Walking in the Shadows

Random musings from Warwickshire on life in general... Things that make me laugh, make me cry, things that wind me up beyond all endurance - and everything in between.

Another week begins...

And I'm knackered! Add to that, the mere fact that my shoulder feels like there's some little demon sitting inside, carving its initials and other intricate drawings in the joint tissue and you get an idea of the reason why I'm feeling like this.

I must look & sound pretty rough, as my boss asked me if I was ok this morning, as "you're not as chirpy as normal." For him to notice, I must be flat!

But, I'm going to see the doctor tomorrow, and that way, I can make sure that I haven't done anything major to the joint. Still, at least I can still type (and update my blog!)..

The weekend was quiet, and Mum and I went to Bridgemere Garden World near Nantwich. Mum drove, as her car needed to get a proper run, and my shoulder wasn't 100% pain-free. We got parked, only to discover that Santa had arrived just before us, so the place was full of spoilt little brats.

Needless to say, neither of us were very impressed, as the pair of us have very little time for kids. Don't get me wrong - I do have time for kids - but not when they're screeching little b'stards, with no manners.

But, thankfully, the bits that Mum and I were interested in were well away from the screeching hoard. I treated Mum to a double flowered cyclamen, and a couple of amaryllis bulbs, as they're the sort of plants that she grows. Me? I bought myself a fern that will cope with drafts, and needs the compost to be kept wet, so that will survive on my desk (hopefully).

That reminds me - I did promise to keep this blog updated with progress reports on the cuttings... Well, the good news is, that they've all taken and there are now little Tradescantias all over the office - including on the boss's desk!

There have been jokes about me trying to turn the office into a greenhouse, but for me to do that, I really need to get a decent heating / ventilation system installed - then I could grow my real passion - Carnivorous Plants.

Yes - the things that eat meat - along the lines of the infamous Venus Fly-Trap in the classic musical - Little Shop of Horrors. (The plant was called Audrey II - the most memorable line from the plant was "feed me!")

Hmm - suppose I ought to call this entry quits, as it's nearly time to log off & bog off...

Back tomorrow - possibly.

Do spiders scream when they see a big fat hairy human in the bath?

Back to the posts....

Trying to get a little bit of time to post for my blog has been a real nightmare at the moment! I've been on a training course for the earthmover & industrial tyres, and all I've really managed to do is re-affirm my first thought that the tyres tend to be big and expensive.

But, it's also given me another idea about what I would like to specialise in... Aircraft & related tyres. Ok - suppose I'd better explain that leap in logic. Aircraft tyres are considered as industrial tyres, and given my background (I grew up with aircraft as a result of Dad's job. Most kids played with toy spanners - I played with the real thing!) it would be rather interesting...

However, my other great love is motor sport. So, at this moment in time, I'm torn between heading off into the motor sport realm, or going into a similar field as my late father.

But, no doubt the people here will be able to guide me, and I know which ever route I decide to scamper off down, Mum will give me her full support - as she said that the main thing in life, is that I'm happy in my work.

Hmm - suppose I'd better call this entry quits, and get some work done...

Back later - if I get the chance.


Do spiders scream if they see a big fat hairy human in the bath?

I thought I'd recovered... Mother Nature says I haven't!

And boy, doesn't the old bitch make you suffer for it! I damaged my right shoulder back in April (I managed to rupture the rotor cuff in the shoulder. That's the bit that holds the arm to the body - and when you damage it - it makes life v. painful - not to mention awkward!) and now it's really hurting.

It's almost as if ol' Ma Nature has decided that I've had an easy time of things just recently, and has decided to give me some real pain.

Still, there are such magical things as Wheaties - these are just material sacks with specially treated wheat gains in them, that you can put into the microwave, and heat up. I find it's incredibly beneficial, especially as I can sit at my desk, and enjoy the heat and relief that it provides.

Time to go and heat the wheatie.....

Back later - if workload allows!


Do spiders scream when they see a big fat hairy human in the bath?

More warped humour...

Again, this came in from the USA, and was sent to me by an American...

The new Homeland Security Bill has passed. Things will be different now. Internet surfing will be tracked by the FBI with a non-intrusive method. The FBI says you will not notice anything different. Click below for a demonstration.

Unobtrusive?!?!? Find out by clicking the website below:


I will admit, I had an awful lot of fun playing with this.................................

Suppose I should get on with some work....

Back later (possibly)


Do spiders scream when they see a big fat hairy human in the bath?

Scaring myself stupid

Not something that I do very often, but messing around with the seetings on my blog, I managed to wipe out all the formatting! EEK! Thankfully, I was able to restore it, but it's made me a little bit more aware about messing with HTML - and I'm now going to see if I can beg/borrow/copy a decent HTML editor...

Time to call this quits for tonight - I need my ugly sleep.

Back tomorrow.


Do spiders scream when they see a big fat hairy human in the bath?

Totally addicted to frogs...

No, I haven't lost the plot (although there have been times when I have wondered about this today!) I've signed up to an addictive new game that a friend of mine was good enough to e-mail me about.. It's called Racing Frogs (for more information, see http://www.racingfrogs.org/)

It appeals to my very warped sense of humour, and I've got two frogs entered.. One is called Froghopper, and the other is known as heartoffrog...

Time to call this entry quits - got to train my frogs!

Back tomorrow.


Do spiders scream when they see a big fat hairy human in the bath?

Presidential elections and other matters of importance

To be honest, I'm heartily sick of the American election. So the incumbent president won. Big deal. Ok - maybe it is a big deal for the Americans, but please, spare those of us who have no interest in American politics whatsoever..

I mean, for the past three days, the news has been overtaken by the election, and all the subsequent analysis that goes with it. If there are people so obsessed with this, put the coverage on a separate channel, and leave the rest of the news for those of us who have no interest in American politics. Ok - that's that particular rant over and done with.

Now onto another rant... I read on BBC on-line that an a fellow blogger - Queen of the Sky (see http://queenofsky.journalspace.com/) has been fired (ok - in the spirit of political correctness - her contract has been terminated) by her employer. (See http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/3974081.stm)

I personally feel that this is taking the matter to an extreme - and yes - I do believe in free speech - so long as you're not causing offence to your employer, and there is nothing in your contract to say that you can't mention what you do for a living. (Especially if you do most of your posting from your desk!!)

I mean, it would be a bit daft if you were working for one of the security agencies, and were blabbing secrets that could cause people to lose their lives or cause real problems for national / international security... I guess that the cautionary tale from Queen of the Sky's unfortunate situation, is avoid mentioning your employers by name...

Those people who know me, know who I work for, but I refuse point blank to name the company, simply because I know that they (the powers that be) are just a little bit sensitive about being shown in a grotty light by a disgruntled employee.

Not that I'm disgruntled - far from it. I enjoy working here, and the mere fact that I get to deal with everything from standard (and not so standard) cars right through to the big 44 tonne wagons is a bonus, as I am, by my own admission, a petrol head.

On to a little bit of world news- there's been a news flash that says "Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat has fallen into a coma at the French hospital where he is under treatment, Palestinian officials confirm." God alone knows what will happen to the Palestinian people when he dies, as he's been in power for as long as most people of my generation can remember.

All that the rest of the world can hope, is that there is minimal infighting,and that the new leader is acceptable to the Israeli government of the time, and that they can resolve their differences - without resorting to bloodshed.

I know that this blog is slightly out of character for me, as I rarely mention world events, but there are some events that need to be commented on - and to Queen of the Sky - I salute you - and wish you all the luck in the world with your fight for unfair dismissal. 'Cause if it happens to one blogger, what's to stop 'Big Brother' tactics being used by other employers against us bloggers?!

Back later - if I get the chance....


Do spiders scream when they see a big fat hairy human in the bath?

Bringing sprogs into the office...

Is not a good idea, as far as I'm concerned. I have all the maternal instincts of a rattlesnake. (If the female meets its offspring, it has the tendency to eat them - sounds pretty good to me!) All the women seem to coo over the sprog, and I'm treated with suspicion, as I make it plain that I have very little time for babies and small children in general.

Don't get me wrong, I do have time for kids - just not in the workplace. Why do I say this? Simple, because muggins here is the one who ends up doing most of the work whilst the others coo over the sprog, who looks terrified, and obviously wishes it was elsewhere! Still - can't blame the kid - I feel the same way sometimes...

Ah well, suppose I'd better look like I'm working - especially as I'm not cooing over the sprog....

Back later, if I get chance.


Do spiders scream when they see a big fat hairy human in the bath?

Getting to grips with the new car...

I never realised just how much fun the Peugeot could be... It handles like a dream, and now that I've got the automatic lights sorted out (I didn't know that you had to activate the dratted things - the Peugeot 307 had them activated at the factory!) the car is perfect.

To be honest, I did wonder if I'd made a mistake when I bought the Yaris, but having spoken to the service manager at Arbury Peugeot, I now realise that the Yaris was the right choice of car for me - at the time when I bought it (2000).

Driving the car to Malvern (I went to the Giant Flea Market at the Three Counties Showground), was a real treat.

I discovered the Pug has a tenancy to oversteer (i.e. it tries to whip the back end 'round on a corner) which is totally the opposite to the Yaris - which was prone to understeer (i.e. it tries to go straight on in a corner.) No wonder I used to knacker my front tyres on that car!

The market itself was really good, and I spent over four hours wandering around, seeing what was what... I will admit, I splashed out on a couple of pieces - one was a sterling silver cross, with 5 peridots in it, and a test piece from Cobridge pottery. Again, that was something that Dad taught me about and as it wasn't wildly expensive, I decided to buy it...

But only after much deliberation on my part, as I was unsure about the colours. But the more I thought about the piece, the more I realised that I wanted it....

All in all, it was a good weekend, and I learnt an awful lot about the car, and I know that it's going to be one hell of a car when it's run in properly!

Suppose I should get on with some work.....

Back later - if I get the chance...


Do spiders scream when they see a big fat hairy human in the bath?