Walking in the Shadows

Random musings from Warwickshire on life in general... Things that make me laugh, make me cry, things that wind me up beyond all endurance - and everything in between.

New variant COVID-19, and it's back to home working....

Well, Bo-jo has spoken,  Again.   We're back to home working as of Monday, unless you cannot work from home.

Which is pretty good going for me - I've been working at home since I damaged my back, so in reality, that change has meant nothing to me - it's my normal routine.  And, there have been more restrictions brought in - including wearing masks in more places, and the so-called vaccine passport to go into nightclubs.

Again, this won't make any real difference to me, as I do wear my mask on the rare occasions that I escape, and clubbing?  Can't remember the last time I went clubbing.  Think the closest I managed was going to see Magnum at the Parr Hall in 2019...  Before we even knew that Covid existed.

But, if I am honest, I can see the UK being back in another lockdown after Christmas / New Year, as people will have been mixing, and this dratted bug will have taken the  opportunity to spread even more.

Ah well, time to call this quits - my phone is beeping at me again.

Back when I get the inclination...


It's another rainy day
Talk of freedom got away
Time to get the message right
It's never black or white
So I'm walking in the rain
Found a reason to explain
No excuses, no regret
We all deserve respect