Walking in the Shadows

Random musings from Warwickshire on life in general... Things that make me laugh, make me cry, things that wind me up beyond all endurance - and everything in between.

First impressions…

I don’t quite know what I expected Gibraltar to look like. The first day was really wiped out by the travelling, as Mum and I had been up since 03:00 BST…

However, the Tuesday was just spent exploring our surroundings, and trying to find somewhere to eat, as the hotel was on a bed & breakfast basis…

We found a really nice bar / restaurant in the bottom end of town – a square called Casement Square. Until a few years ago, it used to be a car park, but the Gibraltarian government decided that they would demolish the car park, and turn it into the local equivalent of an Italian piazza.

The rock itself dominates the skyline – there are very few places on the rock that you cannot see the rock from.

What surprised me, was the fact that there appeared to be houses bulit quite a way up the rock!

The food at the restaurant was really good, and reasonable – my personal favourites were the sizzling fajitas, and the swordfish steak!

Suppose I’d better call it quits – I’ve got things to do around the house.

Back later, if I get chance.


I walk where others fear to tread