sleep so that at least I can go to the conference semi-relaxed.

Back on Wednesday....


Don't let the b'stards get you down.