Walking in the Shadows

Random musings from Warwickshire on life in general... Things that make me laugh, make me cry, things that wind me up beyond all endurance - and everything in between.

Diagnosis: Squeak

Ok – I'm taking the Mickey at the moment, but if I don’t, I’ll just fall to pieces. I felt like crap yesterday, and after much heartache (and coughing my guts up), I bit the bullet and called home, to ask Mum if she could get a doctor’s appointment for me.

Mission accomplished, and I left the office yesterday afternoon, feeling bloody awful, and more than a tad annoyed at the attitude of the management (“We can’t afford for you to be off – we need you in the office”)

But, I really couldn’t give a rodent’s rectum at that moment in time, and headed for home, where I managed to fall asleep before the appointment with Dr Wright. As I felt so grotty, Mum drove, and waited in the car whilst I went into the surgery.

After being asked the usual questions:

“Do you smoke?”

“Nope – can’t afford to – I drive”

The doctor dropped his bombshell on me. He said that my notes listed wheezing every time I’d been down there, and in his words “if it walks like a dog, and barks like a dog, I’ll call it a dog” – he said that I’ve got asthma.

Asthma. Not something I was expecting, but at least I know what the hell is wrong with me (oh, that and a chest / throat infection), and am being treated with antibiotics and oral steriods.

All I will say is - if I start coughing - DUCK. I'm on 8 tablets a day - two antibiotics and six steroid tablets.I’ve also got an appointment with the asthma clinic on 23rd December, so that my treatment regime can be worked out, and I can be taught how to manage my condition.

Ok – so in some careers this is devastating (in the police, it’s practically a hanging offence) but for me, it’s just something that I'm going to have to get to grips with, and do as I'm told. Again.

But, I'm not going to let this get to me – far from it. I’ve managed to cope with a leaking valve, so I'm as sure as hell going to cope with this.

Guess I should do some w*rk, but I have a really severe case of TNFI…

Back later.


Now some things you hold on to - and some you just let go
Seems like the ones that you can't have
Are the ones that you want most