Walking in the Shadows

Random musings from Warwickshire on life in general... Things that make me laugh, make me cry, things that wind me up beyond all endurance - and everything in between.

Waiting for the main event


Billy Watman

Not sure about this....  Might grow with lustening....

In the Mill

In the Steel Mill... Welcone to the  Cosmic Caberert is playning.

A Christmas display, and more plants.

Not something that I usually like to admit... But this display at Melbicks Garden Centre really caught my eye...

Unusually for me, I really liked the displays.  They weren't the usual artificial trees loaded with decorations that they were trying to sell - although they were there.

And yes - as usual, I "rescued" two more carnivorous plants - Sarracenia hybrids.  The best bit (for me) was the fact that they were reduced - as in well under half price, and had a reasonable chance of survival.

So, I have now placed them in a tray of rainwater in their usual winter quarters (an unheated greenhouse) so that I can acclimatise them to "normal" growing conditions ready for planting outside in the spring.  Then they can munch the local insect population to their heart's (and pitchers) content....

Ah well, I need to make sure that the rest of the monsters are ok - winter is coming and I need to ensure that they are protected enough to go through the colder months ready for spring.

Back later...


See the night sky super nova
Chase the cold moon passing over
Start the dragon's fire to smoulder
On a storyteller's night

December is coming…

I’ve been promising myself a reward for getting myself back to some semblance of fitness once my back was sorted (after a fashion), and was going to go and see Magnum at KK’s Steel Mill in Wolverhampton for their 50th anniversary / Christmas show…

Only that didn’t quite happen, as one of my friends decided to book it for me…  How do I know this? 

Simples. I got told when I met up with them for my birthday and was given a birthday card... 

OK – nothing unusual in that...  But it contained something I didn’t expect – ticket confirmation for the show on December 10th…

To say that I was speechless was an understatement. That was the last thing I expected, and to be honest, it should be a cracking event. 50th anniversary *and* a Christmas show? 

One of my gig t-shirts will be lovingly dug out of the wardrobe and the Bah Humbug Santa hat will also make an appearance.

After all, it is near Christmas….

Back when I can get over the shock…


Music plays
In my head
Heard that song before
Met some people in my life
But they weren’t the real deal
40 days
40 nights
On that spinning wheel

The monster is back

The monster is back – and has been washed / valeted (something that Arbury used to do as standard on a service – another thing I don’t like about the Banbury stealership). 

The guys who brought the car back were nice enough, but it would have been nice if this had been sorted properly in the first damned place.

Suffice to say once bitten, twice shy. And as I have said, if the monster needs anything doing that is *not* covered under warranty, then it will go to a local garage - one that doesn’t charge premium prices for a less than budget service.

Back later


I gave no thought to wisdom
It all but vanished in the haze
This fragile hand of fortune
Had changed and turned it all to grey

Waiting for the monster. Again

Well, the little monster is back with the dealership to sort out the screw up with the ABS sensor – that they caused. And driving into work, I found something else the ABS sensor damage had messed up – my cruise control.

I have to admit that I am starting to wonder if the extortionate price that the stealership (sorry – dealership – no – I was right first time) is really worth it. 

I'm supposed get the best service as the car has gone back to the stealership where the technicians allegedly know what they are doing. If that’s the case, then how the hell did they miss that the wheel bearing hub was damaged, and then damage the ABS sensor?

Now all I have to do is see if they keep to their agreement to get the car back to me this afternoon – Mum has her COVID-19 booster this afternoon at 16:15, so it will be a bit of a rush if she has to head to Banbury because those bunch of jokers messed up.  Again. 

Equally, if I had known how bad the stealership was here in Banbury, I would have bitten my tongue and stuck with Arbury – even if the service “reception” leaves a lot to be desired.

But, I have 12 months before the little monster needs servicing again, and if it *does* need any work – I will find somewhere else to do it – I am *not* risking my little monster being off the road for 5 days again. 

If this had been a 1-day job (ignore the initial part failure – that happens) I wouldn’t be as angry as I am. But this has turned into a complete fiasco due to some idiot not doing the job properly – and I paid top price to get the “expertise” that is allegedly offered by a Peugeot dealership.

Time to call this quits – I am due off my lunch in a couple of minutes and need to rinse my mug out.

Back later


I gave no thought to wisdom
It all but vanished in the haze
This fragile hand of fortune
Had changed and turned it all to grey

It's a good thing I don't work in Burton Upon Trent....

Because the dealership I had the misfortune to take my beloved little monster to, couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery.

I was expecting to collect my car just after 12:00, but a phone call earlier today put paid to that.  Ok - they would drop the car off to me at work...

16:20 and I get a call...  I jokingly ask if there is another problem...  Only to be told yes - the car will need to go back to them on Monday.

I have to admit I was speechless.  Especially when I was told the reason why...

When the new wheel hub was being fitted, they managed to damage the ABS sensor on the wheel.  Great.  As if I haven't had enough trouble since the car went into them.

I was reassured that the car was safe to drive, albeit I would have no ABS, or traction control - meaning that I would have to seriously re-adjust my driving style when it came to braking.

What they *didn't* tell me was that my dashboard would light up like a Christmas tree, and that I would get multiple warnings and chimes as the car told me that the following issues were going to occur (and these are just the ones I can remember!)

  1. The service light on
  2. Engine warning light and error messages
  3. Hill start inoperative
  4. TPMS system issues

To say that I am furious is an understatement. The drive home was probably the slowest I have ever been on that road as the weather was diabolical - heavy rain.  Just what I needed with the car having brake issues. 

The dealership has said that they already have the part and will collect monster from work on Monday.  I won't be charged as it was their fault and will top my fuel tank off as well.

Whilst I appreciate the guesture, I would have preferred that they had sorted the wheel bearing (and found the issue with the wheel hub) without all the stress and hassle this has caused me.

Yet again, it is a weekend where we will have to use Mum's car as mine is out of comission.  Again.

Ah well, I am going to try to relax and de-stress this weekend, ready for all the hassle to restart on Monday.

Back when I need to rant again.


Spin like a wheel
I fall down to my knees
Don’t you know how bad that feels
It hurts when you’re in need
Never forget
Never regret

Waiting for the monster

Well, this time I’ve not had to chase the dealership for an update. They called me just after 10:30, to say that they didn’t think the car would be ready by 12:00. Great. But they have said that they will drop the car to me to make it easier for me, and wanted to know what time I finished work…

Ok – I appreciate the call, but the question about my finishing time now has me slightly worried. What *else* have they messed up and not told me about?? And I still have the “joy” of paying for the privilege of being stressed out by them – and it’s not cheap. Like £600 type not cheap.

Suffice to say my decision has now been made. The car has been there once – and that was enough for me. They missed things that should have been spotted and have charged top price (£160 per hour for labour) for the “luxury” of having their so-called technicians make a mess of a reasonably simple repair.

The worst part for me was the fact that I had already told them there was an issue with the nearside (left) front wheel where I hit a dratted pothole, so they didn’t have to look very hard.

Luckily, the little monster won’t need to be serviced for another 12 months, so I won’t have to deal with them again. And if I need any work doing before then, my colleagues have recommended a local garage where the fleet cars (and their own private cars) are worked on.

That is good enough for me – I have not had the best experience with this new dealership, and the stress and hassle this has caused me, and the rest of my family isn’t worth this.

Time to call this quits – my lunch break is coming to an end.

Back later…


Look now the circus is here
Too many clowns
Waiting for freedom to disappear

At last. The monster is ready to come home… Tomorrow.

Well, I can now confirm that the part(s) have landed and are being fitted to the little monster, meaning that I can collect it tomorrow. I could have pushed for this evening, but it would have been my luck for something else to break and delay the collection.

I will admit, I did apologise to the lad I was dealing with for being grumpy – but I think that he could understand my point of view. So, I will give them benefit of the doubt, but will be rather careful the next time the car has to go into them for any work.

Now all I have to do is hope that nothing else happens before I collect the monster – and more to the point make it up to Mum for the last three days of early starts… 

 Especially as I start work in Banbury at 08:30, so we have to leave home at about 07:35… The traffic is hell once you get into Banbury – reminded me of having to fight my way through Leamington – something I did for the last 18 years or so.

Ah well, time to call this quits – got things to do and people to annoy.

Back tomorrow – hopefully with the monster…


I gave no thought to wisdom
It all but vanished in the haze
This fragile hand of fortune
Had changed and turned it all to grey

Waiting for an update

As I type this, I am waiting for information on the monster.  Which is still with the dealership, waiting for the part to arrive.  

I don't think the car will be ready today, so it is yet another day that it hasn't been sorted.  I know that they have to wait for the part, but not being able to offer me a loan car either???

I pointed out that the issue with the bearing was one thing, but missing that the hub was damaged as well is unforgivable in my book. 

It wasn't like I hadn't warned the dealership.  I told them when I booked the car in that I had hit a pothole, so common sense dictates that you check the whole assembly - not just one part.

I understand that the loan cars are pre-booked.  Fair enough.  But not being able (or willing until I pushed the issue) to sort out a car for someone like me who is out of the area, and was expecting the car today...

And I have to admit I am somewhat disappointed with the lack of communication.  

If the dealership had kept me informed, I wouldn't be as angry / fustrated as I am now.  It seems to be me having to chase for updates - which was something I began to hate about Arbury....

I am expecting a call at 16:00.  Hopefully with good news, or the offer of a suitable loan car...

Back later with good news - I hope.


You always take the hard road
And people say you're a bad seed
Take the hard road
You always take the hard road
That's really something you don't need
Take the hard road

Yet another issue…

Just called the dealership to see how the car is getting on with fitting the new bearing, as I know it takes about 90min to fit.... 

And I have to wait another day, because they missed another issue – I’ve bent the wheel hub on the wheel that had the issue with the bearing.

Why this wasn’t found when the car was serviced, and the damaged bearing was being replaced is a question that I shall be asking when I finally pick the monster up. Hopefully tomorrow, but at the moment, I am *not* holding my breath.  

But as it stands, when I *do* pick the car up, I shall be asking questions along the lines of “why wasn’t this picked up when the car was serviced, and what about a discount for the inconvenience.  

Simply because I have been without the car for 2 days when I was told that this would be sorted out today. 

Luckily for me, I can get a lift, but that’s not the point. I was planning on getting the car this afternoon and was thinking that I may have struck lucky with the new dealership...

And this started all so well when I dropped the car in yesterday. I just hope this isn’t a sign of things to come, as this is starting to feel like déjà vu...

Back tomorrow – hopefully with good news.


In these days of no trust
Evermore hostility
We’re all living under the same old sky
We’re all telling the same old lie
In these days of no trust

The wheel bearing explodes

And no – I am not joking. I’ve just had a call from the dealership…

They went to fit the new bearing, and the dratted thing exploded – ball bearings everywhere – all across the workshop. So, the monster is out of service as they need to get the new bearing in and can’t fit it until tomorrow.

This meant I have just had to do my ET bit and call home. Luckily for me, Mum can pick me up, but it means that she will have to be up early tomorrow to drop me off at work.

I am going to be so popular for that… Not.

Ah well, at least they had the decency to call me before I left and travelled down…

Time to call this quits – I need to get ready to escape…

Back tomorrow.


Like a broken wheel keeps turnin’,
You ain’t going nowhere,
Now you’ve gotta heal that burnin’,
Or you ain’t got a prayer,
Like a broken wheel

Relieved isn’t the word

I’ve just had the news I wanted to hear… The monster has passed the MOT. And the nasty knocking? A wheel bearing.

Ok – it could have been worse – I thought I had damaged the front suspension strut on the car, as I dropped the little beastie down a pothole. (Thanks a lot for using my road theft (aka road tax) for road repairs WCC!!)  

So, the dealership – (NOT Arbury I have to say) have got the pattern part on order. A price difference of £200 for not having Peugeot stamped on it (not to mention the delay in getting the things sorted out – ok, one whole day, but £200 is £200…)

And why am I not using Arbury after all this time? Simples. I have changed jobs and can’t trust them not to mess the booking up. After all, it took three attempts for them to sort out a dratted timing belt change for Mum’s car…    

First time, they didn’t let us know that they hadn’t got the part until 07:45 the day of the collection. That didn’t go down well… Second time… They forgot to book the car in, which Mum found out after she called them to ask where the driver was, who was supposed to collect the car from home at 08:30. As it was a 5-hr job (and she called them at 11:30) there was no way they could do the job.  

What really annoyed Mum was being told that there was a booking… For the day that they had called to say the part hadn’t arrived.  

Mum pointed out that she had re-booked the car, only to be asked who she spoke to. Not a good move, as it was the person on the phone who had allegedly booked the car in! 

Third time lucky – but only after Mum let loose with a few well-deserved verbal rockets at the so-called service reception.  

OK – the car is now sorted, but shall we say that Mum is less than impressed with them. As she has one more service courtesy of her service plan, the car will go to them for that, but after that… Arbury is no longer looking after the two family Peugeots.

Which is a shame as I have said. I have had my Peugeots looked after them for the past 18 years, and Mum has had her Peugeots looked after them for rather longer than that… Like about 30 something years.  

So now I shall be letting new engineers look after my little monster… Which is a shame, as the team in the Arbury workshop were really good – it was the service “reception” that let them down. And that will not help them in future, as the old saying goes…

You get good service; you might tell 1 / 2 people about it. Bad service… You tell EVERYONE about it”

And that is what is happening now.

Ah well, time to call this quits – I’m due back from lunch in a few minutes…

Back when I have something else to rant about.


And now it’s time to cross that river
And show your feelings just before you depart
You know it’s real, you must consider
No good remaining, so hold back the tears
Don’t ever give up the fight

Another podcast....

Listening to another podcast - this time it's the Piers Morgan show - Uncensored.

I know that Piers is a marmite character - you either love him or hate him, but I make no apologies for being one of those that love him as a journalist.  He starts the show with his defence of free speech - and this quote from Winston Churchill was one of the quotes that he used:

So we must beware of a tyranny of opinion which tries to make only one side of a question the one which may be heard. Everyone is in favour of free speech. Hardly a day passes without its being extolled, but some people’s idea of it is that they are free to say what they like, but if anyone says anything back, that is an outrage.


Now onto the first show..  It was a block buster of a first interview..  With the former President of the United States - one Donald J. Trump.

Now I freely admit that I am *not* a fan of Trump. I think he was (and is) a repulsive, misogynistic racist bigot.  But I know that there are people who really like him, and would be overjoyed if he ran for the presidency again.

However, I will not dispute that he gives a good interview, and hits the nail on the head for several subjects - one of them being the so called Duke & Duchess of Netflix..  

Ah well, guess I'd better call this quits - I'm falling asleep.

Back when I am a bit more with it...


I must be sleepwalking
Can't believe that sweet talking
I must be sleepwalking
Can't believe that sweet talking

After the jab

As I write this, I am back at home, having had the spinal jab (or, to give it it's correct medical name Lumbar Radiculopathy).

Yes, it's as scary as the name, and the worst part (for me anyway) was the fact that it was done under local anesthetic.

It should take about 10 / 15 min for the jab...  Unless you're like me - are petrified of needles, have an awkward back, and an unfortunate tendency to breathe at the wrong time.  

Namely when the surgeon is asking for an X-Ray image to make sure the needle is in the right place. Because every time I decided to take a breath was just when the image was taken -  meaning my breathing blurred the image.  Whoops.

But that wasn't the worst part...  I felt really light headed (like I was going to pass out) and at the same time, managed to feel really queasy...  

Not really the best combination when the surgeon needs to make sure that he has got the needle in the right place for the jab.

The theatre staff were wonderful - they made sure that I didn't pass out, and managed to get me to relax enough to stop the queasy feeling.  And the best bit?  Being able to escape home the same day as the jab.  

I know this isn't a fix for the buggered disc - this jab was to stop the pain in my leg (hopefully stop the feeling of super heated barbed wire).  

Once the pain eases in my leg, I can move onto the physio, and hopefully start swimming again.  I know I will have to rebuild the distance that I swim (no aiming for 3k the first time back in the pool), but if this jab helps me get my life back, I will be more than happy. 

And no disrespect to the surgical & care teams - I really don't want to see them again.  One jab in my spine is more than enough for me.

Time to call this quits - my back is aching and I need to try and get some sleep.

Back when I feel less sleepy / bruised / loser in an ass kicking contest.


Hold on there's a new way a comin'
Looks like it's arriving tonight
There's no more hiding or running
There's no more walking on ice

Waiting for the jab

Well, I am now sitting in St Cross hospital, in the Day Surgery unit.  The nurses are really sweet - unsung heroes the lot of them.

It's really quiet in my bay - just two patients - me and another lady...  So the other  4 bays are empty.  Which suits me as I can sit reading my kindle.

Day surgery bay

Ah well, back to the kindle.  My book is calling...

Back later.


It's the time to make your play
Take the rose today
It's the time to have your say
Take the whole bouquet
Have no regrets and don't keep hanging on
Now all your yesterdays are gone

New month, new dealership

As I have said in a previous post, I’ve changed jobs. That means that it is no longer viable to use Arbury Leamington. 

Which is a shame in a way, as I have been a customer of Arbury for about 18 years… Now comes the main reason for the change – and it’s not because I no longer work in Leamington…

It was because of the way I was dealt with when I dropped the monster into Arbury to get the battery charging issue looked at by them.

I suspected that things were not going to go well when the monster was booked in. The girl on the service desk was less than helpful, and seemed to go out of her way to make it difficult for me to get a booking…

Mum was kind enough to offer me a lift into work, then go home and pick the monster up, and drop it into Arbury, simply because they couldn’t collect the car until the middle of this month. And I need a reliable car.

Because of Mum dropping me into work, she wouldn’t be able to get the car into Arbury before 10am at the earliest. So, the first time that was offered was 09:00. 

Not possible, as Mum would still be heading home from dropping me off at work (I start at 08:30), and then had to hope that the little horror would start so she could get it into Arbury…

So, she grudgingly made the appointment for 09:50 (I got the feeling she was hoping Mum wouldn’t be able to make it by then, and she could send her away, as she had missed the drop off time.)

Unfortunately for her, I was able to get the day off and drove the monster in myself, with Mum acting as recovery driver. I walked in at 09:30, and the look on her face was priceless. I don’t think she expected me to be able to get in by 09:50.. Let alone 20 minutes early….

I booked the monster in and was told that I was going to be called when the car was ready. OK – not an issue. Until 16:00 comes, and there is no call. So, I call, and am told “oh, the car is still in the workshop – we’ll call you as soon as it’s ready, but we won’t be able to wash it for you.”

I wasn’t worried about the car being washed – I wanted to know if there was an issue with the sodding battery… 16:45 comes, and there's no call… As service closes at 17:30, this is now starting to worry me, especially as traffic in Leamington is a nightmare between 16:30 and 18:00.

I make the decision to get a lift to Arbury… And I am still trying to get through to the service desk whilst Mum is driving. I finally get through at 17:15 (when we are about 10min in Leamington traffic) from the dealership.

“Oh yes – the car is ready. We were going to call you.”

Like hell. So, I walk in, and get the details from the service team, and pay for the diagnosis - the battery has a low charge. 

No, really? I wanted to know if the damned alternator was playing up and not charging the battery… Not be told something that I could have been told my local motor factor store for a lot less money.

Then came the final insult. Once I had the keys, the service team member who had sorted the keys (and the payment) walked out with me to the monster… 

Which had been washed and valeted. And it was obvious that it had been done a while, as the car was dry – not just because it had been wiped down with a chamois leather, but it had been long enough for the car to dry completely.

The scent of fear was in the air, as I just looked at the car, and quietly asked how long it had been ready, as I had been waiting for a call. 

The silence was deafening, and that was the final straw for me.

Now normally, I would have had a feedback form – asking how they had done, was I happy, etc... Not this time. 

Probably for the best, as I would have slated the service reception. The workshop staff are brilliant as normal – but service reception?

I am sorry, but they have gone from outstanding, to needs drastic improvement. And as I am considering a new 208… Well, the Arbury has lost that sale as well as the subsequent servicing that I would have had done.

Ah well, time to call this quits – I need to get my phone on charge as it’s making pathetic beeping noises at me again.

Back when I get chance…


In these days of no trust
Evermore hostility
We're all living
Under the same old sky
'Cause we're all living
We're telling the same old lie
In these days
In these days
In these days of no trust

Bloody hell. A date at last...

I'm speechless.  Not something that happens very often, I freely admit.  But I finally have a date to get my back sorted out.

I have to have the covid swab test on the Sunday, then isolate until I have the jab (that's a day patient).

So all I have to do now is get myself mentally ready.  And I don't mind admitting I'm scared.  I hate needles, and will be bereft of my beloved kindle, simply because I don't want to risk losing it.

I also have to sort out time off with the office...  But that shouldn't be too difficult as they knew that I was waiting for the jab when I started my 

I freely admit I wasn't expecting this, but it's such a relief knowing that I finally have a date and can see the light at the end of the tunnel.  

I just hope that is doesn't turn out the way the late Sir Terry Prattchet used to say...

He’d been wrong, there was a light at the end of the tunnel, and it was a flamethrower.

Time to call this quits - I'm starting to shake.

Back when I can think /  type straight.


Hold on there's a new way a comin'
Looks like it's arriving tonight
There's no more hiding or running
There's no more walking on ice

The dread battery issue rises from the dead

Yep.  You guessed it.  That sodding battery issue on the monster has reared its ugly head.  Again.  Thankfully, my superstar co-workers at my new company helped me out and jump started the little horror last night, and I have the car booked in with Arbury Peugeot next week.  

But, to be on the safe side, I have the little kick starter kit in the car, in case the little horror decides to repeat the incident from last night.

So this now leaves me with a dilemma..  Do I stick with my little monster (which in fairness to the car, is 6½ years old) and has less than 60k on the trip, or do I let myself be swayed and take the plunge with a new 208.  

Which has more features (I know - more to go wrong) and has updated / better fuel economy, or do I stick with the known car, that is aging, and starting to become unreliable and starting to land me with large garage bills.

And yes - I am getting a feeling of DeJa'Vu with this.  It was the same situation with the 207, and it was the gearbox having major (and expensive) issues that pushed me to go to the 208.  

In fairness, the gearbox is excellent on the 208, but this time, it's the electrical issues that are starting to be annoying (not to mention expensive - the last repair was the main engine fan management control unit that cost me £230!)

There is another fly in the ointment with this as well..  I've changed jobs, and it's a pain in the neck to get to Arbury Leamington, to get the car serviced and MOT'd.  In the past, I would get the car into them for about 08:30 and then walk into work and collect the little monster when I finished at 17:30.  

But now I am working away from the Leamington area, it means that I have to get the car picked up from home and get a lift into work.  Now that might not sound like a major issue, but to me, it is. 

Simply because I am a control freak when it comes to knowing who has driven my little monster - and I can count on the fingers of one hand the number of people who have driven it.  So relinquishing the keys to an unknown driver (ok - they work for Arbury, but that's not the point) is hard for me.

So, do I stick with Arbury (who I have dealt with for the past 18 years), or do I look for a dealership nearer my workplace, as it would be easier to drop the car off and arrange a lift into the office.  Again, it's something that I need to consider. This weekend, there will be a lot of hard thinking about the options - especially the possible change of car (and possibly the dealership).

Ah well, nearly end of lunch, so guess I'd better drag myself into working mode.

Back whenever.


Search all day, search all night
 for the answers that never betray
Answers that seem to be right

Today's Minion


Search all day, search all night
Look for the answers that never betray
Answers that seem to be right

Cancelling a concert

And this time, it’s not the dread COVID-19 doing this.  It’s me.  Simply because I cannot guarantee that my back will be sorted, and I have no intention of putting it under anymore stress that it is at the moment.

As it is, it’s already managed to go into spasm this year (ok – Monday) and the language was almost as bad as it was when I suffered the initial injury – in June 2021.

Plus, as I am currently “banned” from driving by the GP and the spinal surgeon, I don’t think it would be a good idea for me to go to the Town Hall in Birmingham the end of March to watch Magnum rocking their home town.  Which would mean me standing (and badly dancing) for a minimum of two hours, plus all the travelling.  Which is a damned shame, as they always put on a good gig.  And they will have two new albums to pull onto the playlist – the excellent The Serpent Rings:

  as well as the new album – The Monster Roars:

Hopefully I will be fit enough to see them in Nottingham at Rock City on 14/09/22 and enjoy the concert in a city (and a venue) that has quite a few good (and definitely drunken) memories.

Ah well, guess I should call this quits - my poor little phone is bleeping at me.  Again.

Back when I get the chance.


It's another rainy day
Talk of freedom got away
Time to get the message right
It's never black or white
So I'm walking in the rain
Found a reason to explain
No excuses, no regret
We all deserve respect