Walking in the Shadows

Random musings from Warwickshire on life in general... Things that make me laugh, make me cry, things that wind me up beyond all endurance - and everything in between.

Up on cloud no. 9

I don’t quite know where to start… Apart from the fact that as of 01.11.05, I no longer deal with the one account that has been the bane of my existence! I’m still dealing with the OTR side of things, and I’m being given some additional tasks to keep me out of mischief.

Not that I object – as it gives me something else to get my fangs into, and I get more involved with the OTR stuff…

My line manager called me into a meeting at 15:30 yesterday afternoon, and that was when I got given the news… He said that he was worried that I would start looking for another job, because of the hassle that this one account was causing me, and didn’t want that to happen!

I will admit that I was somewhat surprised, and wondered if my partner had said something to my line manager, as he knew how much this one account was dragging me down – as he was the poor sod who had to put up with my bad temper when I was stressed!

But, my surprise turned to delight, when I was told that I was going to be taking on more of the OTR side of things, which means that I get to grips with some of the more obscure processes…

We also sorted out some other bits and pieces that had been concerning me, and I will admit, that when I left the meeting, I felt like I was walking on air!

Hmm – suppose I should look like I’m doing something other than blogging!

Back later, if I get the chance.


I walk where others fear to tread