Walking in the Shadows

Random musings from Warwickshire on life in general... Things that make me laugh, make me cry, things that wind me up beyond all endurance - and everything in between.

Ok - I blew it....

OK - I admit it. I suck when it comes to keeping this blog updated. But I´m attempting to turn turn over a new leaf, and try and keep this thing updated.

As I type this, I am on holiday in Madeira - albeit it´s the last day before I return to the UK. Yes, I know that it´s the 4th year running that I have been here, but it suits me down to the ground. No screeching little monsters, no lager louts, just Saga louts instead.

Why is this the case? Easy. Very small beaches, and plenty of museums, gardens and other delights for those of us that loathe lying on a beach, roasting in the sun. Sorry, been there, done that, got the sunburn thank you very much.

I´ll be posting more details on my holiday (complete with the obligatory photographs) as I´ve managed to get to places that I have missed out on previous trips out here - including the Sugar Museum and the Funchal Cathedral (or Se) as it is called here.

The only negative I can post so far was the flight out - the RSPCA would prosecute for transporting cattle as cramped as I was on the flight out, and the attitude of the so called cabin crew left an awful lot to be desired.

As you may (or may not know) I have a life threatening nut allergy - as in the sort that one peanut will cause anaphalaytic shock. Because of this, I carry an epi-pen (adrenaline auto injector) with me at all times, and when I fly, request a nut free meal.

However, this seemed to cause a slight dispute between me and the so-called "customer experience manager" on the flight out. Her attitude was revolting, and when I politely pointed out that the smell of peanuts made me ill, she was quite aggressive and asked if I had my epi-pen with me. I don´t think she liked it, when I smiled sweetly and said that it was in my flight bag. I go the impression that she was infuriated by the lack of ability to sell a few bags of overpriced peanuts. The phrase "tough crap" did come to mind...

As a result, I was made to feel like a leper, and this will be reported back to the holiday company via an e-mail, as they knew 12 months ago that I had requested a nut free meal. Such a request is not made lightly, and can mean the difference between an uneventful flight, or a medical emergency being declared.

Ah well - time to go pack.

Back on Tuesday (I hope - tomorrow is wasted with travelling!)

Now some things you hold on to - and some you just let go

Seems like the ones that you can't have
Are the ones that you want most