Walking in the Shadows

Random musings from Warwickshire on life in general... Things that make me laugh, make me cry, things that wind me up beyond all endurance - and everything in between.

The verdict is in - my back is screwed

Well, I've had the results of the MRI scan....  And I have really done a number on my back.  

I have a prolapsed disc between the L3 / L4 vertebrae, and now have the scary prospect of going to the hospital for further discussions about my treatment.

At the moment, it looks like I may be referred to the spinal surgeon in Coventry, and this could mean I either have injections to reduce the inflammation, or worse case scenario (in my eyes) I have surgery to shave the offending disc.

To say I am scared / relieved is an understatement.  Scared, because I don't want to have surgery if I can help it, but relieved to know finally, what the hell I have done.  

Ah well, time to call this quits - I need to get away from a screen.

Back when I get chance


Now I’ll tell you how I feel
I’m lost, feeling second-hand
Do you treasure what you steal?
Can you tell me where you stand?