Walking in the Shadows

Random musings from Warwickshire on life in general... Things that make me laugh, make me cry, things that wind me up beyond all endurance - and everything in between.

Cancelling a concert

And this time, it’s not the dread COVID-19 doing this.  It’s me.  Simply because I cannot guarantee that my back will be sorted, and I have no intention of putting it under anymore stress that it is at the moment.

As it is, it’s already managed to go into spasm this year (ok – Monday) and the language was almost as bad as it was when I suffered the initial injury – in June 2021.

Plus, as I am currently “banned” from driving by the GP and the spinal surgeon, I don’t think it would be a good idea for me to go to the Town Hall in Birmingham the end of March to watch Magnum rocking their home town.  Which would mean me standing (and badly dancing) for a minimum of two hours, plus all the travelling.  Which is a damned shame, as they always put on a good gig.  And they will have two new albums to pull onto the playlist – the excellent The Serpent Rings:

  as well as the new album – The Monster Roars:

Hopefully I will be fit enough to see them in Nottingham at Rock City on 14/09/22 and enjoy the concert in a city (and a venue) that has quite a few good (and definitely drunken) memories.

Ah well, guess I should call this quits - my poor little phone is bleeping at me.  Again.

Back when I get the chance.


It's another rainy day
Talk of freedom got away
Time to get the message right
It's never black or white
So I'm walking in the rain
Found a reason to explain
No excuses, no regret
We all deserve respect