Walking in the Shadows

Random musings from Warwickshire on life in general... Things that make me laugh, make me cry, things that wind me up beyond all endurance - and everything in between.

Done & dusted...

Sorted. The customers were quite happy, as I’d called them and not the other way ‘round. The tyres will be sent out with the deliveries tomorrow, and they’ll get priority, as they were let down today. I was half expecting one or two to go mad, saying that they had people waiting for these tyres; and that they were going on holiday to the south of France tomorrow, taking the car with them, and that they were going to be getting the 03:00 ferry tomorrow morning, etc.

But what I can’t understand is why people leave getting their car sorted until the last minute? Surely they know that they’re going to need new tyres before they go away? Mind you - I’m a fine one to talk – I’ve still got to renew my car insurance – which runs out whilst I’m away! Still, I can get that sorted later… A quick log on to the relevant website, and I’m all done.

Rats – there goes my ‘phone. Suppose I’d better answer it…

Back later.


Do spiders scream when the see a big fat hairy human in the bath?

Bored [part 2]

Still bored. It’s at times like this, that I can see where the ideas for series such as The Bastard Operator from Hell: (http://members.iinet.net.au/~bofh/index.html) were gained! But, clock watching will do nothing at all. Well, it will do something – depress me!
There must be an EU directive against torturing staff – especially when we have to deal with idiots on the telephone. Sorry – I mean customers. No, I was right first time. But only for about 25% of the callers – the rest tend to be OK.

Mind you – I’m a tad mystified... How the heck did one of my plants [a Gloxinia] has managed to get greenfly [aphids] on it? Did some pervert bring a pregnant female greenfly into the office, spot my plants and carefully place it on there?

But, at the moment, I’m trying to contact people to let them know that their deliveries won’t be done today, due to heavy traffic... I just hope that they’re ok about it – people tend to get rather upset when they don’t get the tyres for their cars!

Suppose I'd better get on with the calls...

Back later.


Do spiders scream when the see a big fat hairy human in the bath?

Bored - and wishing I was elsewhere!

Back at work. Don't get me wrong, I'm not one of these people that hates their job - far from it. I'm just not in the mood to work! I guess I'm getting into holiday mode, as a week today, I'm on holiday for two whole weeks! I'm going to be spending a week on Jersey [one of the Channel Islands], and I'm really looking forward to it... Don't worry - there will be loads of photographs of the things that I see & do [but none of me - I don't do photographs if I can help it!]

Time to get back to my desk...

Back later.


Do spiders scream when they see a big fat hairy human in the bath?

The day after the night before...

No - I'm not hungover. Just tired. I know what the cynical reader will think "Yeah - pull the other one - you had too much to drink last night." Nothing could be further from the truth - the drink/drive laws here in the UK are too rigidly enforced for me to even consider risking my driving license. Being caught over the limit is a mandatory one year ban, and the social repercussions are horrific - not to mention the financial consequences [goodbye job!].

It's just the mere fact that I didn't get to bed until 03:00 this morning. I wasn't late leaving the reception - I left at 22:30, and got home just after 00:00, but I was too wide awake to sleep, so sat up watching a film on my DVD player - it was Evolution (coming to wipe that silly smile off your planet).

The drive to Nottingham was ok - until I got to the M1. Then I remembered why I hated using that particular road. It seemed that every driver on that road had thrown all lane discipline to the four winds, and insisted on hogging the centre lane [a driver I refer to as a CLOC - Centre Lane Owner's Club] or blasting up on the outside lane, like he/she was racing Michael Schumacher in his Ferrari!

But, the one thing that really irritated me, was the idiotic driver who was in the middle lane, keeping pace with me, and seated exactly where I couldn't see he/she/it in my wing mirror. So, that meant that when I came to over take slower moving vehicles in my lane, I had to accelerate harder than I would have liked, just to get the space to get into the middle lane!

Despite that, I did wonder if I'd inadvertently left the hand brake on. The reason? Simple. I was travelling at about 75mph [the speed limit is 70mph], but I had cars going past me like I was standing still - including cars that I know very well would have been close to their max RPM / speed. Just for the record, at 75mph, my car does approx. 2750RPM (the joys of a digtal dash!)

Once I'd gotten to Nottingham, I then had the joy of trying to locate the registry office. Because I wasn't sure of the address, I called my friend, and asked if he could confirm the address for me. More by luck than judgement, I'd managed to find the place, and as a bonus, there was free parking nearby!

The ceremony was simple, but that didn't detract from the obvious happiness of the couple. After the ceremony, there were the obligatory photographs. I managed to hide for most of them apart from the one of the groom with his friends - I was told that there was no way I was hiding from that photo!

Then, the real fun started. The wedding party headed to the reception, at a local social club. The reception was due to start at 17:00, and we duly arrived just after that time... To find that there was no sign of life! That upset the bride, and the groom was all in favor of finding the responsible person, so he could sort them out, and make them realise just how much they'd upset his princess.

But, the hour was saved by the local pub - the Nag's Head [no - that's not me taking a crafty swipe at the bride or the mother in-law!] who very considerately put the pub at the party's disposal until such time as the social club opened at 19:00.

Once the social club was opened, the party got off to a real swing.. The happy couple had the first dance - to Jennifer Rush's song- The Power of Love. Several of the guests - myself included, were joking about the DJ playing the Frankie Goes To Hollywood version of the song.. The reason? Simple. It has the immortal line Keep the vampires from your door. And, there were six of us [the groom included] who all play vampire / half vampire creatures in various RPG campaigns.

But, despite the late start, it was quite a party.. The bride kept trying to get me to dance - something I cannot do to save my miserable skin! And more to the point, there are some songs that I refuse point blank to dance to - including anything by Wham! or Steps. But, get something like Donna Summer's Hot Stuff on the sound system, and that's it. I'm off to the dance floor - and I don't care if I dance like a eighty year old - I was having fun!

Aside from my pleasure at seeing my friend so happy, I was able to hook up with some old friends, and make some new friends as well, and have been made to promise that I won't leave it so long before I head back up to Nottingham, as well as keeping in touch. That's something I have every intention of doing, but the visit will have to wait until I get back from my holiday, and get things sorted here at home..

Time to log off and bog off - I've got to get the washing done, otherwise I won't have any decent clothes for work tomorrow..


Do spiders scream when they see a big fat hairy human in the bath?

In the shadows

OK - I admit it. I'm a Rasmus fan! I have been, ever since I switched on a heavy rock station [Kerrang! FM (availible on http://www.kerrang.com/)], and heard the song In the Shadows... So, me being me, I went and bought the album, and am now succeeding in driving my friends and family scatty with it constantly playing!

I suppose I'd better give you some kind of introduction to myself, and why I decided to start a blog.. My name's Karen, and the reason for the blog? Well, where do I start??

My life got turned upside down on May 24 2004 when I came home from work, and found out that my father had collapsed in the local shopping centre [I still have tremendous trouble going there!], and died later that afternoon in the local hospital's A&E department. So, that left my mother and myself wondering what the hell was going to become of the pair of us.. (Yes, I'm an only child - and I've heard all the comments about being a spoilt brat, thank you very much!)

Things have moved on since then, and Mum and I have slotted into a quiet routine, traveling into work together when our shift patterns allow it.. Mum works about a mile away from me, and usually starts earlier than I do. So if it's my turn to drive, I drop her off at work, then wind my way to my office, and see what has landed in my e-mail in box...

The weekends can be a trying time for me.. Because Mum works alternate weekends, I get left to my own devices, which suits me just fine.. Apart from today. I've got a wedding to go to this afternoon, in Nottingham.

Don't get me wrong - the person getting married is an old friend of mine, and I wish him all the luck in the world. It's just that I really don't feel like driving up the M1 with all that associated hassle, and I can think of other things that I'd rather be doing today. But, I've said I'll go, and it's too late to back out now.

The other thing that is driving me up the wall is my ISP. I keep getting bounced off, whilst trying to get the Windows XP security patch.. Most fustrating. OK - I can understand the reasons, but that doesn't do much for my computer - not when the patch is about 77 Mb!

Ah well, suppose I'd better log off, and bog off.... I've got to get ready for this weeding [sorry - wedding!]


Do siders scream when they see a big fat hairy human in the bath?