At last. The monster is ready to come home… Tomorrow.
Waiting for an update
As I type this, I am waiting for information on the monster. Which is still with the dealership, waiting for the part to arrive.
I don't think the car will be ready today, so it is yet another day that it hasn't been sorted. I know that they have to wait for the part, but not being able to offer me a loan car either???
I pointed out that the issue with the bearing was one thing, but missing that the hub was damaged as well is unforgivable in my book.
It wasn't like I hadn't warned the dealership. I told them when I booked the car in that I had hit a pothole, so common sense dictates that you check the whole assembly - not just one part.
I understand that the loan cars are pre-booked. Fair enough. But not being able (or willing until I pushed the issue) to sort out a car for someone like me who is out of the area, and was expecting the car today...
And I have to admit I am somewhat disappointed with the lack of communication.
If the dealership had kept me informed, I wouldn't be as angry / fustrated as I am now. It seems to be me having to chase for updates - which was something I began to hate about Arbury....
I am expecting a call at 16:00. Hopefully with good news, or the offer of a suitable loan car...
Back later with good news - I hope.
And people say you're a bad seed
Take the hard road
You always take the hard road
That's really something you don't need
Take the hard road
Yet another issue…
Just called the dealership to see how the car is getting on with fitting the new bearing, as I know it takes about 90min to fit....
And I have to wait another day, because they missed another issue – I’ve bent the wheel hub on the wheel that had the issue with the bearing.
Why this wasn’t found when the car was serviced, and the damaged bearing was being replaced is a question that I shall be asking when I finally pick the monster up. Hopefully tomorrow, but at the moment, I am *not* holding my breath.
But as it stands, when I *do* pick the car up, I shall be asking questions along the lines of “why wasn’t this picked up when the car was serviced, and what about a discount for the inconvenience.
Simply because I have been without the car for 2 days when I was told that this would be sorted out today.
Luckily for me, I can get a lift, but that’s not the point. I was planning on getting the car this afternoon and was thinking that I may have struck lucky with the new dealership...
And this started all so well when I dropped the car in yesterday. I just hope this isn’t a sign of things to come, as this is starting to feel like déjà vu...
Back tomorrow – hopefully with good news.
Evermore hostility
We’re all living under the same old sky
We’re all telling the same old lie
In these days of no trust
The wheel bearing explodes
And no – I am not joking. I’ve just had a call from the dealership…
They went to fit the new bearing, and the dratted thing exploded – ball bearings everywhere – all across the workshop. So, the monster is out of service as they need to get the new bearing in and can’t fit it until tomorrow.
This meant I have just had to do my ET bit and call home. Luckily for me, Mum can pick me up, but it means that she will have to be up early tomorrow to drop me off at work.
I am going to be so popular for that… Not.
Ah well, at least they had the decency to call me before I left and travelled down…
Time to call this quits – I need to get ready to escape…
Back tomorrow.
You ain’t going nowhere,
Or you ain’t got a prayer,
Like a broken wheel
Relieved isn’t the word
Ok – it could have been worse – I thought I had damaged the front suspension strut on the car, as I dropped the little beastie down a pothole. (Thanks a lot for using my road theft (aka road tax) for road repairs WCC!!)
So, the dealership – (NOT Arbury I have to say) have got the pattern part on order. A price difference of £200 for not having Peugeot stamped on it (not to mention the delay in getting the things sorted out – ok, one whole day, but £200 is £200…)
Mum pointed out that she had re-booked the car, only to be asked who she spoke to. Not a good move, as it was the person on the phone who had allegedly booked the car in!
So now I shall be letting new engineers look after my little monster… Which is a shame, as the team in the Arbury workshop were really good – it was the service “reception” that let them down. And that will not help them in future, as the old saying goes…
“You get good service; you might tell 1 / 2 people about it. Bad service… You tell EVERYONE about it”
Back when I have something else to rant about.
And now it’s time to cross that river
And show your feelings just before you depart
You know it’s real, you must consider
No good remaining, so hold back the tears
Don’t ever give up the fight
Another podcast....
So we must beware of a tyranny of opinion which tries to make only one side of a question the one which may be heard. Everyone is in favour of free speech. Hardly a day passes without its being extolled, but some people’s idea of it is that they are free to say what they like, but if anyone says anything back, that is an outrage.
After the jab
As I write this, I am back at home, having had the spinal jab (or, to give it it's correct medical name Lumbar Radiculopathy).
Yes, it's as scary as the name, and the worst part (for me anyway) was the fact that it was done under local anesthetic.
It should take about 10 / 15 min for the jab... Unless you're like me - are petrified of needles, have an awkward back, and an unfortunate tendency to breathe at the wrong time.
Namely when the surgeon is asking for an X-Ray image to make sure the needle is in the right place. Because every time I decided to take a breath was just when the image was taken - meaning my breathing blurred the image. Whoops.
But that wasn't the worst part... I felt really light headed (like I was going to pass out) and at the same time, managed to feel really queasy...
Not really the best combination when the surgeon needs to make sure that he has got the needle in the right place for the jab.
The theatre staff were wonderful - they made sure that I didn't pass out, and managed to get me to relax enough to stop the queasy feeling. And the best bit? Being able to escape home the same day as the jab.
I know this isn't a fix for the buggered disc - this jab was to stop the pain in my leg (hopefully stop the feeling of super heated barbed wire).
Once the pain eases in my leg, I can move onto the physio, and hopefully start swimming again. I know I will have to rebuild the distance that I swim (no aiming for 3k the first time back in the pool), but if this jab helps me get my life back, I will be more than happy.
And no disrespect to the surgical & care teams - I really don't want to see them again. One jab in my spine is more than enough for me.
Time to call this quits - my back is aching and I need to try and get some sleep.
Back when I feel less sleepy / bruised / loser in an ass kicking contest.
Looks like it's arriving tonight
There's no more hiding or running
There's no more walking on ice
Waiting for the jab
Well, I am now sitting in St Cross hospital, in the Day Surgery unit. The nurses are really sweet - unsung heroes the lot of them.
It's really quiet in my bay - just two patients - me and another lady... So the other 4 bays are empty. Which suits me as I can sit reading my kindle.
New month, new dealership
Bloody hell. A date at last...
The dread battery issue rises from the dead
Today's Minion
Cancelling a concert
And this time, it’s not the dread COVID-19 doing this. It’s me. Simply because I cannot guarantee that my back will be sorted, and I have no intention of putting it under anymore stress that it is at the moment.
As it is, it’s already managed to go into spasm this year (ok – Monday) and the language was almost as bad as it was when I suffered the initial injury – in June 2021.
Plus, as I am currently “banned” from driving by the GP and the spinal surgeon, I don’t think it would be a good idea for me to go to the Town Hall in Birmingham the end of March to watch Magnum rocking their home town. Which would mean me standing (and badly dancing) for a minimum of two hours, plus all the travelling. Which is a damned shame, as they always put on a good gig. And they will have two new albums to pull onto the playlist – the excellent The Serpent Rings:
as well as the new album – The Monster Roars:
Hopefully I will be fit enough to see them in Nottingham at Rock City on 14/09/22 and enjoy the concert in a city (and a venue) that has quite a few good (and definitely drunken) memories.
Ah well, guess I should call this quits - my poor little phone is bleeping at me. Again.
Back when I get the chance.
Getting somewhere at last - and not just the booster...
Well, it's been nearly a week since I started taking the Amitriptyline tablets. These were originally designed to be an anti-depressant, but as so often happens, they (the pharmaceutical companies) found that it was not very good for the original issue, but it is really good for treating pain. Specifically neuralgia (nerve pain) as well as migraine.
Now comes the "fun" part. Like all prescription medication, there are side effects... And the most common ones are some crackers... Things like...
This little miracle pot has really helped me, and I know when I haven't used it. My back hurts (ok - more than it does normally with the slipped disc) and it seems to help with the pain in my leg. I don't know if it was because I gave the leg a damned good massage rubbing this stuff in (my thigh muscles were twitching like they were wired to the mains) but it seemed to help and allowed me to get some sleep.
New variant COVID-19, and it's back to home working....
Well, Bo-jo has spoken, Again. We're back to home working as of Monday, unless you cannot work from home.
Which is pretty good going for me - I've been working at home since I damaged my back, so in reality, that change has meant nothing to me - it's my normal routine. And, there have been more restrictions brought in - including wearing masks in more places, and the so-called vaccine passport to go into nightclubs.
Again, this won't make any real difference to me, as I do wear my mask on the rare occasions that I escape, and clubbing? Can't remember the last time I went clubbing. Think the closest I managed was going to see Magnum at the Parr Hall in 2019... Before we even knew that Covid existed.
But, if I am honest, I can see the UK being back in another lockdown after Christmas / New Year, as people will have been mixing, and this dratted bug will have taken the opportunity to spread even more.
Ah well, time to call this quits - my phone is beeping at me again.
Back when I get the inclination...
Talk of freedom got away
Time to get the message right
It's never black or white
So I'm walking in the rain
Found a reason to explain
No excuses, no regret
We all deserve respect
And the verdict is.......
Just had the call from the SWIMs team. The verdict is in - I have dodged the scalpel.
I'm to be put on the waiting list for the Lumbar radiculopathy aka Nerve root block / foraminal epidural injection as well as being referred to physiotherapy.
To say that I am relieved to avoid the surgery is an understatement. The GP has also prescribed me the recommended tablets for nerve pain, but has told me that there may be side effects (as in I may feel drowsy - so take it before I crawl into my pit) and that the tablets may cause me to throw up. If that happens, stop taking them and then call the surgery to see if there is a suitable alternative.
Equally, I have been told not to expect instant results. That wasn't something I had considered - as far as I am concerned, I need to give the tablets time to kick in and see if they work - if they don't then I can talk to the GP and get a revision of the doseage.. As in it may have to go higher from the inital 10mg...
Ah well,time to call this quits - I want to get back to my kindle.
Back when I get the inclination...
Waiting for the Surgeon’s decision
Well, I’ve had the examination, and it’s been confirmed that there is damage to my back, as well as nerve damage – which explains the feeling of super-heated barbed wire running down the outside of my leg, as well as the lack of feeling in my shin. This tied in with the scan results, meaning that I now have to await the surgeon’s verdict. The SWIMS team (South Warwickshire Integrated Muscular Skeletal team) have a good relationship with the surgeon who is based at Walsgrave and will discuss the findings of my examination with him at the next meeting.
OK – so in a way I am a little further forward, but in a way, I am still stuck. I still can’t drive and am still in pain. I just wish that someone had thought to look at the referral before now and realise that I was *not* improving from the initial injury / incident and pulled things forward. But I know the excuse – COVID-19. Which is a wonderful (if overused) excuse in my eyes. Yes, I know that this virus has had an impact on the NHS – I am the last person to knock them, but it annoys the hell out of me when I get told that I should have gone straight to A&E when this happened.
Congratulations. They would have done an x-ray (which wouldn’t have shown anything) and then sent me home with a load of pain killers and instructions to rest. Disc prolapse does not show on an X-ray, and the symptoms could have been caused by a back strain.
But, done is done, and there’s no point getting depressed about it. Yes – I am down – because I am in pain, and am seriously frustrated, but at least I know things are moving in the right direction. Now all I have to do is wait for the surgeon to decide what needs to happen, and take it from there.
Ah well, time to call this quits, my poor little phone is making pathetic beeping noises as the battery is almost flat. Again.
Back when I get chance.
Waiting for the hospital appointment
- Physiotherapy
- Steroid injections in my back
- Surgery to shave the offending disc
Now I’ll tell you how I feel
I’m lost, feeling second-hand
Do you treasure what you steal?
Can you tell me where you stand?
The verdict is in - my back is screwed
Well, I've had the results of the MRI scan.... And I have really done a number on my back.
I have a prolapsed disc between the L3 / L4 vertebrae, and now have the scary prospect of going to the hospital for further discussions about my treatment.
At the moment, it looks like I may be referred to the spinal surgeon in Coventry, and this could mean I either have injections to reduce the inflammation, or worse case scenario (in my eyes) I have surgery to shave the offending disc.
To say I am scared / relieved is an understatement. Scared, because I don't want to have surgery if I can help it, but relieved to know finally, what the hell I have done.
Ah well, time to call this quits - I need to get away from a screen.
Back when I get chance
Glowing in the dark
Well, I’ve had the MRI scan on my back. Now all I have to do is wait for the results – which should (with a following wind for the carrier pigeon) be with the GP in about 2 weeks or so.
Trying to get booked in was something of a farce. The letter sent to me from Stratford hospital said that I had to report to Building 2, 20 minutes before the scan. OK – not an issue. Well – not until I walked (or in my case hobbled) into the reception. Which had a sign on it saying that the X-Ray reception had been moved to Building 1. So I grumbled and hobbled across to the other building.
Only for the X-Ray reception to be closed. I wasn’t the only patient who had this same issue – another patient was there, as their scan was at 08:00 (and this was now 08:10). Luckily for both of us, a very kind member of staff from the X-ray department booked us both in, and told us that we should report to Building 2, as there was someone now manning the reception.
The first patient (who was due to be scanned at 08:00) was booked in, and whisked off to have the scan. That wasn’t a problem, but I did wish that I had my kindle with me, but luckily for me, I had my phone with me and that has the kindle app on it. So I was happily buried in my book (poor choice of words I guess as I was reading Wensley Clarkson’s book on Harold Shipman – Evil Beyond Belief) when I was called into discuss the brief form that I had to fill in before the scan.
This had questions about my general health (did I have any metallic implants – yes – in my left knee, but as this was done 25+ years ago, this wasn’t an issue), questions about tattoos (no chance – I’m scared of needles!) and one that wasn’t on the form. Did I have asthma. Yes. Ok – not an issue – was it under control? Yes.
I must have looked puzzled by this question, and it turned out that certain types of asthma are aggravated by lying flat. Mine isn’t so it was then off to the trailer where the scanner was located. The last time I saw this, it was located at Warwick hospital…
The scan itself wasn’t too bad – I got put into what looked like a plastic tube, on a mechanical sliding bed. I was given ear plugs (which were not much use at all, as I couldn’t get the damned things to fit) and then had the positioning pads to keep my head in one place. I was also given what looked like a partially inflated balloon to hold in my right hand.
This was the so-called “panic button” – the idea being that I could squeeze it and someone would come and pop me out of the scanner. This is because it is somewhat claustrophobic in the scanner. Me? I decided to use my meditation practice, and spent the entire time quietly meditating and ignoring the strange clunking noises that the scanner was making.
Before I knew it, the scan was over and done with, and the radiographer was amazed that I was able to stay so still. Apparently most patients did wriggle about at bit, so me staying still was something of a surprise. But I did ask one question about the scanner – the different noises that I heard whilst I was being scanned. It turned out that this was something to do with the different images that were required.
Once this was done, I was able to head for home, and I will admit that I was looking forward to getting home and sitting in a comfortable chair. Or in my case, a bean bag.