Walking in the Shadows

Random musings from Warwickshire on life in general... Things that make me laugh, make me cry, things that wind me up beyond all endurance - and everything in between.

What’s the smegging point?

You send an e-mail around the department in an attempt to prevent problems and no-one appears to take any notice of it. So, when problems arise, it’s muggins here who gets it in the neck.

I mean, what is so difficult about following a simple request? This was the e-mail that I sent originally:

Just a quick request – if you place an order on XXX for tyres that are 28 inches or above, can you please note it on the spreadsheet for XXX, so that they can organise the necessary transport for them.

Many thanks for your help

So, today, I’ve sent the following e-mail, in the vain hope that people might pay attention to it…

Just a quick request – if you place an order on XXX for Ag tyres that are 28 inch or above, or have more that 4 pcs on the order for delivery; can you please make a note on the spreadsheet so that XXX can make sure that the necessary transport is available?

Any problems please let me know!

Many thanks

It remains to be seen if this makes any difference, but at least I’ve tried.

Ah well, guess I should get on with some w*rk, but I’ve got TNFI, and it’s not even 10:30 yet….


Now some things you hold on to - and some you just let go
Seems like the ones that you can't have
Are the ones that you want most


Just how I feel right at this moment. Due to internal controls in the place where I work, I think I'm about to have an order to go “splut” on me because the transport company had to let the sub contractor go...

Now I’ve been able to process the order, it’s a mad rush trying to get the sub contractor back to the warehouse so that I can get the tyre delivered today, and pray that this doesn’t come back to bite me on the tail.

So, when I get home, it’s going to be a pint of rum with an inch of coke… Or is it the other way ‘round?

Whatever happens, this has put more grey hairs on my head than enough – and I don’t need this amount of stress in my life.

Back when I’m calmer….


Now some things you hold on to - and some you just let go
Seems like the ones that you can't have
Are the ones that you want most

How to Call in Sick when You Just Need a Day Off

I make no apologies for posting this – it was sent to me by a co-worker, with the tag line: To all you fakers out there!!.. We know what you’re playing at..



Now some things you hold on to - and some you just let go
Seems like the ones that you can't have
Are the ones that you want most


Calling Method

Complain about fake symptoms. A day before your day off, make hints about your ‘flu by casually reporting about your untrue ‘flu-like symptoms throughout the whole day to your colleagues. For example, say that your bones hurt and you feel a little sore on that day. This way, your co-workers can make the connection to your symptoms from the day before.

Call your boss early the next morning. Do not delay because it will cause displeasure to your boss. And also you will want to avoid your boss from labeling you as a bad employee by not informing him or her early. Moreover, if you call early, you will have a rather rough voice after waking up. This will give you some added credibility

Make the call a short one. Just say that you are not coming in as you are calling in sick that day. Excellent choices are severe headache or stomach ailment, as they are common. Don't get too detailed. For instance, don't say that you were sick at 12:34 last night or your computer was yet to be cleaned of the vomit.

Be prepared for a Q &A session. Is your boss nosy? Anxious about the sickness (if you work in food service, for example)? Try to imagine what kinds of questions your boss might have. Food poisoning? Contagious? Have you called a doctor? Have you taken anything? Try to have answers for these questions prepared ahead of time; otherwise you'll be fumbling and might lose your story.

Get off the phone as quickly as possible. Stories are told by liars. The longer you are on the phone, the better chance you have to mess something up.

Good Examples of a Sick Statement

"Morning. I'm not going to be in today. I was up all last night sick. My stomach feels terrible."

"I won't be in today, I am not feeling well."

"I've spent the last 12 hours either in bed or in the bathroom. I don't think I should go to work today."

"I'm in terrible shape, and I just don't think it would be fair to you or my co-workers (and/or customers if you're in the retail or food industry) to come to work in this condition - I'd be pretty useless like this."

"I'm using a sick day today" (Usually stories are told when you are lying).

"Hi, this is so-and-so, I don't think I'm going to be able to make it in today. I've been up since 01:00 AM throwing up."

Alternative Method

1 Find alternative ways of contacting your boss. This can be calling your boss' voice mail or SMS or even sending an e-mail rather than speaking with him or her directly. This avoids the possibility of questions and awkward advice that often trips up the caller, as well as having to make your voice sound sick. Also, get ready for what to say when the time comes. There isn't always an option to erase and re-record your message if you mess up.

2.Fake Sick at Work Method

Act sick at work. If you really want people to believe you, go to work as per normal. Bring a can of soup with you. When there are at least three people in the room at work, hold your stomach, groan loudly, hold your mouth and then dart into the bathroom. Someone will probably come into the bathroom simply because they will get curious, so close the door and make puking sounds while dumping the soup.

Put on some make up. Spread some soup on your mouth, hold your stomach and come out. Either wash the soup on your mouth in the sink or if you want to be daring, come out holding your stomach with the "vomit" on your face and act dizzy.

While talking interrupt the other person by coughing, groaning, etc. and talk in a monotone, groggy voice.

If you actually ARE sick and you need to get a doctor's note for work, ask for a "Return to Work" date which you know is longer than you'll really need, then go back to work "early" before the note says you should return. This makes you look like a dedicated employee who uses less sick time than necessary, and is documentation that you can point to in your employment record, should your use of sick time ever be questioned in the future.

Make the phone call to your boss whilst lying on your back - you automatically sound groggy.

If your "affliction" sounds gross enough, your boss is more likely to want to hang up the phone and let you get on with it - diarrhea is the classic example of this. Also, if you're female, say hesitantly, "Feminine problems."

If you live with a housemate or spouse, ask them (nicely) to make the phone-in-sick-call and tell them to explain you are too ill to get to the phone.

Be sure not to use "if I feel better, I'll try to come in after lunch." He will know you won't and will immediately know you're lying.

Do not "schedule" a sick day in advance. If your boss finds out that you let people know two weeks ago that you were going to be sick today, you could lose your job.

Lie in bed on your back with your head over the side. Let the blood rush to your head. After a few minutes, this position makes you sound very stuffy and just not yourself.

Note - Wet feet or wet hair do not cause illness. The day before, if you have a "real" cold and there's a snowstorm, tell your workmates that you forgot to wear boots and consequently got a bunch of snow in your shoes and you drove home with frozen feet. Logically, you get a fever overnight.

Go to work when you're really sick, so your boss will not think you're faking when you decided to play sick to get out of working. Once you're shoved out the door a few times for being deathly ill (and infectious) at work your boss becomes thankful when you do call in sick.

If you go to the beach on your day off, don't forget the sunscreen. Showing up to work the next day looking like a lobster can be embarrassing, not to mention incriminating.

If you want to get multiple days off, pick a good illness: a migraine or a bad case of gastro can get you off for two or more days, as they can carry on for a long time and pop up at any time. Pink eye and strep throat can drag on longer. Research the illness if you're very dedicated to avoiding work. Ask friends for the symptoms of the bad (real) illnesses they've had over time.

Casually mention you've called the doctor and are waiting to hear back with an appointment time. (Say you left a message with the service last night or with a nurse today.) During peak cold and flu seasons it may be several days before they could squeeze you in for an office visit. If work demands a note after you get back you can always say your appointment isn't until later in the week. It gives you time to run to the doctor.

If you try to take off on a Friday, then you will have more time to "recover" over the weekend.

If you're going to cop-out with voicemail:

1) Don't leave too many "um..."'s in your explanation. Write it down & read it. Or, at least have it well rehearsed.

2) Don't just say you're "sick." Have tangible symptoms that people can relate to.

3) Don't try to fool people if they know you have other things going on in your life. Be honest with people. If you just need a few hours off to run an errand or pick a relative up at an airport, just tell the truth.

There’s more to it... But this should get you through...

Trying to get back to normal…

And I failed. Miserably. I’d promised my God-Daughter (Amber) and her sister (Elian) that I would take them down to Milton Keynes to do some shopping – Ok – to allow them to get their Mum (Carole) a Mother’s Day present. The reason that they asked me, was because it was easier if I was with them, as every time they went shopping, Carole was with them.

Ok – I can sympathise with that – I used to have the same trouble as a kid (but Dad used to be a real help to me – he would keep Mum out of the way whilst I got the card!)

So, despite the fact that I was still in shock after the death of my beloved horse, I went to pick the pair of them up at the ungodly hour of 07:15 yesterday morning. Mum was with me, and we got the child seats into the back of my car, and the four of us headed to Milton Keynes.

We arrived ok, and the first stop was Marks and Spencer. Mum had given up trying to find a wrap, but Amber (bless the little monster) had spotted one, and pointed it out to Mum for me. Result? Mum bought it and a couple of lightweight jerseys that Elian had found for her.

So, that meant that I had to head back to the car with the shopping, as I didn’t want to be loaded down with shopping, as well as trying to keep an eye on the girls and making sure that Mum was ok.

I didn’t object, as that gave me a few minutes peace and quiet to call my beloved, and let him know that I was reasonably ok, and that I would see him later. I put the bits and pieces in the boot of the car, and re-joined Mum and the little monsters.

We stopped in a couple of shops, and by this time, Amber and Elian were starting to get hungry, and kept asking if we were stopping for breakfast. That was the idea, as Mum was getting tired and could do with a break.

After breakfast, I went into Boots to try and get my prescriptions sorted out (one for my asthma inhaler, and the other for my epi-pen). That caused fun and games, as there had been a flood (or so I was told) meaning that I couldn’t get the epi-pen sorted out.

Amber was disgusted, and walked back to Mum, loudly announcing that “Boots are useless – they can’t even sort out Auntie Karen’s prescription.” That made me grin, and I told Mum the reason that I had been given, and that I would try my luck at Superdrug, which also had a dispensing pharmacy.

However, none of us realised that there was a problem with part of the precinct in Milton Keynes (I think there was a fire that did some damage to part of the roadway / market area). This meant that we had to back track though TK Maxx and BHS. Fortunately, there were seats where Mum and Amber could perch – Elian decided that it was her turn to make sure that I got my prescription sorted out.

Again – misfortune seemed to strike. The pharmacist was a real gentleman, but was unable to assist as they only had one epi-pen in stock – the reason being the dratted things have such a short shelf life (and only dratted pests like me need them) they tended not to keep more than one in stock.

Ok – I can accept that – I admit I am a dammed nuisance when it comes to my nut allergy – but it’s one of those things that I can’t change. So, it was back on route, and Amber and Elian were determined to go to two places – Waterstones and Lush.

First stop was Waterstones – or more precisely Costa Coffee. Amber was her normal self, and bagged a really good table. Some silly female had the nerve to tell Amber to move, as she wanted the table. Not a wise move, as Amber stood her ground, politely pointed out that she had already taken the table and that she wasn’t going to move, as her Auntie wasn’t going to get knocked sitting at this table.

At this point, Mum arrived with both Elian and me, and Amber proudly called us to the table. Once Mum was seated comfortable, Amber joined her sister and myself in the queue, and made her decision about a drink – which turned out to be a huge hot chocolate. Elian opted for a Sprite, and I got myself an iced vanilla latte, and got Mum a Coke Zero.

Once we’d had a break (and Amber had demolished her hot chocolate) we had a look around Waterstones, and then headed to Lush. Mum elected to wait outside on the seats near by (she finds the smell in the shop over powering, and enjoys watching to see if anyone buys any shoes in the shop next to Lush – to her knowledge, no-one ever has!) So, the three of us went in.

Now Lush has launched a new product – a skin tint that you mix with your favourite moisturiser to make a tinted moisturiser. So, whilst I was getting that sorted out (I had no idea which one I needed – other than I knew it would be a light one – whether it was the light pink or the light yellow I didn’t know) the little monsters were up to something.

The first I knew of it, was when Amber demanded that I opened up the bag that I was carrying, as they had got something that they needed to put in to it. So, I bent down, and was told that they had bought me two bath bombs (Blackberry Bomb) and a bubble bar slice (the Comforter) as they said I needed cheering up.

That was it. I lost it. I couldn’t help it, and the two kids cuddled me and wiped away the tears that had escaped. Amber asked if I was wearing waterproof mascara, as there were no black trails, and smiled when I said I hadn’t bothered with mascara that morning.

I made my purchases (the skin tint was light pink in the end) and I bought a couple of other bits as well as helping Amber and Elian sort out Carole’s Mother’s Day present.

We then headed for home and I dropped off the little monsters (and help them hide Carole’s present with Rachel’s help) and then I headed for home, and spoke to Gianni (my vet) about the results of the post mortem on Flame.

It turned out that Flame had a heart defect that could have killed her at any time. This caused more than a few tears, and I was glad that I had a few hours before I hit the road again to head to the Green Man where I was meeting my beloved.

I got to the Green Man about 17:30, and as I had beaten my beloved there, I sat in the car listening to the England vs. Ireland rugby match from Twickenham. And lost it, as Gianni’s words finally started to sink in. I didn’t even see my beloved pull up along side me in the car park, and the first time I realised that he was there was when I heard him call me.

I left my car (and the rugby match – it was level pegging at that point) and joined him in his car. Which is where I promptly dissolved into tears, again. I didn’t realise just how badly Flame’s death had hit me until then, and how much my beloved’s support really meant to me.

He said that if I ever needed him again, then I was to call, and no matter how often I told him that I was ok, he said he would ignore me and head straight up to see me at home. That just made me cry even more, and I realised that I had found probably the one person in my life that I could truly rely on.

Don't ya think that you need somebody
Don't ya think that you need someone
Everybody needs somebody
You're not the only one
You're not the only one

Don’t get me wrong – my friends and my family have been wonderful to me since my loss, but it’s only really been my beloved who has allowed me to fall apart and not make it seem like he’s standing in judgement on me.

We parted just after 20:00, as I was falling asleep. This is no reflection on my beloved – it’s just that I’ve not been able to sleep the past couple of nights. He made me promise that I would let him know that I was home ok, and that I would drive carefully.

Ok – no problem with that. I decided to head straight for the M40, as this would force me to concentrate on my driving as there were other road users to be aware of (and I stood less chance of encountering a deer and doing some serious damage to my car).

The problem arose when my natural competitive streak appeared whilst I was driving down the A43 to the motorway. I had some little fool in an underpowered Vauxhall Corsa try and out run me (after he’d nearly blinded me with his damned headlights as he overtook me, and then seemed to try to take the nose of the car off when he cut back into the lane in front of me.) Needless to say, I engaged sports mode on the car, and the Peugeot took off like I’d shoved a rocket up the tail pipe.

It took a couple of miles before he realised that he didn’t stand a chance against me, and dropped back rather rapidly. Mind you – I’m not really surprised – the car hit about 80mph, and I still had plenty more left to go…

That’s what you get when you try and play with a deceptively powerful car – which mine is. All it says on the back end is 207. That means it could be anything from the 1.4 to the little horror that mine is…

I got home about 21:20, and sent a message to my beloved to let him know that I was home ok, as I had promised him that I would do so. I knew that he’d been worried about me driving, so I did my best to put his mind at rest.

As for today? Well, it’s been a quiet day – I went into Leamington to pick up my new contact lenses, and just have a quiet wander around. It was quite good in its way – I managed to get two films on DVD that I’d been looking for – one was Snakes on a Plane (yes, I’ve finally bought it!) and the other was Snake Eyes, with Nicholas Cage and Gary Sinese.

I’ve tried to watch it (Snake Eyes) several times, but it’s always been on at some daft time at night, and I’ve usually fallen asleep with the TV on. So, this time, I’m hoping that I’m going to be able to watch it without falling asleep.

Ah well, guess I should call this quits – I want to grab a bath before diner.

Back tomorrow, if I get the chance.


Now some things you hold on to - some you just let go
Seems like the ones that you can't have
Are the ones that you want most

Lightening DOES strike twice.

As I type this, I’m heartbroken and soul shocked. Why? My beloved horse, Heart of Flame has died. We think that it was a heart attack, but until the post-mortem, the results will not be confirmed.

I got this news at 04:00 this morning, and am still numb to the extent that I doubt anything will touch me for a while. My beloved has been a real tower of strength and has said that he will see me on Saturday night, as he is really worried about me.

Needless to say, I can type no more, and will be back when I am in a better frame of mind.


Now some things you hold on to - and some you just let go
Seems like the ones that you can't have
Are the ones that you want most

How Do Ya Feel Tonight?

How do I feel after my weekend away? Flat. Don’t get me wrong – it was a fabulous weekend – and I loved every second that I spent with my beloved, but it’s always the same – a crashing low.

However, the weekend started somewhat fraught for me, as I couldn’t find where I’d put my blasted car keys on Friday night. As I was sorting out my overnight bag - and putting things in it, so there wouldn’t be a mad rush to find everything – I put them (my car keys) into the same pocket as my Asthma inhalers – the idea being that I would remember they were there.

That was the theory. In practice? Not a cat in hells chance of that working. I was really stressed out, and ended up having to take my spare car keys, and promising to return home early so that I could find the damned things.

I headed off to the location where I was meeting my beloved, and as per my normal routine, I decided to unpack my toiletries and make things a little easier to find… Only for me to find my blasted car keys. To say that the air went blue was an understatement, and I made a grovelling phone call to Mum to let her know that I’d found my keys. She burst out laughing (which made me feel even worse) and asked me where I’d found them. When I told her, she laughed even more, as I’d been though my bag twice whilst I was at home.

My beloved arrived, and I told him the sorry tale of my car keys – which made him laugh, and made me feel even worse. That feeling lasted practically all day, and I was somewhat subdued for the rest of the day.

Needless to say, this started to fester, and I will admit to starting snap and get somewhat grumpy. This then prompted my beloved to start telling me how he felt. I just listened to what he said, and it reminded me of a Bryan Adams song that I always liked: -

How Do Ya Feel Tonight

Is there anybody out there?
Anyone that's loved in vain
Anyone that feels the same

Is there anybody waiting?
Waiting for a chance to win
Give it up and start again

We all need something new
Something that is true
And someone else to feel it too

I feel so high - no one else would know it
I don't know why I feel the way I do
I can' t let go - and I’m not scared to show it
'Cuz being here feels right
Tell me - how do ya feel tonight?

Is there anybody out there?
Anyone that can't explain
Anyone that feels no pain

Is there anybody dreaming
Dreaming of better day
When everything goes your way

We all need something new
Something that is true
And someone else to feel it too
Someone just like you

I guess sometimes it takes a kick up the tail to make me realise just what I have with my beloved, and I know that whatever happens, we’ll always be there for each other.

Guess I should get on with some work, but to be honest, I’ve got a severe case of TNFI…


Now some things you hold on to - and some you just let go
Seems like the ones that you can't have
Are the ones that you want most

Madeira Floods.

This comes from the BBC website – I make no apologies for posting it directly – but all I can say is that I pray that the rains stop so that the people of this beautiful island stand a fighting chance to re-build.


Now some things you hold on to - and some you just let go
Seems like the ones that you can't have
Are the ones that you want most


A Briton has died following flash floods on the Portuguese island of Madeira, the Foreign Office has said.

At least 40 people have been killed in the floods, and more than 120 others hurt - a "small number" British.

Heavy rains brought tonnes of mud and stones down the slopes of the island, flooding the streets of the regional capital, Funchal, and other towns.

The island's 2,000 UK tourists have been told they can venture out again after earlier advice to stay indoors.

Foreign Office spokeswoman said the family of the dead Briton had been informed, but added: "We are not able to release any further details at this stage."

There has been widespread damage along the south coast of the island, with roads blocked, phone lines down and many people without water and electricity.

A Portuguese social services spokesman said communication problems were proving very difficult and warned the death toll would "likely increase, given the circumstances of this flood".

Portugal's Prime Minister Jose Socrates, who has visited the island, said he was appalled by the destruction and promised all necessary help.

The Foreign Office said earlier that a "small number" of British nationals had been treated in hospital.

Peter Ramos, of Hospital Cruz de Carvalho, said out of the 120 patients seen on Saturday, three were from the UK.

A woman remained in hospital with multiple injuries, he said, while two men sustained minor injuries and had been discharged.

"Four people in a taxi were hit by floods," he added.

In the UK, families are struggling to contact their relatives in Madeira as many of the phone networks are down.

Martin Hellier, 38, from Yeovil, Somerset, said he was growing increasingly concerned for his parents who live 20 miles (32km) west of Funchal in Ponta Do Sol.

He told the BBC he had heard no news in 24 hours because the phone lines were dead.

"My next course [of action] is to get in touch with the authorities over there and ask them what the conditions are in that particular region," he said.

Mark Costa told the BBC on Sunday he was evacuated from his Funchal apartment because there was no electricity or running water and the underground car park was submerged.

The 30-year-old, from Bicester, Oxfordshire, was visiting his Portuguese parents who were celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary. All three were later relocated to a safer area of the city.

He said most of the water had now drained into the rivers but the roads around Funchal harbour were covered in mud.

"Looking out of the window, they have diverted the water back into the river," he said.

Former foreign secretary Margaret Beckett, who is holidaying on the Atlantic island, said the weather had been "really wild".

"One of the staff here said that in 46 years working in the same place he had never seen seas like it or winds like it, so it obviously has been quite exceptional," she said.

UK travel association Abta said the hotels had been largely unaffected.

Some flights were cancelled and delayed on Saturday, but a spokesman said people due to travel out next week would be unaffected by events.

Madeia Facts: 

Autonomous region of Portugal with population of around 250,000

Lies just over 480km (300 miles) from West African coast

The European continent is more than 900km (560 miles) away

In an old Brownie camera

Isn't is amazing how a film could last so long in a camera without disintegrating?

Fantastic photos taken 68 years ago. Some of you will have to go to a museum to see what a Brownie camera looked like?

Here is a simple picture of what we are talking about. . .

These photos are absolutely incredible....Read below the first picture and at the end...


Thought you might find these photos very interesting; what quality from 1941.

Pearl Harbor photos found in an old Brownie stored in a foot locker. And just recently taken to be developed.



Pearl Harbor

On Sunday, December 7th, 1941 the Japanese launched a surprise attack against the U.S. Forces stationed at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. By planning this attack on a Sunday, the Japanese commander Admiral Nagumo, hoped to catch the entire fleet in port. As luck would have it, the Aircraft Carriers and one of the Battleships were not in port. (The USS Enterprise was returning from Wake Island, where it had just delivered some aircraft. The USS Lexington was ferrying aircraft to Midway, and the USS Saratoga and USS Colorado were undergoing repairs in the United States)

In spite of the latest intelligence reports about the missing aircraft carriers (his most important targets), Admiral Nagumo decided to continue the attack with his force of six carriers and 423 aircraft. At a range of 230 miles north of Oahu, he launched the first wave of a two-wave attack.

Beginning at 0600 hours his first wave consisted of 183 fighters and torpedo bombers which struck at the fleet in Pearl Harbor and the airfields in Hickam, Kaneohe and Ewa.

The second strike, launched at 0715 hours, consisted of 167 aircraft, which again struck at the same targets.

At 0753 hours the first wave consisting of 40 Nakajima B5N2 'Kate' torpedo bombers, 51 Aichi D3A1 'Val' dive bombers, 50 high altitude bombers and 43 Zeros struck airfields and Pearl Harbor within the next hour, the second wave arrived and continued the attack.


US Army:             218 KIA (killed in action),

                                364 WIA (wounded in action).

US Navy:               2,008 KIA, 710 WIA.

US MarineCorp:  109 KIA, 69 WIA.

Civilians:                68 KIA, 35 WIA.

TOTAL: 2,403 KIA, 1,178 WIA.



USS Arizona (BB-39) - total loss when a bomb hit her magazine.

USS Oklahoma (BB-37) - Total loss when she capsized and sunk in the harbor.

USS California (BB-4 4) - Sunk at her berth. Later raised and repaired.

USS West Virginia (BB-48) - Sunk at her berth. Later raised and repaired.

USS Nevada - (BB-36) Beached to prevent sinking. Later repaired.

USS Pennsylvania (BB-38) - Light damage.

USS Maryland (BB-46) - Light damage.

USS Tennessee (BB-43) Light damage.

USS Utah (AG-16) - (former battleship used as a target) - Sunk.



USS New Orleans (CA-32) - Light Damage.

USS San Francisco (CA-38) - Light Damage.

USS Detroit (CL-8) - Light Damage.

USS Raleigh (CL-7) - Heavily damaged but repaired.

USS Helena (CL-50) - Light Damage.

USS Honolulu (CL-48) - Light Damage.



USS Downes (DD-375) - Destroyed. Parts salvaged.

USS Cassin - (DD -3 7 2) Destroyed. Parts salvaged.

USS Shaw (DD-373) - Very heavy damage.

USS Helm (DD-388) - Light Damage.



USS Ogala (CM-4) - Sunk but later raised and repaired.


Seaplane Tender

USS Curtiss (AV-4) - Severely damaged but later repaired.


Repair Ship

USS Vestal (AR-4) - Severely damaged but later repaired.


Harbor Tug

USS Sotoyomo (YT-9) - Sunk but later raised and repaired.



188 Aircraft destroyed (92 USN and 92 U.S. Army Air Corps.)

For Sale...

I make no apologies if people have already seen this – it’s made me smile…


Now some things you hold on to - and some you just let go
Seems like the ones that you can't have
Are the ones that you want most



Down with snow!

As you can see, I’m not exactly a fan of snow. I admit it’s very pretty to look at (from the warmth of a building (in this case the playpen)) but it is a damned nuisance when you’ve got plans made for the weekend, or you’ve got to travel home.

The snow, as it’s falling just looks like duck down feathers – all big and fluffy. Which would be fine, but the damned stuff is starting to settle, and that’s the last thing that I want – the roads are bad enough as it is,and I don’t need any snow covering the damned potholes.

Ahhh – good stuff – the snow has turned to rain – let’s hope it stays that way!

Back later….


Now some things you hold on to - and some you just let go
Seems like the ones that you can't have
Are the ones that you want most

A quieter day…

Well, today is starting better than yesterday – mainly because the phones are a darn sight quieter.

I feel brighter than I did yesterday (that’s not that difficult) as I know that Flame is in good hands, and all I can do is pray. As for us being able to compete again, well that is well and truly in the lap of the Gods, as I don’t know how strong she will be after this, or more to the point, how much her confidence has been damaged by this.

Aside from that, I am now more chilled out – and am looking forward to this weekend. Simply because I am getting a haircut. I decided that I would try and grow my hair again, as I was getting bored with it being short… That was the plan, anyway. The reality is that I’ve changed my mind, as long hair is not really practical – I’m having to use a hairdryer to get it dry enough so that I can leave the house, after I’ve had my shower in the morning, as it’s so cold at the moment.

So, I’ve decided to go back to the three S – Short, Spiky and Stripy – as I’m bored, and it makes life so much easier for me in the morning, and will allow me to show off some of my pretty earrings (including the ones that are the outline of a lizard!) The only drawback is that I’ll get cold ears, but I can overcome that with a hat…

I guess I should call this quits, as I’m supposed to be working…

Back later if I get the chance…


Now some things you hold on to - and some you just let go
Seems like the ones that you can't have
Are the ones that you want most

Order aftermath…

I hate customers. Especially ones that think I'm trying to pull the wool over their eyes. As you can see, I'm not a happy person at the moment. The customer whom I spent so much time and energy trying to sort out, as told me to cancel the bloody order, as he thinks I'm lying to him about the tyre.

The phrase “suit your bloody self comes to mind” but at this moment in time, I'm quietly fuming. But all I can do is swallow my fury, and say “C’est la vie” and let him get on with it and think he’s the big man. I’ve got more important things in my life right now – and this doesn’t deserve any more attention.

Time to call this quits - I need some peace and quiet for a while.

Back later, if I get the chance...


Now some things you hold on to - and some you just let go
Seems like the ones that you can't have
Are the ones that you want most

A stress less day? I'd love one of those!

It’s one of those days that I can really do without. My beloved horse has injured herself some how, and is now being operated on to repair a bone fracture in her nearside hind leg, and an order is causing me severe stress as well.

The horse first. She showed signs of lameness a couple of days ago, and I found a stone that had bruised her foot. I checked her yesterday morning, and she was holding the nearside rear hoof off the ground, and flinched when I went to get hold of her leg to check the foot. Not a good sign. So, me being me, lead her into the box, and got her comfortable (no fighting from her – she must have realised that I was trying to help her!) and called the vet to come out last night, when I could be there to see what the verdict was. I’d already warned him that she was unwilling to let me touch the leg, so he brought his portable x-ray with him…

That was when the bombshell landed. She’d broken the cannon bone, and it needed surgery. Thankfully, my insurance covers such nasty things, so I called my supervisor, explained that I would be late in today due to a personal matter and left it at that.

The horse ambulance arrived at 08:30 this morning, and we got her loaded with the minimum of fuss, and she left for Newmarket, where the operation is to take place today. I’ll be without her for about a week (subject to how the operation goes) and will just have to take it from there as to what happens after that.

Honestly, I'm really wishing that I’d taken today off – I'm starting to get a migraine, and I know full well that its stress induced.

Back when I get chance...


Now some things you hold on to - and some you just let go
Seems like the ones that you can't have
Are the ones that you want most

A few thoughts on cat baths....by The Cat:

'I don't think I like you anymore.'

'You will pay, as God is my witness, you will pay.'

'Jesus, you call this water warm???'

'But You Said You Loved Me!'

'You Lied !!!!!!'

'E.T. Phone home......quick!'

'No, I'm not your Good Little Kitty anymore.'


'Traction....I'm losing Traction!'

'I want my Mommmmmmyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!'


'No, no, no, no.....NOOOO!!!!'

Now some things you hold on to - and some you just let go
Seems like the ones that you can't have
Are the ones that you want most

Blair on trial. I wish. (Part 2 )

This continues from the previous post, where Tony Blair is giving evidence to the Iraq War enquiry.


Now some things you hold on to - and some you just let go
Seems like the ones that you can't have
Are the ones that you want most


1409 Mr Blair says he tried one "last-ditch chance" to get a UN solution, by defining more clearly the definition of a breach of the UN's will in terms of WMDs.

Right. But only because he would be able to plead that in his defence.

1412 As the war approached President Bush told Mr Blair that, if going into Iraq was too difficult, he would understand if the UK did not get involved, the inquiry hears. It was a "tough situation", Mr Blair adds.

So tough that he still went ahead and supported his little buddy.

1413 Mr Blair says he "genuinely hoped" the UN path would work.

If that was the case, why didn’t he try harder to get the agreement?

1416 From BBC political correspondent Iain Watson: Tony Blair confirms that George Bush was willing to go it alone in Iraq if it was "too difficult" for Britain but the former PM says his judgement - a word he's used often - was that the alliance with America was important and he had been down a UN path that he had hoped would work and had done everything he could to avoid this "tough choice" - and that the military agreed "if we were going to be part of this we should be whole hearted".

Yeah, but he didn’t, and the war went ahead regardless of what anyone said.

1416 The aftermath of the invasion was "the most difficult part", Mr Blair says, adding that to have kept out of this would have been wrong.

No, wrong was going into Iraq in the first place without the UN mandate.

1420 Sir Roderic Lyne moves on to the issue of the legality of the war, which has been such a focus of previous hearings this week. He is summarising what was said previously, allowing Mr Blair to interject if he disagrees at any point.

1425 Mr Blair says he is happy with the summary of legal issues so far. So Sir Roderic continues with his narrative of the way the debate over legality of the war went in the run-up to war.

1423 Sir Roderic Lyne says there was "consistent and united advice" from Foreign Office lawyers that fresh UN authorisation would have been needed to make the use of force against Iraq lawful. However, resolution 1441, which was passed by the UN, was not "crystal clear". Up until February 2003 the then Attorney General, Lord Goldsmith, said that a further decision by the Security Council was required, he adds.

1428 Sir Roderic Lyne says that Lord Goldsmith said later that Resolution 1441 was compatible "in principle" with authorising force, but, if the matter came before a court, he was not confident this would work. He had, "to a degree", parted opinion with the Foreign Office lawyers, he adds. Lord Goldsmith was asked for a "yes or no" decision. By 13 March, he had decided that "on balance" there was a lawful basis for use of force without having to go beyond Resolution 1441. But this required a determination that Iraq was "in further material breach" of its obligations. Lord Goldsmith said he had asked Mr Blair to say this and Mr Blair had done so. This gave the "green light" for action, Sir Roderic says

1434 Mr Blair says Sir Roderic's was a "fair summary of the legal background". He adds that Resolution 1441 declared Saddam was in breach of the UN's demands.

In other words, he can’t argue with the facts. Makes a nice change…

1436 Mr Blair says he was given a Foreign Office paper on 8 March 2002 setting out legal terms for action against Iraq. Military action had been taken against Saddam in 1993 and 1998, he adds. The legal advice made it important to go down the UN route, Mr Blair tells the inquiry. The government was a "long way" from a decision, so the attorney general was not brought in at that point.

Doesn’t alter the fact that he didn’t ask for advice on the legality of the war…

1436 Sir Roderic Lyne says it seems the attorney general rarely discussed the issue of Iraq with Mr Blair, particularly in 2002. Mr Blair says Lord Goldsmith had been "closely involved" but did not attend cabinet until the decision was to be taken. That was the usual practice, he said. However, he added that Lord Goldsmith was giving his advice to the prime minister and ministers, Mr Blair says.

Even if advice was given, it was ignored, or more to the point, bent to make it fit with the desired purpose.

1438 Once discussions about action in Iraq began with the Americans, Mr Blair says he was sure by March 2002 that it was important to go via the UN route.

If that was the case, why wasn’t everything done to gain this resolution?

1441 Resolution 1441 was adopted by the UN in November 2002. By early 2003 the armed forces had been instructed to prepare for action, Sir Roderic Lyne says. He asks whether it would have been useful to have the attorney general's advice. Mr Blair says if Lord Goldsmith had said action against Iraq was unlawful, it would not have happened. Mr Blair says the government knew its options. It had not received formal advice, but Lord Goldsmith had made clear his opinion.

And that opinion was ignored, along with the advice, as it didn’t give the answer that was wanted.

1444 Mr Blair says he was "well aware" that Lord Goldsmith was saying that a second UN resolution was needed. Saddam made a "material breach" of the existing Resolution 1441, he added. There was "at least as powerful an argument" in favour of just one, rather than two, resolutions, he adds.

But that didn’t stop the planning for the invasion, even though it would have been illegal under international law.

1447 From BBC political correspondent Iain Watson: Tony Blair confirms military preparations were under way even before the 'first' UN resolution -1441- was passed but makes it clear ultimately no action would have taken without legal cover for it

Typical of Blair – he just wanted to go along with what Shrub wanted.

1449 The "spirit" of Resolution 1441 was that Saddam would get one final chance, Mr Blair says. Otherwise "that's it", he adds. A further resolution would have been politically preferable, Mr Blair says.

Never mind politically preferable – it would have been better for everyone if this second resolution had been obtained. That way, a cohesive plan for the aftermath would have been in place.

1450 From BBC political correspondent Iain Watson: Tony Blair sidesteps the question of what he said if anything to the Attorney General between 7th and 13th March 2003 when the Attorney General's advice "'evolved"' - in other words when Lord Goldsmith ditched caveats and gave the green light for military action.

Bit close to the truth? Maybe he realised just what he was getting into at long last – but I doubt it.

1452 Sir Roderic Lyne suggests it was a "considerable relief" when Lord Goldsmith offered different advice, on 13 March 2003. Mr Blair says he did so because of the Hans Blix evidence suggesting Saddam had not complied with Resolution 1441. But Sir Roderic says this was contrary to many international lawyers' opinions. Mr Blair says all countries which took military action believed they had a legal reason for doing so.

Crap. It just meant that the Attorney General caved in to political pressure, and started toeing the line that Blair and Shrub wanted him to.

1456 Sir Roderic Lyne asks Mr Blair how convinced he was that the UK had a strong legal case after Lord Goldsmith's advice. Mr Blair says Lord Goldsmith would not have reached his opinion "unless he believed it". The attorney general had not said he would not have won a court case with such a point, merely that it was arguable either way, Mr Blair says. On this advice, the former PM says he decided "to go forward".

No – it means that Lord Goldsmith lost his backbone, and gave the answers that Blair and co wanted to hear – not what was needed.

1500 From BBC political correspondent Iain Watson: Asked if he felt there was a strong legal case for war, Tony Blair said the Attorney General had to come to a decision which in the end, he did. Throughout this session Tony Blair been keen to stress Lord Goldsmith’s "top rank" experience as a lawyer, his integrity and his desire to give advice whether required or not - in other words, he has sought distance himself from suggestions that he or his officials could have leant on the attorney general to water down legal objections to war. But the question of what Tony Blair said to Lord Goldsmith in the crucial week of 7-13 March wasn't hotly pursued.

Rubbish. Lord Goldsmith was leaned on by his “political masters” and just bleated out whatever they wanted to hear – in this case, that there was no requirement for the UN resolution.

1504 The defence spending review of 1997 stated that the military should be given sufficient time for planning actions, panel member Baroness Prashar says. Mr Blair says that on Iraq, for a time, the government was worried about making planning too visible and "triggering an assumption" of invasion. He repeats that, in October 2002, Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon said: "We really need to get on with this." Army chief General Sir Mike Jackson had been clear that the forces would be ready, Mr Blair says.

The military would have been ready, regardless of what Geoff Hoon said – that’s their job.

1508 There was visible preparation later, but in mid-2002 there was a concern that people did not start to think an invasion was inevitable, Mr Blair says. And "it really wasn't", he adds

Funny – he’s pretty much admitted to being committed to the invasion, so how can he say that the invasion wasn’t inevitable?

1510 After a very brief set of questions on military preparation, Mr Blair is asked about planning for the war's aftermath. There was an "immense amount" of this, he tells the panel. The "real problem" was that some wrong eventualities were prepared for. The focus was on humanitarian outcomes, which averted a disaster. But the oil fields were not burned and chemical and biological weapons not used.

The Iraqis burnt the Kuwaiti oil fields during their retreat in 1990, but Saddam wasn’t daft enough to damage something that he could use to get money into the country… Humanitarian concerns? What about the ordinary people who suffered after the invasion, as the insurgency took hold, and they were being killed along with our service personnel?

1511 One of the planning assumptions, Mr Blair says, was that there would be a functioning Iraqi civil service below the top level. But dealing with a "semi-fascist state" like Iraq makes that assumption wrong, he adds. It was necessary to rebuild the civil infrastructure from nothing, as it was a "completely broken system".

True – if you weren’t a member of the Baath party, then you weren’t allowed to be part of the government. But the trouble was, not everyone was a committed party member…

1513 The risks and resources required were weighed up and the UK "could not walk away from the people of Iraq" after the war, Mr Blair says. Bu the UK would have done some things differently in hindsight, he adds.

Hindsight is a wonderful thing, but until someone invents a time machine, you’re screwed.

1516 From BBC political correspondent Iain Watson: There's been a lot of debate about whether troops were properly equipped for action and whether enough planning had been done - and whether Gordon Brown as chancellor was properly resourcing the troops. Tony Blair attempts to take the political sting out of this early on by saying that it was up to the military to judge if they were prepared and that he as PM "never refused a request for money and equipment".

That may be the case, but what about the required investment in decent kit, and making sure that there was enough for everyone?

1522 Mr Blair again says the UK did not plan for the absence of a functioning Iraqi civil service. He adds that "people did not think al-Qaeda and Iran would play the role that they did". The latter influences nearly caused the mission to fail, Mr Blair says. These are the same forces confronted as in Afghanistan, he adds.

What a surprise – there was no plan for the absence of a functioning civil service, That was apparent from the outset – all these plans for fighting, but nothing to help with the aftermath.

1524 From BBC political correspondent Iain Watson: Tony Blair is very reluctant to admit to mistakes in planning for the aftermath. The key mistake for him was to assume there would still be a functioning Iraqi civil service after the invasion but said that another potential problem - sectarian violence - was tackled swiftly when Shia, Sunnis and Kurds were quickly brought together. The subsequent problems are blamed on the influence of Iran – a pretty constant bête noire for Tony Blair today - and al-Qaeda.

What a surprise – Blair doesn’t like admitting he was wrong. Guess that comes with the territory of being a politician...

1527 Mr Blair says states like Iraq under Saddam are repressive and secretive. The question for other countries is whether it is necessary and possible to engage in such places, he adds. Inquiry chairman Sir John Chilcott calls another break, with questioning expected to recommence at about 1550 GMT.

Ok – Iraq wasn’t the most open place, but I still don’t see the reason why we needed to invade Iraq.

1546 Mr Blair says the plan was that the aftermath would not require as many troops as the conflict itself. The issue in southern Iraq was not the number of troops, but how reconstruction could get going while, fairly early on, there were groups opposed to this.

Whoops – someone didn’t do their homework… The Shia sect of Islam is predominant in Iraq – and it was only Saddam's iron fist that kept a lid on things…

1549 Saddam was toppled very quickly but the allies found the situation was different to that which had been expected, Mr Blair says. Another assumption, that Iran would not be provocative, also started to change, with its backing for the Mehdi Army of Moqtada al Sadr, he adds.

Like Iran wouldn’t miss the chance to stir things up. Technically, the Iran-Iraq war was only ever on a cease-fire – no peace treaty / agreement was ever signed.

1553 On funding for aid and redevelopment, Mr Blair says extra money was agreed with the Treasury in March 2003. Iraq was the "key country" for the Department for International Development in 2003-04, he adds. The problem, which became clearer, "was not a lack of resources, but a lack of security".

Which anyone with an ounce of common sense could have seen happening, as Iraq is such a mix of cultures. It was only Saddam’s ruthless control that kept a lid on things.

1556 There was "much discussion" of the Shia-Sunni issue, Mr Blair says. But people did not believe al-Qaeda and Iran would have a destabilising influence. The Iraqi people were not in favour of violence or sectarianism, he says.

No, because it wasn’t in their interest. But a tiny (but well armed) minority had other ideas, and decided to stir things up, to cause trouble for the US and the UK.

1558 The UK tried to "reach out" to Iran, but one of the "most disappointing" aspects of the mission was that the country became a major destabilising influence in Iraq, Mr Blair adds.

Iran wouldn’t spit on either Shrub or Blair if they were on fire – they’d be more likely to pour crude oil on them to help the fire, so appealing to them wasn’t really a smart move…

1600 The government asked for an assessment on Iran's likely attitude for an invasion of Iraq, Mr Blair says. The evidence was it would have a "watching brief" and "be pleased" to get rid of Saddam.

Wouldn’t you be pleased to get rid of someone who did so much damage to your military in an eight year war?

1602 Returning to his "twenty ten" point, Tony Blair says that if Saddam had been left in power he has "little doubt" that Iraq would now be "competing" with Iran on nuclear weapons and in support of terrorist groups.

Open to debate again – Saddam would have only supported the terrorist groups if it had suited his agenda.

1604 From BBC political correspondent Iain Watson: Tony Blair launches another verbal attack on Iran - this time, for deliberately trying to destabilise post-war Iraq but Sir Roderic Lyne, the most dogged of Mr Blair's inquisitors, wonders why this wasn't anticipated. Tony Blair says the advice - presumably the intelligence - suggested that Iran would be glad to see the back of Saddam and would be "amenable" to the new Iraq

Anyone could have foreseen this happening – Iran for years has wanted to challenge the Sunni rule in the Middle East, and Saddam was an impediment to this happening. It’s highly unlikely that Iran wouldn’t have taken the opportunity to make sure that it was a Shia led government that came into power in post-Saddam Iraq.

1609 On the disbanding of the Iraqi army by the US, Mr Blair says he is "not sure" about the policy. It would have been "sensible" for the Americans to have a discussion about it.

It looks like the US have a lot to answer for in some respects – as their forward planning seems non-existent.

1612 Panel member Sir Lawrence Freedman says WMDs were not found and this was the "headline for most people". He asks when Mr Blair thought this was likely to be the case. During 2004 it became "difficult to sustain" the possibility WMDs might turn up, he answers.

There was never any chance of turning up the WMDs, as there was no political will, from either the US or the UK to assist with the inspections, and put pressure on Saddam to facilitate the inspections.

1614 The force required to remove a regime is "one function", but there will have to be nation-building afterwards, Mr Blair says. This may require more or different types of forces, he adds.

Regime change. That was the ultimate end, but no-one seemed to give any thought to the reconstruction side of things…

1616 Mr Blair says the "very purpose" of the people the UK ended up fighting in Iraq was to stop reconstruction. In such circumstances "you don't move to peace-keeping" straightaway, because "your enemy is trying to kill you".

True – but it was because the people who were part of the insurgency thought that the US and UK had invaded their country. Technically, we had done so.

1622 From BBC political correspondent Iain Watson: Tony Blair says the problem wasn't the pace of reconstruction in post-war Iraq but security - although he also implicitly admits that more attention would have to be paid to "nation building" if a similar situation were to exist in future.

Hindsight again.

1625 It was bound to take a "certain amount of time" to win the battle of creating stability in Iraq, Mr Blair says.

Yeah – talking to the people first might have helped – they might not have felt so angry about the invasion once the euphoria of getting rid of Saddam and his murderous regime faded.

1631 On the deaths of Iraqi civilians since the war, Mr Blair says the coalition forces were not the ones doing the killing. It was terrorists and sectarians, "deliberately" trying to end the stabilisation process. These were "precisely the same people we were trying to fight everywhere". People in southern Iraq are now better off than under Saddam and have hope of a better future, Mr Blair says. Panel member Sir Lawrence Freedman says that claim is up for debate.

Agreed – the coalition personnel were not doing the killing – but if they hadn’t been there, then the bombs wouldn’t have been going off near their bases.

1632 From BBC political correspondent Iain Watson: The inquiry takes a more emotive turn with Sir Lawrence pointing to the growing civilian death toll after the invasion. Tony Blair passionately argues that this is the fault of the terrorists. But the inquiry are interested in whether coalition troops could do more to protect people and opponents of the war would blame the invasion for unleashing the violence.

Whatever the pros and cons of this argument, there is only so much that the military can do to protect the civilian population, as they were limited by both numvers and equipment. It’s a case of chicken and egg – without the troops, there would have been little violence and Saddam still in power, but with them, Saddam was removed but the violence kicked off.

1635 Mr Blair says there was not a "cavalier" attitude to planning for the aftermath of the war. But, however much you plan and whatever forces you have, al-Qaeda and Iran would have made the task difficult. This was no reason to "back away", Mr Blair says. Nobody would want to go back to the days of no hope, opportunity or freedom, he adds.

That’s a bit of a joke, the whole aftermath planning smacks of a cavalier attitude – as in “things will sort themselves out”

1641 Mr Blair says the "key players" in the UK government were in close contact as planning for the war developed.

In close contact? What with? A brick wall?

1643 The cabinet had 25 pre-invasion discussions, Mr Blair says. There was a "constant interaction", he adds. Members of the cabinet did not feel they were not involved, even Robin Cook, who eventually resigned over the war, Mr Blair says.

Robin Cook was the only member of the government who had the courage of his convictions, and resigned as a matter of principal, as he opposed the invasion.

1651 The cabinet was focused on political issues at the time of making decisions on whether to go to war, Mr Blair says. Even Robin Cook, who quit over the war, said it was necessary to get a second UN resolution for such reasons, he adds

So why didn’t he listen? Or was he too taken with the idea of regime change, as proposed by his buddy, Shrub?

1653 From BBC political correspondent Iain Watson: Tony Blair is keen to rebut the allegation that he led entirely from the front on invading Iraq and that though his colleagues may have been behind him, they were a long way behind. He says there were 25 discussions on Iraq at cabinet meetings - and that most of the cabinet agreed with him, but could challenge if they wish (and as the late Robin Cook did) - and there was an "immense amount" going on in Clare Short's International Development Department; implicitly he's saying she shares responsibility for decisions though she resigned after the conflict. It had been suggested that Tony Blair had kept some senior colleagues out of the loop on key decisions. He suggests Clare Short was involved in post war planning discussions well before the war itself began.

Talk about trying to wriggle out of the blame. By blaming Clare Short, it takes the heat off of him, and makes him look slightly less culpable.

1655 There could have been a major legal debate about military action in Kosovo in the late 1990s but there was not, because it was not such a politically divisive issue as Iraq, Mr Blair says.

Kosovo, unlike Iraq, had UN sanctioning, so there is no comparison between the two.

1656 From BBC political correspondent Iain Watson: Tony Blair ends the questioning on post-war planning with his customary defiant and robust tone - he seems more assured here than on the dense questioning on the legality of the conflict earlier. He says there was no "cavalier" attitude taken to planning the aftermath of war and that - as with Afghanistan - you have to be prepared for the long haul

Strange – that doesn’t seem apparent at the moment – the lack of planning is criminal.

1703 Inquiry chairman Sir John Chico says the "liberators" of Iraq soon came to be resented. He asks whether the people of Iraq thought the invasion and subsequent efforts worthwhile. Mr Blair says it is "too early" to say whether Iraqi democracy will function effectively and take root, although there are "hopeful signs". Income per head has risen, money is being spent on infrastructure, he adds. It was a "very, very difficult fight" and that the UK will be better prepared and educated if it takes part in future nation-building exercises

We shouldn’t have been in this position in the first place! The coalition was resented the minute the euphoria of Saddam’s overthrow wore off, and the bombs started exploding in the market places, killing not only the troops, but civilians as well.

1705 Mr Blair says child mortality has fallen in Iraq because of the change of regime - 50,000 fewer young children dying each year he says. The majority of Iraqis would overwhelmingly say the situation is preferable to that under Saddam, he adds.

True – there is no more state sanctioned murder to remove rivals to power. But equally, the overwhelming majority of Iraqis want the coalition out of their country.

1708 Mr Blair is asked about the anger felt towards him over the Iraq war, and whether he has regrets. He replies that he had to take the decision for war and there is "not a single day" when he does not think about it. He adds that, had he left Saddam in power, the circumstances for dealing with him would be worse. Mr Blair says he is "sorry" the war was divisive, but the UK's security is better without Saddam and his sons in power. He feels responsibility but not regret for removing Saddam Hussein. As the session comes to an end he says he believes "the world is safer as a result" of the Iraq war.

The UK’s security has improved without Saddam? What planet is he on? It’s worse since he helped Shrub remove Saddam, and things won’t improve until we get out of Iraq.


All this enquiry has done so far, is proven that Blair is a liar, who was more intent of posing and trying to impress his little friend Shrub. At the end of this, I can’t see any answers worth their paper being produced. If I’m wrong, then I will cheerfully post a retraction of this particular comment on my blog, but I doubt I’ll have to do that.

Guess I should log off and head for home – it is a Friday night after all…

Back when I get the chance.
