Walking in the Shadows

Random musings from Warwickshire on life in general... Things that make me laugh, make me cry, things that wind me up beyond all endurance - and everything in between.

And it's not just me...

I personally couldn’t give a rodent’s rectum, as I am away from the playpen for the next few days. I’ve got some vacation time owing to me (we have to get all our vacation used by December 31st) hence the reason for my escape.

I’ve got to sort several things out (one of them being my watch – I’ve had the battery go flat on it, so that needs sorting out) and also prepare the car for the trip to Chester. I went there last year, to the Christmas market (Mum was coughing her lungs out – she’d got the dreaded lurgy) and wasn’t really fit enough to enjoy herself. So, the plan is for the pair of us to spend a couple of days there and just chill out.

Or so the plan is… Whether that actually happens is another matter, as I know that I’ve got one final Christmas present to buy - it’s an HMV gift voucher. Ok – I know that this normally smacks of desperation and normally I’d agree, but for this one person, it’s perfect.

I’m also thanking my lucky stars that I managed to get the waist bag from Kipling that I was after. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get the Jazzy Blue, so I opted for the True Blue instead, as I know that Mum is getting fed up with black all the time. Originally, she’d been looking at a handbag (or more accurately a shoulder bag) but I pointed out that the only time she uses one, is when we are on holiday in Madeira.

Aside from that, I’m all sorted with regards to buying my Christmas presents – that is, if the dreaded Secret Santa isn’t sprung on me when I get back to the playpen. It would be just my luck to get the department bitch, and unfortunately, I don’t think getting a large clockwork key would go down very well…

Ah well, guess I should do some work, but as this is just before I escape for a few days, I’m suffering from a case of TNFI…

Back when I get the chance.


Now some things you hold on to - and some you just let go
Seems like the ones that you can't have
Are the ones that you want most