So, I decided to go and see what was floating about deal wise, and I will admit that I was quite taken with the deal that I was offered by by local Peugeot dealer, whom I had bought my 206 off. The deal was sealed with me being given a free paint / interior guard coating (it's supposed to keep the paintwork in good condition and keep the crap on the interior trim to a minimum).

That was fine, but I should have realised that things weren't going to go smoothly for me... Especially when I had to keep chasing to get a build date for the car! The date kept getting later and later, and I was starting to worry that I wasn't going to get the car by the end of October!
Somehow, I managed to get the date and the car arrived at the PDI centre in Corby. All well and good, until it came to the registration number... I'd been allocated a registration number, which I'd passed on to the insurance company, and I'd got all the paperwork to prove that the car was insured so that the dealership could get the car taxed and ready for me to collect.
The day before I was due to collect the car, I got a phone call at 16:30 from the salesman, to say that there had been a problem with the registration. The DVLA (in their infinite wisdom) had allocated my original registration number to another car. Which meant that my insurance paperwork was invalid, meaning no car tax, which meant I couldn't pick the car up.
To say I was unhappy was an understatement, but the salesman (Martin) was a real star. He gave me the telephone number for Peugeot insurance, and told me to take the 7 day option, just to get the car taxed, and then contact my own insurance company to advise of the registration change.
Both insurance companies were really helpful, and when I spoke to my own insurance company, I was advised that if the worst happened, then I was covered under them, as the excess on the Peugeot insurance was an awful lot more than mine!
So, I did manage to collect the car when I wanted to, and things appeared to run smoothly... Until I decided to overtake something on the way home. The overtake appeared to go smoothly, and I was quite happily rumbling home... Until the heating failed on the car. I started getting cold air blowing through into the passenger cabin, so I turned the temperature up - which made no difference.
By this point, I was starting to get worried, especially as the engine temperature was climbing rapidly... It turned out that I had a leak from somewhere in the engine, which meant that the coolant had been dumped out on the road, so I was not a happy person when I called the RAC.
The patrolman was a real gent, and towed me and the car home, as I said that I would arrange to get the car sorted in the morning. I called the dealership, and spoke to the service department, who advised me to call the AA and get the car relayed into them.
So, I called the AA, and the patrolman arrived, and found the problem! A clip on the main coolant hose had come undone, which allowed the coolant to escape. It looked like it had never been fastened properly, so could have come undone at any time. I was thanking my lucky stars that it hadn't happened at the weekend, as I was making a break for freedom with my beloved.
He connected the clip for me and filled the cooling system with water, which enabled me to drive the car very carefully to the dealership. Within 15 minutes of my arrival, the car was in the workshop getting sorted out, and the service manager was making profuse apologies, as was the salesman. It wasn't their fault - I was more unhappy with the fact that this clip had been missed by the PDI check.
So, the first month was somewhat eventful for me and the car... Which in true family fashion has been given a name. In this case, Ponto, as a tribute to the furry fiend.
Ah well, guess I should call this quits - I'm supposed to be working...
Back when I get chance...
I've been watching, I've been waiting
In the shadows for my time
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