Walking in the Shadows

Random musings from Warwickshire on life in general... Things that make me laugh, make me cry, things that wind me up beyond all endurance - and everything in between.

What a weekend...

After the crap Friday I had, the weekend was just what the tiger needed to feel back on top form.

It started off with me going into Stratford with Carole, Amber and Rachel. Amber was being a little monster, and seemed to be determined to see how many tourists she could trip up / kick. The only thing that kept her under reasonable control, was the threat of not getting any toffee bon-bons!

Then, Saturday night, I was out with Julian and co... And Julian and one person who shall remain nameless (or at least until I get the blackmail photos) sang a bloody good version of Ricky Martin's Livin' la vida loca - complete with the dance steps!

Once we'd left the club, we all headed back to Julian's place, and I admit that I didn't go to bed... I stayed up playing GT4 on the playstation, and I don't mind admitting that I was running on pure adrenalin to keep me going...

Hmm - suppose I'd better think about doing some w*rk, but I'm suffering from TNFI already! Must be getting into holiday mode early.......!

Back when I get chance...


I walk where others fear to tread