Walking in the Shadows

Random musings from Warwickshire on life in general... Things that make me laugh, make me cry, things that wind me up beyond all endurance - and everything in between.

Showing posts with label Family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Family. Show all posts

Getting ready to escape…

As I type this, I don’t mind admitting that I’m nervous. Why I have no idea, but I guess that it’s just me being slightly apprehensive – simply because I’m heading south to spend a few days with my daft hog riding friend and his family.

Thankfully, he’s been a real darling and sent me directions, so all I have to do is read them and follow them to the point where we’re supposed to meet up...

Aside from that, I gave Mum her birthday present last night, and I half expected her to lynch me as she realised what I’d bought her as soon as she saw the bag it was in (no – I didn’t wrap it up – I just about had time to draw breath on Wednesday, let alone get the peace and quiet to wrap the present up!)

What I’d bought her was a piece of studio glass – from the Okra glass factory. It was a one off piece made for B W Thornton in Stratford, and as soon as I saw it, I fell for it.

Ok – I knew that I would end up going there for Mum’s present, but I had no idea what to get her, and was totally open minded about what I got – the only limit being that I was unwilling to pay more that £200 for whatever I decided to get her.

Admittedly, £200 sounds an awful lot, but given that Dad and I had bought one piece for £350 (which is truly spectacular), I felt that it was a reasonable level to set. In the end, the piece was very reasonable - £60!

Mum was over the moon, and said that it was just the sort of thing that she would have bought, and that she knew as soon as she saw the bag what it was likely to be… I just neglected to tell her that I’d taken yesterday morning off to get it for her!

I also had to go back to Warwick hospital yesterday... I was due to see the sawbones about my shoulder (which is no better - more in a bit) and also got my ribs checked over. The ribs have healed, and I've been given the all clear to start riding again, as long as I wear my body armour!

However, the shoulder is still giving me serious grief, and I don't think I've done myself any favours by refusing the cortisone jab that the sawbones wanted to do yesterday.

The only reason that I refused was because I'm heading south today, and I have no intention of going to see a good friend when I'm in pain with my shoulder and suffering from the after effects of the cortisone jab. So, it's off to the hospital on July 6th to get the jab in the shoulder.

Until then, I'm going to have to grin and bear it, and hope that I'm not too bad tempered after the drive this afternoon...

Guess I should call this entry quits – I’m supposed to be working, not blogging!

Back when I get the chance.


Learning to fly, but I don't have wings

Starting the weekend...

Well, the plan to go to Ashwood nurseries went to the wall, simply because they were holding one of their "behind the scenes" weekends, and it had featured on Midlands Today - one of the local news programs.

Mum didn't feel too good, and was worried that my ribs and shoulder would get bumped and bashed, thus putting me in an evil mood, and that was something that she had no intention of doing.. Why, I have no idea, as I'm such a little sweetheart when I've been bumped and barged. Believe that, and you'll believe in the Tooth Fairy as well!

So, Mum and I headed to Merry Hill. Which should be re-named Merry Hell, as that was what Mum was playing about the parking. Because she's not too good when it comes to walking long distances,has what Dad used to refer to as a "park anywhere ticket" - i.e. a blue disabled person's badge, that allows her (in theory) to get parked in larger spaces, closer to the entrance of the shops.

Fine in theory, but Merry Hill doesn't seem to have enough parking spaces full stop, let alone enough disabled slots, thus meaning that we had to park at the bottom end of the car park, and take a very slow walk to the entrance of the shopping centre.

Once we'd gotten over that hurdle, it was a case of seeing if either of us could find anything for my cousin's October wedding. I was tempted by this beautiful ice blue dress, but even in the petite (ok - short) section, this damned dress was nearly floor length - which went down like a lead balloon with me.

My mood wasn't helped when the smarmy sales assistant said that it would "look better with high heels." That was not the best thing to say to me, as I loathe heels, and Mum was sniggering at the thought of me wearing a dress. So, I've decided that I'm going to look for a dark coloured trouser suit, and have a brightly coloured top underneath the jacket.

We got several bits and pieces - but nothing for the wedding apart from a few ideas, and headed for home, where I was able to check my 'phone. I'd got a couple of missed calls from my friend (who was working - I gave that up as a bad job when I joined my present company!) He was his normal mickey taking self, asking me if I'd left my 'phone on a high shelf again, and would I call him when I got chance.

Not a problem - I just made myself scarce (the excuse being that I was going to watch the rugby on BBC1)... I called him and he asked if I was ok, and I could tell that he was worried I'd been horse riding - without my body armour.

Ok - I'm dumb, but I'm not that dumb, and I told him that I'd been shopping with Mum at Merry Hill, and that I was going to go back to the saddler's next weekend to see if the body armour fitted, and if it did, I could contemplate starting riding again.

He didn't sound too keen on that idea, but I think he's realised that there's not a lot that he can do if I do decide to go riding - apart from lecture me, which I'll just ignore as per my usual trick!

Time to call this quits - my damned mobile's ringing...

Back when I get chance.

Learning to fly, but I don't have wings

Preparing for the weekend...

Well, under normal circumstances, I would have been preparing to go out on the lash with Julian and co, but due to the fact that my ribs are still highly traumatized, and I'm under strict instructions not to do anything daft, I'm having to do as I'm told for once, and it doesn't suit me at all.

Having said that though, there are compensations to having to spend a quiet weekend for once - namely the fact that I can spend some time at home with Mum... Ok - I'm the first to admit that I don't see as much of Mum as I would like to, simply because of the fact that she's working every other weekend, and I have this habit of buggering off with Flame. Or at least I did until I got booted!

But, this weekend has been quieter, simply because I'm too damned sore to do anything, and I've made the most of it by going and getting my hair cut again, and getting the copper highlights put back in it. Only this time, I opted to go shorted than normal for me!

Don't ask me what prompted me to get it cut as short as I did - suffice to say that I'm a lot happier than I was - even though I do look like a hedgehog first thing in the morning, as my hair is all spike!

Aside from that, I've also been to get measured for my new body armour... Unfortunatly for me, the manufacturer has stopped making the 1/4 inch thick plate, so the insurance company has authorised my saddled to get the 1/2 inch thick plate - with me still paying the same excess!!

Time to call this quits - it's my turn to give the maurading moggies their last snack of the day..

Back when I get chance.

Learning to fly, but I don't have wings

In, but freezing...

The office is freezing cold this morning, and nothing that we do to the thermostat will warm the place up!

Needless to say that I'm not very happy, as I'm cold and still in an awful lot of pain from my ribs. The arnica is helping, and my ribs are starting to show a crazy paving style bruising pattern, and are going quite a delicate shade of black / purple from the impact that I took on Saturday.

So, when I go and see the consultant in A&E tomorrow, I'll have quite a pretty pattern across my ribs, and it will make things interesting when I go and see the sawbones afterwards, as no doubt I'll get asked about the bruising, and then will get a lecture about my horse riding!

Aside from that, things seem to be improving for me on the work front, as I've pointed out that there is only some much that I can do with the data that I am given, and that there need to be a change in the processes that the reports go through.

On a personal note (ok - family note) one of my cousins is getting married in October, so that's another outfit that I've got to buy - and I hate shopping!!!

But, I guess there is light at the end of the tunnel, and in comes in joke form:

Ma was in the kitchen fiddling around when she hollers out.... "Pa, you need to go out and fix the outhouse!"

Pa replies, "There ain't nuthin wrong with the outhouse."

Ma yells back, "Yes there is, now git out there and fix it."

So.......Pa mosies out to the outhouse, looks around and yells back, "Ma, there ain't nuthin wrong with the outhouse!"

Ma replies, "Stick yur head in the hole!"

Pa yells back, "I ain't stickin my head in that hole!"

Ma says, "Ya have to stick yur head in the hole to see what to fix."

So with that, Pa sticks his head in the hole, looks around and yells back, "Ma,there ain't nuthin' wrong with this outhouse!"

Ma hollers back, "Now take your head out of the hole!"

Pa proceeds to pull his head out of the hole then starts yelling "Ma! Help! My beard is stuck in the cracks in the toilet seat!"

To which Ma replies, "Hurt's, don't it?!"

This was the next joke that made me giggle:

In a recent Channel 4 news broadcast, it was announced that Lorena Bobbitt's sister Louella was arrested for an alleged attempt to perform the same act on her husband as her famous sister had done several years ago. Sources reveal the sister was not as accurate as Lorena.

She allegedly missed the target and stabbed her husband in the upper thigh causing severe muscle and tendon damage. The husband is reported to be in serious, but stable condition, and Louella has been charged with:

A Misdewiener!

The other joke that made me grin was this one:

A U.S. Navy Admiral was attending a Naval conference that included admirals from the U.S., English, Canadian, Australian and French Navies.

At a cocktail reception, he found himself standing with a group of half dozen or so officers that included personnel from most of the countries.

Everyone was chatting away in English as they sipped their drinks but a French admiral suddenly complained that, whereas Europeans learn many languages, Americans learn only English. He then asked, "Why is it that we always have to speak English in these conferences rather than speaking French?"

Without hesitating, the American Admiral replied: "Maybe it's because the Brits, Canadians, Aussies and Americans arranged it so you wouldn't have to speak German."

Suddenly the group became very quiet.

Guess I should think about doing some w*rk, but I'm suffering from TNFI...

Back later, if I get the chance.

Learning to fly, but I don't have wings

I hate shopping......

Ok - I know - it's a strange title, but it sums up my day. Mum and I went to Milton Keynes today... Ok - not a problem.

The problem arose when Mum said that I needed to get some new work trousers (she's been watching What Not To Wear again!) and I HATE trying on clothes - especially when I'm wearing walking boots.

Ok - maybe it was partly my fault for wearing walking boots, but I had no intention of ending up with sore feet, because my ankle boots are easier (and faster) to take on and off (they've got a zip up the side of them.)

I got to the stage where I was less than enthusiastic, and Mum got quite irritable with me. She pointed out (rightly, I have to admit) that she was trying to help me, and that I could show a little more gratitude.

I agreed with that, but inwardly thought that I was no different to her when she was looking for something, but as I had no wish to argue with Mum at that moment in time, I kept quiet.

Despite that, it was a reasonably successful day, as Mum managed to get a new phone. She got fed up with not being able to turn her Nokia 3340 on and off (it's got the power button on the top of the phone - there's a nack to getting the damned thing to work!) So, we went into Carphone Warehouse, and she got herself a Motorola V550...

Not a phone I would have chosen, I have to admit, but I'm of the opinion that as long as she's happy with it, then that's all that matters...

As for me, well I've seen the phone that I want to get to replace my current phone... It's a Sony Ericsson Z520i. Ok - I admit that I've always said that the clam type phone isn't for me, but I've had a good look at this one, and appears to be quite robust...

Rats - I can hear the appetite on legs starting a punch up again - new year, same old trick from the cat.

Back when I get chance - provided that I'm in one piece after grabbing the cat!


Learning to fly, but I don't have wings

A Quiet time...

Well, Christmas is over and done with for another year. Don't get me wrong, it's nice to spend time with my friends and family, but there are certain things that have really annoyed me this year - one of them being the pettiness associated with a so-called friend of my family... And I use the term friend in the loosest sense I possibly can!

This so-called friend wrote in the Christmas card that was sent to Mum and myself "warm memories of David" - almost as if she was trying to rebuke Mum for having the nerve to stay friends with the widower of her best friend - Frances. As Mum said - "doesn't she think that I don't think about Dave?"

When I read the card, I was livid, and said that Mum could send a card back to her, but she wasn't to put my name on it, as I wanted nothing to do with the cow. Mum just smiled, and said that she wasn't going to send a card to her, as she had really scraped the bottom of the barrel with that comment.

Aside from that, my daft hog riding friend has been true to his word, and sent me the photographs of his cooking:

Ok - I admit that I agreed with the comment that the snowmen looked like Daleks in the snow, but I'm sure that they tasted ok...

The reindeer cakes... Well, I'll let people make their own judgment on them - I'm not going to drop myself in it for anyone!

I've also had quite a good joke sent in to me, from one of my late father's America colleagues...

A city cop was on his horse waiting to cross the street when a little girl on her new shiny bike stopped beside him.
"Nice bike," the cop said "did Santa bring it to you?"
"Yep," the little girl said, "he sure did!"
The cop looked the bike over and handed the girl a $5 ticket for a safety violation. The cop said, "Next year tell Santa to put a reflector light on the back of it."
The young girl looked up at the cop and said, "Nice horse you got there sir, did Santa bring it to you?"
"Yes, he sure did," chuckled the cop.
The little girl looked up at the cop and said, "Next year tell Santa the dick goes underneath the horse, not on top."

Guess I should call this entry quits for the time being, as I want to get an update for my MP3 player - which has decided to refuse to play most of my *legally* downloaded music...

Back tomorrow - provided I'm not too badly battered from my shopping trip to Milton Keynes with Mum...

I walk where others fear to tread

Another birthday, and another year older..

They say that as you get older, you're supposed to get wiser... I can disprove that theory, as I don't feel any damned different... If anything, I feel dafter than normal.

But, having said that, my partner has made a real fuss of me today, and has said that he will do everything that he can to make me feel brighter than I have for a while.

I guess the news that I need to have this MRI scan on my shoulder is really bothering me, and I don't mind admitting that I'm scared out of my tiny mind about it, especially as Mum is having trouble with the screws in her knee...

They're making a break for freedom, and I know damned well that the most important thing is for her to get that sorted out - my shoulder is just a painful inconvinence compared with that!

Suppose I'd better call this entry quits, as I'm supposed to be getting ready to go out to dinner...

Back when I get the chance.


I walk where others fear to tread

Ever felt like..............

Strangling someone? Well, I'm having one of those moments. It's one of those cases where I got caught a real blinder by a customer.... Because the guy he usually speaks to is on holiday, he decided to call me in the office...

Thanks. What I know about this guy's accounts, you can carve painlessly on my small fingernail, and still have room to spare. So, it was a case of the blind leading the blind clueless (me being blind clueless!)

Thankfully, I was able to get some help - even if it was a case of swallowing my pride a little bit... Simply because it was my partner who's help I was asking for! He said the he would help me out, as I'd admitted that I hadn't got the foggiest how to deal with the query...

I know damned well when I see him tonight, he's going to be making the most of the fact that I had to ask for help, but I'll accept the gentle ribbing that he'll give me tonight...

But that's not the only thing that's caught me on the hop in the past 24 hours.... My best mate called me last night, and as I was a bit dopey (I'd taken some pain killers to stop my shoulder hurting me), it took me a few minutes to guess what he was talking about...

"What's the one thing that I said I would never do?"

Me being dopey, couldn't exactly recall, as there were two things that he said he'd never do - one of them was get married again, and the other was cheat on his partner....

I said it was get married.. And boy was I wrong. It turned out that he's cheated on his partner. And it gets better. It was with his brother's ex-girlfriend.

He said that he needed to speak to someone (namely me) who could give him a few sensible answers, and wouldn't fly off the handle at him.

To be honest, I was too dopey to do anything apart from call him "a muppet", and ask him if he wanted to split up with his partner. The reply was something that I didn't expect...

"I love xxxx to bits, but the trouble is, I can see me and yyyy having a future together... I guess that I've not really been settled since xxxx dumped me via text a few weeks ago, and then got back with me..."

That's all very well, but the trouble that it would cause between him and his brother is not something that I wish to contemplate - as his brother has an explosive temper, and my friend has said this lass is not worth all the hassle that it would cause him...

He said that he would call me tonight, and sit and talk with me, as he needed me to be my normal objective self to help him get his head 'round a few things...

At the end of the day, it's his decision - all I can do is provide a friendly (or not so friendly) ear to bend...

Suppose I should think about doing some w*rk, but I'm suffering from terminal TNFI.....

Back later, if I get the chance.


I walk where others fear to tread

At last - Probate has been granted!!

There's nothing like a message giving good news to brighten a crappy day up. When I got home, there was a message on the answerphone from the family solicitor to say that we've finally got probate granted.

Ok - I know in a previous post, I said that I wouldn't get the family solicitor involved, but as it turned out, it was probably the smartest move that Mum and I could have made, as the Probate court seemed determined to declare that Dad died intestate - when both Mum and I knew that there was a valid will.

I know this sounds horrible, but as an only child, when Mum dies, I'll inherit the whole estate. But for the moment, as far as I'm concerned, taking anything from Dad's estate would feel wrong and I would feel like I was profiting from Dad's death.

Hmm - suppose I should call this entry quits - I'm supposed to be going my partner's for dinner...


I walk where others fear to tread

Back from my travels... Part I - The road to Cornwall

Well, I'm back from the West country, and to be honest, I feel like my batteries have been recharged. The weather was quite good - apart from Monday, when it rained on the way down, as well as raining whilst Mum and I were at RHS Rosemoor.

As I took my new toy with me, there'll be loads of piccys - and I'll split the details of the holiday into three parts - this first part will cover the trip down south, as well as the trip to RHS Rosemoor.

The trip down was unexceptional - Mum and I stopped off at Street in Somerset - where the Clarkes Shopping Village is. (See http://www.clarksvillage.co.uk/ for details.)

There were a variety of shops - my favorite being the Cadbury's factory shop - but only because I was able to get my two favorite sweets - Cadbury's Finger of Fudge and Milk bottle gums - sweets shaped like milk bottles, and are made with - milk.

We then headed to Rosemoor. As Mum wasn't feeling too good, we had a coffee, and plotted the route 'round the gardens, taking in the bits that were of interest to us both...

This was the first part that we looked at - the so-called Modern Rose garden. Not really a very good description in my opinion, as there were the so-called Old Roses - things like Rosa versicolour:
The beds themselves were well planned, and the majority of the roses were ones that Mum and I had seen at David Austin Roses, in Albrighton (See http://www.davidaustinroses.com/).
Despite the name, the rose garden contained other plants - one of my favorites being the hardy Geranium:
We then walked through one of the paths framed by one of the so-called Long Borders...

This long border had a mixture of perennial and annual plants - my favorite being the yellow Hemerocalis - I've got no idea which variety it is, as there was no lable in front of it...
This then lead to the herb garden, where I saw the most magnificent display of poppies. Not just any poppies - these particular poppies were Papavier somniforum - more commonly known as Opium poppies:

But these plants were not being used for illegal drug production - they were being used to provide a stunning backdrop to other plants that were in the herb garden...
Suppose I should call this entry quits - I'm supposed to be sorting out my damned e-mails, not blogging!
Back with more info on my holiday later, if I get the chance!
I walk where others fear to tread

Something that made me cry, and made me smile...

Well, I'm getting packed ready to go away tomorrow, and I've been playing with my new toy - a digital camera.

I'd been considering one for quite a while, and I've finally taken the plunge and bought one as part of a package with the matching printer. It's a Kodak, with 3.1 megapixels, and does as much as my big Olympus analogue camera, for a fraction of the size!

As I prepared this blog entry, I was listening to my normal radio station, when I heard a dedication to me, from this fella that I've started to see... It was a bit of an unusual choice, I will admit, but as soon as I heard the opening bars, I knew the song - it was Metallica - Nothing Else Matters.

So close no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trust in who we are
And nothing else matters

Never opened myself this way
Life is ours, we live it our way
All these words I don't just say
And nothing else matters

Trust I seek and I find in you
Every day for us something new
Open mind for a different view
And nothing else matters

Never cared for what they do
Never cared for what they know
But I know

So close no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trust in who we are
And nothing else matters

Never cared for what they do
Never cared for what they know
But I know

I never opened myself this way
Life is ours, we live it our way
All these words I don't just say
And nothing else matters

Trust I seek and I find in you
Every day for us something new
Open mind for a different view
And nothing else matters

Never cared for what they say
Never cared for games they play
Never cared for what they do
Never cared for what they know
And I know

So close no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trust in who we are
No, nothing else matters

The message just said that he would miss me whilst I was away, and that I was to take care, and come back safe and well.

I will admit, the tears started escaping when I heard that, and as soon as the song was finished, I called him... He said that he'd been expecting me to call him, as he'd remembered that I have a habit of listening to the radio on a Sunday morning, and knew that my preferred station was Kerrang!

But he soon had me laughing, by telling me a joke... I didn't have the heart to tell him that I'd already had the joke e-mailed to me at work, so I've just copied the joke and posted it on my blog...

One day God calls down to Noah and says, "Noah me old china, I want you to make me a new Ark".

Noah replies, "No probs God, me old Supreme Being. Anything you want,after all you're the guv'"

But God interrupts, "Ah, but there's a catch. This time Noah, I don't want just a couple of decks, I want 20 decks one on top of the other".

"20 DECKS!" screams Noah "Well, OK Big Man, whatever you say. Should I fill it up with all the animals just like last time?"

"Yep, that's right, well. Sort of right. This time I want you to fill it up with fish", God answers.

"Fish?" queries Noah.

"Yep, fish. Well, to make it more specific Noah, I want carp - wall to wall, floor to ceiling - Carp!"

Noah looks to the skies. "OK God my old mucker, let me get this right, you want a New Ark?"


"With 20 decks, one on top of the other?"


"And you want it full of Carp?"


"Why?" Asks the perplexed Noah, who was slowly but surely getting to the end of his tether.

"Dunno," says God, "I just fancied a Multi-Storey Carp Ark."

Guess I should call this entry quits - still got stuff to do around the house before the Grand Prix...

Back after my holiday.


I walk where others fear to tread

You want me to do what??

Miss a Grand Prix to go shopping? No chance.

That's what the 'phone call was about. The fella that's been making life bearable since I split up with my ex, wanted to take me shopping tomorrow.

I know this may sound surprising - a woman turning down a shopping trip, but unfortunately (or fortunately) for the fella concerned, there's the small matter of the French Grand Prix at Mangy-Cours to be dealt with.

Thankfully, he was really sweet about it, and said that he'd forgotten that the race was on, and if he'd realised, he would have asked me to go out with him today.

So close no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trust in who we are
No, nothing else matters

That made me smile, and I told him that I appreciated the offer, but it would have to wait for a while, as the weekend I get back from Cornwall, I'm off to Silverstone for the British Grand Prix, and the following weekend? I'm hoping to be able to meet up with my daft friend, so I'll have to see what happens.

Not that I'm trying to avoid going shopping with him - far from it. It's just that life's a bit on the hectic side at the moment, and I'm finding it a bit tough to fit in all of my commitments to friends and family!

Time to call this entry quits, I've got bits and pieces to sort out on the computer...

Back tomorrow, if I get chance - otherwise it'll be round about the 11th of July, to allow for me to escape to Silverstone.


I walk where others fear to tread

One year on, and things still hurt.

It’s been a year and a day since Dad died, and it still hurts like hell. And to make matters worse, my best mate called me yesterday morning to say that his Dad had been rushed into hospital with a heart attack.

That nearly broke me in the morning, and I will admit to being rather subdued at work, which did make people wonder if I was ok, but those that work with me knew the reason for me being subdued.

I will admit, I was glad that he called me, as I was supposed to be going over to see him and his family last night, and he said that the last thing he wanted was for me to walk straight into the mess.

Time to call this entry quits - I'm too emotionally challenged to be able to think straight.

Back when my mind and emotional state allow.


I walk where others fear to tread

Another early start...

Just what Mum didn't need. I'd been out horse riding this morning. (I left the house at 05:30 and got back just after 07:00.) I set the alarm and went upstairs to sort out some files on the computer off line when the damned alarm went off!

I shot downstairs and turned the thing off and cursed whatever caused it to go off. There was no sign of anything that could have caused it - not even one of the cats as they were both in the study with me. (I think Ponto was under the impression that if he looked appealingly enough at me, I might feed him. Think again cat!)

Thankfully, Mum and I sound identical on the 'phone so once I'd turned the alarm off and reassured Mum that it was nothing to worry about, I called the service centre who said that an engineer would be out by 10:00 this morning.

Great. It's a good thing that I wasn't planning on doing anything today, otherwise I would have been well and truly screwed.

Under normal circumstances, this wouldn't have been a problem as Mum was supposed to be working this weekend. But, as she's been signed off by the doctor with inflamed cartilage in the right knee, she was asleep - or at least she was until the alarm went off!

So, because Mum's been signed off, she's been at home the past few days,, and has been told by the doctor that she's to do as little as possible, and rest with her feet up - which means no gardening - much to Mum's disgust!

But, I guess there is a positive side to me sitting here on the computer… It gives me chance to assess the perfume I tried yesterday in Stratford. It’s Dior’s new fragrance – Addict 2.

I will admit, when I first tried it, I thought it was a little too sweet smelling, but as it’s warmed up and adapted to my skin acidity, it’s really nice. Think I might drop a hint to the other half about getting me some, otherwise I’ll just go and get it myself!

Time to call this quits – I want to get the washing knocked off this morning.

Back later.


I walk where others fear to tread.

Things are looking up!

Guess I must be doing something right after all... I've had my review, and to say that I was stunned by the review was an understatement.

It was really good, and it turns out that the powers that be at my company have noticed my "can do" attitude, and are making comments in meetings that my line manager attends. So, needless to say, he's really pleased with the way that I've coped with being thrown in at the deep end.

I did admit to getting home a couple of times, and throwing things across the living room (causing both moggies to run for cover!) and he laughed, and said that it proved that I was getting challenged by my job.

Damned right I am, but to be honest, I don't object to that, as I'm the sort of person that needs a challenge to keep myself on top of the game, and stop myself getting bored.

But, after my review, whilst I was trying to get my feet back on the ground, I started thinking... And I realised what was different about this job. It's because I like the people I work with, and the attitude that the company takes with its staff. And, because of that, I'm willing to pull out all the stops to give the company 110% - especially as my colleagues have been really supportive over the past year or so....

And I've really needed that support - especially just recently. My god-daughter, Amber, is currently in Birmingham Children's Hospital, having undergone major heart surgery to replace two of the valves in her heart, and I've been spending every evening at her bedside.

It breaks my heart to see the little munchkin all wired up, but as she was asking for her teddy today, I know that she's on the road to recovery.

Guess I should call this entry quits - got bits to do before I head for Birmingham...

Back tomorrow.


I walk where others fear to tread

Trying to make sense of the past.

I don’t know what’s up with me at the moment. I’ve been feeling rather flat, and I guess that I’m just mulling over the past 15 months or so.

What makes me say this? Simple. This time last year, I was engaged, and preparing to take my fiancé to Heathrow airport, so that he could fly out to Japan on a business trip, and was wondering how I would cope for four weeks without him, as I spent every weekend with him.

Now, I’m sitting at my computer at home, mulling over the events that seemed to turn my nice, simple life upside down. I got offered the job at my present company, and went permanent with them on 04/05/04.

Then on the evening of Friday 21/05/04, I went down to Heathrow to pick up my fiancé, and for some reason, instead of spending the weekend with him, I came back to Warwickshire.

And I’m glad I did; as that was the last full weekend that I was able spend with Dad, as he died on the Monday.

At the time, I was really grateful that my fiancé dropped everything to come up to Warwickshire, and was a real help to Mum and myself when we were trying to sort out the funeral arrangements. But even now, I don’t know what caused him to change.

After Dad’s funeral, he seemed to change, and wanted me to leave my job, and Warwickshire and move south with him, and work for the same company as him, as a PA.

His timing stank, and I made damned sure that he knew how I felt about that, but he seemed to drop the idea, for a while anyway. Then, he started trying the emotional blackmail, saying that I couldn’t care for him that much, if I was reluctant to leave my job and move in with him.

I guess that was the final straw, and it helped me to remove the rose-tinted glasses that I’d been wearing where he was concerned. It was bad enough that he wanted me to leave my job, but the fact that he wanted me to leave Mum as well was the killer blow to our relationship.

I know dammed well that he reads my blog, and if you’re reading this now – I am so much better off without you, it’s untrue.

You once gave me an ultimatum – "it's me or the horse". My answer still stands – it’s the horse every time, and this time, I’ve found someone who is willing to try and get involved with my hobbies – and doesn’t begrudge the time that I spend with other people.

Time to call this entry quits – I’ve got stuff to do before I go out this afternoon.

Back when I get chance.


Don't let the b'stards get you down

Enjoying a bank holiday...

It's one of the few times that Mum's off over a Bank holiday weekend, so we decided to take a trip into Stratford-Upon-Avon, and have a quiet wander around the shops, whilst avoiding the tourist traps.

I was disheartened to discover that one of my favourite shops has stopped selling Budrum Australian Ginger Mixer - which I found very therapeutic, as it stopped the silly little aches / pains that I suffer in the cold weather.

Plus, Stratford was full of tourists - who were getting in the damned way. Ok - I know that I've been a tourist, but I like to think that I'm considerate enough to avoid blocking the pavement. But, despite that, I did manage to get the few bits I was after - the main one being contact lens solution from Boots...

Why does it have to be from Boots? Simple. Because it's Boots' own brand of all in one solution - and lets me just take my lenses out in an evening, and doesn't cause any problems for me, as it's the preservative free variety.

But there's always something to bring the mood down a couple of pegs... Whilst I was in Marks & Spencer, Mum had some silly cow ram a pushchair into her right ankle. Ok - if it had been done so that the impact pushed her leg in the forward direction, it wouldn't have been a problem. But that wasn't on the cards...

Mum's leg got pushed inwards, which hurt her knee, and meant that it felt that the knee was trying to buckle whilst we were walking back towards the bus-stop, in order to catch the bus back to the Maybird centre, where we'd left the car. (Parking in Stratford is expensive and a real pain!)

As we needed to do some food shopping, we decided to go to Tesco in Warwick, instead of battling 'round the Tesco at Stratford... Which was quiet to say the least! Mind you, it could have been something to do with the fact that the England football team were fighting (I mean playing - no I was right first time) Northern Ireland in some dumb football match...

Bugger - I can hear Ponto starting another fight! That's all I need - to have to take that furry little b'stard to the vet because he's tried to choke some mutt by jumping down its throat!

Back when I've got the little swine!


Don't let the b'stards get you down

A time for fun and reflection

I guess that the title of my latest blog entry is a bit unusual, as fun and reflection don't often go together... However, this is one of the occasions when they did.

The fun was the fact that I was able to spend the day taking the mickey out of various people - including my line manager, who really copped a beauty off me this afternoon....

I was complaining that the physiotherapist was a sadistic bitch (ok - she's not that bad - just a little bit too forceful - I'm a delicate little thing where my shoulder's concerned), and I was told that I enjoyed it really....

"Ok - you can go in my place, and I'll go to the meeting."

"No thanks Karen - I wouldn't want to deprive you of your fun. What's her name?"

"Not sure - only met her once. Why?"

"She sounds like Miss Whiplash."

"Oh yes? Have you met her before?"

"Once or twice."

"I wasn't asking about your private life."

I've never seen anyone go so red. It was quite funny, and for once, my line manager was lost for words. But, I guess that could have been to do with the fact that we work in an open plan office, and most people would have heard the pair of us talking, and my final comment!

The time for reflection came when I got home, and checked the post box. There was a hand written note from my Aunt Pauline. It turned out that she and my Uncle Martin had taken the chance to come over and see Mum and myself - but the pair of us were at work!

To be honest, I'm not really bothered, as I like my uncle, but my aunt is not someone that I have much time for. But, I guess that there'll be plenty of time to avoid them in the future...

But the best bit, for me is the mere fact that I can update my blog whilst listening to a rather unusual choice of music..... Kevin Bloody Wilson. I will admit, some of the songs are rather.... Fruity in language, but my favorite is a send up of Frosty the Snowman - Frosty the Yobbo.

Time to call this entry quits - I can hear Mum's car pulling up on the drive...

Back tomorrow.


Don't let the b'stards get you down

Trying to break with the past - but the past won't let me escape

The break away in Edinburgh was just what the doctor ordered - even if I did have a major hangover! But that was self inflicted - I went drinking with some Italian rugby fans after the match. They were drowning their sorrows - I was celebrating, and my other half was just enjoying himself - not to mention trying to block out the freezing cold wind!

The problems arose when we got back to our respective homes. I'd left my 'phone turned off over the weekend, as the people I cared about knew that I was going to be away, and was unlikely to even think about turning my 'phone on, let alone check to see if there were any messages.

When I did turn my 'phone on, I discovered that there were about half a dozen messages - all from my ex-fiance. He sounded desperate, irritated and indifferent, depending on the order that I'd listened to the messages. I will admit, all it did was upset me, as all I want is to be left alone.

But, that wasn't the only trick up his sleeve... He called me last night, and said that he needed to see me, as his father had been diagnosed with cancer, and hadn't got long to live. OK - call me a nasty sceptical cow, but after I'd spoken to him, I called his sister to see what the real truth was.

Yep - you guessed it. He was just stringing me along, as he doesn't know that I'm still in contact with the rest of his family, as I always had time for them. I did the decent thing, and told my other half, who went loopy, and was all in favour of going down south, and beating the living crap out of him.

To be honest, I felt like doing that, but if I did go down south and confront him, it would give him the idea that I care about him, when all I want is for him to leave me the hell alone. And to be honest, it's getting to the stage where I'm worried about answering my 'phone.

I know that there will be people reading this, and who will be sitting there, muttering "Silly cow. Why don't you change your mobile number and e-mail address so that he can't contact you?"

If it was that easy, I would do so, but I fail to see the reason why I should have all the hassle of changing my contact details, just because some moron can't get it through his thick skull that I want nothing more to do with him.

Ah well, time to log of and bog off - I've got stuff to do before I get to bed tonight....

Back when I get chance.


Don't let the b'stards get you down.

Weekends were made for escaping....

I guess that the title of this entry says it all. I've escaped from Warwickshire, and am currently updating my blog whilst seated in my Great-Uncle's study in Wilkeston - on the outskirts of Edinburgh.

What am I doing here? Simple. It has to do with the small matter of a rugby international between those two "super powers" of world rugby - Scotland and Italy, in the Six Nations tournament at Murrayfield.

For more years than I care to admit to (ok - about 10!) my uncle has bought me tickets to a rugby international of my choice as a birthday / Christmas present. So, I took him up on his offer and took this particular game.

Ok - maybe it's not the game that most purists would have chosen, but I wanted to see my uncle on his home turf, and sit and shoot the breeze with him, as I'd not seen him since last year - at Dad's funeral.

But I'm not here on my own. I've brought my other half with me, as he's a rugby fanatic, but has never managed to make it to an international for one reason or another, and has for as long as I've known him, been on about getting tickets.

So, without his knowledge, I made the necessary arrangements, having made sure that he wasn't working this weekend by asking his manager, and explaining my motives. (I'll give the guy his due, he's a damned good actor, as he looked really surprised when my other half told him what I'd done!) And then all I had to do was choose the right moment to tell my other half...

I gave him the news of this particular trip on Thursday night, The look of surprise was something I'll treasure, and he looked at me as if he wasn't quite sure about me, as he knows that I'm quite capable of winding him up like clockwork.

I managed to dispel his fears by producing the flight confirmation for the flight to Edinburgh from Birmingham on the Friday night flight, and the return flight on Sunday night.

Ah well, suppose I'd better log off and bog off - there are things I want to do before I go to the rugby....

Back tomorrow - hangover permitting!


Don't let the b'stards get you down.