Walking in the Shadows

Random musings from Warwickshire on life in general... Things that make me laugh, make me cry, things that wind me up beyond all endurance - and everything in between.

Back on the spare

Well, the car has been sorted, and the revolting spare is on. I know I shouldn’t complain – it could have been a dratted space saver instead of the full size wheel, but I still don’t like it.

It looks like I managed to run over a sharp piece of metal without realising it, which cut into the tread, which then allowed the tyre to deflate. I was told that if I’d stopped and called out the RAC patrol, I could have saved the tyre. But it was so close to the wear bars, I would have needed to replace the tyre soon anyway.

At least I’m now mobile, and can do the things that I wanted to – including get the car fuelled as I’m on less than 25 litres in the tank (it’s a 50 litre tank on the Peugeot 207).

The trip to Solihull was reasonably successful - I managed to get a new pair of trousers and replace my spare moisturiser. The moisturiser is one of those rare things that I don’t mind paying a little more for. Ok – it’s £15.00 but given the fact that it suits me, I’m more than happy to pay that for it.

Why? Because it’s from a company called Lush – who specialise in fresh cosmetics and skin care using essential oils and natural products wherever possible (see http://www.lush.co.uk/)

Ah well, guess I should call this quits – I’m supposed to be sorting out some photographs to print from my recent holiday, not blogging!

Back later if I get the chance.


Now some things you hold on to - and some you just let go
Seems like the ones that you can't have
Are the ones that you want most